Göran Kauermann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Exponential Random Graph Models for Dynamic Signed Networks: An Application to International Relations 2025 Cornelius Fritz
Marius Mehrl
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ Regression‐based network‐flow and inner‐matrix reconstruction 2024 Michael Lebacher
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat LASSO Estimation in Exponential Random Graph models 2024 Sergio Buttazzo
Göran Kauermann
+ Stochastic Block Smooth Graphon Model 2024 Benjamin Sischka
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat The Skellam distribution revisited: Estimating the unobserved incoming and outgoing ICU COVID-19 patients on a regional level in Germany 2024 Martje Rave
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Estimating excess mortality in high-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic 2024 Giacomo De Nicola
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Dependence matters: Statistical models to identify the drivers of tie formation in economic networks 2023 Giacomo De Nicola
Cornelius Fritz
Marius Mehrl
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Spatial smoothing revisited: An application to rental data in Munich 2023 Ludwig Fahrmeir
Göran Kauermann
Gerhard Tutz
Michael Windmann
+ PDF Chat COVID-19 and social media: Beyond polarization 2023 Giacomo De Nicola
Victor H. Tuekam Mambou
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Die Berücksichtigung von außergesetzlichen Merkmalen bei der Mietspiegelerstellung – Kausalität versus Vorhersage 2023 Göran Kauermann
Michael Windmann
+ Conflict forecasting using remote sensing data: An application to the Syrian civil war 2023 Daniel Racek
Paul W. Thurner
Brittany I Davidson
Xiao Xiang Zhu
Göran Kauermann
+ Modelling the large and dynamically growing bipartite network of German patents and inventors 2023 Cornelius Fritz
Giacomo De Nicola
Sevag Kevork
Dietmar Harhoff
Göran Kauermann
+ Nonparametric Two-Sample Test for Networks Using Joint Graphon Estimation 2023 Benjamin Sischka
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Predictive Energy Management for Battery Electric Vehicles with Hybrid Models 2023 Yu‐Wen Huang
Christian Prehofer
William Lindskog
Ron Puts
Pietro Mosca
Göran Kauermann
+ The Politics of Language Choice: How the Russian-Ukrainian War Influences Ukrainians' Language Use on Twitter 2023 Daniel Racek
Brittany I Davidson
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ Weighted high dimensional data reduction of finite Element Features -- An Application on High Pressure of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 2023 Christoph Striegel
Göran Kauermann
Jonas Biehler
+ The Skellam Distribution revisited -Estimating the unobserved incoming and outgoing ICU COVID-19 patients on a regional level in Germany 2023 Martje Rave
Göran Kauermann
+ Sources of Uncertainty in Machine Learning -- A Statisticians' View 2023 Cornelia Gruber
Patrick Oliver Schenk
Malte Schierholz
Frauke Kreuter
Göran Kauermann
+ Estimating excess mortality in high-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic 2023 Giacomo De Nicola
Göran Kauermann
+ Categorising the World into Local Climate Zones -- Towards Quantifying Labelling Uncertainty for Machine Learning Models 2023 Katharina Hechinger
Xiao Xiang Zhu
Göran Kauermann
+ Towards Label Embedding -- Measuring classification difficulty 2023 Katharina Hechinger
Christoph Koller
Xiao Xiang Zhu
Göran Kauermann
+ Statistical modelling of COVID-19 data: Putting generalized additive models to work 2022 Cornelius Fritz
Giacomo De Nicola
Martje Rave
Maximilian Weigert
Yeganeh Khazaei
Ursula Berger
Helmut Küchenhoff
Göran Kauermann
+ Challenges in Interpreting Epidemiological Surveillance Data – Experiences from Germany 2022 Cornelius Fritz
Giacomo De Nicola
Felix Günther
David Rügamer
Martje Rave
Marc Schneble
Andreas Bender
Maximilian Weigert
Ralph Brinks
Annika Hoyer
+ PDF Chat All that glitters is not gold: Relational events models with spurious events 2022 Cornelius Fritz
Marius Mehrl
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Discussion on On the role of data, statistics and decisions in a pandemic 2022 Ursula Berger
Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ PDF Chat Intensity estimation on geometric networks with penalized splines 2022 Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat An update on excess mortality in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany 2022 Giacomo De Nicola
