Siegfried Böcherer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Congruences for Siegel modular forms of nonquadratic nebentypus mod p 2024 Siegfried Böcherer
Toshiyuki Kikuta
+ On p-adic Siegel–Eisenstein series from a point of view of the theory of mod $$p^m$$ singular forms 2024 Siegfried Böcherer
Toshiyuki Kikuta
+ Quasimodular Siegel Modular Forms as P-Adic Modular Forms 2024 Siegfried Böcherer
+ PDF Chat Paramodular groups and theta series 2023 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
Soumya Das
+ PDF On Fourier coefficients of elliptic modular forms $$\bmod \, \ell $$ with applications to Siegel modular forms 2021 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ On Fourier coefficients of elliptic modular forms $\bmod \, \ell$ with applications to Siegel modular forms. 2020 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ Arithmetic Properties of Vector-Valued Siegel Modular Forms 2020 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Paramodular groups and theta series 2020 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On Fourier coefficients of elliptic modular forms $\bmod \, \ell$ with applications to Siegel modular forms 2020 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ Nonvanishing properties of Fourier coefficients for Siegel modular forms (Automorphic forms, automorphic representations and related topics) 2019 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ Arithmetic properties of vector-valued Siegel modular forms (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) 2019 Siegfried Böcherer
+ On fundamental Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms 2018 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ Petersson norms of not necessarily cuspidal Jacobi modular forms and applications 2018 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ On fundamental Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms 2018 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ PDF Chat On the kernel of the theta operator mod p 2017 Siegfried Böcherer
Hirotaka Kodama
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ Weights of the Mod p Kernels of Theta Operators 2017 Siegfried Böcherer
Toshiyuki Kikuta
Sho Takemori
+ On Denominators of Values of Certain L-Functions When Twisted by Characters 2017 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Elementary Introduction to p-Adic Siegel Modular Forms 2017 Siegfried Böcherer
Winfried Kohnen
+ PDF On mod <i>p</i> singular modular forms 2016 Siegfried Böcherer
Toshiyuki Kikuta
+ Cuspidality and the growth of Fourier coefficients of modular forms 2016 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ Cuspidality and the growth of Fourier coefficients: small weights 2015 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ Quasimodular forms are $p$-adic modular forms (Modular forms and automorphic representations) 2015 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Linear independence of Poincaré series of exponential type via non-analytic methods 2014 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ PDF Chat On p-Adic Properties of Siegel Modular Forms 2014 Siegfried Böcherer
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ On the Genus Version of the Basis Problem II: The Case of Oldforms 2014 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Characterization of Siegel cusp forms by the growth of their Fourier coefficients 2013 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ On the growth of Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms (Automorphic Representations and Related Topics) 2013 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ On the growth of Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms (保型表現とその周辺 : RIMS研究集会報告集) 2013 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ On mod $p$ singular modular forms 2013 Siegfried Böcherer
Toshiyuki Kikuta
+ Yoshida lifts and Selmer groups 2012 Siegfried Böcherer
Neil Dummigan
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On Holomorphic Differential Operators Equivariant for the Inclusion of Sp(n,R) in U(n,n) 2012 Siegfried Böcherer
Soumya Das
+ PDF Surjectivity of Siegel \Phi -operator for square free level and small weight 2012 Siegfried Böcherer
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
+ Equivariant holomorphic differential operators and finite averages of values of L-functions 2011 Siegfried Böcherer
Bernhard Heim
+ Yoshida lifts and Selmer groups 2010 Siegfried Böcherer
Neil Dummigan
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Congruences for Siegel modular forms and their weights 2010 Siegfried Böcherer
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ On Siegel modular forms of level p and their properties mod p 2010 Siegfried Böcherer
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ Yoshida lifts and Selmer groups 2010 Siegfried Böcherer
Neil Dummigan
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On Siegel modular forms : a report on joint work with S. Nagaoka (Automorphic representations, automorphic $L$-functions and arithmetic) 2009 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Linear independence of local densities of quadratic forms and its application to the theory of Siegel modular forms 2009 Siegfried Böcherer
