Igor Klep


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Monoid algebras and graph products 2025 Wilfried Imrich
Igor Klep
Daniel Smertnig
+ A model theoretic perspective on matrix rings 2025 Igor Klep
Marcus Tressl
+ Complete Upper Bound Hierarchies for Spectral Minimum in Noncommutative Polynomial Optimization 2025 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Duality, extreme points and hulls for noncommutative partial convexity 2024 Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Tea Štrekelj
+ PDF Chat Upper bound hierarchies for noncommutative polynomial optimization 2024 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Gaël Massé
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat A Random Copositive Matrix Is Completely Positive with Positive Probability 2024 Igor Klep
Tea Štrekelj
Aljaž Zalar
+ PDF Chat Matrix extreme points and free extreme points of free spectrahedra 2024 Aidan Epperly
Eric Evert
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat Monoid algebras and graph products 2024 Wilfried Imrich
Igor Klep
Daniel Smertnig
+ PDF Chat Relaxations and Exact Solutions to Quantum Max Cut via the Algebraic Structure of Swap Operators 2024 Adam Bene Watts
Anirban Chowdhury
Aidan Epperly
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat Cross-positive linear maps, positive polynomials and sums of squares 2024 Igor Klep
Klemen Šivic
Aljaž Zalar
+ Positivstellensätze and Moment problems with Universal Quantifiers 2024 Xiaomeng Hu
Igor Klep
Jiawang Nie
+ PDF Chat State polynomials: positivity, optimization and nonlinear Bell inequalities 2023 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Jurij Volčič
Jie Wang
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Nullstellensätze and Perfect Games 2023 Adam Bene Watts
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat Ranks of linear matrix pencils separate simultaneous similarity orbits 2023 Harm Derksen
Igor Klep
Visu Makam
Jurij Volčič
+ A random copositive matrix is completely positive with positive probability 2023 Igor Klep
Tea Štrekelj
Aljaž Zalar
+ Sums of squares certificates for polynomial moment inequalities 2023 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Jurij Volčič
+ Relaxations and Exact Solutions to Quantum Max Cut via the Algebraic Structure of Swap Operators 2023 Adam Bene Watts
Anirban Chowdhury
Aidan Epperly
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
+ Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for non-commutative optimization problems 2023 Mateus Araújo
Igor Klep
Tamás Vértesi
Andrew J. P. Garner
Miguel Navascués
+ Noncommutative Polynomial Optimization 2022 Abhishek Bhardwaj
Igor Klep
Victor Magron
+ PDF Chat Globally trace-positive noncommutative polynomials and the unbounded tracial moment problem 2022 Igor Klep
Claus Scheiderer
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Dimension-Free Entanglement Detection in Multipartite Werner States 2022 Felix Huber
Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Facial structure of matrix convex sets 2022 Igor Klep
Tea Štrekelj
+ Globally trace-positive noncommutative polynomials and the unbounded tracial moment problem 2022 Igor Klep
Claus Scheiderer
Jurij Volčič
+ Matrix Extreme Points and Free extreme points of Free spectrahedra 2022 Aidan Epperly
Eric Evert
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Nullstellens\"atze and Perfect Games 2021 Adam Bene Watts
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative partially convex rational functions 2021 Michael T. Jury
Igor Klep
Mark E. Mancuso
Scott McCullough
J. E. Pascoe
+ PDF Chat Facial structure of matrix convex sets 2021 Igor Klep
Tea Štrekelj
+ PDF Chat Optimization Over Trace Polynomials 2021 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Positive univariate trace polynomials 2021 Igor Klep
J. E. Pascoe
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Sparse noncommutative polynomial optimization 2021 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Janez Povh
+ A Note on Group Representations, Determinantal Hypersurfaces and Their Quantizations 2021 Igor Klep
Jurij Volčič
+ Noncommutative Nullstellensätze and Perfect Games 2021 Adam Bene Watts
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
+ Ranks of linear matrix pencils separate simultaneous similarity orbits 2021 Harm Derksen
Igor Klep
Visu Makam
Jurij Volčič
+ Noncommutative Polynomial Optimization 2021 Abhishek Bhardwaj
Igor Klep
Victor Magron
+ PDF Chat Plurisubharmonic noncommutative rational functions 2020 Harry Dym
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Jurij Volčič
