Filippo Bregolin


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Ultrastable Optical Clock with Neutral Atoms in an Engineered Light Shift Trap 2003 Hidetoshi Katori
Masao Takamoto
V. G. Pal’chikov
V D Ovsiannikov
+ PDF Chat Frequency ratio of Yb and Sr clocks with 5 × 10−17 uncertainty at 150 seconds averaging time 2016 Nils Nemitz
Takuya Ohkubo
Masao Takamoto
Ichiro Ushijima
Manoj Das
Noriaki Ohmae
Hidetoshi Katori
+ PDF Chat Experimental realization of an optical second with strontium lattice clocks 2013 Rodolphe Le Targat
L. Lorini
Yann Le Coq
M. Zawada
Jocelyne Guéna
Michel Abgrall
Mikhail Gurov
P. Rosenbusch
Daniele Rovera
Bartłomiej Nagórny
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-Wave Cold Collisions in an Optical Lattice Clock 2011 N. Lemke
J. von Stecher
Jeff Sherman
Ana María Rey
C. W. Oates
Andrew D. Ludlow
+ PDF Chat Single-Ion Atomic Clock with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mn>10</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>18</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>Systematic Uncertainty 2016 N. Huntemann
Christian Sanner
B. Lipphardt
Chr. Tamm
E. Peik
+ Rabi spectroscopy and excitation inhomogeneity in a one-dimensional optical lattice clock 2009 Sebastian Blatt
J. W. Thomsen
Gretchen K. Campbell
Andrew D. Ludlow
M. D. Swallows
Michael J. Martin
Martin M. Boyd
J. Ye
+ The generalized weighted mean of correlated quantities 2006 M G Cox
Christopher Eiø
G. Mana
Francesca Pennecchi
+ PDF Chat Least-squares analysis of clock frequency comparison data to deduce optimized frequency and frequency ratio values 2015 H. S. Margolis
P. Gill
+ PDF Chat Systematic evaluation of an atomic clock at 2 × 10−18 total uncertainty 2015 Travis Nicholson
Sara L. Campbell
Ross B. Hutson
G. Edward Marti
Benjamin Bloom
Rees McNally
Wei Zhang
M. D. Barrett
M. S. Safronova
G. F. Strouse
+ PDF Chat Geopotential measurements with synchronously linked optical lattice clocks 2016 T. Takano
Masao Takamoto
Ichiro Ushijima
Noriaki Ohmae
Tomoya Akatsuka
Atsushi Yamaguchi
Yuki Kuroishi
Hiroshi Munekane
Basara Miyahara
Hidetoshi Katori
+ PDF Chat Frequency ratios of Sr, Yb, and Hg based optical lattice clocks and their applications 2015 Masao Takamoto
Ichiro Ushijima
Manoj Das
Nils Nemitz
Takuya Ohkubo
K. Yamanaka
Noriaki Ohmae
T. Takano
Tomoya Akatsuka
Atsushi Yamaguchi
+ PDF Chat Lattice-Induced Frequency Shifts in Sr Optical Lattice Clocks at the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mn>10</mml:mn><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>17</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>Level 2011 Philip G. Westergaard
Jérôme Lodewyck
L. Lorini
Arnaud Lecallier
Eric A. Burt
M. Zawada
Jacques Millo
P. Lemonde
+ PDF Chat Improved absolute frequency measurement of the<sup>171</sup>Yb optical lattice clock at KRISS relative to the SI second 2017 Huidong Kim
Myoung-Sun Heo
Won-Kyu Lee
Chang Yong Park
Hyun-Gue Hong
Sang-Wook Hwang
Dai-Hyuk Yu
+ PDF Chat One-Dimensional Optical Lattice Clock with a Fermionic<sup>171</sup>Yb Isotope 2009 Takuya Kohno
Masami Yasuda
Kazumoto Hosaka
Hajime Inaba
Yoshiaki Nakajima
Feng-Lei Hong
+ PDF Chat Absolute frequency measurement of the ${{}^{1}}{{\text{S}}_{0}}$ – ${{}^{3}}{{\text{P}}_{0}}$ transition of<sup>171</sup>Yb 2017 Marco Pizzocaro
Pierre Thoumany
Benjamin Rauf
Filippo Bregolin
Gianmaria Milani
Cecilia Clivati
Giovanni Antonio Costanzo
Filippo Levi
Davide Calonico
