C. W. Sandweg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of parametrically excited dipole-exchange magnons 2012 A. A. Serga
C. W. Sandweg
Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka
M. Benjamin Jungfleisch
B. Hillebrands
Andreas Kreisel
Peter Kopietz
Mikhail Kostylev
+ PDF Chat Spin Pumping by Parametrically Excited Exchange Magnons 2011 C. W. Sandweg
Y. Kajiwara
Andrii V. Chumak
A. A. Serga
Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka
M. Benjamin Jungfleisch
Eiji Saitoh
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Enhancement of the spin pumping efficiency by spin wave mode selection 2010 C. W. Sandweg
Y. Kajiwara
K. Ando
Eiji Saitoh
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Wide-range wavevector selectivity of magnon gases in Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy 2010 C. W. Sandweg
M. B. Jungfleisch
Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka
A. A. Serga
Per Axel Clausen
Helmut Schultheiß
B. Hillebrands
Andreas Kreisel
Peter Kopietz
+ PDF Chat Modification of the thermal spin-wave spectrum in a Ni<sub>81</sub>Fe<sub>19</sub>stripe by a domain wall 2008 C. W. Sandweg
S. J. Hermsdoerfer
Helmut Schultheiß
Sebastian Schäfer
B. Leven
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Dissipation characteristics of quantized spin waves in nano-scaled magnetic ring structures 2008 Helmut Schultheiß
C. W. Sandweg
B. Obry
S Hermsdörfer
Sebastian Schäfer
B. Leven
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of domain wall structures in curved permalloy wires containing an antinotch 2008 C. W. Sandweg
N. Wiese
D. McGrouther
S. J. Hermsdoerfer
Helmut Schultheiß
B. Leven
S. McVitie
B. Hillebrands
J. N. Chapman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Field-induced transition from parallel to perpendicular parametric pumping for a microstrip transducer 2009 Timo Neumann
A. A. Serga
Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Enhanced Gilbert Damping in Thin Ferromagnetic Films 2002 Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
Arne Brataas
G. Bauer
+ PDF Chat Electrical Detection of Spin Pumping due to the Precessing Magnetization of a Single Ferromagnet 2006 Marius V. Costache
Maksym Sladkov
S. M. Watts
C. H. van der Wal
B. J. van Wees
+ PDF Chat Microscopic spin-wave theory for yttrium-iron garnet films 2009 Andreas Kreisel
Francesca Sauli
Lorenz Bartosch
Peter Kopietz
+ PDF Chat Mechanisms of nonlinear spin-wave emission from a microwave-driven nanocontact 2011 Florin Ciubotaru
A. A. Serga
B. Leven
B. Hillebrands
L. López-Dı́az
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of domain wall structures in curved permalloy wires containing an antinotch 2008 C. W. Sandweg
N. Wiese
D. McGrouther
S. J. Hermsdoerfer
Helmut Schultheiß
B. Leven
S. McVitie
B. Hillebrands
J. N. Chapman
+ PDF Chat Microscopic theory of dipole-exchange spin waves in ferromagnetic films: Linear and nonlinear processes 2000 R. N. Costa Filho
M. G. Cottam
Gisele Farias
+ PDF Chat Spin Seebeck insulator 2010 Ken‐ichi Uchida
Jiang Xiao
H. Adachi
Jun-ichiro Ohe
S. Takahashi
Jun’ichi Ieda
T. Ōta
Y. Kajiwara
Hitoshi Umezawa
H. Kawai
+ Quantized Spin Excitations in a Ferromagnetic Microstrip from Microwave Photovoltage Measurements 2007 Y. S. Gui
N. Mecking
C.‐M. Hu
+ PDF Chat Parametric pumping and kinetics of magnons in dipolar ferromagnets 2010 Thomas Kloss
Andreas Kreisel
Peter Kopietz
+ PDF Chat Probing of a parametrically pumped magnon gas with a nonresonant packet of traveling spin waves 2008 Timo Neumann
A. A. Serga
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Spin Pumping by Parametrically Excited Exchange Magnons 2011 C. W. Sandweg
Y. Kajiwara
Andrii V. Chumak
A. A. Serga
Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka
M. Benjamin Jungfleisch
Eiji Saitoh
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Variable damping and coherence in a high-density magnon gas 2011 Sebastian Schäfer
V. Kegel
A. A. Serga
B. Hillebrands
Mikhail Kostylev
+ PDF Chat Direct electronic measurement of the spin Hall effect 2006 Sergio O. Valenzuela
M. Tinkham
+ PDF Chat Theory of magnon-driven spin Seebeck effect 2010 Jiang Xiao
G. Bauer
Ken‐ichi Uchida
Eiji Saitoh
Sadamichi Maekawa
+ PDF Chat Domain wall mobility in nanowires: Transverse versus vortex walls 2004 Robert Wieser
U. Nowak
K. D. Usadel
+ PDF Chat Interactions of Spin Waves with a Magnetic Vortex 2005 J. P. Park
P. A. Crowell
+ PDF Chat Enhancement of the spin pumping efficiency by spin wave mode selection 2010 C. W. Sandweg
Y. Kajiwara
K. Ando
Eiji Saitoh
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Resonant and nonresonant scattering of dipole-dominated spin waves from a region of inhomogeneous magnetic field in a ferromagnetic film 2007 Mikhail Kostylev
A. A. Serga
T. Schneider
Timo Neumann
B. Leven
B. Hillebrands
R. L. Stamps
+ PDF Chat Wide-range wavevector selectivity of magnon gases in Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy 2010 C. W. Sandweg
M. B. Jungfleisch
Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka
A. A. Serga
Per Axel Clausen
Helmut Schultheiß
B. Hillebrands
Andreas Kreisel
Peter Kopietz
+ PDF Chat Domain wall pinning and potential landscapes created by constrictions and protrusions in ferromagnetic nanowires 2008 D. Petit
Ana-Vanessa Jausovec
Dan Read
R. P. Cowburn
+ PDF Chat An electro-optic modulator-assisted wavevector-resolving Brillouin light scattering setup 2009 Timo Neumann
T. Schneider
A. A. Serga
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Charge and Spin Currents Generated by Dynamical Spins 2008 Akihito Takeuchi
Gen Tatara
+ PDF Chat Room-Temperature Reversible Spin Hall Effect 2007 T. Kimura
Y. Otani
Tetsuya Sato
S. Takahashi
Sadamichi Maekawa
+ PDF Chat Spin Wave Dynamics and the Determination of Intrinsic Damping in Locally Excited Permalloy Thin Films 2007 Zhigang Liu
F. Giesen
Xiaobin Zhu
R. D. Sydora
M. R. Freeman
+ PDF Chat Modification of the thermal spin-wave spectrum in a Ni<sub>81</sub>Fe<sub>19</sub>stripe by a domain wall 2008 C. W. Sandweg
S. J. Hermsdoerfer
Helmut Schultheiß
Sebastian Schäfer
B. Leven
B. Hillebrands