Mathieu Huot


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Programming with Programmable Variational Inference 2024 McCoy Becker
Alexander K. Lew
Xiaoyan Wang
Matin Ghavami
Mathieu Huot
Martin Rinard
Vikash K. Mansinghka
+ PDF Chat GenSQL: A Probabilistic Programming System for Querying Generative Models of Database Tables 2024 Mathieu Huot
Matin Ghavami
Alexander K. Lew
Ulrich Schaechtle
Cameron E. Freer
Z. Shelby
Martin Rinard
Feras A. Saad
Vikash K. Mansinghka
+ A Tensor Algebra Compiler for Sparse Differentiation 2024 Amir Shaikhha
Mathieu Huot
Shideh Hashemian
+ PDF Chat Compiling Structured Tensor Algebra 2023 Mahdi Ghorbani
Mathieu Huot
Shideh Hashemian
Amir Shaikhha
+ PDF Chat ADEV: Sound Automatic Differentiation of Expected Values of Probabilistic Programs 2023 Alexander K. Lew
Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
Vikash K. Mansinghka
+ $ω$PAP Spaces: Reasoning Denotationally About Higher-Order, Recursive Probabilistic and Differentiable Programs 2023 Mathieu Huot
Alexander K. Lew
Vikash K. Mansinghka
Sam Staton
+ $\nabla$SD: Differentiable Programming for Sparse Tensors 2023 Amir Shaikhha
Mathieu Huot
Shideh Hashemian
+ Differentiating Metropolis-Hastings to Optimize Intractable Densities 2023 Gaurav Arya
Ruben Seyer
Frank Schäfer
Alex K. Lew
Mathieu Huot
Vikash K. Mansinghka
Christopher Rackauckas
Kartik Chandra
Moritz Schauer
+ PDF Chat Functional collection programming with semi-ring dictionaries 2022 Amir Shaikhha
Mathieu Huot
Jaclyn Smith
Dan Olteanu
+ PDF Chat Higher Order Automatic Differentiation of Higher Order Functions 2022 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
Matthijs Vákár
+ Compiling Structured Tensor Algebra 2022 Mahdi Ghorbani
Mathieu Huot
Shideh Hashemian
Amir Shaikhha
+ Denotationally Correct, Purely Functional, Efficient Reverse-mode Automatic Differentiation 2022 Mathieu Huot
Amir Shaikhha
+ Efficient and Sound Differentiable Programming in a Functional Array-Processing Language 2022 Amir Shaikhha
Mathieu Huot
Shabnam Ghasemirad
Andrew Fitzgibbon
Simon Peyton Jones
Dimitrios Vytiniotis
+ Towards Denotational Semantics of AD for Higher-Order, Recursive, Probabilistic Languages 2021 Alexander K. Lew
Mathieu Huot
Vikash K. Mansinghka
+ PDF Chat Towards Denotational Semantics of AD for Higher-Order, Recursive, Probabilistic Languages 2021 Alexander K. Lew
Mathieu Huot
Vikash K. Mansinghka
+ Higher Order Automatic Differentiation of Higher Order Functions 2021 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
Matthijs Vákár
+ Functional Collection Programming with Semi-Ring Dictionaries 2021 Amir Shaikhha
Mathieu Huot
John A. Smith
Dan Olteanu
+ Towards Denotational Semantics of AD for Higher-Order, Recursive, Probabilistic Languages 2021 Alexander K. Lew
Mathieu Huot
Vikash K. Mansinghka
+ Correctness of Automatic Differentiation via Diffeologies and Categorical Gluing 2020 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
Matthijs Vákár
+ Correctness of Automatic Differentiation via Diffeologies and Categorical Gluing 2020 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
Matthijs Vákár
+ PDF Chat Quantum channels as a categorical completion 2019 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
+ PDF Chat Universal Properties in Quantum Theory 2019 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
+ Quantum channels as a categorical completion 2019 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Efficient differentiable programming in a functional array-processing language 2019 Amir Shaikhha
Andrew Fitzgibbon
Dimitrios Vytiniotis
Simon Peyton Jones
+ A continuity theorem for Stinespring's dilation 2008 Dennis Kretschmann
Dirk Schlingemann
Reinhard F. Werner
+ PDF Chat Axiomatizing complete positivity 2015 Oscar Cunningham
Chris Heunen
+ PDF Chat Paschke Dilations 2017 Abraham Westerbaan
Bas Westerbaan
+ An Introduction to Effectus Theory 2015 Kenta Cho
Bart Jacobs
Bas Westerbaan
Abraham Westerbaan
+ PDF Chat The tensor algebra compiler 2017 Fredrik Kjølstad
Shoaib Kamil
Stephen Y. Chou
David Lugato
Saman Amarasinghe
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic theories with purification 2010 Giulio Chiribella
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Paolo Perinotti
+ PDF Chat The simple essence of automatic differentiation 2018 Conal Elliott
+ PDF Chat Demystifying differentiable programming: shift/reset the penultimate backpropagator 2019 Fei Wang
Daniel Zheng
James Decker
Xilun Wu
Grégory M. Essertel
Tiark Rompf