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Regional now- and forecasting for data reported with delay: toward surveillance of COVID-19 infections 2022 Giacomo De Nicola
Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
Ursula Berger
+ PDF Chat A Multifidelity Function-on-Function Model Applied to an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 2022 Christoph Striegel
Jonas Biehler
Wolfgang A. Wall
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Statistical modelling of COVID-19 data: Putting Generalised Additive Models to work 2022 Cornelius Fritz
Giacomo De Nicola
Martje Rave
Maximilian Weigert
Yeganeh Khazaei
Ursula Berger
Helmut Küchenhoff
Göran Kauermann
+ Actor Heterogeneity and Explained Variance in Network Models -- A Scalable Approach through Variational Approximations 2022 Nadja Klein
Göran Kauermann
+ Modelling the large and dynamically growing bipartite network of German patents and inventors 2022 Cornelius Fritz
Giacomo De Nicola
Sevag Kevork
Dietmar Harhoff
Göran Kauermann
+ Stochastic Block Smooth Graphon Model 2022 Benjamin Sischka
Göran Kauermann
+ Going Beyond One-Hot Encoding in Classification: Can Human Uncertainty Improve Model Performance? 2022 Christoph Koller
Göran Kauermann
Xiao Xiang Zhu
+ COVID-19 and social media: Beyond polarization 2022 Giacomo De Nicola
Victor H. Tuekam Mambou
Göran Kauermann
+ Dependence matters: Statistical models to identify the drivers of tie formation in economic networks 2022 Giacomo De Nicola
Cornelius Fritz
Marius Mehrl
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Iterative estimation of mixed exponential random graph models with nodal random effects 2021 Sevag Kevork
Göran Kauermann
+ The role of governmental weapons procurements in forecasting monthly fatalities in intrastate conflicts: A semiparametric hierarchical hurdle model 2021 Cornelius Fritz
Marius Mehrl
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ Bipartite exponential random graph models with nodal random effects 2021 Sevag Kevork
Göran Kauermann
+ On the Interplay of Regional Mobility, Social Connectedness and The Spread of COVID-19 in Germany 2021 Cornelius Fritz
Göran Kauermann
+ All that Glitters is not Gold: Modeling Relational Events with Measurement Errors 2021 Cornelius Fritz
Marius Mehrl
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Separable and semiparametric network-based counting processes applied to the international combat aircraft trades 2021 Cornelius Fritz
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat EM-based smooth graphon estimation using MCMC and spline-based approaches 2021 Benjamin Sischka
Göran Kauermann
+ A statistical model for the dynamics of COVID‐19 infections and their case detection ratio in 2020 2021 Marc Schneble
Giacomo De Nicola
Göran Kauermann
Ursula Berger
+ Statistical modeling of on-street parking lot occupancy in smart cities 2021 Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
+ A split questionnaire survey design in the context of statistical matching 2021 Mehboob Ali
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat In search of lost edges: a case study on reconstructing financial networks 2021 Michael Lebacher
Nadja Klein
Göran Kauermann
Samantha Cook
+ Matrix-free Penalized Spline Smoothing with Multiple Covariates 2021 Julian Wagner
Göran Kauermann
Ralf Münnich
+ Experiments and Causality 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Model Selection and Model Averaging 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Missing and Deficient Data 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Multivariate and Extreme Value Distributions 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Background in Probability 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Bootstrapping 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Statistical Decisions 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Bayesian Statistics 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Introduction 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ Regression 2021 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
Christian Heumann
+ All that Glitters is not Gold: Relational Events Models with Spurious Events 2021 Cornelius Fritz
Marius Mehrl
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ On assessing excess mortality in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic 2021 Giacomo De Nicola
Göran Kauermann
Michael Höhle
