Christine Guenther


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Well-posedness of nonlinear flows on manifolds of bounded geometry 2024 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Chat Convergence stability for Ricci flow on manifolds with bounded geometry 2023 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Convergence stability for Ricci flow on manifolds with bounded geometry 2023 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Wellposedness of nonlinear flows on manifolds of bounded geometry 2022 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Sectoriality of the Laplacian on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Spaces 2021 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Sectoriality of the Laplacian on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Spaces 2021 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Second Order Renormalization Group Flow 2020 Christine Guenther
+ PDF Chat Scaling and Entropy for the RG-2 Flow 2020 Mauro Carfora
Christine Guenther
+ Noncollapsing 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ Extrinsic Geometric Flows 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ PDF Chat Mean convex mean curvature flow 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ The Gage–Hamilton–Grayson theorem 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ Flows of mean curvature type 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ Flows by superaffine powers of the Gauß curvature 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ Huisken’s theorem 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ PDF Chat Hypersurfaces in Euclidean space 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ Monotonicity formulae 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ Fully nonlinear curvature flows 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ PDF Chat Flows of inverse-mean curvature type 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ PDF Chat Gauß curvature flows 2020 Ben Andrews
Bennett Chow
Christine Guenther
Mat Langford
+ PDF Chat Convergence Stability for Ricci Flow 2019 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Scaling and Entropy for the RG-2 Flow 2018 Mauro Carfora
Christine Guenther
+ Convergence Stability for Ricci Flow 2018 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Convergence Stability for Ricci Flow 2018 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Scaling and Entropy for the RG-2 Flow 2018 Mauro Carfora
Christine Guenther
+ Nonsingular solutions on closed 3-manifolds 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ PDF Chat Constant mean curvature surfaces and harmonic maps by IFT 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Noncompact hyperbolic limits 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Noncompact gradient Ricci solitons 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Type II singularities and degenerate neckpinches 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Hyperbolic geometry and 3-manifolds 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Stability of Ricci flow 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ PDF Chat The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ PDF Chat Short-time existence for the second order renormalization group flow in general dimensions 2015 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Long-time solutions and related topics 2015 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Short-time existence for the second order renormalization group flow in general dimensions 2014 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Short-time existence for the second order renormalization group flow in general dimensions 2014 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ A geometric introduction to the 2-loop renormalization group flow 2013 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ A geometric introduction to the two-loop renormalization group flow 2013 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ PDF Chat Second-order renormalization group flow of three-dimensional homogeneous geometries 2013 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ A geometric introduction to the 2-loop renormalization group flow 2013 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Second-Order Renormalization Group Flow of Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Geometries 2012 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Second-Order Renormalization Group Flow of Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Geometries 2012 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Bounds for the heat kernel for evolving metrics 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Asymptotic cones and Sharafutdinov retraction 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Estimates of the heat equation for evolving metrics 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Compactness of the space of 𝜅-solutions 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Elementary aspects of metric geometry 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Geometric properties of 𝜅-solutions 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Entropy, 𝜇-invariant, and finite time singularities 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Convex functions on Riemannian manifolds 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Geometric-analytic aspects 2010 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ PDF Chat Stability of the (Two-Loop) Renormalization Group Flow for Nonlinear Sigma Models 2008 Christine Guenther
Todd A. Oliynyk
+ The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Differential Harnack estimates of LYH-type 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Closed manifolds with positive curvature 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Weak and strong maximum principles on noncompact manifolds 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Local derivative of curvature estimates 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Basic topology of 3-manifolds 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Kähler-Ricci flow and Kähler-Ricci solitons 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ The compactness theorem for Ricci flow 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Ricci solitons 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lu
