James S. Speck


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Localization Effect in Photoelectron Transport Induced by Alloy Disorder in Nitride Semiconductor Compounds 2022 Mylène Sauty
Nicolas M. S. Lopes
Jean-Philippe Banon
Y. Lassailly
Lucio Martinelli
Abdullah I. Alhassan
Yi Chao Chow
Shuji Nakamura
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
+ PDF Chat Probing Local Emission Properties in InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells by Scanning Tunneling Luminescence Microscopy 2022 Mylène Sauty
Natalia Alyabyeva
Cheyenne Lynsky
Yi Chao Chow
Shuji Nakamura
James S. Speck
Y. Lassailly
A. C. H. Rowe
Claude Weisbuch
Jacques Peretti
+ PDF Chat Efficiency and Forward Voltage of Blue and Green Lateral LEDs with V-shaped Defects and Random Alloy Fluctuation in Quantum Wells 2022 Cheng-Han Ho
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
Yuh‐Renn Wu
+ PDF Chat Evidence of localization effect on photoelectron transport induced by alloy disorder in nitride semiconductor compounds 2022 Mylène Sauty
Nicolas M. S. Lopes
Jean-Philippe Banon
Y. Lassailly
Lucio Martinelli
Alhassan Abdullah
Shuji Nakamura
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
Jacques Peretti
+ Strain and composition dependencies of the near bandgap optical transitions in monoclinic (Al$_x$Ga$_{1-x}$)$_2$O$_3$ alloys with coherent biaxial in-plane strain on (010) Ga$_2$O$_3$ 2022 Rafał Korlacki
Matthew Hilfiker
Jenna Knudtson
Megan Stokey
Ufuk Kılıç
Akhil Mauze
Yuewei Zhang
James S. Speck
Vanya Darakchieva
M. Schubert
+ Probing local emission properties in InGaN/GaN quantum wells by scanning tunneling luminescence microscopy 2022 Mylène Sauty
Natalia Alyabyeva
Cheyenne Lynsky
Yi Chao Chow
Shuji Nakamura
James S. Speck
Y. Lassailly
A. C. H. Rowe
Claude Weisbuch
Jacques Peretti
+ Efficiency and Forward Voltage of Blue and Green Lateral LEDs with V-defects in Quantum Wells 2021 Cheng-Han Ho
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
Yuh‐Renn Wu
+ PDF Chat Three-Dimensional Modeling of Minority-Carrier Lateral Diffusion Length Including Random Alloy Fluctuations in ( <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>In</mml:mi></mml:math> , <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>Ga</mml:mi></mml:math> ) <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="… 2021 H. Shen
Claude Weisbuch
James S. Speck
Yuh‐Renn Wu
+ Three-dimensional modeling of minority carrier lateral diffusion length in InGaN blue/green and AlGaN ultraviolet C single quantum wells including random alloy fluctuations 2021 Huan-Ting Shen
Claude Weisbuch
James S. Speck
Yuh‐Renn Wu
+ PDF Chat Strong Near-Field Light–Matter Interaction in Plasmon-Resonant Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering in Indium Nitride 2020 Emanuele Poliani
Daniel Seidlitz
Maximilian Ries
Soo J. Choi
James S. Speck
A. Hoffmann
Markus R. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Tamm plasmons in metal/nanoporous GaN distributed Bragg reflector cavities for active and passive optoelectronics 2020 Guillaume Lheureux
Morteza Monavarian
R. D. Anderson
Ryan A. DeCrescent
J. Bellessa
C. Symonds
Jon A. Schuller
James S. Speck
Shuji Nakamura
Steven P. DenBaars
+ PDF Chat Evidence for trap-assisted Auger recombination in MBE grown InGaN quantum wells by electron emission spectroscopy 2020 Daniel J. Myers
Andrew Espenlaub
Kristina Gelžinytė
Erin C. Young
Lucio Martinelli
Jacques Peretti
Claude Weisbuch
James S. Speck
+ Strong near-field light-matter interaction in plasmon-resonant tip-enhanced Raman scattering in indium nitride 2019 Emanuele Poliani
Daniel Seidlitz
Maximilian Ries
Soo J. Choi
James S. Speck
A. Hoffmann
Markus R. Wagner
+ All-solid-state VUV frequency comb at 160 nm using high-harmonic generation in nonlinear femtosecond enhancement cavity 2019 J. Seres
E. Seres
Carles Serrat
Erin C. Young
James S. Speck
Thorsten Schumm
+ Strong near-field light-matter interaction in plasmon-resonant tip-enhanced Raman scattering in indium nitride 2019 Emanuele Poliani