Yumiko Hironaka
Fumihiro Satō
+ PDF 𝑝-adic interpolation for triple 𝐿-functions: analytic aspects 2009 Siegfried Böcherer
Alexei Panchishkin
+ Modular Forms on Schiermonnikoog 2008 Bas Edixhoven
Bas Edixhoven
Bas Edixhoven
Siegfried Böcherer
Kathrin Bringmann
Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Robin de Jong
Luis Dieulefait
Luis Dieulefait
Bernhard Heim
+ On the basis problem for Siegel modular forms with level 2008 Siegfried Böcherer
Hidenori Katsurada
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ PDF On Dirichlet Series and Petersson Products for Siegel Modular Forms 2008 Siegfried Böcherer
Francesco L. Chiera
+ On mod p properties of Siegel modular forms 2007 Siegfried Böcherer
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ On the basis problem for Siegel modular forms of squarefree level(Automorphic representations, L-functions, and periods) 2006 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Critical values of L-functions on GSp 2 × Gl 2 2006 Siegfried Böcherer
Bernhard Heim
+ Admissible $p$-adic measures attached to triple products of elliptic cusp forms 2006 Siegfried Böcherer
Alexei Panchishkin
+ Automorphic forms and zeta functions : proceedings of the conference in memory of Tsuneo Arakawa 2006 Siegfried Böcherer
知義 伊吹山
昌信 金子
文広 佐藤
+ PDF On the Hecke operator $U(p)$ 2005 Siegfried Böcherer
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic and Equidistribution of Measures on the Sphere 2003 Siegfried Böcherer
Peter Sarnak
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Vanishing of certain spaces of elliptic modular forms and some applications 2003 Tsuneo Arakawa
Siegfried Böcherer
+ On the global Gross-Prasad conjecture for Yoshida liftings 2002 Siegfried Böcherer
Masaaki Furusawa
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On the global Gross-Prased conjecture for Yoshida liftings 2001 Siegfried Böcherer
Masaaki Furusawa
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On the functional equation of singular series 2000 Siegfried Böcherer
Winfried Kohnen
+ L-functions on $GSp_2 \times Gl_2$ of mixed weights 2000 Siegfried Böcherer
Bernhard Heim
+ PDF $p$-adic measures attached to Siegel modular forms 2000 Siegfried Böcherer
Claus-Günther Schmidt
+ L-functions on GSp2 × Gl2 of mixed weights 2000 Siegfried Böcherer
Bernhard Heim
+ A note on the restriction map for jacobi forms 1999 Tsuneo Arakawa
Siegfried Böcherer
+ Trace Operator and Theta Series 1999 Siegfried Böcherer
Jens Funke
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Squares of Automorphic Forms on Quaternion Algebras and Central Values ofL-Functions of Modular Forms 1999 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Non-vanishing of scalar products of Fourier-Jacobi coefficients of Siegel cusp forms 1999 Siegfried Böcherer
Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Winfried Kohnen
+ Squares of automorphic forms on quaternion algebras 1999 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ PDF Siegel modular forms and theta series attached to quaternion algebras II 1997 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Siegel modular forms and theta series attached to quaternion algebras. II, With errata to: "Siegel modular forms and theta series attached to quaternion algebras'' 1997 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ PDF Chat On the Central Critical Value of the Triple Product L–Function 1996 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On the central critical value of the triple product L-function 1995 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On the central critical value of the triple product L-function 1995 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Siegel Modular Forms and Theta Series attached to quaternion algebras II 1995 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Vector valued theta series and waldspurger’s theorem 1994 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On Whittaker coefficients of some metaplectic forms 1994 Siegfried Böcherer
Masaaki Furusawa
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Mellin Transforms of Vector Valued Theta Series Attached to Quaternion Algebras 1994 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Estimates for Fourier coefficients of Siegel cusp forms 1993 Siegfried Böcherer
Winfried Kohnen
+ On the Pullback of a Differential Operator and Its Application to Vector Valued Eisenstein Series 1992 Siegfried Böcherer
Takakazu Satoh
Tadashi Yamazaki
+ The Dirichlet series of Koecher and Maaß and modular forms of weight 3/2 1992 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ PDF Siegel modular forms and theta series attached to quaternion algebras 1991 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Über den Kern der Thetaliftung 1990 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Jacobi forms and discrete series representations of the Jacobi group 1990 Rolf Berndt
Siegfried Böcherer
+ On a theorem of Waldspurger and on Eisenstein series of Klingen type 1990 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ On the Pullback of a Differential Operator and its Application 1990 Takakazu Satoh
Siegfried Böcherer
Tadashi Yamazaki
+ On Yoshida's theta lift 1990 Siegfried Böcherer
