V. A. Vassiliev


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Complements of discriminants of simple real function singularities 2024 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat To the isotopy classification of Morse polynomials of degree 3 in ${\mathbb R}^3$ 2024 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Complements of caustics of real function singularities 2024 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Cohomology of spaces of Hopf equivariant maps of spheres 2024 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Varieties of chord diagrams, braid group cohomology and degeneration of equality conditions 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Cohomology of Spaces of Complex Knots 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Algebraically integrable bodies and related properties of the Radon transform 2023 Mark Agranovsky
Jan Boman
Alexander Koldobsky
V. A. Vassiliev
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ On the homology of spaces of equivariant maps 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Complements of discriminants of real singularities of type $X_{10}$ 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Average intersection number of trigonometric plane curves in $L_2$ and $W_2^r$ statistics 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Complements of caustics of real function singularities 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Complements of Discriminants of Real Parabolic Function Singularities 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ To the rigid isotopy classification of Morse polynomials of degree 4 in ${\mathbb R}^2$ 2023 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Cohomology of spaces of complex knots 2022 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Complements of discriminants of real parabolic function singularities 2022 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Algebraically integrable bodies and related properties of the Radon transform 2022 Mark Agranovsky
Jan Boman
Alexander Koldobsky
V. A. Vassiliev
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ Cohomology of spaces of Hopf equivariant maps of spheres 2021 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Complements of discriminants of simple real function singularities 2021 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Varieties of chord diagrams, braid group cohomology and degeneration of equality conditions 2021 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Cohomology of spaces of Hopf equivariant maps of spheres 2021 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Algebroidally Integrable Bodies 2020 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Alexandre Mikhailovich Vinogradov 2020 A. M. Astashov
И.В. Асташова
A. Bocharov
V. M. Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
Alexander Verbovetsky
A. M. Vershik
А. П. Веселов
Michael M. Vinogradov
Luca Vitagliano
+ PDF Chat Alexandre Mikhailovich Vinogradov (obituary) 2020 A M Astashov
И.В. Асташова
Aleksei Vadimovich Bocharov
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
Alexander Verbovetsky
Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик
А. П. Веселов
Michael M. Vinogradov
L Vitagliano
+ PDF Chat New Examples of Irreducible Local Diffusion of Hyperbolic PDE's 2020 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology of the complex of not 2-divisible partitions 2020 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Integrable bodies in odd-dimensional spaces 2020 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat New Examples of Locally Algebraically Integrable Bodies 2019 V. A. Vassiliev
+ New examples of locally algebraically integrable bodies 2019 V. A. Vassiliev
+ New examples of locally algebraically integrable bodies 2019 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Twisted Homology of Configuration Spaces and Homology of Spaces of Equivariant Maps 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Vladimir Antonovich Zorich 2018 А. И. Аптекарев
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
M. Gromov
Yu. Ilyashenko
Борис Сергеевич Кашин
Владимир Михайлович Кесельман
В. В. Козлов
Maxim Kontsevich
I. M. Krichever
+ Twisted homology of configuration spaces, homology of spaces of equivariant maps, and stable homology of spaces of non-resultant systems of real homogeneous polynomials 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology of the complex of not 2-divisible partitions 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Stable Cohomology of Spaces of Non-Resultant Systems of Homogeneous Polynomials in ℝn 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Lacunas and local algebraicity of volume functions 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Sergei Vladimirovich Matveev (on his 70th birthday) 2018 Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
Andrei Yurievich Vesnin
Ivan Dynnikov
Yuri Grigor'evich Reshetnyak
Aleksei Bronislavovich Sossinsky
I. A. Taĭmanov
Vladimir G. Turaev
А. Т. Фоменко
Evgeny Fominykh
