R. Michael Porter


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bergman kernels for monogenic and contragenic functions in the interior and exterior of a sphere 2024 Raybel García‐Ancona
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Harmonic and Monogenic Functions on Toroidal Domains 2024 Z. Ashtab
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Quaternionic metamonogenic functions in the unit disk 2023 J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Fourier method for the Neumann problem on a torus 2023 Z. Ashtab
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Reduced‐quaternion inframonogenic functions on the ball 2023 Cynthia Álvarez-Peña
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Harmonic and monogenic functions on toroidal domains 2023 Z. Ashtab
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Reduced-quaternionic Mathieu functions, time-dependent Moisil-Teodorescu operators, and the imaginary-time wave equation 2022 J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Quaternionic metamonogenic functions in the unit disk 2022 J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Reduced-quaternion inframonogenic functions on the ball 2022 C. Álvarez
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Neumann problem on a torus 2022 Z. Ashtab
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Complete Systems of Beltrami Fields Using Complex Quaternions and Transmutation Theory 2021 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
Pablo E. Moreira
R. Michael Porter
+ Reduced-quaternionic Mathieu functions, time-dependent Moisil-Teodorescu operators, and the imaginary-time wave equation 2021 J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Relations among spheroidal and spherical harmonics 2020 Raybel García‐Ancona
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Relations among spheroidal and spherical harmonics 2019 Raybel García‐Ancona
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Hardy Spaces for the Three-Dimensional Vekua Equation 2019 Briceyda B. Delgado
R. Michael Porter
+ Relations among spheroidal and spherical harmonics 2019 Raybel García‐Ancona
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Hilbert transform for the three-dimensional Vekua equation 2018 Briceyda B. Delgado
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Contragenic functions on spheroidal domains 2018 Raybel García‐Ancona
J. Morais
R. Michael Porter
+ Hilbert transform for the three-dimensional Vekua equation 2018 Briceyda B. Delgado
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Spectral parameter power series for arbitrary order linear differential equations 2018 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
Sergii M. Torba
+ Hilbert transform for the three-dimensional Vekua equation 2018 Briceyda B. Delgado
R. Michael Porter
+ Spectral parameter power series for arbitrary order linear differential equations 2017 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
Sergii M. Torba
+ PDF Chat General Solution of the Inhomogeneous Div-Curl System and Consequences 2017 Briceyda B. Delgado
R. Michael Porter
+ General solution of the inhomogenous div-curl system and consequences 2017 Briceyda B. Delgado
R. Michael Porter
+ Mixed linear-nonlinear least squares regression 2017 Alberto Herrera‐Gómez
R. Michael Porter
+ Spectral parameter power series for arbitrary order linear differential equations 2017 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
Sergii M. Torba
+ PDF Chat Numerical Solution of the Beltrami Equation Via a Purely Linear System 2016 R. Michael Porter
Hirokazu Shimauchi
+ PDF Chat On Sturm–Liouville equations with several spectral parameters 2015 R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Numerical Conformal Mapping to One-Tooth Gear-Shaped Domains and Applications 2015 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Gears, pregears and related domains 2015 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ On Sturm-Liouville Equations with Several Spectral Parameters 2015 R. Michael Porter
+ Gears, Pregears and Related Domains 2015 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ Numerical Conformal Mapping to One-Tooth Gear-Shaped Domains and Applications 2015 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ A numerical algorithm for solving the Beltrami equation 2015 R. Michael Porter
Hirokazu Shimauchi
+ On Sturm-Liouville Equations with Several Spectral Parameters 2015 R. Michael Porter