+ Statistical modeling of on-street parking lot occupancy in smart cities 2021 Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Spotlight on the dark figure: Exhibiting dynamics in the case detection ratio of COVID-19 infections in Germany 2020 Marc Schneble
Giacomo De Nicola
Göran Kauermann
Ursula Berger
+ PDF Chat Estimation of latent network flows in bike-sharing systems 2020 Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Nowcasting fatal COVID‐19 infections on a regional level in Germany 2020 Marc Schneble
Giacomo De Nicola
Göran Kauermann
Ursula Berger
+ PDF Chat A Dynamic Separable Network Model with Actor Heterogeneity: An Application to Global Weapons Transfers 2020 Michael Lebacher
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ On the Interplay of Regional Mobility, Social Connectedness, and the Spread of COVID-19 in Germany 2020 Cornelius Fritz
Göran Kauermann
+ Regional now- and forecasting for data reported with delay: A case study in COVID-19 infections 2020 Nicola Gd
Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
Uwe Berger
+ Mixture Models and Networks -- Overview of Stochastic Blockmodelling 2020 Giacomo De Nicola
Benjamin Sischka
Göran Kauermann
+ Separable and Semiparametric Network-based Counting Processes applied to the International Combat Aircraft Trades 2020 Cornelius Fritz
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat A general framework for prediction in penalized regression 2020 Alba Carballo
Maŕıa Durbán
Göran Kauermann
Dae‐Jin Lee
+ Estimation of Latent Network Flows in Bike-Sharing Systems. 2020 Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
+ Semi-parametric regression when some (expensive) covariates are missing by design 2020 Göran Kauermann
Mehboob Ali
+ Regional now- and forecasting for data reported with delay: Towards surveillance of COVID-19 infections 2020 Giacomo De Nicola
Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
Ursula Berger
+ Mixture Models and Networks -- Overview of Stochastic Blockmodelling 2020 Giacomo De Nicola
Benjamin Sischka
Göran Kauermann
+ Estimation of Latent Network Flows in Bike-Sharing Systems 2020 Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
+ Intensity Estimation on Geometric Networks with Penalized Splines 2020 Marc Schneble
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Tempus volat, hora fugit: A survey of tie‐oriented dynamic network models in discrete and continuous time 2019 Cornelius Fritz
Michael Lebacher
Göran Kauermann
+ Data Science – Einige Gedanken aus Sicht eines Statistikers 2019 Göran Kauermann
+ Iterative Estimation of Mixed Exponential Random Graph Models with Nodal Random Effects 2019 Sevag Kevork
Göran Kauermann
+ In Search of Lost Edges: A Case Study on Reconstructing FInancial Networks 2019 Michael Lebacher
Samantha Cook
Nadja Klein
Göran Kauermann
+ In Search of Lost Edges: A Case Study on Reconstructing Financial Networks 2019 Michael Lebacher
Samantha Cook
Nadja Klein
Göran Kauermann
+ A smooth dynamic network model for patent collaboration data 2019 Verena Bauer
Dietmar Harhoff
Göran Kauermann
+ Tempus Volat, Hora Fugit - A Survey of Dynamic Network Models in Discrete and Continuous Time. 2019 Cornelius Fritz
Michael Lebacher
Göran Kauermann
+ Bayesian and Spline based Approaches for (EM based) Graphon Estimation 2019 Göran Kauermann
Benjamin Sischka
+ EM based smooth Graphon Estimation using Bayesian and Spline based Approaches 2019 Göran Kauermann
Benjamin Sischka
+ A note on parallel sampling in Markov graphs 2019 Verena Bauer
Karl Fürlinger
Göran Kauermann
+ Censored Regression for Modelling International Small Arms Trading and its "Forensic" Use for Exploring Unreported Trades 2019 Michael Lebacher
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ Regression-based Network Reconstruction with Nodal and Dyadic Covariates and Random Effects 2019 Michael Lebacher
Göran Kauermann
+ Iterative Estimation of Mixed Exponential Random Graph Models with Nodal Random Effects 2019 Sevag Kevork
Göran Kauermann
+ In Search of Lost Edges: A Case Study on Reconstructing Financial Networks 2019 Michael Lebacher
Samantha Cook
Nadja Klein
Göran Kauermann
+ A smooth dynamic network model for patent collaboration data 2019 Verena Bauer
Dietmar Harhoff
Göran Kauermann
+ Data Science: a proposal for a curriculum 2018 Göran Kauermann
Thomas Seidl
+ International Arms Trade: A Dynamic Separable Network Model With Heterogeneity Components 2018 Michael Lebacher
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ A Dynamic Separable Network Model with Actor Heterogeneity: An Application to Global Weapons Transfers 2018 Michael Lebacher