+ PDF Chat Lacunas and local algebraicity of volume functions 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Twisted homology of configuration spaces, homology of spaces of equivariant maps, and stable homology of spaces of non-resultant systems of real homogeneous polynomials 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology of the complex of not 2-divisible partitions 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Lacunas and local algebraicity of volume functions 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Stable cohomology of spaces of non-resultant polynomial systems in ℝ 3 2017 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Topology of Complexes of Edge Covering Partite Graphs and Hypergraphs 2017 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Rational homology of configuration spaces of the Moebius strip and projective plane 2017 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Multiplicities of Bifurcation Sets of Pham Singularities 2017 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Rational homology of configuration spaces of the Moebius strip and projective plane 2017 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Multiplicities of bifurcation sets of Pham singularities 2017 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Local Petrovskii lacunas close to parabolic singular points of the wavefronts of strictly hyperbolic partial differential equations 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Local Petrovskii lacunas close to parabolic singular points of the wavefronts of strictly hyperbolic partial differential equations 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Remembrance: “Sergei Duzhin (June 17, 1956–February 1, 2015)” 2016 Sergei Chmutov
Maksim Karev
A. Khovanski
J. Krasilshchik
S. K. Lando
Nikolai Mnëv
Gaiane Panina
Yu. Romanovski
Inna Scherbak
A. Sossinski
+ PDF Chat Linking numbers in non-orientable 3-manifolds 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Multiplicities of Maxwell sets of Pham singularities 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Linking numbers in non-orientable 3-manifolds 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology groups of spaces of non-resultant quadratic polynomial systems in $ {\mathbb R}^3$ 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology groups of spaces of non-resultant quadratic polynomial systems in ${\mathbb R}^3$ 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Multiplicities of Bifurcation Sets of Pham Singularities 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Linking numbers in non-orientable 3-manifolds 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Homology of Spaces of Non-Resultant Homogeneous Polynomial Systems in $${\mathbb R}^2$$ R 2 and $${\mathbb C}^2$$ C 2 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Rational homology of the order complex of zero sets of homogeneous quadratic polynomial systems in ℝ3 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat A Few Problems on Monodromy and Discriminants 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Newton's lemma XXVIII on integrable ovals in higher dimensions and reflection groups 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Rational homology of the order complex of zero sets of homogeneous quadratic polynomial systems in $R^3$ 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ A few problems on monodromy and discriminants 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology groups of spaces of non-resultant quadratic polynomial systems in R^3 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ How to calculate homology groups of spaces of nonsingular algebraic projective hypersurfaces 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On Finite Order Invariants of Triple Points Free Plane Curves 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Spaces of Hermitian operators with simple spectra and their finite-order cohomology 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology of spaces of homogeneous polynomials in $R^2$ without multiple zeros 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology of spaces of non-resultant polynomial systems in R^2 and C^2 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ There are no algebraically integrable ovals in even-dimensional spaces 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On $r$-neighborly submanifolds in $R^N$ 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Topology of plane arrangements and their complements 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On Finite Order Invariants of Triple Points Free Plane Curves 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ How to calculate homology groups of spaces of nonsingular algebraic projective hypersurfaces 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Monodromy of complete intersections and surface potentials 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Spaces of Hermitian operators with simple spectra and their finite-order cohomology 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Stratified Picard-Lefschetz Theory with Twisted Coefficients 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On combinatorial formulas for cohomology of spaces of knots 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology groups of spaces of non-resultant quadratic polynomial systems in R^3 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Complexes of connected graphs 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Singularities 2013 András Némethi
Duco van Straten
V. A. Vassiliev
+ Lev Dmitrievich Kudryavtsev (obituary) 2012 D. V. Anosov
V. A. Vassiliev
Vasilii S Vladimirov
Revaz Valerianovich Gamkrelidze
A A Gonchar
В. А. Ильин
Валерий Васильевич Козлов
A.V. Kryazhimskiy
Sergei M Nikol'skii
Алексей Николаевич Паршин
+ Vladimir Mikhailovich Zakalyukin (obituary) 2012 Andrei Agrachev
D. V. Anosov
I. A. Bogaevskii
A. S. Bortakovskii
Ali Budak
V. A. Vassiliev
Viktor Vladimirovich Goryunov
S. M. Gusein‐Zade
А. А. Давыдов
V R Zarodov
+ A topological proof of the Arnold four cusps theorem 2011 V. A. Vassiliev
+ GAUSS DIAGRAM INVARIANTS OF LINKS IN M<sup>2</sup> × <font>R</font><sup>1</sup> 2011 S. A. Grishanov
V. A. Vassiliev
V. A. Vassiliev