+ Gears, Pregears and Related Domains 2015 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ Numerical Conformal Mapping to One-Tooth Gear-Shaped Domains and Applications 2015 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ Numerical solution of the Beltrami equation via a purely linear system 2014 R. Michael Porter
Hirokazu Shimauchi
+ Numerical solution of the Beltrami equation via a purely linear system 2014 R. Michael Porter
Hirokazu Shimauchi
+ Appell Bases for Monogenic Functions of Three Variables 2013 Cynthia Álvarez-Peña
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Contragenic Functions of Three Variables 2013 Cynthia Álvarez-Peña
R. Michael Porter
+ Contragenic Functions of Three Variables 2012 Cynthia Álvarez-Peña
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Conformal Mapping of Circular Quadrilaterals and Weierstrass Elliptic Functions 2012 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ Contragenic Functions of Three Variables 2012 Cynthia Álvarez-Peña
R. Michael Porter
+ Conformal Mapping of Circular Quadrilaterals and Weierstrass Elliptic Functions 2010 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Conformal mapping of right circular quadrilaterals 2010 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
+ Conformal Mapping of Circular Quadrilaterals and Weierstrass Elliptic Functions 2010 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Spectral parameter power series for Sturm–Liouville problems 2009 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
+ Conformal Mapping of Right Circular Quadrilaterals 2009 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
+ Spectral parameter power series for Sturm-Liouville problems 2008 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
+ Numerical Solution of the Beltrami Equation 2008 R. Michael Porter
+ Spectral parameter power series for Sturm-Liouville problems 2008 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
+ Numerical Calculation of Conformal Mapping to a Disk Minus Finitely Many Horocycles 2006 R. Michael Porter
+ An Accelerated Osculation Method and its Application to Numerical Conformal Mapping 2003 R. Michael Porter
+ An Interpolating Polynomial Method for Numerical Conformal Mapping 2001 R. Michael Porter
+ Quasiconformally explodable sets 1998 R. Michael Porter
L. F. Reséndis
+ Quaternlonic möbius transformations and loxodromes 1998 R. Michael Porter
+ Möbius invariant quaternion geometry 1998 R. Michael Porter
+ A bound for quasisymnnetry of polynomials 1996 R. Michael Porter
L. F. Reséndis
+ On Dualities Generated by the Generalised Hurwitz Problem 1994 Julian Ɓawrynowicz
R. Michael Porter
Enrique RamĂ­rez de Arellano
Jakub RembieliƄski
+ On symmetric circular polygons 1993 R. Michael Porter
+ Biregular Quaternionic Functions 1993 WiesƂaw Królikowski
R. Michael Porter
+ On the Analogue of the $$\bar \partial$$ -Problem in Quaternionic Analysis 1993 R. Michael Porter
Michael Shapiro
Nikolai Vasilevski
+ Quaternionic regular and biregular functions in the sense of fueter 1992 W Kroikowski
R. Michael Porter
+ Extended monodromy for bordered surfaces 1990 Daniel M. Gallo
R. Michael Porter
+ On symmetric circular polygons 1990 R. Michael Porter
+ Projective structures on open surfaces 1983 Daniel M. Gallo
R. Michael Porter
+ Prescribed monodromy on noncompact surfaces 1983 R. Michael Porter
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Holomorphic Functions in the Plane and n-dimensional Space 2007 Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang SprĂ¶ĂŸig
+ Analytic function theory 1959 Einar Hille
+ Application of Holomorphic Functions in Two and Higher Dimensions 2016 Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang SprĂ¶ĂŸig
+ Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1990 Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
Wolfgang SprĂ¶ĂŸig
+ Quaternionic analysis 1979 A. Sudbery
+ PDF Chat Spectral parameter power series for Sturm–Liouville problems 2009 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
+ Applied quaternionic analysis 2003 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
+ PDF Chat Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations 1998 Victor Isakov
+ PDF Chat Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping 2002 Tobin A. Driscoll
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ PDF Chat Conformal Mapping of Circular Quadrilaterals and Weierstrass Elliptic Functions 2012 Philip R. Brown
R. Michael Porter
+ A representation for solutions of the Sturm–Liouville equation 2008 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
