Samuel Vaiter


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Bilevel gradient methods and Morse parametric qualification 2025 JĂ©rĂŽme Bolte
Quoc-Tung Le
Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Risk Estimate under a Nonstationary Autoregressive Model for Data-Driven Reproduction Number Estimation 2024 Barbara Pascal
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Geometric and computational hardness of bilevel programming 2024 JĂ©rĂŽme Bolte
Quoc-Tung Le
Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat CHANI: Correlation-based Hawkes Aggregation of Neurons with bio-Inspiration 2024 Sophie Jaffard
Samuel Vaiter
Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
+ PDF Chat Derivatives of Stochastic Gradient Descent 2024 Franck Iutzeler
Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ A theory of optimal convex regularization for low-dimensional recovery 2024 Yann Traonmilin
RĂ©mi Gribonval
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat The Derivatives of Sinkhorn–Knopp Converge 2023 Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Sparse Analysis Regularization 2023 Xavier Dupuis
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Message Passing Graph Neural Networks with Generic Aggregation On Random Graphs 2023 Matthieu Cordonnier
Nicolas Keriven
Nicolas Tremblay
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Message Passing Graph Neural Networks with Generic Aggregation On Large Random Graphs 2023 Matthieu Cordonnier
Nicolas Keriven
Nicolas Tremblay
Samuel Vaiter
+ Local linear convergence of proximal coordinate descent algorithm 2023 Quentin Klopfenstein
Quentin Bertrand
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Supervised Learning of Analysis-Sparsity Priors With Automatic Differentiation 2023 Hashem Ghanem
Joseph Salmon
Nicolas Keriven
Samuel Vaiter
+ A Lower Bound and a Near-Optimal Algorithm for Bilevel Empirical Risk Minimization 2023 Mathieu Dagréou
Thomas Moreau
Samuel Vaiter
Pierre Ablin
+ On the Robustness of Text Vectorizers 2023 RĂ©mi Catellier
Samuel Vaiter
Damien Garreau
+ Gradient scarcity with Bilevel Optimization for Graph Learning 2023 Hashem Ghanem
Samuel Vaiter
Nicolas Keriven
+ Provable local learning rule by expert aggregation for a Hawkes network 2023 Sophie Jaffard
Samuel Vaiter
Alexandre Muzy
Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
+ Convergence of Message Passing Graph Neural Networks with Generic Aggregation On Large Random Graphs 2023 Matthieu Cordonnier
Nicolas Keriven
Nicolas Tremblay
Samuel Vaiter
+ One-step differentiation of iterative algorithms 2023 JĂ©rĂŽme Bolte
Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ What functions can Graph Neural Networks compute on random graphs? The role of Positional Encoding 2023 Nicolas Keriven
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Benchopt: Reproducible, efficient and collaborative optimization benchmarks 2022 Thomas Moreau
Mathurin Massias
Alexandre Gramfort
Pierre Ablin
Pierre‐Antoine Bannier
Benjamin Charlier
Mathieu Dagréou
Tom Dupré la Tour
Ghislain Durif
CĂĄssio F. Dantas
+ PDF Chat The derivatives of Sinkhorn-Knopp converge 2022 Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat A framework for bilevel optimization that enables stochastic and global variance reduction algorithms 2022 Mathieu Dagréou
Pierre Ablin
Samuel Vaiter
Thomas Moreau
+ PDF Chat Sparse and smooth: Improved guarantees for spectral clustering in the dynamic stochastic block model 2022 Nicolas Keriven
Samuel Vaiter
+ Automatic differentiation of nonsmooth iterative algorithms 2022 JĂ©rĂŽme Bolte
Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ Benchopt: Reproducible, efficient and collaborative optimization benchmarks 2022 Thomas Moreau
Mathurin Massias
Alexandre Gramfort
Pierre Ablin
Pierre‐Antoine Bannier
Benjamin Charlier
Mathieu Dagréou
Tom Dupré la Tour
Ghislain Durif
CĂĄssio F. Dantas
+ A framework for bilevel optimization that enables stochastic and global variance reduction algorithms 2022 Mathieu Dagréou
Pierre Ablin
Samuel Vaiter
Thomas Moreau
+ The derivatives of Sinkhorn-Knopp converge 2022 Edouard Pauwels
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Linear support vector regression with linear constraints 2021 Quentin Klopfenstein
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Automated Data-Driven Selection of the Hyperparameters for Total-Variation-Based Texture Segmentation 2021 Barbara Pascal
Samuel Vaiter
Nelly Pustelnik
Patrice Abry
+ PDF Chat Implicit differentiation for fast hyperparameter selection in non-smooth convex learning 2021 Quentin Bertrand
Quentin Klopfenstein
Mathurin Massias
Mathieu Blondel
Samuel Vaiter
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
+ From optimization to algorithmic differentiation: a graph detour 2021 Samuel Vaiter
+ A theory of optimal convex regularization for low-dimensional recovery 2021 Yann Traonmilin
RĂ©mi Gribonval
Samuel Vaiter
+ On the Universality of Graph Neural Networks on Large Random Graphs 2021 Nicolas Keriven
Alberto Bietti
Samuel Vaiter
+ Supervised learning of analysis-sparsity priors with automatic differentiation 2021 Hashem Ghanem
Joseph Salmon
Nicolas Keriven