+ Noncommutative rational functions invariant under the action of a finite solvable group 2020 Igor Klep
J. E. Pascoe
Gregor Podlogar
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Optimization over trace polynomials 2020 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Polynomials Describing Convex Sets 2020 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Factorization of Noncommutative Polynomials and Nullstellensätze for the Free Algebra 2020 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Jurij Volčič
+ Noncommutative partially convex rational functions 2020 Michael T. Jury
Igor Klep
Mark E. Mancuso
Scott McCullough
J. E. Pascoe
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Partial Convexity Via $$\Gamma $$-Convexity 2020 Michael T. Jury
Igor Klep
Mark E. Mancuso
Scott McCullough
J. E. Pascoe
+ Local theory of free noncommutative functions: germs, meromorphic functions, and Hermite interpolation 2020 Igor Klep
Victor Vinnikov
Jurij Volčič
+ Bianalytic free maps between spectrahedra and spectraballs 2020 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Jurij Volčič
+ Classifying minimal vanishing sums of roots of unity 2020 L Kovar Christie
Kenneth J. Dykema
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat A Matrix Positivstellensatz with Lifting Polynomials 2020 Igor Klep
Jiawang Nie
+ PDF Chat Multipartite Rational Functions 2020 Igor Klep
Victor Vinnikov
Jurij Volčič
+ Sparse Noncommutative Polynomial Optimization 2019 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Janez Povh
+ Factorization of noncommutative polynomials and Nullstellens\"atze for the free algebra 2019 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Free Bianalytic Maps between Spectrahedra and Spectraballs in a Generic Setting 2019 Meric Augat
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat Dilations, Linear Matrix Inequalities, the Matrix Cube Problem and Beta Distributions 2019 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Markus Schweighofer
+ Sparse Noncommutative Polynomial Optimization 2019 Igor Klep
Victor Magron
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat Positive trace polynomials and the universal Procesi-Schacher conjecture 2018 Igor Klep
Špela Špenko
Jurij Volčič
+ Geometry of free loci and factorization of noncommutative polynomials 2018 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Bianalytic maps between free spectrahedra 2018 Meric Augat
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ A Model Theoretic Perspective on Matrix Rings 2018 Igor Klep
Marcus Tressl
+ PDF Chat Minimizer Extraction in Polynomial Optimization Is Robust 2018 Igor Klep
Janez Povh
Jurij Volčič
+ Skolem–Noether algebras 2017 Matej Brešar
Christoph Hanselka
Igor Klep
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat The Real Spectrum of a Noncommutative Ring and the Artin-Lang Homomorphism Theorem 2017 Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat There Are Many More Positive Maps Than Completely Positive Maps 2017 Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Klemen Šivic
Aljaž Zalar
+ PDF Chat Extreme Points of Matrix Convex Sets, Free Spectrahedra, and Dilation Theory 2017 Eric Evert
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Null- and Positivstellensätze for rationally resolvable ideals 2017 Igor Klep
Victor Vinnikov
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat The tracial Hahn–Banach theorem, polar duals, matrix convex sets, and projections of free spectrahedra 2017 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat Free loci of matrix pencils and domains of noncommutative rational functions 2017 Igor Klep
Jurij Volčič
+ PDF Chat Regular and positive noncommutative rational functions 2017 Igor Klep
J. E. Pascoe
Jurij Volčič
+ Free bianalytic maps between spectrahedra and spectraballs in a generic setting 2017 Meric Augat
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Circular free spectrahedra 2016 Eric Evert
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Instances of the Kaplansky–Lvov multilinear conjecture for polynomials of degree three 2016 Kenneth J. Dykema
Igor Klep
+ Sweeping words and the length of a generic vector subspace of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>M</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">F</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2016 Igor Klep
Špela Špenko
+ PDF Chat On trace-convex noncommutative polynomials 2016 Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Christopher Nelson
