Horst D. Simon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Low-rank approximations with sparse factors II: penalized methods with discrete Newton-like iterations 2011 Horst D. Simon
+ nu-TRLan User Guide Version 1.0: A High-Performance Software Package for Large-Scale Harmitian Eigenvalue Problems 2008 Ichitaro Yamazaki
Kesheng Wu
Horst D. Simon
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Projection Subspace Dimension for the Thick-Restart Lanczos Method 2008 Ichitaro Yamazaki
Zhaojun Bai
Horst D. Simon
Lin‐Wang Wang
K Wu
+ Low-Rank Approximations with Sparse Factors II: Penalized Methods with Discrete Newton-Like Iterations 2004 Zhenyue Zhang
Hongyuan Zha
Horst D. Simon
+ PDF Chat Low-Rank Approximations with Sparse Factors I: Basic Algorithms and Error Analysis 2002 Zhenyue Zhang
Hongyuan Zha
Horst D. Simon
+ PDF Chat Bipartite graph partitioning and data clustering 2001 Hongyuan Zha
Xiaofeng He
Chris Ding
Horst D. Simon
Ming Gu
+ Bipartite graph partitioning and data clustering 2001 Hongyuan Zha
Xiaofeng He
Chris Ding
Ming Gu
Horst D. Simon
+ Bipartite graph partitioning and data clustering 2001 Hongyuan Zha
Xiaofeng He
Chris Ding
Ming Gu
Horst D. Simon
+ PDF Chat Thick-Restart Lanczos Method for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems 2000 Kesheng Wu
Horst D. Simon
+ Low-Rank Matrix Approximation Using the Lanczos Bidiagonalization Process with Applications 2000 Horst D. Simon
Hongyuan Zha
+ PDF Chat A parallel Lanczos method for symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems 1999 Kesheng Wu
Horst D. Simon
+ Thick-Restart Laczos Method for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems 1999 Kesheng Wu
Horst D. Simon
+ A Fast Poisson Solver for the Finite Difference Solution of the Incompressible Navier--Stokes Equations 1998 Gene H. Golub
Lan Chieh Huang
Horst D. Simon
Wei-Pai Tang
+ Thick-Restart Lanczos Method for Symmetric EigenvalueProblems 1998 Kesheng Wu
Horst D. Simon
+ Low rank matrix approximation using the Lanczos Bidiagonalization Process 1997 Horst D. Simon
+ Spectral ordering techniques for incomplete LU preconditoners for CG methods 1995 Simon S. Clift
Horst D. Simon
Wei-Pai Tang
+ PDF Chat A spectral algorithm for envelope reduction of sparse matrices 1995 Stephen T. Barnard
Alex Pothen
Horst D. Simon
+ A fast Poisson solver for unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the half-staggered grid 1995 Gene H. Golub
Lan Chieh Huang
Horst D. Simon
Wei-Pai Tang
+ A Shifted Block Lanczos Algorithm for Solving Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblems 1994 Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ NAS parallel benchmark results 1993 David H. Bailey
Eric Barszcz
Leonardo Dagum
Horst D. Simon
+ Towards a fast implementation of spectral nested dissection 1992 Alex Pothen
Horst D. Simon
L. Wang
S. Barnard
+ Aerodynamic simulation on massively parallel systems 1992 J. Haeuser
Horst D. Simon
+ The high enthalpy shock tunnel in GĂśttingen (HEG) 1992 Walter Beck
G. Eitelberg
Timothy J. McIntyre
J. P. Baird
John Lacey
Horst D. Simon
+ The NAS parallel benchmarks---summary and preliminary results 1991 David H. Bailey
Robert Schreiber
Horst D. Simon
V. N. Venkatakrishnan
Sisira Weeratunga
Eric Barszcz
J. T. Barton
D. S. Browning
R. L. Carter
Leonardo Dagum
+ Preface to the Special Section on Sparse Matrices 1990 John G. Lewis
John R. Gilbert
Robert J. Plemmons
Horst D. Simon
+ Partitioning Sparse Matrices with Eigenvectors of Graphs 1990 Alex Pothen
Horst D. Simon
K. N. Liou
+ A Shifted Block Lanczos Algorithm 1: The Block Recurrence 1990 Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ Spectral Algorithms for Ordering Sparse Matrices in Parallel 1989 Alex Pothen
Horst D. Simon
+ Bisection is not Optimal on Vector Processors 1989 Horst D. Simon
+ Solution of large, dense symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems using secondary storage 1988 Roger G. Grimes
Horst D. Simon
+ Two Conjugate-Gradient-Type Methods for Unsymmetric Linear Equations 1988 Michael A. Saunders
Horst D. Simon
E. L. Yip
+ New software for large dense symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems using secondary storage 1988 Roger G. Grimes
Horst D. Simon
+ The Impact of Hardware Gather/Scatter on Sparse Gaussian Elimination 1988 John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ Progress in Sparse Matrix Methods for Large Linear Systems On Vector Supercomputers 1987 Cleve Ashcraft
Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Barry W. Peyton
Horst D. Simon
Petter E. Bjørstad
+ Evaluation of Orderings for Unsymmetric Sparse Matrices 1987 A. M. Erisman
Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
William G. Poole
Horst D. Simon
+ The Impact of Hardware Gather/Scatter on Sparse Gaussian Elimination. 1986 John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ Eigenvalue Problems and Algorithms in Structural Engineering 1986 Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ The lanczos algorithm for solving symmetric linear systems 1982 Horst D. Simon
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1998 Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ PDF Chat Sparse matrix test problems 1989 Iain Duff
Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
+ A Shifted Block Lanczos Algorithm for Solving Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblems 1994 Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of graphs 1973 Miroslav Fiedler
