Bin Cheng


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Near-resonance approximation of rotating Navier–Stokes equations 2023 Bin Cheng
Zisis N. Sakellaris
+ Near resonant approximation of the rotating stratified Boussinesq system on a 3-torus 2022 Bin Cheng
Zisis N. Sakellaris
+ PDF Chat An interior a priori estimate for solutions to Monge-Ampère equations with right-hand side close to a positive constant 2021 Thomas H. R. O'Neill
Bin Cheng
+ Interior estimates for Monge-Ampère equation in terms of modulus of continuity 2020 Bin Cheng
Thomas H. R. O'Neill
+ PDF Chat Convergence rate estimates for the low Mach and AlfvĂŠn number three-scale singular limit of compressible ideal magnetohydrodynamics 2020 Bin Cheng
Qiangchang Ju
Steve Schochet
+ Interior Estimates for Monge-Ampère Equation in Terms of Modulus of Continuity 2020 Bin Cheng
Thomas H. R. O'Neill
+ An Interior A Priori Estimate for Solutions to Monge-Amp\`ere Equations with Right-Hand Side Close to One 2019 Thomas H. R. O'Neill
Bin Cheng
+ An Interior A Priori Estimate for Solutions to Monge-Ampère Equations with Right-Hand Side Close to One 2019 Thomas H. R. O'Neill
Bin Cheng
+ Convergence Rate Estimates for the Low Mach and AlfvĂŠn Number Three-Scale Singular Limit of Compressible Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics 2019 Bin Cheng
Qiangchang Ju
Steve Schochet
+ Shallow water equations on a fast rotating surface 2019 Bin Cheng
Steve Schochet
+ PDF Chat Three-Scale Singular Limits of Evolutionary PDEs 2018 Bin Cheng
Qiangchang Ju
Steve Schochet
+ PDF Chat Singularity Formation and Global Existence of Classical Solutions for One-Dimensional Rotating Shallow Water System 2018 Bin Cheng
Peng Qu
Chunjing Xie
+ PDF Chat Existence of global weak solutions to a hybrid Vlasov-MHD model for magnetized plasmas 2017 Bin Cheng
Endre SĂźli
Cesare Tronci
+ Singularity formation and global existence of classical solutions for one dimensional rotating shallow water system 2017 Bin Cheng
Peng Qu
Chunjing Xie
+ PDF Chat A Rigorous Treatment of Moist Convection in a Single Column 2017 Bin Cheng
Jingrui Cheng
Michael J. Cullen
John Norbury
M. R. Turner
+ Convection in a Single Column -- Modelling, Algorithm and Analysis 2016 Onno Bokhove
Bin Cheng
Andreas Dedner
Gavin Esler
John Norbury
M. R. Turner
Jacques Vanneste
Mike Cullen
+ A rigorous treatment of moist convection in a single column 2016 Bin Cheng
Jingrui Cheng
Michael J. Cullen
John Norbury
M. R. Turner
+ Time-averages of Fast Oscillatory Systems in Three-dimensional Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetic Effects 2015 Bin Cheng
Alex Mahalov
+ Improved Accuracy of Incompressible Approximation of Compressible Euler Equations 2014 Bin Cheng
+ PDF Chat Improved Accuracy of Incompressible Approximation of Compressible Euler Equations 2014 Bin Cheng
+ Time-averages of fast oscillatory systems 2013 Bin Cheng
Alex Mahalov
+ Singular Limits and Convergence Rates of Compressible Euler and Rotating Shallow Water Equations 2012 Bin Cheng
+ Euler equations on a fast rotating sphere --- time-averages and zonal flows 2011 Bin Cheng
Alex Mahalov
+ On the classical solutions of two dimensional inviscid rotating shallow water system 2010 Bin Cheng
Chunjing Xie
Eitan Tadmor
+ Low-Mach-number Euler equations with solid-wall boundary condition and general initial data 2010 Bin Cheng
+ PDF Chat An improved local blow-up condition for Euler–Poisson equations with attractive forcing 2009 Bin Cheng
Eitan Tadmor
+ Multiscale dynamics of 2D rotational compressible Euler equations—an analytical approach 2009 Bin Cheng
+ On the Classical Solutions of Two Dimensional Inviscid Rotating Shallow Water System 2009 Bin Cheng
Chunjing Xie
+ PDF Chat Long-Time Existence of Smooth Solutions for the Rapidly Rotating Shallow-Water and Euler Equations 2008 Bin Cheng
Eitan Tadmor
+ LONG-TIME EXISTENCE OF SMOOTH SOLUTIONS FOR THLong time existence of smooth solutions for the rapidly rotating shallow-water and Euler equationsE 2008 Bin Cheng
Eitan Tadmor
+ Long time stability of rotational Euler dynamics 2007 Bin Cheng
+ Long time existence of smooth solutions for the rapidly rotating shallow-water and Euler equations 2007 Bin Cheng
Eitan Tadmor
+ A cost minimization approach to microwave imaging using simulated annealing 2005 Bin Cheng
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fast Singular Limits of Hyperbolic PDEs 1994 Steven Schochet
+ Singular limits of quasilinear hyperbolic systems with large parameters and the incompressible limit of compressible fluids 1981 SergiĂš Klainerman
Andrew J. Majda
+ Asymptotic of the Solutions of Hyperbolic Equations with a Skew-Symmetric Perturbation 1998 Isabelle Gallagher
+ Singular Limits and Convergence Rates of Compressible Euler and Rotating Shallow Water Equations 2012 Bin Cheng
