Alina Bucur


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Effective Sato–Tate conjecture for abelian varieties and applications 2024 Alina Bucur
Francesc Fité
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ Power-Saving Error Terms for the Number of $$D_4$$-Quartic Extensions over a Number Field Ordered by Discriminant 2024 Alina Bucur
Alexandra Florea
Allechar Serrano López
Ila Varma
+ Frobenius sign separation for abelian varieties 2023 Alina Bucur
Francesc Fité
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ PDF Chat Geometric generalizations of the square sieve, with an application to cyclic covers 2022 Alina Bucur
Alina Carmen Cojocaru
Matilde Laĺın
Lillian B. Pierce
+ Power-saving error terms for the number of $D_4$-quartic extensions over a number field ordered by discriminant 2022 Alina Bucur
Alexandra Florea
Allechar Serrano López
Ila Varma
+ Geometric generalizations of the square sieve, with an application to cyclic covers 2021 Alina Bucur
Alina Carmen Cojocaru
Matilde Laĺın
Lillian B. Pierce
+ Effective Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian varieties and applications 2020 Alina Bucur
Francesc Fité
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ Analytic Methods in Arithmetic Geometry 2019 Alina Bucur
David Zureick-Brown
+ PDF Chat Traces, high powers and one level density for families of curves over finite fields 2017 Alina Bucur
Edgar Costa
Chantal David
João Guerreiro
David Lowry-Duda
+ Statistics for biquadratic covers of the projective line over finite fields 2016 Elisa Lorenzo
Giulio Meleleo
Piermarco Milione
Alina Bucur
+ Traces, high powers and one level density for families of curves over finite fields 2016 Alina Bucur
Edgar Costa
Chantal David
João Guerreiro
David Lowry-Duda
+ PDF Chat An application of the effective Sato-Tate conjecture 2016 Alina Bucur
Kiran Kedlaya
+ PDF Chat On a Li-type criterion for zero-free regions of certain Dirichlet series with real coefficients 2016 Alina Bucur
Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen
Almasa Odžak
Lejla Smajlović
+ Traces, high powers and one level density for families of curves over finite fields 2016 Alina Bucur
Edgar Costa
Chantal David
João Farias Guerreiro
David Lowry-Duda
+ The Distribution of 𝔽<sub><i>q</i></sub>-Points on Cyclic ℓ-Covers of Genus<i>g</i> 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Nathan O. Kaplan
Matilde Laĺın
Ekin Özman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat Statistics for ordinary Artin-Schreier covers and other $p$-rank strata 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ Statistics for biquadratic covers of the projective line over finite fields 2015 Elisa Lorenzo
Giulio Meleleo
Piermarco Milione
Alina Bucur
+ On τ-Li Coefficients for Rankin–Selberg L-Functions 2015 Alina Bucur
Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen
Almasa Odžak
Edva Roditty-Gershon
Lejla Smajlović
+ The Distribution of Fq-Points on Cyclic -Covers of Genus g 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Nathan O. Kaplan
Ekin Özman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ Women in Numbers Europe 2015 Marie José Bertin
Alina Bucur
Brooke Feigon
Leila Schneps
+ Statistics for biquadratic covers of the projective line over finite fields 2015 Elisa Lorenzo
Giulio Meleleo
Piermarco Milione
Alina Bucur
+ The distribution of $\mathbb{F}_q$-points on cyclic $\ell$-covers of genus $g$ 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Nathan O. Kaplan
Matilde Laĺın
Ekin Özman
Melanie Matchett Wood
Alina Bucur
+ Statistics for ordinary Artin-Schreier covers and other $p$-rank strata 2013 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ An application of the effective Sato-Tate conjecture 2013 Alina Bucur
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ Statistics for ordinary Artin-Schreier covers and other $p$-rank strata 2013 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ PDF Chat The probability that a complete intersection is smooth 2012 Alina Bucur
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ Distribution of zeta zeroes of Artin–Schreier covers 2012 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat Biased statistics for traces of cyclic 𝑝-fold covers over finite fields 2011 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ Distribution of zeta zeroes of Artin--Schreier curves 2011 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Fluctuations in the number of points on smooth plane curves over finite fields 2010 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ The probability that a complete intersection is smooth 2010 Alina Bucur
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ The probability that a complete intersection is smooth 2010 Alina Bucur
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ PDF Chat Statistics for Traces of Cyclic Trigonal Curves over Finite Fields 2009 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ None 2004 Ben Brubaker
Alina Bucur
Gautam Chinta
Sharon Frechette
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of the Number of Points on Trigonal Curves over 𝔽q 2012 Melanie Matchett Wood
+ The fluctuations in the number of points on a hyperelliptic curve over a finite field 2008 Pär Kurlberg
