Gabriel Berzunza


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic distribution of cluster sizes for supercritical percolation on random split trees 2021 Gabriel Berzunza
Cecilia Holmgren
+ PDF Chat The $k$-Cut Model in Deterministic and Random Trees 2021 Gabriel Berzunza
Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
+ PDF Chat Trait-dependent branching particle systems with competition and multiple offspring 2021 Gabriel Berzunza
Anja Sturm
Anita Winter
+ The asymptotic distribution of cluster sizes for supercritical percolation on random split trees 2020 Gabriel Berzunza
Cecilia Holmgren
+ PDF Chat The existence of a giant cluster for percolation on large Crump–Mode–Jagers trees 2020 Gabriel Berzunza
+ Largest Clusters for Supercritical Percolation on Split Trees 2020 Gabriel Berzunza
Cecilia Holmgren
+ The k-Cut Model in Conditioned Galton-Watson Trees. 2020 Gabriel Berzunza
Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
+ The asymptotic distribution of cluster sizes for supercritical percolation on random split trees 2020 Gabriel Berzunza
Cecilia Holmgren
+ The $k$-cut model in deterministic and random trees 2019 Gabriel Berzunza
Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
+ The asymptotic non-normality of the giant cluster for percolation on random split trees 2019 Gabriel Berzunza
Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
+ The $k$-cut model in deterministic and random trees 2019 Gabriel Berzunza
Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
+ The fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random split trees 2019 Gabriel Berzunza
Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
+ The existence of a giant cluster for percolation on large Crump-Mode-Jagers trees 2018 Gabriel Berzunza
+ Trait-dependent branching particle systems with competition and multiple offspring 2018 Gabriel Berzunza
Anja Sturm
Anita Winter
+ PDF Chat The cut‐tree of large trees with small heights 2017 Gabriel Berzunza
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviour near extinction of continuous-state branching processes 2016 Gabriel Berzunza
Juan Carlos Pardo
+ On scaling limits of multitype Galton-Watson trees with possibly infinite variance 2016 Gabriel Berzunza
+ The cut-tree of large trees with small heights 2015 Gabriel Berzunza
+ PDF Chat Yule processes with rare mutation and their applications to percolation on $b$-ary trees 2015 Gabriel Berzunza
+ The cut-tree of large trees with small heights 2015 Gabriel Berzunza
+ Yule processes with rare mutation and their applications to percolation on b-ary trees 2014 Gabriel Berzunza
+ Yule processes with rare mutation and their applications to percolation on b-ary trees 2014 Gabriel Berzunza
+ Asymptotic behaviour near extinction of continuous state branching processes 2013 Juan Carlos Pardo
Gabriel Berzunza
+ Asymptotic behaviour near extinction of continuous state branching processes 2013 Juan Carlos Pardo
Gabriel Berzunza
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Almost Giant Clusters for Percolation on Large Trees with Logarithmic Heights 2013 Jean Bertoin
+ Universal Limit Laws for Depths in Random Trees 1998 Luc Devroye
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic proof of a weak limit law for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree 2007 Alexander Iksanov
Martin Möhle
+ PDF Chat Sizes of the largest clusters for supercritical percolation on random recursive trees 2012 Jean Bertoin
+ PDF Chat Percolation on random recursive trees 2015 Erich Baur
+ PDF Chat Cutting down random trees 1970 A. Meir
J. W. Moon
+ PDF Chat Random Records and Cuttings in Binary Search Trees 2010 Cecilia Holmgren
+ PDF Chat The Continuum Random Tree. I 1991 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
RĂ©ka Albert
+ Coalescent Random Forests 1999 Jim Pitman
+ PDF Chat The total path length of split trees 2012 Nicolas Broutin
Cecilia Holmgren
+ Cutting down very simple trees 2006 Alois Panholzer
+ On the expected height of fringe-balanced trees 1993 Luc Devroye
+ Depth of nodes in random recursive k-ary trees 2006 Mehri Javanian
Mohammad Q. Vahidi‐Asl
+ PDF Chat On the non-Gaussian fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random recursive trees 2014 Jean Bertoin
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Modern Probability 2021 Olav Kallenberg
+ Random graph dynamics 2007 Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat A weakly 1-stable distribution for the number of random records and cuttings in split trees 2011 Cecilia Holmgren
+ PDF Chat Random Records and Cuttings in Complete Binary Trees 2004 Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Stochastic Processes 2006 Jim Pitman
Jean Picard
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ Note on the heights of random recursive trees and random <i>m</i>‐ary search trees 1994 Boris Pittel
+ PDF Chat The cut-tree of large Galton–Watson trees and the Brownian CRT 2013 Jean Bertoin
Grégory Miermont
+ None 2006 Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
Prasad Tetali
+ Multiple isolation of nodes in recursive trees 2013 Markus Kuba
Alois Panholzer
+ PDF Chat Yule process sample path asymptotics 2006 Arnaud de La Fortelle
+ PDF Chat Yule processes with rare mutation and their applications to percolation on $b$-ary trees 2015 Gabriel Berzunza
+ PDF Chat On the rate of growth of LĂ©vy processes with no positive jumps conditioned to stay positive 2008 Juan Carlos Pardo
+ PDF Chat The cut-tree of large recursive trees 2015 Jean Bertoin
+ Size-biased and conditioned random splitting trees 1996 Jochen Geiger
+ Continuous branching processes and spectral positivity 1976 Ν. H. Bingham
+ Analysis of the space of search trees under the random insertion algorithm 1989 Hosam M. Mahmoud
Boris Pittel
+ Probability: A Graduate Course 2005 Allan Gut
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of supercritical general (C-M-J) branching processes 1981 Olle Nerman
+ PDF Chat Random Recursive Trees and the Bolthausen-Sznitman Coalesent 2005 Christina Goldschmidt
James Martin
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Fringe Distributions for General Families of Random Trees 1991 David Aldous
+ Scaling limits of Markov branching trees with applications to Galton–Watson and random unordered trees 2012 BĂ©nĂ©dicte Haas
Grégory Miermont
+ PDF Chat Fires on trees 2012 Jean Bertoin
+ PDF Chat Cutting down trees with a Markov chainsaw 2014 Louigi Addario‐Berry
Nicolas Broutin
Cecilia Holmgren
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Stationary Distributions and the Continuous-State Branching Process Conditioned to Be Never Extinct 2007 Amaury Lambert
+ Profiles of Random Trees: Limit Theorems for Random Recursive Trees and Binary Search Trees 2006 Michael Fuchs
Hsien‐Kuei Hwang
Ralph Neininger
+ Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces 2007 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Continuous state branching processes 1967 John Lamperti
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence of Sequences of Branching Processes 1974 Anders Grimvall
+ Applications of the theory of records in the study of random trees 1988 Luc Devroye
+ PDF Chat A Strong Law for the Height of Random Binary Pyramids 1994 Hosam M. Mahmoud
+ PDF Chat The depth first processes of Galton--Watson trees converge to the same Brownian excursion 2003 Jean‐François Marckert
Abdelkader Mokkadem
+ PDF Chat From uniform renewal theorem to uniform large and moderate deviations for renewal-reward processes 2013 Boris Tsirelson
+ PDF Chat The contour of splitting trees is a LĂ©vy process 2010 Amaury Lambert
+ PDF Chat Digital Trees and Memoryless Sources: from Arithmetics to Analysis 2010 Philippe Flajolet
Mathieu Roux
Brigitte Vallée