Marie A. Vitulli


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Writing Women in Mathematics Into Wikipedia 2018 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Gender Differences in First Jobs for New US PhDs in the Mathematical Sciences 2018 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Gender Differences in First Jobs for New US PhDs in the Mathematical Sciences 2017 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Writing Women in Mathematics into Wikipedia 2017 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Gender Differences in First Jobs for New US PhDs in the Mathematical Sciences 2017 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Writing Women in Mathematics into Wikipedia 2017 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Weak subintegral closure of ideals 2010 Terence Gaffney
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Weak normality and seminormality 2010 Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Serre's Condition R<sub>ℓ</sub>for Affine Semigroup Rings 2009 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Weak Normality and Seminormality 2009 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Weak subintegral closure of ideals 2007 Terence Gaffney
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Serre's Condition R_l for Affine Semigroup Rings 2007 Marie A. Vitulli
+ The core of zero-dimensional monomial ideals 2006 Claudia Polini
Bernd Ulrich
Marie A. Vitulli
+ The Core of 0-Dimensional Monomial Ideals 2006 Claudia Polini
Bernd Ulrich
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Some Results on Normal Homogeneous Ideals 2003 Les Reid
Leslie G. Roberts
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Some normal monomial ideals 2003 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Some Results On Normal Homogeneous Ideals 2002 Les Reid
Leslie G. Roberts
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Some normal monomial ideals 2002 Marie A. Vitulli
+ The weak subintegral closure of an ideal 1999 Marie A. Vitulli
John Leahy
+ The weak subintegral closure of a monomial ideal 1999 Les Reid
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Orderings and prime-like subsets of a commutative ring 1992 K.G. Valente
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Prime-like subsets of a commutative ring 1992 Marie A. Vitulli
+ A categorical approach to the theory of equations 1990 David K. Harrison
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Complex-valued preplaces and the nonring cmc subsets of a ring 1990 K.G. Valente
Marie A. Vitulli
+ V-valuations of a commutative ring, I 1989 David K. Harrison
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Homeomorphism versus isomorphism for varieties 1989 Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Corrections to “Seminormal rings and weakly normal varieties” 1987 Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Seminormal graded rings and weakly normal projective varieties 1985 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ The Hyperplane Sections of Weakly Normal Varieties 1983 Marie A. Vitulli
+ On grade and formal connectivity for weakly normal varieties 1983 Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Seminormal rings and weakly normal varieties 1981 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Complete intersections in 𝐶ⁿ and 𝑅²ⁿ 1980 Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat The obstruction of the formal moduli space in the negatively graded case 1979 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Weierstrass points and monomial curves 1977 Dock Sang Rim
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Weakly normal varieties: The multicross singularity and some vanishing theorems on local cohomology 1975 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Seminormality and Picard group 1970 Carlo Traverso
+ PDF Chat Seminormal rings and weakly normal varieties 1981 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ The weak subintegral closure of a monomial ideal 1999 Les Reid
Marie A. Vitulli
+ On the R-invariance of R[X] 1975 Eloise Hamann
+ On seminormality 1980 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Chat Normal ideals of graded rings 2000 Sara Faridi
+ PDF Chat Some results on weakly normal ring extensions 1983 Hiroshi Yanagihara
+ On weak subintegrality 1996 Les Reid
Leslie G. Roberts
Balwant Singh
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ PDF Chat Corrections to “Seminormal rings and weakly normal varieties” 1987 Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Weakly normal varieties: The multicross singularity and some vanishing theorems on local cohomology 1975 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Prime Divisors 1983 Stephen McAdam
+ PDF Chat Some Results on Normal Homogeneous Ideals 2003 Les Reid
Leslie G. Roberts
Marie A. Vitulli
+ A topological criterion for local optimality of weakly normal complex spaces 1979 William A. Adkins
John Leahy
+ Core versus graded core, and global sections of line bundles 2003 Eero Hyry
Karen E. Smith
+ La convexité holomorphe dans l'espace analytique des cycles d'une variété algébrique 1967 Aldo Andreotti
François Norguet
+ Complete Intersections and Connectedness 1962 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat On a non-vanishing conjecture of Kawamata and the core of an ideal 2003 Eero Hyry
Karen E. Smith
+ Normal polytopes, triangulations, and Koszul algebras. 1997 Winfried Bruns
Joseph Gubeladze
Viet Nguyen-Khac
+ Segre Numbers and Hypersurface Singularities 1996 Terence Gaffney
Robert Gassler
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ <i>a</i>-Transforms of Local Rings and a Theorem on Multiplicities of Ideals 1961 D. Andrew S. Rees
+ On an intrinsic definition of weakly normal rings 1985 Hiroshi Yanagihara
+ The primary components of and integral closures of ideals in 3-dimensional regular local rings 1986 Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Specialization of integral dependence for modules 1999 Terence Gaffney
Steven L. Kleiman
+ The weak subintegral closure of an ideal 1999 Marie A. Vitulli
John Leahy
+ Integral closure of ideals, rings, and modules 2006 Craig Huneke
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Basic Algebraic Geometry 1974 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ Rings of Invariants of Tori, Cohen-Macaulay Rings Generated by Monomials, and Polytopes 1972 Melvin Hochster
+ Commutative Semigroup Rings 1984 Robert Gilmer
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ V-valuations of a commutative ring, I 1989 David K. Harrison
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Core and residual intersections of ideals 2002 Alberto Corso
Claudia Polini
Bernd Ulrich
+ Subintegrality, invertible modules and the Picard group 1993 Leslie G. Roberts
Balwant Singh
+ A numerical characterization of the S2-ification of a Rees algebra 2002 Cătălin Ciupercă
+ Lectures on complex analytic varieties : the local parametrization theorem 1970 Robert C. Gunning
+ PDF Chat Seminormal graded rings and weakly normal projective varieties 1985 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Géométrie algébrique et géométrie analytique 1956 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Monomial Subrings in Arbitrary Dimension 2001 Les Reid
Leslie G. Roberts
+ PDF Chat The cotangent complex of a morphism 1967 Stephen Lichtenbaum
Michael Schlessinger
+ PDF Chat Valuations on a commutative ring 1969 Merle E. Manis
+ The structure of generic subintegrality 1995 Les Reid
Leslie G. Roberts
Balwant Singh
+ PDF Chat The hyperplane sections of normal varieties 1950 A. Seidenberg
+ Lectures on Polytopes 1994 Günter M. Ziegler
+ On grade and formal connectivity for weakly normal varieties 1983 Marie A. Vitulli
+ Integral closure of modules and Whitney equisingularity 1992 Terence Gaffney
+ The core of zero-dimensional monomial ideals 2006 Claudia Polini
Bernd Ulrich
Marie A. Vitulli
+ On Pic(R[X]) for R seminormal 1980 Robert Gilmer
Raymond C. Heitmann
+ The structure of the core of ideals 2001 Alberto Corso
Claudia Polini
Bernd Ulrich