H. Falomir


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ ζ-function for a model with spectral dependent boundary conditions 2025 H. Falomir
M. Loewe
Enrique Muñoz
J. C. Rojas
+ PDF Chat $\zeta$-function for a model with spectral dependent boundary conditions 2024 H. Falomir
M. Loewe
Enrique Muñoz
J. C. Rojas
+ PDF Chat Algebraic structure of Dirac Hamiltonians in non-commutative phase space 2022 H. Falomir
Joaquín Liniado
Pablo Pisani
+ Algebraic Structure of Dirac Hamiltonians in Non-Commutative Phase Space 2022 H. Falomir
Joaquín Liniado
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat Chemical sensing with graphene: A quantum field theory perspective 2021 H. Falomir
M. Loewe
Enrique Muñoz
+ PDF Chat A new example of the effects of a singular background on the zeta function <sup>*</sup> 2020 H. Falomir
Joaquín Liniado
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat Optical conductivity in an effective model for graphene: finite temperature corrections 2019 H. Falomir
Enrique Muñoz
M. Loewe
R. Zamora
+ PDF Chat Optical conductivity and transparency in an effective model for graphene 2018 H. Falomir
M. Loewe
Enrique Muñoz
Alfredo Raya
+ Magnetic seed and cosmology as quantum hall effect 2018 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
Paolo Gondolo
F. Méndez
+ Classical Noncommutative Bicosmology Model 2018 H. Falomir
F. Méndez
J. Gamboa
+ PDF Chat Inflation without inflaton: A model for dark energy 2017 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
F. Méndez
Paolo Gondolo
+ Inflation without Inflaton: A Theory for Dark Energy 2017 J. Gamboa
Paolo Gondolo
H. Falomir
F. Méndez
+ Inflation without Inflaton: A Model for Dark Energy 2017 J. Gamboa
Paolo Gondolo
H. Falomir
F. Méndez
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian monopoles as the origin of dark matter 2016 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
F. Méndez
+ PDF Chat On the algebraic structure of rotationally invariant two-dimensional Hamiltonians on the noncommutative phase space 2016 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
Fabián R. Vega
Daniela Cárcamo-Díaz
F. Méndez
M. Loewe
+ PDF Chat Boundaries in the Moyal plane 2013 H. Falomir
S. A. Franchino-Viñas
Pablo Pisani
F. Vega
+ PDF Chat Noncommutativity in (<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo mathvariant="bold">+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>)-dimensions and the Lorentz group 2012 H. Falomir
F. Vega
J. Gamboa
F. Méndez
M. Loewe
+ PDF Chat Spectral functions of non-essentially self-adjoint operators 2012 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat Graphene and non-Abelian quantization 2012 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
M. Loewe
M. Nieto
+ PDF Chat Spin noncommutativity and the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator 2012 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
M. Loewe
F. Méndez
J. C. Rojas
+ PDF Chat Observability of an induced electric dipole moment of the neutron from nonlinear QED 2012 O. Zimmer
C. A. Domínguez
H. Falomir
M. Loewe
+ PDF Chat Operator Domains and SUSY Breaking in a Model of SUSYQM with a Singular Potential 2012 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat Aharonov-Bohm effect in a class of noncommutative theories 2011 Ashok Das
H. Falomir
M. Nieto
J. Gamboa
F. Méndez
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetries of the spin-1/2 particle in the field of magnetic vortex, and anyons 2010 Francisco Correa
H. Falomir
Vít Jakubský
Mikhail S. Plyushchay
+ PDF Chat Hidden superconformal symmetry of the spinless Aharonov–Bohm system 2010 Francisco Correa
H. Falomir
Vít Jakubský
Mikhail S. Plyushchay
+ Perturbation Theory on the Non-Commutative Plane with a Singular Potential 2010 M. Nieto
H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ Magnetic-dipole spin effects in noncommutative quantum mechanics 2009 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
Justo López-Sarrión
F. Méndez
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat QED vacuum fluctuations and induced electric dipole moment of the neutron 2009 C. A. Domínguez
H. Falomir
M. Ipinza
Sigmund Kohler
M. Loewe
J. C. Rojas
H. Falomir
M. Ipinza
M. Loewe
J. C. Rojas
J. Gamboa
H. Falomir
F. Méndez
+ Non-commutative supersymmetric quantum mechanics 2008 Ashok Das
H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
F. Méndez
+ PDF Chat Chiral anomaly beyond Lorentz invariance 2007 Paola Arias
H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
F. Méndez
F Schaposnik
+ Chiral Anomaly Beyond Lorentz Invariance 2007 Paola Arias
H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
F. Méndez
F Schaposnik
+ PDF Chat Vortices in U(1) noncommutative gauge fields 2006 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
Justo López-Sarrión
F. Méndez
A. J. da Silva