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ Exploring Dependence Structures in the International Arms Trade Network 2018 Michael Lebacher
Göran Kauermann
+ A Dynamic Separable Network Model with Actor Heterogeneity: An Application to Global Weapons Transfers 2018 Michael Lebacher
Paul W. Thurner
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Stable exponential random graph models with non-parametric components for large dense networks 2016 Stephanie Thiemichen
Göran Kauermann
+ Statistik, Data Science und Big Data 2016 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Stable Exponential Random Graph Models with Non-parametric Components for Large Dense Networks 2016 Stephanie Thiemichen
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Bayesian exponential random graph models with nodal random effects 2016 Stephanie Thiemichen
Nial Friel
Alberto Caimo
Göran Kauermann
+ A short note on quantile and expectile estimation in unequal probability samples 2016 Linda Schulze Waltrup
Göran Kauermann
+ Stable Exponential Random Graph Models with Non-parametric Components for Large Dense Networks 2016 Stephanie Thiemichen
Göran Kauermann
+ Smooth expectiles for panel data using penalized splines 2015 Linda Schulze Waltrup
Göran Kauermann
+ Forecasting in nonlinear univariate time series using penalized splines 2015 Michael Wegener
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Expectile and quantile regression—David and Goliath? 2014 Linda Schulze Waltrup
Fabian Sobotka
Thomas Kneib
Göran Kauermann
+ Generalized Linear Models: Overview 2014 Göran Kauermann
John Norrie
+ Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models with Nodal Random Effects 2014 Stephanie Thiemichen
Nial Friel
Alberto Caimo
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Objective Bayesian Model Selection in Generalized Additive Models With Penalized Splines 2014 Daniel Sabanés Bové
Leonhard Held
Göran Kauermann
+ Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models with Nodal Random Effects 2014 Stephanie Thiemichen
Nial Friel
Alberto Caimo
Göran Kauermann
+ Penalized marginal likelihood estimation of finite mixtures of Archimedean copulas 2013 Göran Kauermann
Renate Meyer
+ Flexible pair-copula estimation in D-vines using bivariate penalized splines 2013 Göran Kauermann
Christian Schellhase
+ Flexible Copula Density Estimation with Penalized Hierarchical B‐splines 2013 Göran Kauermann
Christian Schellhase
David Ruppert
+ PDF Chat On confidence intervals for semiparametric expectile regression 2011 Fabian Sobotka
Göran Kauermann
Linda Schulze Waltrup
Thomas Kneib
+ To move or not to move to find a new job: spatial duration time model with dynamic covariate effects 2011 Göran Kauermann
Nina Westerheide
+ Density estimation and comparison with a penalized mixture approach 2011 Christian Schellhase
Göran Kauermann
+ Hyper-g Priors for Generalised Additive Model Selection with Penalised Splines 2011 Daniel Sabanés Bové
Leonhard Held
Göran Kauermann
+ Hyper-g priors for generalised additive model selection 2011 Daniel Sabanés Bové
Leonhard Held
Göran Kauermann
+ Mixtures of g-Priors for Generalised Additive Model Selection with Penalised Splines 2011 Daniel Sabanés Bové
Leonhard Held
Göran Kauermann
+ Mehrstufige und mehrphasige Verfahren 2010 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Probleme in der Anwendung 2010 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Modellbasierte Stichprobenverfahren 2010 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Parsimonious Classification Via Generalized Linear Mixed Models 2010 Göran Kauermann
John T. Ormerod
M. P. Wand
+ Penalized Splines, Mixed Models and Bayesian Ideas 2009 Göran Kauermann
+ Functional variance estimation using penalized splines with principal component analysis 2009 Göran Kauermann
Michael Wegener
+ Full Time or Part Time Reemployment: A Competing Risk Model With Frailties and Smooth Effects Using a Penalty Based Approach 2009 Göran Kauermann
Pavel Khomski
+ PDF Chat Bootstrapping for Penalized Spline Regression 2009 Göran Kauermann
Gerda Claeskens
Jean D. Opsomer
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Results on Generalized Penalized Spline Smoothing 2008 Göran Kauermann
Tatyana Krivobokova
Ludwig Fahrmeir
+ Gedanken zur Statistikausbildung an deutschen Hochschulen 2008 Göran Kauermann
Hans Peter Wolf
+ PDF Chat Fast Adaptive Penalized Splines 2008 Tatyana Krivobokova
Ciprian M. Crainiceanu