+ Optimization of Polynomials in Non-Commuting Variables 2016 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Eigenvalue Optimization of Polynomials in Non-commuting Variables 2016 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Cyclic Equivalence to Sums of Hermitian Squares 2016 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Detecting Sums of Hermitian Squares 2016 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Selected Results from Algebra and Mathematical Optimization 2016 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ The tracial Hahn-Banach theorem and matrix convex sets 2016 Igor Klep
+ Trace Optimization of Polynomials in Non-commuting Variables 2016 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat Free Function Theory Through Matrix Invariants 2015 Igor Klep
Špela Špenko
+ PDF Chat Matrix convex hulls of free semialgebraic sets 2015 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Constrained trace-optimization of polynomials in freely noncommuting variables 2015 Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat Rational sums of hermitian squares of free noncommutative polynomials 2015 Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Multipartite rational functions 2015 Igor Klep
Victor Vinnikov
Jurij Volčič
+ Dilations, Linear Matrix Inequalities, the Matrix Cube Problem and Beta Distributions 2014 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Markus Schweighofer
+ Inclusion of spectrahedra, dilations, the matrix cube problem and coin tossing 2014 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat A tracial Nullstellensatz 2014 Igor Klep
Špela Špenko
+ Noncommutative polynomials nonnegative on a variety intersect a convex set 2014 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Christopher Nelson
+ Dilations, Linear Matrix Inequalities, the Matrix Cube Problem and Beta Distributions 2014 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat Addendum to “Connesʼ embedding conjecture and sums of hermitian squares” [Adv. Math. 217 (4) (2008) 1816–1837] 2013 Sabine Burgdorf
Ken Dykema
Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat On real one-sided ideals in a free algebra 2013 Jakob Cimprič
J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Christopher Nelson
+ PDF Chat An Exact Duality Theory for Semidefinite Programming Based on Sums of Squares 2013 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ Free Convex Algebraic Geometry 2013 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Chapter 8: Free Convex Algebraic Geometry 2012 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Janez Povh
Angelika Wiegele
+ Algorithmic aspects of sums of Hermitian squares of noncommutative polynomials 2012 Sabine Burgdorf
Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ The convex Positivstellensatz in a free algebra 2012 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat A local-global principle for linear dependence of noncommutative polynomials 2012 Matej Brešar
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat The matricial relaxation of a linear matrix inequality 2012 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat The truncated tracial moment problem 2012 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat Free Analysis, Convexity and LMI Domains 2012 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat Constrained Polynomial Optimization Problems with Noncommuting Variables 2012 Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat The truncated tracial moment problem 2012 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
+ Free analysis, convexity and LMI domains 2012 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Algorithmic aspects of sums of hermitian squares 2012 Sabine Burgdorf
Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat Semidefinite programming in matrix unknowns which are dimension free 2011 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat The tracial moment problem and trace-optimization of polynomials 2011 Sabine Burgdorf
Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat Convexity and Semidefinite Programming in Dimension-Free Matrix Unknowns 2011 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ NCSOStools: a computer algebra system for symbolic and numerical computation with noncommutative polynomials 2011 Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Infeasibility certificates for linear matrix inequalities 2011 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat Trace-positive polynomials 2011 Igor Klep
+ Tracial Nullstellensätze 2011 Matej Brešar
Igor Klep