Samuel Vaiter
+ Implicit differentiation for fast hyperparameter selection in non-smooth convex learning 2021 Quentin Bertrand
Quentin Klopfenstein
Mathurin Massias
Mathieu Blondel
Samuel Vaiter
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
+ PDF Chat Convergence and Stability of Graph Convolutional Networks on Large Random Graphs 2020 Nicolas Keriven
Alberto Bietti
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Block-Based Refitting in $$\ell _{12}$$ Sparse Regularization 2020 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Dual Extrapolation for Sparse GLMs 2020 Mathurin Massias
Samuel Vaiter
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
+ Automated data-driven selection of the hyperparameters for Total-Variation based texture segmentation 2020 Barbara Pascal
Samuel Vaiter
Nelly Pustelnik
Patrice Abry
+ Implicit differentiation of Lasso-type models for hyperparameter optimization 2020 Quentin Bertrand
Quentin Klopfenstein
Mathieu Blondel
Samuel Vaiter
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
+ Model identification and local linear convergence of coordinate descent 2020 Quentin Klopfenstein
Quentin Bertrand
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ Automated data-driven selection of the hyperparameters for Total-Variation based texture segmentation 2020 Barbara Pascal
Samuel Vaiter
Nelly Pustelnik
Patrice Abry
+ Convergence and Stability of Graph Convolutional Networks on Large Random Graphs 2020 Nicolas Keriven
Alberto Bietti
Samuel Vaiter
+ Sparse and Smooth: improved guarantees for Spectral Clustering in the Dynamic Stochastic Block Model 2020 Nicolas Keriven
Samuel Vaiter
+ Block based refitting in $\ell_{12}$ sparse regularisation 2019 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Exploiting regularity in sparse Generalized Linear Models 2019 Mathurin Massias
Samuel Vaiter
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
+ PDF Chat Refitting solutions promoted by $\ell_{12}$ sparse analysis regularization with block penalties 2019 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ Refitting Solutions Promoted by $$\ell _{12}$$ Sparse Analysis Regularizations with Block Penalties 2019 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ Dual Extrapolation for Sparse Generalized Linear Models 2019 Mathurin Massias
Samuel Vaiter
Alexandre Gramfort
Joseph Salmon
+ Block based refitting in $\ell_{12}$ sparse regularisation 2019 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ Refitting solutions promoted by $\ell_{12}$ sparse analysis regularization with block penalties 2019 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ Optimality of 1-norm regularization among weighted 1-norms for sparse recovery: a case study on how to find optimal regularizations 2018 Yann Traonmilin
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Maximal Solutions of Sparse Analysis Regularization 2018 Abdessamad Barbara
A. Jourani
Samuel Vaiter
+ Is the 1-norm the best convex sparse regularization? 2018 Yann Traonmilin
Samuel Vaiter
RĂ©mi Gribonval
+ Recovery guarantees for low complexity models (Conference Presentation) 2017 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ A sharp oracle inequality for Graph-Slope 2017 Pierre Bellec
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Model Consistency of Partly Smooth Regularizers 2017 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Accelerated Alternating Descent Methods for Dykstra-Like Problems 2017 Antonin Chambolle
Pauline Tan
Samuel Vaiter
+ Maximal Solutions of Sparse Analysis Regularization 2017 Abdessamad Barbara
Abderrahim Jourani
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat CLEAR: Covariant LEAst-Square Refitting with Applications to Image Restoration 2017 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ A sharp oracle inequality for Graph-Slope 2017 Pierre Bellec
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ Maximal Solutions of Sparse Analysis Regularization 2017 Abdessamad Barbara
Abderrahim Jourani
Samuel Vaiter
+ A sharp oracle inequality for Graph-Slope 2017 Pierre Bellec
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ CLEAR: Covariant LEAst-square Re-fitting with applications to image restoration 2016 C-A. Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat The degrees of freedom of partly smooth regularizers 2016 Samuel Vaiter
Charles Deledalle
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
Charles H Dossal
+ Proceedings of the third "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'16) 2016 Laurent Jacques
Christophe De Vleeschouwer
Y. Boursier
Prasad Sudhakar
Christine De Mol
Aleksandra PiĆŸurica
Sandrine Anthoine
Pierre Vandergheynst
Pascal Frossard
ÇağdaƟ Bilen
+ Characterizing the maximum parameter of the total-variation denoising through the pseudo-inverse of the divergence 2016 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ CLEAR: Covariant LEAst-square Re-fitting with applications to image restoration 2016 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Nicolas Papadakis
Joseph Salmon
Samuel Vaiter
+ Model selection with low complexity priors 2015 Samuel Vaiter
Mohammad Golbabaee
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