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Non-Parametric Small Area Estimation Using Penalized Spline Regression 2008 Jean D. Opsomer
Gerda Claeskens
Maria Giovanna Ranalli
Göran Kauermann
F. Jay Breidt
+ A Note on Penalized Spline Smoothing With Correlated Errors 2007 Tatyana Krivobokova
Göran Kauermann
+ Statistical consulting at German universities: Results of a survey 2007 Michael Windmann
Göran Kauermann
+ Stacked Laplace-EM algorithm for duration models with time-varying and random effects 2007 Göran Kauermann
Ronghui Xu
Florin Vaida
Florin Vaida
Göran Kauermann
+ Nonparametric Models and Their Estimation 2007 Göran Kauermann
+ A Partial Likelihood Approach to Smooth Estimation of Dynamic Covariate Effects using Penalised Splines 2007 Denise Scott Brown
Göran Kauermann
Ian Ford
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Results on Generalized Penalized Spline Smoothing 2007 Göran Kauermann
Tatyana Krivobokova
Ludwig Fahrmeir
+ Generalized Linear Models 2006 Göran Kauermann
John Norrie
+ Nonparametric models and their estimation 2006 Göran Kauermann
+ Additive two-way hazards model with varying coefficients 2006 Göran Kauermann
Pavel Khomski
+ Generalized Linear Models 2005 Göran Kauermann
John Norrie
+ Penalized spline smoothing in multivariable survival models with varying coefficients 2004 Göran Kauermann
+ Generalized Cross-Validation for Bandwidth Selection of Backfitting Estimates in Generalized Additive Models 2004 Göran Kauermann
Jean D. Opsomer
+ PDF Chat A Smooth Test in Proportional Hazard Survival Models Using Local Partial Likelihood Fitting 2003 Göran Kauermann
Ursula Berger
+ A note on smoothing parameter selection for penalized spline smoothing 2003 Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Local Likelihood Estimation in Generalized Additive Models 2003 Göran Kauermann
Jean D. Opsomer
+ Generalized linear random effects models with varying coefficients 2003 Gerhard Tutz
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Modelling data from inside the Earth: local smoothing of mean and dispersion structure in deep drill data 2003 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Semi- and Nonparametric Modeling of Ordinal Data 2003 Göran Kauermann
Gerhard Tutz
+ On a Small Sample Adjustment for the Profile Score Function in Semiparametric Smoothing Models 2002 Göran Kauermann
+ A Note on the Efficiency of Sandwich Covariance Matrix Estimation 2001 Göran Kauermann
Raymond J. Carroll
+ A fast method for implementing Generalized Cross-Validation in multi-dimensional nonparametric regression 2001 Göran Kauermann
Jean D. Opsomer
+ Edge Preserving Smoothing by Local Mixture Modelling 2001 Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Testing Generalized Linear and Semiparametric Models Against Smooth Alternatives 2001 Göran Kauermann
Gerhard Tutz
+ PDF Chat Modeling Longitudinal Data with Ordinal Response by Varying Coefficients 2000 Göran Kauermann
+ Standard Errors for EM Estimates in Generalized Linear Models with Random Effects 2000 Herwig Friedl
Göran Kauermann
+ Semiparametric Modeling of Ordinal Data 2000 Göran Kauermann
Gerhard Tutz
+ The Sandwich Variance Estimator: Efficiency Properties and Coverage Probability of Confidence Intervals 2000 Göran Kauermann
Raymond J. Carroll
+ Local likelihood estimation in varying-coefficient models including additive bias correction 2000 Göran Kauermann
Gerhard Tutz
Göran Kauermann
Hua Liang
Raymond J. Carroll
+ On model diagnostics using varying coefficient models 1999 Göran Kauermann
+ Standard Errors for EM Estimates in Variance Component Models 1999 Herwig Friedl
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat The efficiency of bias-corrected estimators for nonparametric kernel estimation based on local estimating equations 1998 Göran Kauermann
Marlene Müller
Raymond J. Carroll
+ Locally Weighted Least Squares in Categorical Varying-Coefficient Models 1998 Gerhard Tutz
Göran Kauermann
+ Local Estimators in Multivariate Generalized Linear Models with Varying Coefficients 1997 Gerhard Tutz
Göran Kauermann
+ The efficiency of bias-corrected estimators for nonparametric kernel estimation based on local estimating equations 1997 Göran Kauermann
Marlene Müller
Raymond J. Carroll
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties 1996 Paul H.C. Eilers
Brian D. Marx
+ Smoothing and mixed models 2003 M. P. Wand
+ PDF Chat Semiparametric regression during 2003–2007 2009 David Ruppert
M. P. Wand
Raymond J. Carroll
+ Approximate Inference in Generalized Linear Mixed Models 1993 N. E. Breslow