+ PDF Chat Cold-collision-shift cancellation and inelastic scattering in a Yb optical lattice clock 2011 A. D. Ludlow
N. Lemke
Jeffrey A. Sherman
C. W. Oates
Goulven Quéméner
J. von Stecher
Ana María Rey
+ PDF Chat High-Accuracy Measurement of Atomic Polarizability in an Optical Lattice Clock 2012 Jeff Sherman
N. Lemke
N. Hinkley
Marco Pizzocaro
Richard W. Fox
Andrew D. Ludlow
C. W. Oates
+ PDF Chat Strategies for reducing the light shift in atomic clocks 2015 Hidetoshi Katori
V D Ovsiannikov
S. I. Marmo
V. G. Pal’chikov
+ PDF Chat Frequency Comparison of Two High-Accuracy<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>Al</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>Optical Clocks 2010 C. W. Chou
David Hume
J. C. J. Koelemeij
D. J. Wineland
T. Rosenband
+ Frequency ratio measurement of ^171Yb and ^87Sr optical lattice clocks 2014 Daisuke Akamatsu
Masami Yasuda
Hajime Inaba
Kazumoto Hosaka
Takehiko Tanabe
Atsushi Onae
Feng-Lei Hong
+ PDF Chat Frequency Ratio of Two Optical Clock Transitions in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Yb</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>171</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math>and Constraints on the Time Variation of Fundamental Constants 2014 R. M. Godun
Peter B. R. Nisbet-Jones
Jonathan Jones
S. A. King
L. A. M. Johnson
H. S. Margolis
K. Szymaniec
S.N. Lea
Kai Bongs
P. Gill
+ PDF Chat Absolute frequency measurement of<sup>1</sup>S<sub>0</sub>(<i>F</i>= 1/2)–<sup>3</sup>P<sub>0</sub>(<i>F</i>= 1/2) transition of<sup>171</sup>Yb atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice at KRISS 2013 Chang Yong Park
Dai‐Hyuk Yu
Won‐Kyu Lee
Sang Eon Park
Eok Bong Kim
Sun Kyung Lee
Jun Woo Cho
Tai Hyun Yoon
Jongchul Mun
Sung Jong Park
+ PDF Chat A clock network for geodesy and fundamental science 2016 Christian Lisdat
Gesine Grosche
Nicolas Quintin
C. Shi
S. M. F. Raupach
Christian Grebing
Daniele Nicolodi
Fabio Stefani
Ali Al-Masoudi
Sören Dörscher
+ PDF Chat Collisional shifts in optical-lattice atom clocks 2006 Y. B. Band
Amichay Vardi
+ PDF Chat Frequency Shifts in an Optical Lattice Clock Due to Magnetic-Dipole and Electric-Quadrupole Transitions 2008 А. В. Тайченачев
V. I. Yudin
V D Ovsiannikov
V. G. Pal’chikov
C. W. Oates
+ PDF Chat Scattering of Cold-Atom Coherences by Hot Atoms: Frequency Shifts from Background-Gas Collisions 2013 Kurt Gibble
+ PDF Chat High Accuracy Correction of Blackbody Radiation Shift in an Optical Lattice Clock 2012 Thomas Middelmann
Stephan Falke
Christian Lisdat
U. Sterr
+ PDF Chat Blackbody-radiation shift in the Sr optical atomic clock 2013 M. S. Safronova
S. G. Porsev
M. S. Safronova
M. G. Kozlov
Charles W. Clark
+ PDF Chat Probing Interactions Between Ultracold Fermions 2009 Gretchen K. Campbell
Martin M. Boyd
J. W. Thomsen
Michael J. Martin
Sebastian Blatt
M. D. Swallows
Travis Nicholson
Tara M. Fortier
C. W. Oates
Scott A. Diddams
+ PDF Chat Development of a strontium optical lattice clock for the SOC mission on the ISS 2015 S. Origlia
S. Schiller
M. S. Pramod
Lorna Smith
Yeshpal Singh
Wei He
S. Viswam
Dariusz Świerad
James W. Hughes
Kai Bongs
+ PDF Chat Long-range interaction coefficients for ytterbium dimers 2014 S. G. Porsev
M. S. Safronova
Andrei Derevianko
Charles W. Clark
+ PDF Chat The absolute frequency of the<sup>87</sup>Sr optical clock transition 2008 Gretchen K. Campbell
Andrew D. Ludlow
Sebastian Blatt
J. W. Thomsen
Michael J. Martin
M. H. G. de Miranda
Tanya Zelevinsky
Martin M. Boyd
Jun Ye
