Louise Young


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Assessing the Alignment of Pharmacotherapeutics Course Outcomes With Topic Outcomes 2018 Numa Vera
Louise Young
Linda Sweet
+ Toward A Normative Theory of Normative Marketing Theory 2012 Ian Wilkinson
Louise Young
+ Innovation and Evolution of Business Relations and Networks: Theory and Method 2012 Ian Wilkinson
Louise Young
+ The Evolution of Cooperation in Business 2012 Dan Ladley
Ian Wilkinson
Louise Young
+ Toward A Normative Theory of Normative Marketing Theory 2012 Ian B. Wilkinson
Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Toward a normative theory of normative marketing theory 2005 Ian Wilkinson
Louise Young
+ PDF Chat A converse to some inequalities and approximations in the theory of Stieltjes and stochastic integrals, and for nth derivatives 1976 Louise Young
+ On D. J. Patil's remarkable generalisation of Cauchy's formula 1974 Louise Young
+ Lectures on the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory. 1971 Hans Sagan
Louise Young
+ Harold Douglas Ursell 1970 Louise Young
+ Mathematics: <i>Lectures on Choquet's Theorem</i> . Robert R. Phelps. Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1966. 136 pp., illus. Paper, $2.50. 1966 Louise Young
+ Mathematics: <i>Lectures on Choquet's Theorem</i> . Robert R. Phelps. Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1966. 136 pp., illus. Paper, $2.50. 1966 Louise Young
+ Mathematical Discovery. On understanding, learning, and teaching problem solving. vol. 2. George Polya. Wiley, New York, 1965. xxiv + 191 pp. Illus. $5.50 1965 Louise Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes V. The relative area of a Klein bottle 1963 Louise Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes IV. The algebraic and the geometric resultant, an application of variational methods 1963 Wendell H. Fleming
Louise Young
+ Creativity in Mathematics. (Book Reviews: Mathematical Discovery on Understanding, Learning, and Teaching Problem Solving. vol. 1) 1963 Louise Young
+ Essays Honoring Pólya: <i>Studies in Mathematical Analysis and Related Topics</i> . Essays in honor of George Pólya. Edited by Gabor Szegö and others. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif., 1962. xxiv + 447 pp. Illus. $10. 1963 Louise Young
+ Essays Honoring Pólya: <i>Studies in Mathematical Analysis and Related Topics</i> . Essays in honor of George Pólya. Edited by Gabor Szegö and others. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif., 1962. xxiv + 447 pp. Illus. $10. 1963 Louise Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes III. Problems of the geometry and analysis of the higher euclidean spaces 1963 Louise Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes II. On the “radius times periphery” problem for area 1962 Louise Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes I. Polyhedral geodesic strips 1962 Louise Young
+ <i>Integral Equations</i> . And their applications to certain problems in mechanics, mathematical physics and technology. S. G. Mikhlin. Translated from the Russian by A. H. Armstrong. Pergamon Press, New York and London, 1957. xii+ 338 pp. $12.50. 1958 Louise Young
+ Remarks on a chapter of the integral 1958 Louise Young
+ Generalized surfaces with prescribed elementary boundary 1956 Wendell H. Fleming
Louise Young
+ Representations of generalized surfaces as mixtures 1956 Wendell H. Fleming
Louise Young
+ On generalized surfaces of finite topological types 1955 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat A generalized notion of boundary 1954 Wendell H. Fleming
Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Continuity of area for harmonic surfaces with boundaries of uniformly bounded length 1952 K. H. Carlson
Louise Young
+ Remarks on the theory of prime ends 1951 H. D. Ursell
Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Some applications of the Dirichlet integral to the theory of surfaces 1948 Louise Young
+ On the Isoperimetric Ratio for a Harmonic Surface 1946 Louise Young
+ A Lemma in the Theory of Surfaces 1944 Louise Young
+ An expression connected with the area of a surface z=F(x,y) 1944 Louise Young
+ A Further Inequality for Stieltjes Integrals 1943 Louise Young
+ On the Convergence of Fourier-Bessel Series 1942 Louise Young
+ On an Inequality of Marcel Riesz 1939 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Intégrales généralisées de Stieltjes et convergence des séries de Fourier 1939 Louise Young
+ Inequalities connected with binary derivation, integrated lipschitz conditions and fourier series 1938 Louise Young
+ General inequalities for Stieltjes integrals and the convergence of Fourier series 1938 Louise Young