+ PDF Chat Rotation prevents finite-time breakdown 2003 Hailiang Liu
Eitan Tadmor
+ Global existence of small amplitude solutions to nonlinear klein‐gordon equations in four space‐time dimensions 1985 Sergiù Klainerman
+ Hyperbolic systems with different time scales 1982 Eitan Tadmor
+ PDF Chat Improved Accuracy of Incompressible Approximation of Compressible Euler Equations 2014 Bin Cheng
+ Problems with different time scales for partial differential equations 1980 Heinz‐Otto Kreiss
+ The Motion of Slightly Compressible Fluids Viewed as a Motion With Strong Constraining Force 1977 David G. Ebin
+ Averaging over fast gravity waves for geophysical flows with arbitary 1996 Pedro Embid
+ PDF Chat The incompressible limit and the initial layer of the compressible Euler equation 1986 Seiji Ukai
+ The Cauchy problem for quasi-linear symmetric hyperbolic systems 1975 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Long-Time Existence of Smooth Solutions for the Rapidly Rotating Shallow-Water and Euler Equations 2008 Bin Cheng
Eitan Tadmor
+ Global splitting and regularity of rotating shallow-water equations 1997 Anatoli Babin
Alex Mahalov
B. Nicolaenko
+ Compressible and incompressible fluids 1982 SergiĂš Klainerman
Andrew J. Majda
+ Remarks on the Euler equation 1974 J P Bourguignon
HaĹ̈m Brezis
+ PDF Chat Symmetric positive systems with boundary characteristic of constant multiplicity 1985 Jeffrey Rauch
+ Global existence of small solutions to nonlinear evolution equations 1982 Jalal Shatah
+ PDF Chat Wave operators and the incompressible limit of the compressible Euler equation 1987 Hiroshi Isozaki
+ Interior W 2, p Estimates for Solutions of the Monge-Ampere Equation 1990 Luis Caffarelli
+ Continuity Estimates for the Monge–Ampère Equation 2007 Huaiyu Jian
Xu‐Jia Wang
+ On the global regularity of subcritical Euler–Poisson equations with pressure 2008 Eitan Tadmor
Dongming Wei
+ PDF Chat Formation of singularities in compressible fluids in two-space dimensions 1989 Mohammad A. Rammaha
+ A Localization Property of Viscosity Solutions to the Monge-Ampere Equation and their Strict Convexity 1990 Luis Caffarelli
+ On the Singular Incompressible Limit of Inviscid Compressible Fluids 2000 Paolo Secchi
+ Global existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions for the Klein-Gordon equations with quadratic nonlinearity in two space dimensions 1996 Tohru Ozawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Yoshio Tsutsumi
+ Motion of slightly compressible fluids in a bounded domain. I 1982 David G. Ebin
+ Global, small amplitude solutions to nonlinear evolution equations 1983 SergiĂš Klainerman
Gustavo Ponce
+ PDF Chat The compressible Euler equations in a bounded domain: Existence of solutions and the incompressible limit 1986 Steve Schochet
+ Singular limits in bounded domains for quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems having a vorticity equation 1987 Steven Schochet
+ Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. I 1959 Shmuel Agmon
Avron Douglis
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Nonlinear bounds in Hölder spaces for the Monge–Ampère equation 2015 Alessio Figalli
Yash Jhaveri
Connor Mooney
+ The Incompressible Limit of the Non-Isentropic Euler Equations 2001 Guy MĂŠtivier
Steven Schochet
+ Applications of Schochet's methods to parabolic equations 1998 Isabelle Gallagher
+ A Short Introduction to Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1982 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Three-Scale Singular Limits of Evolutionary PDEs 2018 Bin Cheng
Qiangchang Ju
Steve Schochet
+ PDF Chat Global regularity of 3D rotating Navier-Stokes equations for resonant domains 1999 B. Nicolaenko
Anatoli Babin
Alex Mahalov
+ Time-averages of fast oscillatory systems 2013 Bin Cheng
Alex Mahalov
+ Validity of the Quasigeostrophic Model for Large-Scale Flow in the Atmosphere and Ocean 1994 Alfred J. Bourgeois
J. Thomas Beale
+ PDF Chat Singular limits for the compressible Euler equation in an exterior domain. 1987 Hiroshi Isozaki
+ Low Froude number limiting dynamics for stably stratified flow with small or finite Rossby numbers 1998 Pedro Embid
Andrew J. Majda
+ Normal forms and quadratic nonlinear Klein‐Gordon equations 1985 Jalal Shatah
+ Asymptotics for symmetric hyperbolic systems with a large parameter 1988 Steven Schochet
+ Pseudo-differential energy estimates of singular perturbations 1997 Éric Grenier
+ The Monge―Ampère Equation 2001 Cristian E. Gutiérrez
+ PDF Chat Cauchy problem for viscous rotating shallow water equations 2009 Chengchun Hao
Ling Hsiao
Hai-Liang Li
+ PDF Chat Formation of singularities in three-dimensional compressible fluids 1985 Thomas C. Sideris
+ PDF Chat Spectral Dynamics of the Velocity Gradient FieldÂśin Restricted Flows 2002 Hailiang Liu
Eitan Tadmor