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ PDF Chat Linear stability of homogeneous Ricci solitons 2006 Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Daniel Knopf
+ Linear stability of homogeneous Ricci solitons 2006 Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Dan Knopf
+ The Millennium Problems: The Seven Greatest Unsolved Mathematical Puzzles of Our Time 2003 Christine Guenther
+ The fundamental solution on manifolds with time-dependent metrics 2002 Christine Guenther
+ PDF Chat Stability of the Ricci flow at Ricci-flat metrics 2002 Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Dan Knopf
+ Contributions to multidimensional quadrature formulas 1976 Christine Guenther
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Stability of the (Two-Loop) Renormalization Group Flow for Nonlinear Sigma Models 2008 Christine Guenther
Todd A. Oliynyk
+ PDF Chat Stability of the Ricci flow at Ricci-flat metrics 2002 Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Dan Knopf
+ The Ricci Flow: An Introduction 2004 Bennett Chow
Dan Knopf
+ Stability, instability and center manifold theorem for fully nonlinear autonomous parabolic equations in Banach space 1988 Giuseppe Da Prato
Alessandra Lunardi
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat Quasi-convergence of model geometries under the Ricci flow 2001 Dan Knopf
Kevin McLeod
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear Poisson transform for Einstein metrics on product spaces 2011 Olivier Biquard
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Nonlinear models in 2 + ε dimensions 1985 Daniel Friedan
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic stability of the cross curvature flow at a hyperbolic metric 2008 Dan Knopf
Andrea Young
+ PDF Chat Second-order renormalization group flow of three-dimensional homogeneous geometries 2013 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow of locally homogeneous geometries on closed manifolds 1992 James Isenberg
M. J. Jackson
+ PDF Chat The second-order renormalization group flow for nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions 2009 Todd A. Oliynyk
+ PDF Chat Deforming metrics in the direction of their Ricci tensors 1983 Dennis DeTurck
+ Elliptic theory of differential edge operators I 1991 Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Chat Maskit combinations of Poincaré–Einstein metrics 2005 Rafe Mazzeo
Frank Pacard
+ PDF Chat Convergence Stability for Ricci Flow 2019 Eric Bahuaud
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ On the second derivative of the total scalar curvature 1979 Norihito Koiso
+ Short-Time Existence of the Second Order Renormalization Group Flow in Dimension Three 2013 Laura Cremaschi
Carlo Mantegazza
+ PDF Chat Metric for gradient renormalization group flow of the worldsheet sigma model beyond first order 2007 Todd A. Oliynyk
Vardarajan Suneeta
Eric Woolgar
+ Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity on the ball 1991 C. Robin Graham
John M. Lee
+ PDF Chat Short-time existence for the second order renormalization group flow in general dimensions 2015 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ PDF Chat Deforming the metric on complete Riemannian manifolds 1989 Wan-Xiong Shi
+ A geometric introduction to the two-loop renormalization group flow 2013 Karsten Gimre
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ PDF Chat Four-manifolds with positive curvature operator 1986 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces 2007 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of the Ricci flow on complete noncompact manifolds 2006 Bing-Long Chen
Xi-Ping Zhu
+ Generation of Analytic Semigroups by Elliptic Operators with Unbounded Coefficients 1987 Piermarco Cannarsa
Vincenzo Vesprı
+ PDF Chat Generalized Heisenberg Groups and Damek-Ricci Harmonic Spaces 1995 Jürgen Berndt
F. Tricerri
L. Vanhecke
+ Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis 1998 Jürgen Jost
+ PDF Chat On Stability of the Hyperbolic Space Form under the Normalized Ricci Flow 2010 Haozhao Li
Hao Yin
+ The Module Structure Theorem for Sobolev Spaces on Open Manifolds 1998 Jürgen Eichhorn
Jan Fricke
+ Unique Continuation at Infinity and Embedded Eigenvalues for Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds 1991 Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Chat Some Geometric Calculations on Wasserstein Space 2007 John Lott
+ PDF Chat A gradient flow for worldsheet nonlinear sigma models 2006 Todd A. Oliynyk
Vardarajan Suneeta
Eric Woolgar
+ PDF Chat Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 1981 Daniel Henry
+ PDF Chat Elliptic operators and the decomposition of tensor fields 1981 Murray Cantor
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the Ricci flow for metrics with indefinite Ricci curvature 1990 Mauro Carfora
James Isenberg
M. J. Jackson
+ PDF Chat Collapsing Riemannian manifolds to ones of lower dimensions 1987 Kenji Fukaya
+ Noncompact homogeneous Einstein spaces 1998 Jens Heber
+ A Compactness Property for Solutions of the Ricci Flow 1995 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Collapsing Riemannian manifolds while keeping their curvature bounded. I 1986 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Stability of hyperbolic space under Ricci flow 2011 Oliver C. Schnürer
Felix Schulze
Miles Simon
+ PDF Chat Ricci solitons on compact three-manifolds 1993 Thomas Ivey
+ The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ PDF Chat A Complete Proof of the Poincaré and Geometrization Conjectures - application of the Hamilton-Perelman theory of the Ricci flow 2006 Huai-Dong Cao
Xi-Ping Zhu
+ Curvatures of left invariant metrics on lie groups 1976 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Stability of symmetric spaces of noncompact type under Ricci flow 2015 Richard H. Bamler