+ PDF Chat Backpropagation in the simply typed lambda-calculus with linear negation 2019 Aloïs Brunel
Damiano Mazza
Michele Pagani
+ PDF Chat 𝜆ₛ: computable semantics for differentiable programming with higher-order functions and datatypes 2021 Benjamin Sherman
Jesse Michel
Michael Carbin
+ Denotational Correctness of Foward-Mode Automatic Differentiation for Iteration and Recursion 2020 Matthijs Vákár
+ Operational Theories of Physics as Categories 2016 Sean Tull
+ PDF Chat A Complete Axiomatisation of the ZX-Calculus for Clifford+T Quantum Mechanics 2018 Emmanuel Jeandel
Simon Perdrix
Renaud Vilmart
+ PDF Chat A simple differentiable programming language 2019 Martı́n Abadi
Gordon Plotkin
+ PDF Chat The Category of Bratteli Diagrams 2015 Massoud Amini
George A. Elliott
Nasser Golestani
+ The ZX-calculus is complete for stabilizer quantum mechanics 2014 Miriam Backens
+ PDF Chat Functional collection programming with semi-ring dictionaries 2022 Amir Shaikhha
Mathieu Huot
Jaclyn Smith
Dan Olteanu
+ PDF Chat On a certain class of operator algebras 1960 James Glimm
+ A Differential-form Pullback Programming Language for Higher-order Reverse-mode Automatic Differentiation 2020 Carol Mak
C.-H. Luke Ong
+ Automating Involutive MCMC using Probabilistic and Differentiable Programming 2020 Marco Cusumano-Towner
Alexander K. Lew
Vikash K. Mansinghka
+ PDF Chat QPEL: Quantum Program and Effect Language 2014 Robin Adams
+ Quasitoposes, Quasiadhesive Categories and Artin Glueing 2007 Peter Johnstone
Stephen Lack
Paweł Sobociński
+ PDF Chat Towards verified stochastic variational inference for probabilistic programs 2019 Wonyeol Lee
Hangyeol Yu
Xavier Rival
Hongseok Yang
+ On the axiomatizability of quantitative algebras 2017 Radu Mardare
Prakash Panangaden
Gordon Plotkin
+ PDF Chat Universal Properties in Quantum Theory 2019 Mathieu Huot
Sam Staton
+ PDF Chat On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization 1989 Cheng‐Di Dong
Jorge Nocedal
+ PDF Chat Automatic differentiation in PCF 2021 Damiano Mazza
Michele Pagani
+ The No-U-turn sampler: adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo 2014 Matthew D. Homan
Andrew Gelman
+ PDF Chat Incremental View Maintenance with Triple Lock Factorization Benefits 2018 Miloš Nikolić
Dan Olteanu
+ Tangent spaces and tangent bundles for diffeological spaces 2014 J. Daniel Christensen
Enxin Wu
+ PDF Chat Denotational validation of higher-order Bayesian inference 2017 Adam Ścibior
Ohad Kammar
Matthijs Vákár
Sam Staton
Hongseok Yang
Yufei Cai
Klaus Ostermann
Sean Moss
Chris Heunen
Zoubin Ghahramani
+ PDF Chat Completeness of Graphical Languages for Mixed States Quantum Mechanics 2019 Titouan Carette
Emmanuel Jeandel
Simon Perdrix
Renaud Vilmart
+ PDF Chat Inductive limits of finite dimensional 𝐶*-algebras 1972 Ola Bratteli
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Algebraic Reasoning 2016 Radu Mardare
Prakash Panangaden
Gordon Plotkin
+ Completely positive linear maps on complex matrices 1975 Man-Duen Choi
+ E∞ ring spaces and bipermutative categories 1977 J. P. May
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensionality in Quantum Foundations: W*-algebras as Presheaves over Matrix Algebras 2017 Mathys Rennela
Sam Staton
Robert Furber
+ PDF Chat Efficient MATLAB Computations with Sparse and Factored Tensors 2007 Brett W. Bader
Tamara G. Kolda
+ PDF Chat The Information-Disturbance Tradeoff and the Continuity of Stinespring's Representation 2008 Dennis Kretschmann
D. Schlingemann
Reinhard F. Werner
+ Basic concepts of enriched category theory 1982 G. M. Kelly
+ The Stan Math Library: Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation in C++ 2015 Bob Carpenter
Matthew D. Hoffman
Marcus A. Brubaker
Daniel D. Lee
Peter Li
Michael Betancourt
+ PDF Chat Coherence for a closed functor 1972 Geoffrey Lewis
+ PDF Chat Convenient categories of smooth spaces 2011 John C. Baez
Alexander E. Hoffnung
+ H*-algebras and nonunital Frobenius algebras: first steps in infinite-dimensional categorical quantum mechanics 2012 Chris Heunen
+ Spatial Point Processes 2011 Mark Huber
+ PDF Chat <i>Stan</i>: A Probabilistic Programming Language 2017 Bob Carpenter
Andrew Gelman
Matthew D. Hoffman
Daniel C. Lee
Ben Goodrich
Michael Betancourt
Marcus A. Brubaker
Jiqiang Guo
Peter Li
Allen Riddell
+ PDF Chat Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning 2019 Brendan Fong
David I. Spivak
Rémy Tuyéras
+ PDF Chat Densities of Almost Surely Terminating Probabilistic Programs are Differentiable Almost Everywhere 2021 Carol Mak
C.-H. Luke Ong
Hugo Paquet
Dominik Wagner