+ Real-part estimates for solutions of the Riesz system in ℝ<sup>3</sup> 2011 J. Morais
Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
+ Theory of pseudo-analytic functions 1953 Lipman Bers
+ Integral Representations For Spatial Models of Mathematical Physics 2020 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
Michael Shapiro
+ On a generalized Appell system and monogenic power series 2009 S. Bock
Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
+ PDF Chat Laguerre derivative and monogenic Laguerre polynomials: An operational approach 2010 Isabel Cação
M. I. FalcĂŁo
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ Hardy Spaces and the Neumann Problem in L p for Laplace's Equation in Lipschitz Domains 1987 Björn E. J. Dahlberg
Carlos E. Kenig
+ Real Quaternionic Calculus Handbook 2014 J. Morais
Svetlin G. Georgiev
Wolfgang SprĂ¶ĂŸig
+ Quaternionic and Clifford calculus for physicists and engineers 1997 Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
Wolfgang SprĂ¶ĂŸig
+ PDF Chat Conformal mapping of right circular quadrilaterals 2010 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
R. Michael Porter
+ Applied Pseudoanalytic Function Theory 2009 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
+ PDF Chat The Schwarzian derivative and schlicht functions 1949 Zeev Nehari
+ Complete orthonormal sets of polynomial solutions of the Riesz and Moisil-Teodorescu systems in ℝ3 2010 Isabel Cação
+ PDF Chat Spatial pseudoanalytic functions arising from the factorization of linear second order elliptic operators 2011 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
SĂ©bastien Tremblay
+ On homogeneous polynomial solutions of the Riesz system and their harmonic potentials 2007 R. Delanghe
+ An investigation of a two parameter problem for conformal maps onto circular arc quadrilaterals 2007 Philip R. Brown
+ Orthogonal Appell systems of monogenic functions in the cylinder 2011 J. Morais
Huan Le
+ Mapping onto circular arc polygons 2005 Philip R. Brown
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings 2006 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Rounding corners of gearlike domains and the omitted area problem 1986 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ PDF Chat Contragenic Functions of Three Variables 2013 Cynthia Álvarez-Peña
R. Michael Porter
+ On Homogeneous Polynomial Solutions of the Moisil-ThĂ©odoresco System in ℝ3 2008 Richard Delanghe
+ Conformal Mapping of a Gear Domain with One Tooth 2010 Philip R. Brown
+ Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane 1973 Olli Lehto
K. I. Virtanen
+ PDF Chat Complete systems of recursive integrals and Taylor series for solutions of Sturm–Liouville equations 2012 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
Samy Morelos
SĂ©bastien Tremblay
+ PDF Chat General Solution of the Inhomogeneous Div-Curl System and Consequences 2017 Briceyda B. Delgado
R. Michael Porter
+ Hilbert Transforms on the Sphere and Lipschitz Surfaces 2008 Tao Qian
+ Generalized Analytic Functions. 1964 Avner Friedman
I. N. Vekua
+ PDF Chat A Constructive Method for Numerically Computing Conformal Mappings for Gearlike Domains 1991 Kent Pearce
+ Orthogonal Appell Bases in Dimensions 2, 3 and 4 2010 S. Bock
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ PDF Chat Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory 2012 David Colton
Rainer Kreß
+ Numerical Calculation of Conformal Mapping to a Disk Minus Finitely Many Horocycles 2006 R. Michael Porter
+ PDF Chat Calderón’s inverse conductivity problem in the plane 2006 Kari Astala
Lassi PaïvÀrinta
+ On 3D orthogonal prolate spheroidal monogenics 2015 J. Morais
Hung Manh Nguyen
Kit Ian Kou
+ Conformal Mapping of Circular Arc Polygons 1987 Petter E. BjĂžrstad
Eric H. Grosse
+ On the Bergman Theory for Solenoidal and Irrotational Vector Fields, I: General Theory 2010 JosĂ© Oscar GonzĂĄlez‐Cervantes
M. Elena Luna–Elizarrarás
Michael Shapiro
+ Harmonic Analysis Techniques for Second Order Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1994 Carlos E. Kenig
+ Hypercomplex Function Theory and Hilbert Modules with Reproducing Kernel 1978 R. Delanghe
Fred Brackx
+ On orthogonal monogenics in oblate spheroidal domains and recurrence formulae 2014 Hung Manh Nguyen
Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
J. Morais
S. Bock
+ Spectral parameter power series for fourth-order Sturm–Liouville problems 2012 Kira V. Khmelnytskaya
Vladislav V. Kravchenko
JesĂșs A. Baldenebro-Obeso