Daniel Seidlitz
M. Ries
Soo Jeon Choi
James S. Speck
A. Hoffmann
Markus R. Wagner
+ Fabrication technology for high light-extraction ultraviolet thin-film flip-chip (UV TFFC) LEDs grown on SiC 2018 Burhan K. SaifAddin
Abdullah Almogbel
Christian J. Zollner
Humberto M. Foronda
Ahmed Y. Alyamani
Abdulrahman Albadri
Michael Iza
Shuji Nakamura
Steven P. DenBaars
James S. Speck
+ Fabrication technology for high light-extraction ultraviolet thin-film flip-chip (UV TFFC) LEDs grown on SiC 2018 Burhan K. SaifAddin
Abdullah Almogbel
Christian J. Zollner
Humberto M. Foronda
Ahmed Y. Alyamani
Abdulrahman Albadri
Michael Iza
Shuji Nakamura
Steven P. DenBaars
James S. Speck
+ Donors and deep acceptors in β-Ga2O3 2018 Adam T. Neal
Shin Mou
Subrina Rafique
Hongping Zhao
Elaheh Ahmadi
James S. Speck
K. T. Stevens
J. D. Blevins
Darren B. Thomson
Neil Moser
+ PDF Chat Evidence of nanoscale Anderson localization induced by intrinsic compositional disorder in InGaN/GaN quantum wells by scanning tunneling luminescence spectroscopy 2018 W. Hahn
Jean-Marie Lentali
Petr Polovodov
Nathan G. Young
Shuji Nakamura
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
Marcel Filoche
Yuh‐Renn Wu
Marco Piccardo
+ PDF Chat Revisiting the origin of satellites in core-level photoemission of transparent conducting oxides: The case of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:math> -doped <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:msub><mml:mi>SnO</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2018 F. Borgatti
J. A. Berger
D. Céolin
Jianqiang Sky Zhou
J. J. Kas
Matteo Guzzo
C. F. McConville
F. Offi
G. Panaccione
Anna Regoutz
+ Fabrication technology for high light-extraction ultraviolet thin-film flip-chip (UV TFFC) LEDs grown on SiC 2018 Burhan K. SaifAddin
Abdullah Almogbel
Christian J. Zollner
Humberto M. Foronda
Ahmed Y. Alyamani
Abdulrahman Albadri
Michael Iza
Shuji Nakamura
Steven P. DenBaars
James S. Speck
+ PDF Chat Localization landscape theory of disorder in semiconductors. III. Application to carrier transport and recombination in light emitting diodes 2017 Chi-Kang Li
Marco Piccardo
Li-Shuo Lu
Svitlana Mayboroda
Lucio Martinelli
Jacques Peretti
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
Marcel Filoche
Yuh‐Renn Wu
+ PDF Chat Localization landscape theory of disorder in semiconductors. II. Urbach tails of disordered quantum well layers 2017 Marco Piccardo
Chikang Li
Yuh‐Renn Wu
James S. Speck
Bastien Bonef
Robert M. Farrell
Marcel Filoche
Lucio Martinelli
Jacques Peretti
Claude Weisbuch
+ PDF Chat Direct Measurement of Auger Electrons Emitted from a Semiconductor Light-Emitting Diode under Electrical Injection: Identification of the Dominant Mechanism for Efficiency Droop 2013 Justin Iveland
Lucio Martinelli
Jacques Peretti
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
+ PDF Chat In vacancies in InN grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy 2010 Floris Reurings
F. Tuomisto
Chad S. Gallinat
Gregor Koblmüller
James S. Speck
+ PDF Chat First Measurement of Bose-Einstein Correlations in Proton-Proton Collisions at<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msqrt><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>0.9</mml:mn></mml:math>and 2.36 TeV at the LHC 2010 V. Khachatryan
A. M. Sirunyan
A. Tumasyan
W. Adam
T. Bergauer
M. Dragicevic
J. Erö
C. Fabjan
M. Friedl
R. Frühwirth
+ PDF Chat Current-induced spin polarization in gallium nitride 2009 William F. Koehl
Man Hoi Wong
C. Poblenz
Brian L. Swenson
Umesh K. Mishra
James S. Speck
D. D. Awschalom
+ PDF Chat <i>In situ</i> GaN decomposition analysis by quadrupole mass spectrometry and reflection high-energy electron diffraction 2008 Sergio Fernández‐Garrido
Gregor Koblmüller
E. Calleja
James S. Speck
+ PDF Chat <i>In situ</i> investigation of growth modes during plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of (0001) GaN 2007 Gregor Koblmüller
Sergio Fernández‐Garrido
E. Calleja
James S. Speck
+ PDF Chat Magnetotransport properties of a polarization-doped three-dimensional electron slab in graded AlGaN 2003 Debdeep Jena
