Helena Rasiowa


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Cecylia Rauszer 1994 Helena Rasiowa
+ Mathematical problems in computation theory 1988 Helena Rasiowa
Grażyna. Mirkowska-Salwicka
Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
+ Approximating sets with equivalence relations 1986 W. Marek
Helena Rasiowa
+ Approximating sets with equivalence relations 1986 W. Marek
Helena Rasiowa
+ An addition to the paper “A proof of Herbrand's theorem” 1979 J. Łoś
Helena Rasiowa
A Mostowski
+ THE ALGEBRA OF SETS 1973 Helena Rasiowa
+ THE FUNCTIONAL CALCULUS AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PROOFS1)1)The beginnings of the functional calculus (called also predicate calculus) can be found in the 19th century, mainly in the works of C. S. Peirce (1839–1914), E. Schroder (1841–1902), and G. Frege (1848–1925). Its modern form emerged only in the early 20th century in the Principia mathematica (1910) by A. N. Whitehead and B. Russell. 1973 Helena Rasiowa
+ EQUIVALENCE RELATIONS1)1)The great importance of these relations in the various branches of mathematics was first indicated by G. Frege (1884). 1973 Helena Rasiowa
+ PDF Chat On the Gentzen theorem 1959 Helena Rasiowa
Roman Sikorski
+ PDF Chat On the isomorphism of Lindenbaum algebras with fields of sets 1958 Helena Rasiowa
Roman Sikorski
+ Errata to the paper "On the ε-theorems" (Fund. Math. 43, p. 156-165) 1957 Helena Rasiowa
+ On the Representation of Quasi-Boolean Algebras 1957 Andrzej Białynicki-Birula
Helena Rasiowa
+ PDF Chat On existential theorems in non-classical functional calculi 1955 Helena Rasiowa
Roman Sikorski
+ A geometric interpretation of logical formulae 1953 Helena Rasiowa
A. Mostowski
+ PDF Chat A proof of the compactness theorem for arithmetical classes 1952 Helena Rasiowa
+ B. Ú. Pil'čak. O problémé razréšimosti dlá isčisléniá zadač (On the decision problem for the calculus of problems.) Doklady Akadémii Nauk SSSR, vol. 75 (1950), pp. 773–776. 1951 Helena Rasiowa
+ PDF Chat A proof of the Skolem-Löwenheim Theorem 1951 Helena Rasiowa
Roman Sikorski
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Treatment of the Functional Calculi of Heyting and Lewis 1951 Helena Rasiowa
+ PDF Chat A proof of the completeness theorem of Grödel 1950 Helena Rasiowa
Roman Sikorski