+ PDF Chat Low Complexity Regularization of Linear Inverse Problems 2015 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Sampling Theory, a Renaissance 2015 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Model Selection with Low Complexity Priors 2015 Samuel Vaiter
Mohammad Golbabaee
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
+ Régularisations de faible complexité pour les problÚmes inverses 2014 Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Low Complexity Regularizations of Inverse Problems 2014 Samuel Vaiter
+ PDF Chat Low Complexity Regularization of Inverse Problems 2014 Samuel Vaiter
+ Stein Unbiased GrAdient estimator of the Risk (SUGAR) for multiple parameter selection 2014 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Samuel Vaiter
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
+ Partly Smooth Regularization of Inverse Problems 2014 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ The Degrees of Freedom of Partly Smooth Regularizers 2014 Samuel Vaiter
Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
Charles Dossal
+ PDF Chat Stein Unbiased GrAdient estimator of the Risk (SUGAR) for Multiple Parameter Selection 2014 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Samuel Vaiter
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
+ Stein Unbiased GrAdient estimator of the Risk (SUGAR) for multiple parameter selection 2014 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Samuel Vaiter
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
+ The Degrees of Freedom of Partly Smooth Regularizers 2014 Samuel Vaiter
Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
Charles Dossal
+ Low Complexity Regularization of Linear Inverse Problems 2014 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction Stable par RĂ©gularisation DĂ©composable Analyse 2013 Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
Samuel Vaiter
Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Joseph Salmon
+ PDF Chat Robustesse au bruit des régularisations polyhédrales 2013 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ Model Selection with Low Complexity Priors 2013 Samuel Vaiter
Mohammad Golbabaee
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
+ Model Selection with Piecewise Regular Gauges 2013 Samuel Vaiter
Mohammad Golbabaee
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
+ PDF Chat Robust Polyhedral Regularization 2013 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ Stable Recovery with Analysis Decomposable Priors 2013 M.J. Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
Samuel Vaiter
Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Joseph Salmon
+ PDF Chat Robust Polyhedral Regularization 2013 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ Robust Polyhedral Regularization 2013 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ Robust Polyhedral Regularization 2013 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Robust Sparse Analysis Regularization 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Charles H Dossal
Jalal Fadili
+ Local behavior of sparse analysis regularization: Applications to risk estimation 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Charles-Alban Deledalle
Gabriel Peyré
Charles Dossal
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Proximal Splitting Derivatives for Risk Estimation 2012 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
Ch. Dossal
+ PDF Chat Unbiased risk estimation for sparse analysis regularization 2012 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
Charles Dossal
+ PDF Chat The Degrees of Freedom of the Group Lasso 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Charles Deledalle
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
Charles Dossal
+ The degrees of freedom of the Group Lasso for a General Design 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Charles Deledalle
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
Charles Dossal
+ Risk estimation for matrix recovery with spectral regularization 2012 Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
Charles Dossal
+ The Degrees of Freedom of the Group Lasso 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Charles‐Alban Deledalle
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
Charles Dossal
+ PDF Chat The Degrees of Freedom of the Group Lasso 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Charles Deledalle
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
Charles Dossal
+ Robust Sparse Analysis Regularization 2011 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Charles Dossal
Jalal Fadili
+ Robust Sparse Analysis Regularization 2011 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Charles Dossal
Jalal Fadili
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat A First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging 2010 Antonin Chambolle
Thomas Pock
+ PDF Chat Robust Sparse Analysis Regularization 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Charles H Dossal
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Model Selection and Estimation in Regression with Grouped Variables 2005 Ming Yuan
Yi Lin