S. Heikman
James S. Speck
A. C. Gossard
Umesh K. Mishra
A. Link
O. Ambacher
+ PDF Chat Realization of wide electron slabs by polarization bulk doping in graded III–V nitride semiconductor alloys 2002 Debdeep Jena
S. Heikman
Daniel Green
D. Buttari
R. Coffie
Huili Grace Xing
S. Keller
Steven P. DenBaars
James S. Speck
Umesh K. Mishra
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Localization landscape theory of disorder in semiconductors. I. Theory and modeling 2017 Marcel Filoche
Marco Piccardo
Yuh‐Renn Wu
Chi-Kang Li
Claude Weisbuch
Svitlana Mayboroda
+ PDF Chat Efficiency Drop in Green<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>InGaN</mml:mi><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>GaN</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>Light Emitting Diodes: The Role of Random Alloy Fluctuations 2016 Matthias Auf der Maur
Alessandro Pecchia
Gabriele Penazzi
Walter Rodrigues
Aldo Di Carlo
+ PDF Chat Localization landscape theory of disorder in semiconductors. II. Urbach tails of disordered quantum well layers 2017 Marco Piccardo
Chikang Li
Yuh‐Renn Wu
James S. Speck
Bastien Bonef
Robert M. Farrell
Marcel Filoche
Lucio Martinelli
Jacques Peretti
Claude Weisbuch
+ PDF Chat Effective Confining Potential of Quantum States in Disordered Media 2016 Douglas N. Arnold
Guy David
David Jerison
Svitlana Mayboroda
Marcel Filoche
+ PDF Chat Carrier localization mechanisms in In<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>Ga<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>N/GaN quantum wells 2011 Duncan Watson‐Parris
M. J. Godfrey
P. Dawson
Rachel A. Oliver
M. J. Galtrey
M. J. Kappers
C. J. Humphreys
+ PDF Chat Localization landscape theory of disorder in semiconductors. III. Application to carrier transport and recombination in light emitting diodes 2017 Chi-Kang Li
Marco Piccardo
Li-Shuo Lu
Svitlana Mayboroda
Lucio Martinelli
Jacques Peretti
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
Marcel Filoche
Yuh‐Renn Wu
+ PDF Chat Atomistic analysis of the impact of alloy and well-width fluctuations on the electronic and optical properties of InGaN/GaN quantum wells 2015 Stefan Schulz
A. Miguel
Conor Coughlan
Eoin P. O’Reilly
+ PDF Chat Evidence of nanoscale Anderson localization induced by intrinsic compositional disorder in InGaN/GaN quantum wells by scanning tunneling luminescence spectroscopy 2018 W. Hahn
Jean-Marie Lentali
Petr Polovodov
Nathan G. Young
Shuji Nakamura
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
Marcel Filoche
Yuh‐Renn Wu
Marco Piccardo
+ PDF Chat Direct Measurement of Auger Electrons Emitted from a Semiconductor Light-Emitting Diode under Electrical Injection: Identification of the Dominant Mechanism for Efficiency Droop 2013 Justin Iveland
Lucio Martinelli
Jacques Peretti
James S. Speck
Claude Weisbuch
+ PDF Chat Alloying induced degradation of the absorption edge of InAsxSb1−x 2007 Bhavtosh Bansal
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+ PDF Chat Visually constructing the chemical structure of a single molecule by scanning Raman picoscopy 2019 Yao Zhang
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Jian Hou
+ PDF Chat First-principles calculations of indirect Auger recombination in nitride semiconductors 2015 Emmanouil Kioupakis
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+ PDF Chat Adatom diffusion at GaN (0001) and (0001̄) surfaces 1998 Tosja Zywietz
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+ Extraordinary momentum and spin in evanescent waves 2014 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
A. Ya. Bekshaev
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+ PDF Chat Transverse spin of a surface polariton 2012 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Mie Resonances, Infrared Emission, and the Band Gap of InN 2004 T. V. Shubina
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P. S. Kop’ev
A. Vasson
J. Leymarie