+ PDF Chat Krein's formula and heat-kernel expansion for some differential operators with a regular singularity 2006 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ Vortices, infrared effects and Lorentz invariance violation 2005 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
Justo López-Sarrión
F. Méndez
A.J. da Silva
+ PDF Chat Self-adjoint extensions and SUSY breaking in supersymmetric quantum mechanics 2005 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ Confinement as an Infrared Lorentz Invariance Violation Effect 2005 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
Justo López-Sarrión
F. Méndez
A. J. da Silva
+ PDF Chat On the resolvent and spectral functions of a second order differential operator with a regular singularity 2004 H. Falomir
M. A. Muschietti
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat Unusual poles of the -functions for some regular singular differential operators 2003 H. Falomir
M. A. Muschietti
Pablo Pisani
R. Seeley
+ PDF Chat Testing spatial noncommutativity via the Aharonov-Bohm effect 2002 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
M. Loewe
F. Méndez
J. C. Rojas
+ PDF Chat Pole structure of the Hamiltonian $\zeta$-function for a singular potential 2002 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
Andreas Wipf
+ PDF Chat Boundary dynamics and multiple reflection expansion for Robin boundary conditions 2002 M. Bordag
H. Falomir
E. M. Santangelo
Dmitri Vassilevich
+ PDF Chat Divergencies in the Casimir energy for a medium with realistic ultraviolet behaviour 2001 H. Falomir
Klaus Kirsten
K. Rébora
+ PDF Chat Multiple reflection expansion and heat kernel coefficients 2001 M. Bordag
Dmitri Vassilevich
H. Falomir
E. M. Santangelo
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian self-adjoint extensions for (2+1)-dimensional Dirac particles 2001 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ Casimir energy for spherically symmetric dispersive dielectric media 2001 H. Falomir
K. Rébora
+ PDF Chat Casimir energy for a scalar field with a frequency dependent boundary condition 2000 H. Falomir
K. Rébora
M. Loewe
+ PDF Chat Finite density and temperature in hybrid bag models 1999 M. De Francia
H. Falomir
M. Loewe
+ PDF Chat On the relation between determinants and green functions of elliptic operators with local boundary conditions 1999 H. Falomir
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
María Amelia Muschietti
E. M. Santangelo
J. E. Solomin
+ PDF Chat Dirac operator on a disk with global boundary conditions 1998 H. Falomir
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
E. M. Santangelo
+ PDF Chat Global boundary conditions for the Dirac operator 1998 H. Falomir
+ PDF Chat Massless fermions in a bag at finite density and temperature 1997 M. De Francia
H. Falomir
M. Loewe
+ PDF Chat Determinants of Dirac operators with local boundary conditions 1996 H. Falomir
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
M. A. Muschietti
E. M. Santangelo
J. E. Solomin
+ PDF Chat Cheshire Cat scenario in a 3 + 1 dimensional hybrid chiral bag 1996 M. De Francia
H. Falomir
E. M. Santangelo
+ Condiciones de contorno globales para el operador de Dirac 1996 H. Falomir
+ On the relation between determinants and Green functions of elliptic operators with local boundary conditions 1996 H. Falomir
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
Mar ' Ia Amelia Muschietti
E. M. Santangelo
J. E. Solomin
+ PDF Chat Confined two-dimensional fermions at finite density 1995 M. De Francia
H. Falomir
M. Loewe
E. M. Santangelo
+ PDF Chat A calculation with a biorthogonal wavelet transformation 1994 H. Falomir
M. A. Muschietti
E. M. Santangelo
J. E. Solomin
+ Determinants of elliptic boundary problems for Dirac operators I. Local boundary conditions 1994 H. Falomir
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
M. A. Muschietti
E. M. Santangelo
J. E. Solomin
+ <i>P</i> determinants and boundary values 1992 Oscar A. Barraza
H. Falomir
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
E. M. Santangelo
+ Alternative approach to chiral-bag fermionic determinants 1991 H. Falomir
E. M. Santangelo
+ Free energy of twisted fermions in a nonstandard approach 1990 H. Falomir
E. M. Santangelo
+ Fermionic determinants for chiral-bag-like two-dimensional systems 1990 H. Falomir
M. A. Muschietti
E. M. Santangelo
+ Nonlinear Sigma Model from Two-Dimensional QCD 1986 H. Falomir
E. M. Santangelo
+ Vacuum behavior in two-dimensional scalar electrodynamics 1980 H. Falomir
R. Gamboa Saravi
F. A. Schaposnik
+ PDF Chat Some comments about a static-localized solution for the massive Thirring model 1977 H. Falomir
H. Fanchiotti
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
H. O. Girotti
H. Martín
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Analytic Extension of the Trace Associated with Elliptic Boundary Problems 1969 R. Seeley
+ The Resolvent of an Elliptic Boundary Problem 1969 R. Seeley
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanics on the noncommutative plane and sphere 2001 V. P. Nair