+ On Fractional Integration by Parts 1938 E. R. Love
Louise Young
+ Inequalities Connected with Bounded <i> <sub>p</sub> </i> th Power Variation in the Wiener Sense and with Integrated Lipschitz Conditions 1938 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat An inequality of the Hölder type, connected with Stieltjes integration 1936 Louise Young
+ Limits of Stieltjes Integrals 1934 Louise Young
+ On the combinatory scheme of analysis 1931 Louise Young
+ Note on the Theory of Measure 1930 Louise Young
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On generalized surfaces of finite topological types 1955 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Surfaces paramétriques généralisées 1951 Laurent Chisholm Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes I. Polyhedral geodesic strips 1962 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat A generalized notion of boundary 1954 Wendell H. Fleming
Louise Young
+ The Quadratic Variation of a Function and its Fourier Coefficients 1924 Norbert Wiener
+ A convergence criterion for Fourier series 1928 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ A Lemma in the Theory of Surfaces 1944 Louise Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes II. On the “radius times periphery” problem for area 1962 Louise Young
+ An Existence Theorem of Calculus of Variations for Integrals on Parametric Surfaces 1952 Lamberto Cesari
+ PDF Chat Parametrizations of saddle surfaces, with application to the problem of plateau 1933 E. J. McShane
+ Über einige Eigenschaften von Kurvenintegralen und über die Äquivalenz von indefiniten mit definiten Variationsproblemen 1947 Wilhelm Damköhler
Eberhard Hopf
+ On the Isoperimetric Ratio for a Harmonic Surface 1946 Louise Young
+ Théorie des opérations linéaires 1932 Stefan Banach
+ PDF Chat On the Null Space of a One-System and its Associated Complexes 1898 William Young
+ PDF Chat On Systems of One-Vectors in Space of n Dimensions 1897 William Young
+ The Arithmetic and Geometric Means 1935 Harald Bohr
+ PDF Chat An inequality of the Hölder type, connected with Stieltjes integration 1936 Louise Young
+ Some properties of fractional integrals. I. 1928 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat L'intégrale de Riemann-Liouville et le problème de Cauchy 1949 Marcel Riesz
+ PDF Chat Some applications of the Dirichlet integral to the theory of surfaces 1948 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Toward a normative theory of normative marketing theory 2005 Ian Wilkinson
Louise Young
+ On the Problem of Plateau 2014 Tibor Radó
+ The Evolution of Cooperation in Business 2012 Dan Ladley
Ian Wilkinson
Louise Young
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes V. The relative area of a Klein bottle 1963 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat The Gauss-Green theorem 1945 Herbert Fédérer
+ Some extremal questions for simplicial complexes III. Problems of the geometry and analysis of the higher euclidean spaces 1963 Louise Young
+ A general form of the covering principle and relative differentiation of additive functions 1945 A. S. Besicovitch
+ Zur Theorie der Komplexgrößena ijk 1939 Roland Weitzenböck
+ PDF Chat Analogie entre les séries sphériques au point de vue de leur sommabilité par les moyennes arithmétiques 1923 Ervand Kogbetliantz
+ On functions of rectangles and their application to analytic functions 1934 Stanisław Saks
Antoni Zygmund
+ Altruism may arise from individual selection 2004 Ángel Sánchez
José A. Cuesta
+ Algebraic topology 1942 Solomon Lefschetz
+ PDF Chat The Evolvability of Business and the Role of Antitrust 2006 Ian Wilkinson
+ Some properties of fractional integrals. II 1932 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat Ueber unendliche, lineare Punktmannichfaltigkeiten 1884 Georg Cantor
+ Generalized curves 1940 E. J. McShane
+ PDF Chat Sur la nature des fonctions à carré sommable et des ensembles mesurables 1923 A. Besikovitch
+ PDF Chat Sur une classe de fonctionnelles linéaires 1937 Edward O. D. Love
Louisa Young
+ PDF Chat On area and length 1948 L. Young
+ The Theory and Applications of Harmonic Integrals 1989 W. V. D. Hodge
+ The Theory and Applications of Harmonic Integrals 1941 Patrick Du Val
+ Representations of generalized surfaces as mixtures 1956 Wendell H. Fleming
Louise Young
+ Über homogene Funktionen auf dem Graßmann-Kegel 1958 Woldemar Barthel
+ The parametric variational problem for double integrals 1961 Charles B. Morrey
+ On Sufficient Conditions for a Function to be Analytic, and on Behaviour of Analytic Functions in the Neighbourhood of Non-Isolated Singular Points 1931 A. S. Besicovitch
+ A Theorem on Trigonometric Series 1935 B. Kuttner