G. Zech


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Scaling property of the statistical Two-Sample Energy Test 2018 G. Zech
+ Analysis of distorted measurements -- parameter estimation and unfolding 2016 G. Zech
+ PDF Chat Statistics of weighted Poisson events and its applications 2014 G. Böhm
G. Zech
+ PDF Chat Iterative unfolding with the Richardson–Lucy algorithm 2013 G. Zech
+ Comments to the article "Parametric fitting of data obtained from detectors with finite resolution and limited acceptance" [arXiv:1011.0662] by Gagunashvili 2012 G. Böhm
G. Zech
+ PDF Chat New test for the multivariate two-sample problem based on the concept of minimum energy 2005 B. Aslan
G. Zech
+ Statistical energy as a tool for binning-free, multivariate goodness-of-fit tests, two-sample comparison and unfolding 2004 B. Aslan
G. Zech
+ A Multivariate Two-Sample Test Based on the Concept of Minimum Energy 2003 G. Zech
B. Aslan
+ A new test for the multivariate two-sample problem based on the concept of minimum energy 2003 G. Zech
B. Aslan
+ Comparison of different goodness-of-fit tests 2002 B. Aslan
G. Zech
+ A new class of binning free, multivariate goodness-of-fit tests: the energy tests 2002 B. Aslan
G. Zech
+ Confronting classical and Bayesian confidence limits to examples 2000 G. Zech
+ PDF Chat An optical readout for a fiber tracker 1998 M Enkelmann
U. Werthenbach
G. Zech
T. Zeuner
+ Observation of events with an energetic forward neutron in deep inelastic scattering at HERA 1996 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J.R. Okrasiński
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Dijet angular distributions in direct and resolved photoproduction at HERA 1996 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J.R. Okrasiński
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R.L. Talaga
H. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Measurement of theF 2 structure function in deep inelastice + p scattering using 1994 data from the ZEUS detector at HERA 1996 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J.R. Okrasiński
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
+ Measurement of the reaction γp→φp in deep inelastic e+p scattering at HERA 1996 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J.R. Okrasiński
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Measurement of elastic φ photoproduction at HERA 1996 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J.R. Okrasiński
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the diffractive structure function in deep inelastic scattering at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Ayad
+ Exclusive ϱ0 production in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Ayad
+ Diffractive hard photoproduction at HERA and evidence for the gluon content of the pomeron 1995 M Derrick
D Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B Musgrave
J Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H Zhang
R. Ayad
+ Study of the photon remnant in resolved photoproduction at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H Zhang
R. Ayad
+ PDF Chat Inclusive transverse momentum distributions of charged particles in diffractive and non-diffractive photoproduction at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Ayad
+ Measurement of the cross section for the reaction γp → J/ψ p with the ZEUS detector at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H Zhang
R. Ayad
+ Study of D∗ (2010)± production in ep collisions at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Ayad
+ Dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Ayad
+ PDF Chat Jet production in highQ 2 deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Avad
+ PDF Chat Measurement of multiplicity and momentum spectra in the current fragmentation region of the Breit frame at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Avad
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat A Multivariate Two-Sample Test Based on the Number of Nearest Neighbor Type Coincidences 1988 Norbert Henze
+ PDF Chat On a Test Whether Two Samples are from the Same Population 1940 Abraham Wald
J. Wolfowitz
+ A survey of nonparametric tests for scale 1976 Benjemin S. Duran
+ Adaptive Smoothing and Density-Based Tests of Multivariate Normality 1993 Adrian Bowman
Peter Foster
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the proton structure function F2 (x, Q2) in the low-x region at HERA 1993 I. Abt
T. Ahmed
V. Andreev
Bernard Andrieu
R.D. Appuhn
M. Arpagaus
A. Babaev
H. Bärwolff
J. Bán
P. Baranov
+ PDF Chat On the multivariate runs test 1999 Norbert Henze
Mathew D. Penrose
+ PDF Chat A measurement of the proton structure function F2(x, Q2) 1995 T. Ahmed
S. Aïd
A.A. Akhundov
V. Andreev
Bernard Andrieu
R.D. Appuhn
M. Arpagaus
A. Babaev
J. Baehr
J. Bán
+ PDF Chat Diffractive leptoproduction of vector mesons in QCD 1994 Stanley J. Brodsky
L. Frankfurt
John F. Gunion
A.H. Mueller
M. Strikman