+ Infeasibility certificates for linear matrix inequalities 2011 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ Lie Algebras with Abelian Centralizers 2010 Igor Klep
Primož Moravec
+ Relaxing LMI domination matricially 2010 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Igor Klep
+ Analytic mappings between noncommutative pencil balls 2010 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Proper analytic free maps 2010 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ A note on the nonexistence of sum of squares certificates for the Bessis–Moussa–Villani conjecture 2010 Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat Trace-positive polynomials and the quartic tracial moment problem 2010 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat The Procesi–Schacher conjecture and Hilbert's 17th problem for algebras with involution 2010 Igor Klep
Thomas Unger
+ A note on values of noncommutative polynomials 2010 Matej Brešar
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat Pure states, positive matrix polynomials and sums of hermitian squares 2010 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ Relaxing linear matrix inequalities noncommutatively 2010 Igor Klep
+ Scheiderer, Claus (D-KNST-MS): Positivity and sums of squares: a guide to recent results. (English summary). - Emerging applications of algebraic geometry, 271-324, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 149, Springer, New York, 2009 2010 Igor Klep
+ The tracial moment problem and trace-positive polynomials 2010 Igor Klep
+ The truncated tracial moment problem 2010 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
+ *-orderable semigroups 2009 Igor Klep
Primož Moravec
+ PDF Chat Sign patterns for chemical reaction networks 2009 J. William Helton
Vitaly Katsnelson
Igor Klep
+ Semidefinite programming and sums of hermitian squares of noncommutative polynomials 2009 Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Finite rings in which commutativity is transitive 2009 David Dolžan
Igor Klep
Primož Moravec
+ Noncommutative ball maps 2009 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
Nick Slinglend
+ PDF Chat Determinant Expansions of Signed Matrices and of Certain Jacobians 2009 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Raul Gomez
+ Values of Noncommutative Polynomials, Lie Skew-Ideals and Tracial Nullstellensätze 2009 Matej Brešar
Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat The Joly–Becker theorem for <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mo>*</mml:mo></mml:math>–orderings 2008 Igor Klep
Dejan Velušček
+ PDF Chat Sums of Hermitian Squares and the BMV Conjecture 2008 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat Connes' embedding conjecture and sums of hermitian squares 2007 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat A Nichtnegativstellensatz for polynomials in noncommuting variables 2007 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ Embedding Ordered Valued Domains into Division Rings 2007 Igor Klep
+ PDF Chat On Valuations, Places and Graded Rings Associated to ∗-Orderings 2007 Igor Klep
+ The Prime Spectrum and the Extended Prime Spectrum of Noncommutative Rings 2006 Igor Klep
Marcus Tressl
+ Central Extensions of *-ordered Skew Fields 2006 Igor Klep
Dejan Velušček
+ Embedding ∗-ordered domains into skew fields 2006 Igor Klep
+ Generalized orderings and rings of fractions 2006 Jaka Cimprič
Igor Klep
+ Central Extensions of <i>n</i>-Ordered Division Rings 2005 Igor Klep
Dejan Velušček
+ On <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo>*</mml:mo></mml:math>-orderable groups 2005 Igor Klep
Primož Moravec
+ The Noncommutative Graded Positivstellensatz 2004 Igor Klep
+ n-real valuations and the higher level version of the Krull–Baer theorem 2004 Igor Klep
Dejan Velušček
+ A Kadison–Dubois representation for associative rings 2004 Igor Klep
Igor Klep
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Connes' embedding conjecture and sums of hermitian squares 2007 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ "Positive" Noncommutative Polynomials Are Sums of Squares 2002 J. William Helton
+ A positivstellensatz for non-commutative polynomials 2004 J. William Helton
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat The matricial relaxation of a linear matrix inequality 2012 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Free Noncommutative Function Theory 2014 Dmitry S. Kaliuzhnyi-Verbovetskyi
Victor Vinnikov
+ The convex Positivstellensatz in a free algebra 2012 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ NCSOStools: a computer algebra system for symbolic and numerical computation with noncommutative polynomials 2011 Kristijan Cafuta