+ SIEGEL MODULAR FORMS AND QUATERNION ALGEBRAS : On a construction of H. Yoshida 1989 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Siegel modular forms and theta series 1989 Siegfried Böcherer
+ On Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms. 1988 S. Raghavan
Siegfried Böcherer
+ Rationality of Certain Formal Power Series Related to Local Densities 1987 Siegfried Böcherer
Fumihiro Satō
+ Ein Rationalitätssatz für formale Heckereihen zur Siegelsehen Modulgruppe 1986 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Über Funktionalgleichungen automorpher L-Funktionen zur Siegelschen Modulgruppe. 1985 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Über gewisse Siegelsche Modulformen zweiten Grades 1982 Siegfried Böcherer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Siegel modular forms and theta series attached to quaternion algebras 1991 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Introductory Lectures on Siegel Modular Forms 1990 Helmut Klingen
+ �ber die Fourier-Jacobi-Entwicklung Siegelscher Eisensteinreihen 1983 Siegfried B�cherer
+ The Theory of Jacobi Forms 1985 Martin Eichler
Don Zagier
+ PDF Siegel's Modular Forms and Dirichlet Series 1971 Hans Maaß
+ On Differential Operators on Automorphic Forms and Invariant Pluri-harmonic Polynomials 1999 Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
+ Quadratic Forms and Hecke Operators 1987 Anatolij N. Andrianov
+ Formes modulaires et fonctions zêta p-adiques 2009 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Siegel's modular forms and the arithmetic of quadratic forms 1980 Hiroyuki Yoshida
+ The Basis Problem for Modular Forms and the Traces of the Hecke Operators 1973 Martin Eichler
+ PDF Theta series and automorphic forms on $GL_{\eta}$ 1972 Hideo Shimizu
+ On Eisenstein series 1983 Goro Shimura
+ On the Segal-Shale-Weil representations and harmonic polynomials 1978 Masaki Kashiwara
Michèle Vergne
+ On mod p properties of Siegel modular forms 2007 Siegfried Böcherer
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ PDF Dirichlet series in the theory of Siegel modular forms 1984 Yoshiyuki Kitaoka
+ Jacobi forms of higher degree 1989 Christoph M. Ziegler
+ Decomposition of Eisenstein Series: Rankin Triple Products 1987 Paul Garrett
+ On the basis problem for Siegel modular forms with level 2008 Siegfried Böcherer
Hidenori Katsurada
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Mellin Transforms of Vector Valued Theta Series Attached to Quaternion Algebras 1994 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ �ber die Fourier-Jacobi-Entwicklung Siegelscher Eisensteinreihen II 1985 Siegfried B�cherer
+ Siegel modular forms and theta series 1989 Siegfried Böcherer
+ On Siegel modular forms obtained form theta series. 1984 Hiroyuki Yoshida
+ PDF Singular Modular Forms and Theta Relations 1991 Eberhard Freitag
+ Modular Forms and Hecke Operators 2015 A. S. Andrianov
В. Г. Журавлев
+ PDF On mod <i>p</i> singular modular forms 2016 Siegfried Böcherer
Toshiyuki Kikuta
+ Newforms and functional equations 1975 Wen Ch ing Winnie Li
+ On the Pullback of a Differential Operator and Its Application to Vector Valued Eisenstein Series 1992 Siegfried Böcherer
Takakazu Satoh
Tadashi Yamazaki
+ Poles and residues of Eisenstein series for symplectic and unitary groups 1986 Paul Feit
+ Trace Operator and Theta Series 1999 Siegfried Böcherer
Jens Funke
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Über Funktionalgleichungen automorpher L-Funktionen zur Siegelschen Modulgruppe. 1985 Siegfried Böcherer
+ On the central critical value of the triple product L-function 1995 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ On the Fourier coefficients of modular forms of several variables 2002 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Chat On p-Adic Properties of Siegel Modular Forms 2014 Siegfried Böcherer
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ Rational Quadratic Forms 1982 J. W. S. Cassels
+ Congruences for Siegel modular forms and their weights 2010 Siegfried Böcherer
Shōyū Nagaoka
+ PDF Newforms of half-integral weight. 1982 Winfried Kohnen
+ Ein Rationalitätssatz für formale Heckereihen zur Siegelsehen Modulgruppe 1986 Siegfried Böcherer
+ Special Values of Triple Product L-Functions 1993 Paul Garrett
Michael Harris
+ Lectures on Siegel Modular Forms and Representation by Quadratic Forms 1986 Yoshiyuki Kitaoka
+ The Dirichlet series of Koecher and Maaß and modular forms of weight 3/2 1992 Siegfried Böcherer
Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms 1993 Yoshiyuki Kitaoka
+ Vector-valued <i>p</i>-adic Siegel modular forms 2012 Takashi Ichikawa
+ On L-functions for GSp(4) X GL(2) and their special values. 1993 Masaaki Furusawa
+ Nearly holomorphic functions on hermitian symmetric spaces 1987 Goro Shimura
+ Action of the irregular Hecke operator of index p on the theta-series of a quadratic form 1987 С. А. Евдокимов
+ Jacobiformen und Thetareihen 1986 J. Kramer
+ A certain Dirichlet series attached to Siegel modular forms of degree two 1989 Winfried Kohnen
Nils-Peter Skoruppa
+ Fourier coefficients of modular forms of half-integral weight 1985 Winfried Kohnen
+ Sur les coefficients de Fourier des formes modulaires de poids demi-entier 1981 J. L. Waldspurger