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Generalizations of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov Two-Sample Tests 1979 Jerome H. Friedman
Lawrence C. Rafsky
+ Measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis with applications 1970 Kanti V. Mardia
+ Robuste und adaptive Tests 1991 Herbert Büning
+ Dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Ayad
+ PDF Chat Measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA 1993 H Collaboration
I. Abt
T. Ahmed
V. Andreev
Bernard Andrieu
R.D. Appuhn
M. Arpagaus
A. Babaev
H. Bärwolff
J. Bán
+ Neural network based electron identification in the ZEUS calorimeter 1995 H. Abramowicz
A. Caldwell
Ralph Sinkus
+ PDF Chat Exclusive vector meson production at HERA 1995 A. Donnachie
P.V. Landshoff
+ Method of convergent weights — An iterative procedure for solving Fredholm's integral equations of the first kind 1983 Attila Csaba Kondor
+ PDF Chat On an iterative method for the unfolding of spectra 1987 H. N. Mülthei
B. Schorr
+ Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Emission Tomography 1982 L. A. Shepp
Y. Vardi
+ PDF Chat First measurement of the deep-inelastic structure of proton diffraction 1995 T. Ahmed
S. Aïd
V. Andreev
Bernard Andrieu
R.D. Appuhn
M. Arpagaus
A. Babaev
J. Baehr
J. Bán
Y. Ban
+ PDF Chat Total cross sections 1992 A. Donnachie
P.V. Landshoff
+ PDF Chat Measurement of elastic $\rho^0$ photoproduction at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
M.A.J. Botje
F.S. Chlebana
J. Engelen
Marc de Kamps
Paul Kooijman
A. Kruse
H.G. Tiecke
W. Verkerke
M. Vreeswijk
+ Smooth Tests of Goodness of Fit 1991 Terry King
J. C. W. Rayner
D. J. Best
+ Exclusive ϱ0 production in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H. Zhang
R. Ayad
+ PDF Chat Scanning the BFKL pomeron in elastic production of vector mesons at HERA 1994 J. Nemchik
N. N. Nikolaev
Б. Г. Захаров
+ PDF Chat A multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness of fit 1997 Ana Justel
Daniel Peña
Ruben H. Zamar
+ PDF Chat Diffractive dissociation in deep inelastic scattering at HERA 1995 A. Capella
A.B. Kaidalov
C. Merino
J. Trân Thanh Vân
+ Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 2012 Rand R. Wilcox
+ Exclusive rho production in deep inelastic scattering 1987 A. Donnachie
P. V. Landshoff
+ A combination of Wilcoxon's and Ansari-Bradley's statistics 1971 Yves Lepage
+ Measurement of the cross section for the reaction γp → J/ψ p with the ZEUS detector at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D Krakauer
S. Magill
D. Mikunas
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
H Zhang
R. Ayad
+ PDF Chat Parton distributions of the proton 1994 A. D. Martin
W.J. Stirling
Richard G. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Observation of hard scattering in photoproduction events with a large rapidity gap at HERA 1995 M. Derrick
D. Krakauer
S. Magill
B. Musgrave
J. Repond
J. Schlereth
R. Stanek
R. L. Talaga
J. L. Thron
F. Arzarello
+ A Multivariate Two-Sample Test Based on the Concept of Minimum Energy 2003 G. Zech
B. Aslan
+ PDF Chat Direct vs. resolved photon. An exercise in factorization 1994 J. Chýla
+ PDF Chat CTEQ parton distributions and flavor dependence of sea quarks 1993 James Botts
J. G. Morfín
Joseph F. Owens
Jian-Wei Qiu
Wu-Ki Tung
Harry Weerts
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the cross section using a soft-pion analysis in two-photon processes 1994 R. Enomoto
K. Abe
K. Abe
I. Adachi
Masashi Aoki
M. Aoki
S. Awa
R. Belusević
K. Emi
H. Fujii
+ The Advanced Theory of Statistics. 1978 G. M. Clarke
M. G. Kendall
A. Stuart
+ The Advanced Theory of Statistics. 1947 Abraham Wald
M. G. Kendall
+ Pseudo-random numbers 1970 Joachim Ahrens
U. Dieter
A. Grube
+ PDF Chat Inclusive particle production at HERA 1993 Francesca Borzumati
Bernd A. Kniehl
G. Krämer
+ A new test for the multivariate two-sample problem based on the concept of minimum energy 2003 G. Zech
B. Aslan
+ PDF Chat Direct photoproduction of jets in the kT-factorisation prescription 1994 J. R. Forshaw
Richard G. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Inclusive particle production at HERA - Higher-order QCD corrections to the resolved quasi-real photon contribution 1993 Francesca Borzumati
Bernd A. Kniehl
G. Krämer
+ PDF Chat Calculating <i>p</i>-values and their significances with the Energy Test for large datasets 2018 W. Barter
C. Burr
C. Parkes
+ PDF Chat Heavy-quark correlations in photon-hadron collisions 1994 Stefano Frixione
Michelangelo L. Mangano
Paolo Nason
Giovanni Ridolfi
+ PDF Chat Probing lumps of wee partons in deep inelastic scattering 1994 W. Buchmüller
+ PDF Chat On the kinematic reconstruction of deep inelastic scattering at HERA 1995 U. Bassler
G. Bernardi
+ PDF Chat Deconvolution with Correct Sampling 1998 Pierre Magain
F. Courbin
S. Sohy
+ Adaptive Smoothing and Density-Based Tests of Multivariate Normality 1993 A. W. Bowman
Peter Foster