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras 2003 Vern I. Paulsen
+ Engineering Systems and Free Semi-Algebraic Geometry 2008 Maurı́cio C. de Oliveira
J. William Helton
Scott McCullough
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Chat Convergent Relaxations of Polynomial Optimization Problems with Noncommuting Variables 2010 Stefano Pironio
Miguel Navascués
Antonio Acín
+ PDF Chat Linear matrix inequality representation of sets 2006 J. William Helton
Victor Vinnikov
+ Global Optimization with Polynomials and the Problem of Moments 2001 Jean B. Lasserre
+ Factorization of operator-valued polynomials in several non-commuting variables 2001 Scott McCullough
+ PDF Chat Free analysis questions II: The Grassmannian completion and the series expansions at the origin 2010 Dan-Virgil Voiculescu
+ Positive Polynomials and Sums of Squares 2008 Murray Marshall
+ Polynomial Identities in Ring Theory 1980 Louis Rowen
+ Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Frédéric Mangolte
Jean-Philippe Rolin
Kurdyka Krzysztof
Saugata Basu
Victoria Powers
+ Positive polynomials and sums of squares 2008 Murray Marshall
+ Matrix Convexity: Operator Analogues of the Bipolar and Hahn–Banach Theorems 1997 Edward G. Effros
Søren Winkler
+ The invariant theory of n × n matrices 1976 Claudio Procesi
+ PDF Chat Every convex free basic semi-algebraic set has an LMI representation 2012 J. William Helton
Scott McCullough
+ Real algebraic geometry 2014 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Moments, Positive Polynomials and Their Applications 2009 Jean B. Lasserre
+ PDF Chat Sums of Hermitian Squares and the BMV Conjecture 2008 Igor Klep
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat Handbook of Semidefinite Programming 2000 Henry Wolkowicz
Romesh Saigal
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ PDF Chat Monotonic converging variational approximations to the functional integrals in quantum statistical mechanics 1975 D. Bessis
Pierre Moussa
Mattia Villani
+ Noncommutative convexity arises from linear matrix inequalities 2006 J. William Helton
Scott McCullough
Victor Vinnikov
+ Skew Fields: Theory of General Division Rings 1995 P. M. Cohn
+ Semidefinite Optimization and Convex Algebraic Geometry 2012 Grigoriy Blekherman
Pablo A. Parrilo
Rekha R. Thomas
+ Every free basic convex semi-algebraic set has an LMI representation 2009 J. William Helton
Scott McCullough
+ None 2003 Dan Voiculescu
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative sums of squares 2005 Scott McCullough
Mihai Putinar
+ Matrix coefficient realization theory of noncommutative rational functions 2018 Jurij Volčič
+ A Course in Convexity 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat A first course in noncommutative rings 1992 Tsit Yuen Lam
+ Proper analytic free maps 2010 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Handbook of semidefinite programming : theory, algorithms, and applications 2000 Henry Wolkowicz
Romesh Saigal
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ PDF Chat Sums of Squares, Moment Matrices and Optimization Over Polynomials 2008 Monique Laurent
+ Singularities of rational functions and minimal factorizations: The noncommutative and the commutative setting 2008 Dmitry S. Kaliuzhnyi-Verbovetskyi
Victor Vinnikov
+ PDF Chat The Quantum Moment Problem and Bounds on Entangled Multi-prover Games 2008 Andrew C. Doherty
Yeong-Cherng Liang
Ben Toner
Stephanie Wehner
+ Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert’s 17th Problem to Real Algebra 2001 Alexander Prestel
Charles N. Delzell
Charles N. Delzell
+ PDF Chat The tracial Hahn–Banach theorem, polar duals, matrix convex sets, and projections of free spectrahedra 2017 J. William Helton
Igor Klep
Scott McCullough
+ Free Ideal Rings and Localization in General Rings 2006 P. M. Cohn
+ Optimization of Polynomials in Non-Commuting Variables 2016 Sabine Burgdorf
Igor Klep
Janez Povh
+ PDF Chat Global Holomorphic Functions in Several Noncommuting Variables 2014 Jim Agler
John E. McCarthy
+ A unified algebraic approach to linear control design 2003 Takao Watanabe
+ Classification of Injective Factors Cases II 1 , II ∞ , III λ , λ � 1 1976 Alain Connes
+ PDF Chat Free loci of matrix pencils and domains of noncommutative rational functions 2017 Igor Klep
Jurij Volčič
+ A Non-Commutative Real Nullstellensatz and Hilbert's 17th Problem 1976 Claudio Procesi
Murray Schacher
+ PDF Chat Dilations, Inclusions of Matrix Convex Sets, and Completely Positive Maps 2016 Kenneth R. Davidson
Adam Dor-On
Orr Shalit
Baruch Solel