+ Fiedler type combinatorial formulas for generalized Fiedler type invariants of knots in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>M</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="bold">R</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> 2009 S. A. Grishanov
V. A. Vassiliev
Vadim Meshkov
V. A. Vassiliev
+ Two constructions of weight systems for invariants of knots in non-trivial 3-manifolds 2008 S. A. Grishanov
V. A. Vassiliev
+ Combinatorial Formulas for Cohomology of Spaces of Knots 2007 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial computation of combinatorial formulas for knot invariants 2005 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Инварианты и когомологии первого порядка для пространств вложений самопересекающихся кривых в $\mathbb R^n$ 2005 Виктор Анатольевич Васильев
V. A. Vassiliev
Виктор Анатольевич Васильев
V. A. Vassiliev
+ Ramified integrals and Picard–Lefschetz theories 2004 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Spaces of Hermitian Operators with Simple Spectra and their Finite-Order Cohomology 2003 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Local monodromy theory of isolated singularities of functions and complete intersections 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homology of local systems, twisted monodromy theory, and regularization of improper integration cycles 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Stratified Picard–Lefschetz theory and monodromy of hyperplane sections 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Multidimensional hypergeometric functions, their ramification, singularities, and resonances 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Applied Picard–Lefschetz Theory 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Applied Picard-Lefschetz theory 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Homology of spaces of knots in any dimensions 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Relative homotopy groups and the exact sequence of a pair 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Homotopy groups and homotopy equivalence 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Main properties of singular homology groups and their computation 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Cohomology and Poincaré duality 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Some applications of homology theory 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Multiplication in cohomology (and homology) 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Introduction to Topology 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Resolutions of discriminants and topology of their complements 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Combinatorial Formulas for Cohomology of Knot Spaces 2001 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Топология наборов плоскостей и их дополнений 2001 Виктор Анатольевич Васильев
V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat On finite order invariants of triple point free plane curves 1999 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On a problem by M. Kazarian 1999 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Topology of two-connected graphs and homology of spaces of knots 1999 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On finite order invariants of triple point free plane curves. 1999 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Geometry of Differential Equations 1998 Askold Khovanskiĭ
A. Varchenko
V. A. Vassiliev
various names
+ PDF Chat On $r$-neighbourly submanifolds in $\mathbb R^N$ 1998 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat On invariants and homology of spaces of knots in arbitrary manifolds 1998 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Monodromy of Complete Intersections and Surface Potentials 1998 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Stratified Picard-Lefschetz theory with twisted coefficients 1997 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Topics in Singularity Theory 1997 A. KhovanskiÄ­
Alexander Varchenko
V. A. Vassiliev
+ On invariants and homology of spaces of knots in arbitrary manifolds 1997 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Holonomic Links and Smale Principles for Multisingularities 1997 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Topology of two-connected graphs and homology of spaces of knots 1997 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On invariants and homology of spaces of knots in arbitrary manifolds 1997 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Sixth Painlevé Equation, Universal Elliptic Curve, and Mirror of $\bold{P}^2$ 1996 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Alexander Varchenko
V. A. Vassiliev
Yu. I. Manin
+ PDF Chat Stratified Picard-Lefschetz theory 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Stratified Picard--Lefschetz theory 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On the spaces of polynomial knots 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Newton’s Theorem on the Nonintegrability of Ovals 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ On the spaces of polynomial knots 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Picard—Lefschetz—Pham Theory and Singularity Theory 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Lacunas and the Local Petrovskiĭ Condition for Hyperbolic Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Newton’s Potential of Algebraic Layers 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Ramified Integrals, Singularities and Lacunas 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Calculation of Local Petrovskiĭ Cycles and Enumeration of Local