Zeév Rudnick
+ Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues, and Monodromy 1998 Nicholas M. Katz
Peter Sarnak
+ Number Theory in Function Fields 2002 Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat Statistics for Traces of Cyclic Trigonal Curves over Finite Fields 2009 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ On the eigenvalues of random matrices 1994 Persi Diaconis
Mehrdad Shahshahani
+ PDF Chat Traces of high powers of the Frobenius class in the hyperelliptic ensemble 2010 Zeév Rudnick
+ Distribution of Discriminants of Abelian Extensions 1989 D. J. Wright
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of zeroes of Artin–Schreier L-functions 2012 Alexei Entin
+ More Points Than Expected on Curves over Finite Field Extensions 2001 Bradley W. Brock
Andrew Granville
+ Ten Lectures on the Interface between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis 1994 Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The fluctuations in the number of points on a family of curves over a finite field 2010 Maosheng Xiong
+ NUMBER THEORY IN FUNCTION FIELDS (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 210) By MICHAEL ROSEN: 358 pp., £38.50 (US$49.95), ISBN 0-387-95335-3 (Springer, New York, 2002). 2003 David Goss
+ PDF Chat Bertini theorems over finite fields 2004 Bjorn Poonen
+ Density of discriminants of cubic extensions. 1988 B. Datskovsky
D. J. Wright
+ On the monodromy groups attached to certain families of exponential sums 1987 Nicholas M. Katz
+ PDF Chat Statistics of the zeros of zeta functions in families of hyperelliptic curves over a finite field 2009 Dmitry Faifman
Zeév Rudnick
+ Fluctuations in the number of points on smooth plane curves over finite fields 2010 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ PDF Chat The probability that a complete intersection is smooth 2012 Alina Bucur
Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ On the density of discriminants of cyclic extensions of prime degree 2002 Henri Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ PDF Chat Semiample Bertini theorems over finite fields 2015 Daniel Erman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ Distribution of zeta zeroes for abelian covers of algebraic curves over a finite field 2014 Maosheng Xiong
+ The Distribution of 𝔽<sub><i>q</i></sub>-Points on Cyclic ℓ-Covers of Genus<i>g</i> 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Nathan O. Kaplan
Matilde Laĺın
Ekin Özman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat On the probabilities of local behaviors in abelian field extensions 2009 Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat The density of abelian cubic fields 1954 Harvey Cohn
+ PDF Chat The distribution of points on superelliptic curves over finite fields 2014 Gilyoung Cheong
Melanie Matchett Wood
Azeem Zaman
+ Distribution of zeta zeroes for abelian covers of algebraic curves over a finite field 2013 Maosheng Xiong
+ The distribution of points on superelliptic curves over finite fields 2012 Gilyoung Cheong
Melanie Matchett Wood
Azeem Zaman
+ PDF Chat Li coefficients for automorphic L-functions 2007 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
+ PDF Chat Traces of high powers of the Frobenius class in the moduli space of hyperelliptic curves 2016 Iakovos Jake Chinis
+ The distribution of the number of points on trigonal curves over $\F_q$ 2011 Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat On the structure of the Selberg class, I: 0≤d≤1 1999 Jerzy Kaczorowski
Alberto Perelli
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Point Count Statistics for Families of Curves Over a Fixed Finite Field 2010 Pär Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ On the density of discriminants of cubic fields. II 1971 H. Davenport
H. Heilbronn
+ PDF Chat Biased statistics for traces of cyclic 𝑝-fold covers over finite fields 2011 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ PDF Chat Hyperelliptic curves with prescribed p-torsion 2005 Darren Glass
Rachel Pries
+ PDF Chat Sato–Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2 2012 Francesc Fité
Kiran S. Kedlaya
Víctor Rotger
Andrew V. Sutherland
+ PDF Chat Explicit formulae and the Lang-Trotter conjecture 1985 V. Kumar Murty
+ Zeros of principal L-functions and random matrix theory 1996 Zeév Rudnick
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry 1999 Nicholas Katz
Peter Sarnak
+ On the Zeros of Certain Dirichlet Series 1936 H. Davenport
H. Heilbronn
+ PDF Chat Squarefree values of multivariable polynomials 2003 Bjorn Poonen
+ PDF Chat Explicit class field theory for rational function fields 1974 David R. Hayes
+ Boundedness of automorphic 𝐿–functions in vertical strips 2000 Stephen Gelbart
Freydoon Shahidi
+ On the moduli space of Klein four covers of the projective line 2005 Darren Glass
Rachel Pries
+ On Li's criterion for the Riemann hypothesis for the Selberg class 2010 Lejla Smajlović
+ Around the Davenport-Heilbronn function 2011 Enrico Bombieri
Amit Ghosh
+ PDF Chat The integral monodromy of hyperelliptic and trielliptic curves 2006 Jeffrey D. Achter
Rachel Pries
+ On space filling curves and Albanese varieties 2001 Ofer Gabber