Alexios P. Polychronakos
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative quantum mechanics 2001 J. Gamboa
M. Loewe
J. C. Rojas
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative field theory 2001 Michael R. Douglas
Nikita Nekrasov
+ Functional determinants and geometry 1987 Robin Forman
F. Méndez
M. Loewe
J. C. Rojas
F. Méndez
M. Loewe
J. C. Rojas
+ PDF Chat Testing spatial noncommutativity via the Aharonov-Bohm effect 2002 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
M. Loewe
F. Méndez
J. C. Rojas
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Complex powers of an elliptic operator 1967 R. Seeley
+ Invariance theory, the heat equation, and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem 1995 Peter Gilkey
+ PDF Chat Pole structure of the Hamiltonian $\zeta$-function for a singular potential 2002 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
Andreas Wipf
+ PDF Chat Self-adjoint extensions and SUSY breaking in supersymmetric quantum mechanics 2005 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ On Gauge Invariance and Vacuum Polarization 1951 Julian Schwinger
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative isotropic harmonic oscillator 2004 A. Kijanka
Piotr Kosiński
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian self-adjoint extensions for (2+1)-dimensional Dirac particles 2001 H. Falomir
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat New developments in the Casimir effect 2001 M. Bordag
U. Mohideen
V. M. Mostepanenko
+ PDF Chat Quantum field theory on noncommutative spaces 2003 Richard J. Szabo
+ PDF Chat Heat kernel expansion: user's manual 2003 Dmitri Vassilevich
+ On Quantized Space-Time 1947 C. N. Yang
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Spectral Functions in Mathematics and Physics 2001 Klaus Kirsten
+ PDF Chat The exotic Galilei group and the “Peierls substitution” 2000 Christian Duval
P. A. Horváthy
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative gravitational quantum well 2005 Orfeu Bertolami
João G. Rosa
Cristiane Moura Lima de Aragão
P. Castorina
Dario Zappalà
+ PDF Chat Dual families of noncommutative quantum systems 2005 F. G. Scholtz
Biswajit Chakraborty
Sunandan Gangopadhyay
Arindam Ghosh Hazra
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry and quantum mechanics 1995 Fred Cooper
Avinash Khare
U. Sukhatme
+ PDF Chat On the resolvent and spectral functions of a second order differential operator with a regular singularity 2004 H. Falomir
M. A. Muschietti
Pablo Pisani
+ PDF Chat Unusual poles of the -functions for some regular singular differential operators 2003 H. Falomir
M. A. Muschietti
Pablo Pisani
R. Seeley
+ PDF Chat On the observation of vacuum birefringence 2006 T. Heinzl
B. Liesfeld
K.-U. Amthor
H. Schwoerer
R. Sauerbrey
Andreas Wipf
+ The heat equation with singular coefficients 1983 Constantine J. Callias
+ PDF Chat Path integral formulation of noncommutative quantum mechanics 2001 Ciprian Acatrinei
+ PDF Chat Determinants of Dirac operators with local boundary conditions 1996 H. Falomir
R. E. Gamboa Saraví
M. A. Muschietti
E. M. Santangelo
J. E. Solomin
+ Heat kernel asymptotics on manifolds with conic singularities 1999 Edith A. Mooers
+ PDF Chat String theory and noncommutative geometry 1999 Nathan Seiberg
Edward Witten
+ Aharonov–Bohm effect in noncommutative spaces 2002 Масуд Чайчиан
P. Prešnajder
M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari
Anca Tureanu
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 2018 4
+ PDF Chat Exotic Galilean symmetry in the non-commutative plane and the Hall effect 2001 Christian Duval
P. A. Horváthy
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 4
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1972 Milton Abramowitz
I. A. Stegun
+ PDF Chat Phase-space noncommutative quantum cosmology 2008 Catarina Bastos
Orfeu Bertolami
Nuno Costa Dias
João Nuno Prata
+ PDF Chat Position-dependent noncommutativity in quantum mechanics 2009 M. Gomes
Vladislav Kupriyanov
+ PDF Chat Towards a noncommutative astrophysics 2010 Orfeu Bertolami
C. A. D. Zarro
+ PDF Chat The electronic properties of graphene 2009 A. H. Castro Neto
F. Guinea
N. M. R. Peres
Kostya S. Novoselov
A. K. Geǐm
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>noncommutative gauge fields and magnetogenesis 2005 J. Gamboa
Justo López-Sarrión
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Field Theory and Lorentz Violation 2001 Sean M. Carroll
Jeffrey A. Harvey
V. Alan Kostelecký
Charles D. Lane
Takemi Okamoto
+ Supersymmetry and singular potentials 1999 Ashok Das
Sergio Pernice
+ PDF Chat Singular asymptotics approach to partial differential equations with isolated singularities in the coefficients 1984 Constantine J. Callias
Günther Uhlmann
+ Magnetic-dipole spin effects in noncommutative quantum mechanics 2009 H. Falomir
J. Gamboa
Justo López-Sarrión
F. Méndez
Pablo Pisani