Lacunas Close to Real Function Singularities 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Topology of Discriminants and Their Complements 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Stratified Picard--Lefschetz theory 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Complexes of Connected Graphs 1993 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Characteristic classes of singularities 1992 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Lacunas of hyperbolic partial differential operators and singularity theory 1992 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Cohomology of the space of knots 1992 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Cohomology of braid groups and configuration spaces 1992 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Topology of spaces of real functions without complicated singularities 1992 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of knot spaces 1990 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Topology of complements to discriminants and loop spaces 1990 V. A. Vassiliev
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Complements of Discriminants of Smooth Maps: Topology and Applications 1992 V. A. Vasil’ev
+ On some topological invariants of algebraic functions 1970 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of knot spaces 1990 V. A. Vassiliev
+ None 1994 Michael Polyak
Oleg Viro
+ Applied Picard–Lefschetz Theory 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Stratified Morse Theory 1988 Mark Goresky
Robert MacPherson
+ PDF Chat On the Vassiliev knot invariants 1995 Dror Bar-Natan
+ PDF Chat Real cohomology groups of the space of nonsingular curves of degree 5 in \mathbb{CP}^{2} 2005 Alexei G. Gorinov
+ Applied Picard-Lefschetz theory 2002 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Knot polynomials and Vassiliev's invariants 1993 Joan S. Birman
Xiao-Song Lin
+ Cohomologie d'immeubles et de groupes s-arithmétiques 1976 Armand Borel
Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Complexes of Connected Graphs 1993 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Topology of complements of discriminants and resultants 2000 Andrzej Kozłowski
Kohhei Yamaguchi
+ Sur La Cohomologie des Espaces Fibres Principaux et des Espaces Homogenes de Groupes de Lie Compacts 1953 Armand Borel
+ The Homology of "k-Equal" Manifolds and Related Partition Lattices 1995 Anders Björner
Volkmar Welker
+ Gauss Diagram Invariants for Knots and Links 2001 Thomas Fiedler
+ On the diffusion of waves and the lacunas for hyperbolic equations 1945 I. G. Petrovskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Sharp Fronts of Paired Oscillatory Integrals 1976 Lars Gårding
+ PDF Chat The topology of rational functions and divisors of surfaces 1991 Fred Cohen
Ralph L. Cohen
Benjamin M. Mann
R. James Milgram
+ PDF Chat Finite-type invariants of classical and virtual knots 2000 Mikhail Goussarov
Michael Polyak
Oleg Viro
+ Vassiliev’s knot invariants 1993 Maxim Kontsevich
+ A small state sum for knots 1993 Thomas Fiedler
+ PDF Chat Lacunas for hyperbolic differential operators with constant coefficients I 1970 Michael Atiyah
R. Bott
Lars Gårding
+ Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica 1687 Isaac Newton
+ PDF Chat On invariants and homology of spaces of knots in arbitrary manifolds 1998 V. A. Vassiliev
+ How to calculate homology groups of spaces of nonsingular algebraic projective hypersurfaces 2014 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Newton's lemma XXVIII on integrable ovals in higher dimensions and reflection groups 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Un prolongement de la transformation de Laplace qui transforme la solution unitaire d'un opérateur hyperbolique en sa solution élémentaire. (Problème de Cauchy. IV.) 1962 Jean Leray
+ PDF Chat Lacunas and local algebraicity of volume functions 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Joins and Weighted Barycenters 2011 Sadok Kallel
Rym Karoui
+ Rational homology of the order complex of zero sets of homogeneous quadratic polynomial systems in ℝ3 2015 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Singularities of Differentiable Maps 1985 Vladimir I. Arnold
S. M. Guseĭn-Zade
Alexander Varchenko
+ The complement of the bifurcation variety of a simple singularity 1974 Eduard Looijenga
+ PDF Chat Topology of two-connected graphs and homology of spaces of knots 1999 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 1968 John Milnor
+ Finite-order invariants of ornaments 1998 A B Merkov
+ The discriminant of a real simple singularity 1977 Eduard Looijenga
+ Homologie Singuliere Des Espaces Fibres 1951 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Stable mappings and their singularities 1973 Martin Golubitsky
Victor Guillemin
+ Homology groups of spaces of non-resultant quadratic polynomial systems in $ {\mathbb R}^3$ 2016 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Topology of Discriminants and Their Complements 1995 V. A. Vassiliev
+ Vassiliev invariants classify plane curves and doodles 2003 A B Merkov
+ Le groupe de monodromie du déploiement des singularités isolées de courbes planes I 1975 Norbert A’Campo
+ The homology of C n+1-Spaces, n≥0 1976 Fred Cohen
Vadim Meshkov
V. A. Vassiliev
+ Spaces of functions with moderate singularities 1990 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ Stable Cohomology of Spaces of Non-Resultant Systems of Homogeneous Polynomials in ℝn 2018 V. A. Vassiliev
+ The cohomology ring of the colored braid group 1969 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ Combinatorial Formulas for Cohomology of Knot Spaces 2001 V. A. Vassiliev