+ PDF Chat A property of eigenvectors of nonnegative symmetric matrices and its application to graph theory 1975 Miroslav Fiedler
+ Progress in Sparse Matrix Methods for Large Linear Systems On Vector Supercomputers 1987 Cleve Ashcraft
Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Barry W. Peyton
Horst D. Simon
Petter E. Bjørstad
+ Error Analysis of the Lanczos Algorithm for Tridiagonalizing a Symmetric Matrix 1976 Christopher C. Paige
+ Sparse matrix test problems 1982 Iain Duff
Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Bill Poole
+ A Fully Parallel Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1987 Jack Dongarra
D. C. Sorensen
+ The lanczos algorithm for solving symmetric linear systems 1982 Horst D. Simon
+ Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices 2017 Iain Duff
A. M. Erisman
J. K. Reid
+ An Algorithm for $Ax = \lambda Bx$ with Symmetric and Positive-Definite <i>A</i> and <i>B</i> 1991 Wang Shougen
Shu-Qin Zhao
+ Generalizations of Davidson’s Method for Computing Eigenvalues of Sparse Symmetric Matrices 1986 Ronald B. Morgan
David Scott
+ PDF Chat LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares 1982 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ An Algorithm for Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 1973 C Moler
G. W. Stewart
+ Low-Rank Matrix Approximation Using the Lanczos Bidiagonalization Process with Applications 2000 Horst D. Simon
Hongyuan Zha
+ PDF Chat On restarting the Arnoldi method for large nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems 1996 Ronald B. Morgan
+ Eigenvalue Problems and Algorithms in Structural Engineering 1986 Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ An Algorithm for the Banded Symmetric Generalized Matrix 1993 Linda Kaufman
+ Partitioning Sparse Matrices with Eigenvectors of Graphs 1990 Alex Pothen
Horst D. Simon
K. N. Liou
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues in Combinatorial Optimization 1993 Bojan Mohar
Svatopluk Poljak
+ An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators 1950 Cornelius Lanczos
+ The Advantages of Inverted Operators in Rayleigh–Ritz Approximations 1982 David Scott
+ A Lanczos Algorithm for Computing Singular Values and Vectors of Large Matrices 1983 Jane Cullum
Ralph A. Willoughby
Mark Lake
+ On the Perturbation of Pseudo-Inverses, Projections and Linear Least Squares Problems 1977 G. W. Stewart
+ The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem. 1981 J. H. Wilkinson
Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ A block Arnoldi-Chebyshev method for computing the leading eigenpairs of large sparse unsymmetric matrices 1993 Miloud Sadkane
+ Some History of the Conjugate Gradient and Lanczos Algorithms: 1948–1976 1989 Gene H. Golub
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ A FAST, STABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SIMPLEX METHOD USING BARTELS-GOLUB UPDATING††Research for this paper was supported by the Energy Research and Development Administration Contract AT(04-3)-326 PA #18, at Stanford University. 1976 Michael A. Saunders
+ Eigenvalues, diameter, and mean distance in graphs 1991 Bojan Mohar
+ Analysis and implementation of an implicitly restarted Arnoldi iteration 1996 Richard B. Lehoucq
+ PDF Chat Deflation Techniques for an Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration 1996 Richard B. Lehoucq
D. C. Sorensen
+ PDF Chat Modelling Reactive Gas Flows within Shock Tunnels 1984 I. Vardavas
+ Design of an Axisymmetric, Contoured Nozzle for the HEG. 1990 Klaus Hannemann
+ High-Re solutions for incompressible flow using the Navier-Stokes equations and a multigrid method 1982 Urmila Ghia
K. N. Ghia
C. T. Shin
+ Solution of Sparse Indefinite Systems of Linear Equations 1975 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ On the Rates of Convergence of the Lanczos and the Block-Lanczos Methods 1980 Yousef Saad
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and expanders 1986 Ilan Alon
+ Hypersonic and high temperature gas dynamics 2013 J. D. Anderson
+ A Structurally Stable Modification of Hellerman–Rarick’s ${\text{P}}^4 $ Algorithm for Reordering Unsymmetric Sparse Matrices 1985 A. M. Erisman
Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
William G. Poole
+ On the Optimality of the Median Cut Spectral Bisection Graph Partitioning Method 1997 Tony F. Chan
Patrick Ciarlet
W. K. Szeto
+ PDF Chat Matrices, Digraphs, and Determinants 1989 John S. Maybee
D.D. Olesky
Driessche P. van den
Gerry Wiener
+ Thermodynamic Properties of Air 1987 V.V. Sychen
A.A. Vassekman
A. D. Kozlov
G. A. Spiridonov
V.A. Tsymakny
+ A block Lanczos algorithm for computing the q algebraically largest eigenvalues and a corresponding eigenspace of large, sparse, real symmetric matrices 1974 Jane Cullum
W. E. Donath
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of the Laplacian of a graph<sup>∗</sup> 1985 William N. Anderson
T. D. Morley
+ PDF Chat Krylov subspace methods for solving large unsymmetric linear systems 1981 Yousef Saad
+ Computational Methods for Fluid Flow 1983 R. Peyret
Thomas D. Taylor
+ A new look at the Lanczos algorithm for solving symmetric systems of linear equations 1980 Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ A spectral approach to bandwidth and separator problems in graphs 1995 Christoph Helmberg
Franz Rendl
Bojan Mohar
Svatopluk Poljak