Peter S. Ungar


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Incorporating intraspecific variation into dental microwear texture analysis 2019 Samuel D. Arman
Thomas A. A. Prowse
Aidan M. C. Couzens
Peter S. Ungar
Gavin J. Prideaux
+ Dental indicators of Paranthropus tooth function 2018 Paul J. Constantino
Peter S. Ungar
+ PDF Chat Dental microwear textures of Paranthropus robustus from Kromdraai, Drimolen, and an enlarged sample from Swartkrans 2017 Alexandria S. Peterson
Frederick E. Grine
Mark F. Teaford
Peter S. Ungar
+ Dental development and microstructure of bamboo rat incisors 2015 Licheng Hua
Peter S. Ungar
Zhongrong Zhou
Zhenwu Ning
Jing Zheng
Linmao Qian
Jerome C. Rose
Dan Yang
+ 5. The evolution of teeth in mammals 2014 Peter S. Ungar
+ Irrationality of Square Roots 2006 Peter S. Ungar
+ Recent Advances on Multidisciplinary Research at Rudabánya, Late Miocene (MN9), Hungary: a compendium 2004 Raymond L. Bernor
László Kordos
Lorenzo Rook
Jordi Agustı́
Peter Andrews
Miranda Armour-Chelu
David R. Begun
D. W. Cameron
Gudrun Daxner-Höck
Louis de Bonis
+ Mixing Property of the Pedal Mapping 1990 Peter S. Ungar
+ Mixing Property of the Pedal Mapping 1990 Peter S. Ungar
+ Calculus and Analytic Geometry. 1986 Peter S. Ungar
Al. Shenk
Mustafá A. Munem
David J. Foulis
Howard Anton
+ <i>Calculus and Analytic Geometry</i>. By AI Shenk,<i>Calculus with Analytic Geometry</i>. By M.A. Munem and D. J. Foulis,<i>Calculus with Analytic Geometry</i>. By Howard Anton 1986 Peter S. Ungar
+ Bounds for the genus of graphs with given Betti number 1977 Martin Milgram
Peter S. Ungar
+ The theorem of coles on uniform distribution 1967 Peter S. Ungar
+ Block circles of univalent functions 1965 Peter S. Ungar
+ Stable hill equations 1961 Peter S. Ungar
+ Solution to Problem 4911 [1960,596] - An extension of Picard's theorem 1961 J. H. van Lint
Peter S. Ungar
+ An example in elementary topology 1960 Peter S. Ungar
Eva Wyler
+ Differential equations with approximate and improper date 1955 Fritz John
Peter S. Ungar
+ Freak Theorem About Functions on a Sphere 1954 Peter S. Ungar
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Phylogenetic and Functional Implications of Ouranopithecus macedoniensis 1997 Louis de Bonis
George D. Koufos
+ Mammal extinctions in the Vallesian (Upper Miocene) 2005 Jordi Agustı́
Salvador Moyà‐Solà
+ The tooth of perfection: functional and spatial constraints on mammalian tooth shape 2003 Alistair R. Evans
Gordon D. Sanson
+ PDF Chat Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using<b>lme4</b> 2015 Douglas M. Bates
Martin Mächler
Benjamin M. Bolker
Steve Walker
+ Zur angen�herten Berechnung mehrfacher Integrale 1962 Edmund Hlawka
+ Lectures on the theory of functions 1944 John Edensor Littlewood
+ Lectures on the Theory of Functions 1945 Angus Macintyre
+ Who's afraid of the big bad Wolff?: “Wolff's law” and bone functional adaptation 2006 Christopher B. Ruff
Brigitte Holt
Erik Trinkaus
+ The Disk with the College Education 1982 Herbert S. Wilf
+ The Ergodic Character of Sequences of Pedal Triangles 1990 Peter D. Lax
+ Microtoide Cricetiden (Mammalia, Rodentia) aus der Oberen Süßwasser-Molasse Bayerns 1975 Volker Fahlbusch
Helmut Mayr
+ PDF Chat Feeding specializations in rodents 2002 Norbert Schmidt-Kittler
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ PDF Chat An extension of Schwarz’s lemma 1938 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ On a theorem of van der Corput on uniform distribution 1957 W. J. Coles
+ Selection of optimal regression models via cross‐validation 1988 David W. Osten
+ Variations on an Irrational Theme—Geometry, Dynamics, Algebra 1997 Dan Kalman
Robert Mena
Shahriar Shahriari
+ The Sequence of Pedal Triangles 1988 J. G. Kingston
J. L. Synge
+ How is a Graph's Betti Number Related to its Genus? 1971 Richard A. Duke
+ An Extension of Schwarz's Lemma 1938 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Functions with Values in a Given Domain 1952 W. K. Hayman
+ How is a Graph's Betti Number Related to Its Genus? 1971 R. A. Duke