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution 1981 Charles Stein
+ PDF Chat Sparsity and Smoothness Via the Fused Lasso 2004 Robert Tibshirani
Michael A. Saunders
Saharon Rosset
Ji Zhu
Keith Knight
+ Local behavior of sparse analysis regularization: Applications to risk estimation 2012 Samuel Vaiter
Charles-Alban Deledalle
Gabriel Peyré
Charles Dossal
Jalal Fadili
+ Linear convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization with positively homogeneous functionals 2011 Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat The cosparse analysis model and algorithms 2012 Sangwook Nam
Mike E. Davies
Michael Elad
RĂ©mi Gribonval
+ PDF Chat Model Consistency of Partly Smooth Regularizers 2017 Samuel Vaiter
Gabriel Peyré
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat On the “degrees of freedom” of the lasso 2007 Hui Zou
Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ Consistency of the group Lasso and multiple kernel learning 2007 Francis Bach
+ Degrees of freedom in lasso problems 2012 Ryan J. Tibshirani
Jonathan Taylor
+ How Biased is the Apparent Error Rate of a Prediction Rule? 1986 Bradley Efron
+ PDF Chat The Convex Geometry of Linear Inverse Problems 2012 Venkat Chandrasekaran
Benjamin Recht
Pablo A. Parrilo
Alan S. Willsky
+ Active Sets, Nonsmoothness, and Sensitivity 2002 Adrian S. Lewis
+ PDF Chat The solution path of the generalized lasso 2011 Ryan J. Tibshirani
Jonathan Taylor
+ PDF Chat Generalized SURE for Exponential Families: Applications to Regularization 2008 Yonina C. Eldar
+ PDF Chat On the Equivalence of Soft Wavelet Shrinkage, Total Variation Diffusion, Total Variation Regularization, and SIDEs 2004 Gabriele Steidl
Joachim Weickert
Thomas Brox
Pavel MrĂĄzek
Martin Welk
+ A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems 2009 Amir Beck
Marc Teboulle
+ PDF Chat Simple bounds for recovering low-complexity models 2012 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Benjamin Recht
+ Convergence rates of convex variational regularization 2004 Martin Burger
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat Least angle regression 2004 Bradley Efron
Trevor Hastie
Iain M. Johnstone
Robert Tibshirani
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2017 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ Signal Recovery by Proximal Forward-Backward Splitting 2005 Patrick L. Combettes
Valérie R. Wajs
+ Uncertainty principles and ideal atomic decomposition 2001 David L. Donoho
Xiaoming Huo
+ On the degrees of freedom in shrinkage estimation 2008 Kengo Kato
+ PDF Chat A SURE Approach for Digital Signal/Image Deconvolution Problems 2009 Jean‐Christophe Pesquet
Amel Benazza-Benyahia
Caroline Chaux
+ PDF Chat Anti-sparse coding for approximate nearest neighbor search 2012 Hervé Jeǔou
Teddy Furon
Jean–Jacques Fuchs
+ Threshold selection for group sparsity 2010 Victor Solo
MagnĂșs Ö. Úlfarsson
+ PDF Chat Guaranteed Minimum-Rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Nuclear Norm Minimization 2010 Benjamin Recht
Maryam Fazel
Pablo A. Parrilo
+ PDF Chat The degrees of freedom of the Lasso for general design matrix 2012 Charles H Dossal
Maher Kachour
M.J. Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
Christophe Chesneau
+ Identifying active constraints via partial smoothness and prox-regularity 2003 Warren Hare
Adrian S. Lewis
+ PDF Chat The degrees of freedom of partly smooth regularizers 2016 Samuel Vaiter
Charles Deledalle
Jalal Fadili
Gabriel Peyré
Charles H Dossal
+ Identifiable Surfaces in Constrained Optimization 1993 Stephen J. Wright
+ Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter 1979 Gene H. Golub
Michael T. Heath
Grace Wahba
+ PDF Chat Proximal Splitting Methods in Signal Processing 2011 Patrick L. Combettes
Jean‐Christophe Pesquet
+ Partial Smoothness, Tilt Stability, and Generalized Hessians 2013 Adrian S. Lewis
S. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Simultaneously Structured Models With Application to Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices 2015 Samet Oymak
Amin Jalali
Maryam Fazel
Yonina C. Eldar
Babak Hassibi
+ Sparse Approximate Solutions to Linear Systems 1995 B. K. Natarajan
+ Identifying Active Manifolds in Regularization Problems 2011 Warren Hare
+ A Unified Framework for High-Dimensional Analysis of $M$-Estimators with Decomposable Regularizers 2012 Sahand Negahban
Pradeep Ravikumar
Martin J. Wainwright
Bin Yu
+ The projected GSURE for automatic parameter tuning in iterative shrinkage methods 2010 Raja Giryes
Michael Elad
Yonina C. Eldar
+ Consistency of trace norm minimization 2007 Francis Bach
+ The lasso problem and uniqueness 2013 Ryan J. Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat A Natural Identity for Exponential Families with Applications in Multiparameter Estimation 1978 Harold Hudson
+ Matching pursuits with time-frequency dictionaries 1993 Stéphane Mallat
Zhifeng Zhang
+ A Bias-Variance Approach for the Nonlocal Means 2011 Vincent Duval
Jean–François Aujol
Yann Gousseau
+ Perturbation Analysis of Optimization Problems 2000 J. Frédéric Bonnans
Alexander Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Uncertainty Principles and Vector Quantization 2010 Yurii Lyubarskii
Roman Vershynin