David Clayton
+ PDF Chat A Statistical Perspective on Ill-Posed Inverse Problems 1986 Finbarr O’Sullivan
+ Varying-Coefficient Models 1993 Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Results on Generalized Penalized Spline Smoothing 2008 Göran Kauermann
Tatyana Krivobokova
Ludwig Fahrmeir
+ Selecting the Number of Knots for Penalized Splines 2002 David Ruppert
+ PDF Chat A Survey of Statistical Network Models 2009 Anna Goldenberg
+ Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R, Second Edition 2017 Simon N. Wood
+ A note on smoothing parameter selection for penalized spline smoothing 2003 Göran Kauermann
+ A Brief History of Statistical Models for Network Analysis and Open Challenges 2012 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Fast Stable Restricted Maximum Likelihood and Marginal Likelihood Estimation of Semiparametric Generalized Linear Models 2010 Simon N. Wood
+ New Specifications for Exponential Random Graph Models 2006 Tom A. B. Snijders
Philippa Pattison
Garry Robins
Mark S. Handcock
+ Inference in Curved Exponential Family Models for Networks 2006 David R. Hunter
Mark S. Handcock
+ PDF Chat Thin Plate Regression Splines 2003 Simon N. Wood
+ Approximate Inference in Generalized Linear Mixed Models 1993 N. E. Breslow
David Clayton
+ Penalized spline smoothing in multivariable survival models with varying coefficients 2004 Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Discrete temporal models of social networks 2010 Steve Hanneke
Wenjie Fu
Eric P. Xing
+ Regression and time series model selection in small samples 1989 Clifford M. Hurvich
Chih‐Ling Tsai
+ A Note on Penalized Spline Smoothing With Correlated Errors 2007 Tatyana Krivobokova
Göran Kauermann
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models 1994 Ludwig Fahrmeir
Gerhard Tutz
John T. Ormerod
+ Generalized Additive Models 2014 Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Instability, Sensitivity, and Degeneracy of Discrete Exponential Families 2011 Michael Schweinberger
+ PDF Chat Testing Generalized Linear and Semiparametric Models Against Smooth Alternatives 2001 Göran Kauermann
Gerhard Tutz
+ On the asymptotics of penalized splines 2008 Yingxing Li
David Ruppert
+ Some theory for penalized spline generalized additive models 2002 Marc Aerts
Gerda Claeskens
M. P. Wand
+ Spline-Based Tests in Survival Analysis 1994 Robert J. Gray
+ Approximate Bayesian Inference for Latent Gaussian models by using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations 2009 Håvard Rue
Sara Martino
Nicolás Chopin
+ PDF Chat Bayesian inference for exponential random graph models 2010 Alberto Caimo
Nial Friel
+ Bias correction in generalised linear mixed models with a single component of dispersion 1995 N. E. Breslow
Xiaoming Lin
+ Estimation in generalized linear models with random effects 1991 Robert Schall
+ Smoothing with Mixed Model Software 2004 Long Thanh Ngo
M. P. Wand
+ Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation of exponential random graph models 2002 Tom A. B. Snijders
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
Réka Albert
+ Local likelihood estimation in varying-coefficient models including additive bias correction 2000 Göran Kauermann
Gerhard Tutz
+ Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models 2001 Charles E. McCulloch
S. R. Searle
+ Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) 2020 Ruiyun Li
Sen Pei
Бин Чэн
Yimeng Song
Zhang Tao
Wan Yang
Jeffrey Shaman
+ A Goodness-of-Fit Test for Binary Regression Models, Based on Smoothing Methods 1991 Saskia le Cessie
Hans C. van Houwelingen
+ Exact likelihood ratio tests for penalised splines 2005 Ciprian M. Crainiceanu
David Ruppert
Gerda Claeskens
M. P. Wand
+ PDF Chat Estimating Latent Processes on a Network From Indirect Measurements 2012 Edoardo M. Airoldi
Alexander W. Blocker
+ Conditional Akaike information for mixed-effects models 2005 Florin Vaida
Suzette Blanchard
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Gaussian Markov Random Fields 2005 Håvard Rue
Leonhard Held
+ PDF Chat A Separable Model for Dynamic Networks 2013 Pavel N. Krivitsky
Mark S. Handcock
Thomas Kneib
Stefan Lang
+ Analysis of Longitudinal Data 2001 Peter J. Diggle
Patrick J. Heagerty
Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ PDF Chat Local Polynomial Kernel Regression for Generalized Linear Models and Quasi-Likelihood Functions 1995 Jianqing Fan
Nancy Heckman
M. P. Wand
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani