Luis Medina


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat New Spectral Results for Laplacian Harary Matrix and the Harary Laplacian-Energy-like Applying a Matrix Order Reduction 2023 Luis Medina
Jonnathan Rodríguez
Macarena Trigo
+ PDF Chat Control Problem Related to a 2D Parabolic–Elliptic Chemo-Repulsion System with Nonlinear Production 2023 Exequiel Mallea-Zepeda
Luis Medina
+ Control Problem Related to a 2D Parabolic-Elliptic Chemo-Repulsion System with Nonlinear Production 2023 Exequiel Mallea-Zepeda
Luis Medina
+ On the spectral radius of the reciprocal distance signless laplacian matrix 2023 Luis Medina
+ Bounds on the spectral radius of Harary matrix 2023 Luis Medina
+ PDF Chat Generalized Randić Estrada Indices of Graphs 2022 Eber Lenes
Exequiel Mallea-Zepeda
Luis Medina
Jonnathan Rodríguez
+ Upper bound for the energy of the starlike trees 2021 Rubí Arrizaga-Zercovich
Luis Medina
+ Spectral radius of the Harary matrix of the join product of regular graphs<sup>1</sup> 2021 Luis Medina
Macarena Trigo
+ PDF Chat On the Aα-Eigenvalues of Signed Graphs 2021 Germain Pastén
Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
+ Bounds on the Reciprocal distance energy and Reciprocal distance Laplacian energies of a graph 2020 Luis Medina
Macarena Trigo
+ Upper bounds and lower bounds for the spectral radius of Reciprocal Distance, Reciprocal Distance Laplacian and Reciprocal Distance signless Laplacian matrices 2020 Luis Medina
Macarena Trigo
+ PDF Chat Characteristic Polynomials and Eigenvalues for Certain Classes of Pentadiagonal Matrices 2020 María Alejandra Alvarez
André Ebling Brondani
Francisca Andrea Macedo França
Luis Medina
+ PDF Chat On Distance Signless Laplacian Spectral Radius and Distance Signless Laplacian Energy 2020 Luis Medina
Hans Nina
Macarena Trigo
+ PDF Chat A Note on NIEP for Leslie and Doubly Leslie Matrices 2020 Luis Medina
Hans Nina
Elvis Valero
+ Optimal control problem for 3D micropolar fluid equations 2020 Exequiel Mallea-Zepeda
Luis Medina
+ Realizable lists via the spectra of block matrices 2019 Luis Medina
Hans Nina
+ PDF Chat A block-symmetric linearization of odd degree matrix polynomials with optimal eigenvalue condition number and backward error 2018 M.I. Bueno
Froilán M. Dopico
Susana Furtado
Luis Medina
+ Conditioning and backward error of block-symmetric block-tridiagonal linearizations of matrix polynomials 2017 M.I. Bueno
Froilán M. Dopico
Susana Furtado
Luis Medina
+ PDF Chat Bethe graphs attached to the vertices of a connected graph - a spectral approach 2016 Enide Andrade
Domingos M. Cardoso
Luis Medina
Óscar Rojo
+ Graphs with maximum Laplacian and signless Laplacian Estrada index 2016 Iván Gutman
Luis Medina
Pamela Pizarro
María Robbiano
+ PDF Chat On the dominating induced matching problem: Spectral results and sharp bounds 2016 Enide Andrade
Domingos M. Cardoso
Luis Medina
Óscar Rojo
+ Spectral results for the dominating induced matching problem 2013 Domingos M. Cardoso
Enide Andrade
Luis Medina
Óscar Rojo
+ Eigenvalues of certain weighted graphs joined at their roots having cliques at some levels 2012 Luis Medina
Óscar Rojo
+ Construction of Bipartite Graphs Having the Same Randic Energy 2012 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
+ Spectral characterization of some weighted rooted graphs with cliques 2010 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
+ Energy of line graphs 2010 Iván Gutman
María Robbiano
Enide Andrade
Domingos M. Cardoso
Luis Medina
Óscar Rojo
+ PDF Chat Extremal algebraic connectivities of certain caterpillar classes and symmetric caterpillars 2010 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
Nair De Abreu
Cláudia Marcela Justel
+ Maximizing the algebraic connectivity for a subclass of caterpillars 2009 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Cláudia Marcela Justel
+ On the algebraic connectivity of some caterpillars: A sharp upper bound and a total ordering 2009 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Cláudia Marcela Justel
+ PDF Chat Spectra of weighted compound graphs of generalized Bethe trees 2009 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
+ Spectra of generalized Bethe trees attached to a path 2008 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
+ Tight bounds on the algebraic connectivity of Bethe trees 2006 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of graphs 1973 Miroslav Fiedler
+ On the Harary index for the characterization of chemical graphs 1993 Dejan Plavšić
Sonja Nikolić
Nenad Trinajstić
Zlatko Mihalić
+ Laplacian matrices of graphs: a survey 1994 Russell Merris
+ The Laplacian Spectrum of a Graph 1990 Robert Grone
Russell Merris
V. S. Sunder
+ Upper bounds and lower bounds for the spectral radius of Reciprocal Distance, Reciprocal Distance Laplacian and Reciprocal Distance signless Laplacian matrices 2020 Luis Medina
Macarena Trigo
+ Spectra of Graphs 2011 Andries E. Brouwer
Willem H. Haemers
+ Spectra of graphs obtained by a generalization of the join graph operation 2012 Domingos M. Cardoso
Maria Aguieiras A. de Freitas
Enide Andrade
María Robbiano
+ Maximum eigenvalue of the reciprocal distance matrix 2009 Kinkar Ch. Das
+ An introduction to the theory of graph spectra 2010 Dragoš Cvetković
Peter Rowlinson
Slobodan Simić
+ A sharp lower bound for the least eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian of a non-bipartite graph 2008 Domingos M. Cardoso
Dragoš Cvetković
Peter Rowlinson
Slobodan K. Simić
+ Maximum eigenvalues of the reciprocal distance matrix and the reverse Wiener matrix 2007 Bo Zhou
Nenad Trinajstić
+ Old and new results on algebraic connectivity of graphs 2006 Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
+ Signless Laplacians of finite graphs 2007 Dragoš Cvetković
Peter Rowlinson
Slobodan K. Simić
+ PDF Chat On graphs with maximum Harary spectral radius 2015 Fei Huang
Xueliang Li
Shujing Wang
+ Design of topological indices. Part 4. Reciprocal distance matrix, related local vertex invariants and topological indices 1993 Ovidiu Ivanciuc
T. S. Balaban
Alexandrù T. Balaban
+ Sharp upper bounds on the distance energies of a graph 2018 Roberto C. Dı́az
Óscar Rojo
+ The Laplacian Spectrum of a Graph II 1994 Robert Grone
Russell Merris
+ PDF Chat Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, I 2009 Dragoš Cvetković
Slobodan Simić
+ Characterization of molecular branching 1975 Milan Randić
+ Ordering trees by algebraic connectivity 1990 Robert Grone
Russell Merris
+ The spectra of the adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix for some balanced trees 2005 Óscar Rojo
Ricardo L. Soto
+ Bounds on the Reciprocal distance energy and Reciprocal distance Laplacian energies of a graph 2020 Luis Medina
Macarena Trigo
+ The Spectral Radius of the Reciprocal Distance Laplacian Matrix of a Graph 2018 R.B. Bapat
Swarup Kumar Panda
+ PDF Chat Optimal bilinear control problem related to a chemo-repulsion system in 2D domains 2019 Francisco Guillén‐González
Exequiel Mallea-Zepeda
María Ángeles Rodríguez‐Bellido
+ Regularity and stability for the mathematical programming problem in Banach spaces 1979 Jochem Zowe
S. Kurcyusz
+ Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations 2010 Haı̈m Brezis
+ Spectra of generalized Bethe trees attached to a path 2008 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
+ Graph Energy 2012 Xueliang Li
Yongtang Shi
Iván Gutman
+ Maximal Energy Graphs 2001 Jack H. Koolen
Vincent Moulton
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Linearizations for Matrix Polynomials 2006 Nicholas J. Higham
D. Steven Mackey
Niloufer Mackey
Françoise Tisseur
+ A Backward Stable Algorithm for Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems 2014 Zeng Linghui
Yangfeng Su
+ On the spectra of some graphs like weighted rooted trees 2008 Rosário Fernandes
Helena Gomes
Enide Andrade
+ PDF Chat Chemotaxis-fluid coupled model for swimming bacteria with nonlinear diffusion: Global existence and asymptotic behavior 2010 Marco Di Francesco
Alexander Lorz
Peter A. Markowich
+ On the algebraic connectivity of some caterpillars: A sharp upper bound and a total ordering 2009 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Cláudia Marcela Justel
+ The ordering of trees and connected graphs by algebraic connectivity 2008 Jia‐Yu Shao
Ji‐Ming Guo
Haiying Shan
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear eigenvalue problems: a challenge for modern eigenvalue methods 2004 Volker Mehrmann
Heinrich Voß
+ Elgenvalues of nonnegative matrices 1997 Guo Wuwen
+ Existence of solutions and optimal control for a model of tissue invasion by solid tumours 2014 Anderson L. A. de Araújo
Paulo M. Dias de Magalhães
+ PDF Chat Compact sets in the spaceL p (O,T; B) 1986 Jacques Simon
+ Asymptotic behavior of solutions of transport equations for semiconductor devices 1975 M. S. Mock
+ Optimal Control of Keller–Segel Equations 2001 Sang-Uk Ryu
Atsushi Yagi
+ Characteristic vertices of weighted trees via perron values 1996 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Bryan L. Shader
+ PDF Chat Backward Error of Polynomial Eigenproblems Solved by Linearization 2007 Nicholas J. Higham
Ren‐Cang Li
Françoise Tisseur
+ Ordering trees with algebraic connectivity and diameter 2007 Xiao‐Dong Zhang
+ Recovery of Eigenvectors and Minimal Bases of Matrix Polynomials from Generalized Fiedler Linearizations 2011 M.I. Bueno
Fernando De Terán
Froilán M. Dopico
+ PDF Chat The Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem 2001 Françoise Tisseur
Karl Meerbergen
+ Ordering trees with nearly perfect matchings by algebraic connectivity 2007 Li Zhang
Yue Liu
+ PDF Chat The Conditioning of Linearizations of Matrix Polynomials 2006 Nicholas J. Higham
D. Steven Mackey
Françoise Tisseur
+ On the spectra of some weighted rooted trees and applications 2006 Óscar Rojo
María Robbiano
+ PDF Chat On the laplacian estrada index of a graph 2009 Jianxi Li
Chee Shiu
An Chang