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+ PDF Chat Spontaneous polarization and piezoelectric constants of III-V nitrides 1997 Fabio Bernardini
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+ PDF Chat Spin Hall effect of light in photon tunneling 2010 Hailu Luo
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+ PDF Chat Gallium adsorption on (0001) GaN surfaces 2003 Christoph Adelmann
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+ PDF Chat A review of the optical properties of alloys and intermetallics for plasmonics 2010 Martin G. Blaber
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+ PDF Chat Current-Induced Spin Polarization in Strained Semiconductors 2004 Yuichiro K. Kato
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+ PDF Chat Dislocation scattering in a two-dimensional electron gas 2000 Debdeep Jena
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+ PDF Chat Enhanced light extraction in tunnel junction-enabled top emitting UV LEDs 2016 Yuewei Zhang
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+ PDF Chat Transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9 $ and 2.36 TeV 2010 V. Khachatryan
A. M. Sirunyan
A. Tumasyan
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M. Dragicevic
J. Erö
M. Friedl
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V. M. Ghete
+ PDF Chat Excitation dependent Raman studies of self-seeded grown InN nanoparticles with different carrier concentration 2016 Kishore K. Madapu
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+ PDF Chat Role of excited states in Shockley-Read-Hall recombination in wide-band-gap semiconductors 2016 Audrius Alkauskas
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+ Design and demonstration of ultra-wide bandgap AlGaN tunnel junctions 2016 Yuewei Zhang
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Fatih Akyol
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+ PDF Chat Theory of electron-plasmon coupling in semiconductors 2016 Fabio Caruso
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+ PDF Chat Tunnel-injected sub-260 nm ultraviolet light emitting diodes 2017 Yuewei Zhang
Sriram Krishnamoorthy
Fatih Akyol
Sanyam Bajaj
Andrew A. Allerman
Michael W. Moseley
Andrew Armstrong
Siddharth Rajan
+ PDF Chat Origin of the crossover from polarons to Fermi liquids in transition metal oxides 2017 Carla Verdi
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+ PDF Chat Effects of Incomplete Ionization on Beta - Ga2O3 Power Devices: Unintentional Donor with Energy 110 meV 2017 Adam T. Neal
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Jian V. Li
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+ PDF Chat Many-Body Effects in Strongly Disordered III-Nitride Quantum Wells: Interplay Between Carrier Localization and Coulomb Interaction 2019 Aurélien David
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H. T. Grahn
O. Brandt
+ Explanation of low efficiency droop in semipolar (202¯1¯) InGaN/GaN LEDs through evaluation of carrier recombination coefficients 2017 Morteza Monavarian
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+ PDF Chat Plasmonic Films Can Easily Be Better: Rules and Recipes 2015 Kevin M. McPeak
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+ PDF Chat Nature of V-Shaped Defects in GaN 2013 V. V. VORONENKOV
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+ PDF Chat Highly selective dry etching of GaP in the presence of Al<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1–x</sub>P with a SiCl<sub>4</sub>/SF<sub>6</sub>plasma 2018 Simon Hönl
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+ PDF Chat Probing Alloy Formation Using Different Excitonic Species: The Particular Case of InGaN 2019 Gordon Callsen
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+ Non-planar femtosecond enhancement cavity for VUV frequency comb applications 2016 Georg Winkler
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+ PDF Chat Room-temperature spin coherence in ZnO 2005 Sayantani Ghosh
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