Scott A. Diddams
+ PDF Chat Cancellation of the Collisional Frequency Shift in Caesium Fountain Clocks 2007 K. Szymaniec
W. Chałupczak
Eite Tiesinga
Carl J. Williams
S. Weyers
R. Wynands
+ PDF Chat High-accuracy coherent optical frequency transfer over a doubled 642-km fiber link 2014 Davide Calonico
Elio K. Bertacco
Claudio Calosso
Cecilia Clivati
Giovanni Antonio Costanzo
M. Frittelli
A. Godone
Alberto Mura
N. Poli
D. V. Sutyrin
+ PDF Chat Progress in atomic fountains at LNE-SYRTE 2012 J. Guena
Michel Abgrall
Daniele Rovera
Philippe Laurent
Baptiste Chupin
M. Lours
G. Santarelli
P. Rosenbusch
Michael E. Tobar
Ruoxin Li
+ PDF Chat Observation and cancellation of a perturbing dc stark shift in strontium optical lattice clocks 2012 Jérôme Lodewyck
M. Zawada
L. Lorini
Mikhail Gurov
P. Lemonde
+ PDF Chat Dynamic polarizabilities and related properties of clock states of the ytterbium atom 2010 V. A. Dzuba
Andrei Derevianko
+ PDF Chat Efficient frequency doubling at 399 nm 2014 Marco Pizzocaro
Davide Calonico
Pablo Cancio Pastor
Jacopo Catani
Giovanni Antonio Costanzo
Filippo Levi
L. Lorini
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the Hyperfine Quenching Rate of the Clock Transition in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Yb</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>171</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2014 Chenyu Xu
Jaideep Singh
Jake Zappala
K. Bailey
Matthew R. Dietrich
J. P. Greene
Wei Jiang
N. Lemke
Zheng‐Tian Lu
Peter Mueller
+ PDF Chat Noise and instability of an optical lattice clock 2015 Ali Al-Masoudi
Sören Dörscher
Sebastian Häfner
U. Sterr
Christian Lisdat
+ PDF Chat Ultrastable optical clock with two cold-atom ensembles 2016 M. Schioppo
Roger C. Brown
William F. McGrew
N. Hinkley
Robert Fasano
K. Beloy
Tai Hyun Yoon
Gianmaria Milani
Daniele Nicolodi
Jeffrey A. Sherman
+ PDF Chat Transportable Optical Lattice Clock with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>7</mml:mn><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mn>10</mml:mn><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>17</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>Uncertainty 2017 Silvio Koller
Jacopo Grotti
S. Vogt
Ali Al-Masoudi
Sören Dörscher
Sebastian Häfner
U. Sterr
Christian Lisdat
+ PDF Chat Absolute frequency measurement with uncertainty below $$1\times 10^{-15}$$ using International Atomic Time 2016 Hidekazu Hachisu
Gérard Petit
T. Ido
+ PDF Chat Autobalanced Ramsey Spectroscopy 2018 Christian Sanner
N. Huntemann
R. Lange
Christian Tamm
E. Peik
+ PDF Chat Hyperpolarizability and Operational Magic Wavelength in an Optical Lattice Clock 2017 Roger C. Brown
N. B. Phillips
K. Beloy
William F. McGrew
M. Schioppo
Robert Fasano
Gianmaria Milani
X. Zhang
N. Hinkley
H. Leopardi
+ PDF Chat Lattice-induced photon scattering in an optical lattice clock 2018 Sören Dörscher
R. Schwarz
Ali Al-Masoudi
Stephan Falke
U. Sterr
Christian Lisdat
+ PDF Chat Decomposed description of Ramsey spectra under atomic interactions 2018 Ryotatsu Yanagimoto
Nils Nemitz
Filippo Bregolin
Hidetoshi Katori
+ PDF Chat Atomic clock performance enabling geodesy below the centimetre level 2018 William F. McGrew
X. Zhang
Robert Fasano
Stefan A. Schäffer
K. Beloy
Daniele Nicolodi
Roger C. Brown
N. Hinkley
Gianmaria Milani
M. Schioppo
+ PDF Chat Operational Magic Intensity for Sr Optical Lattice Clocks 2018 Ichiro Ushijima
Masao Takamoto
Hidetoshi Katori
+ Spin-1/2 Optical Lattice Clock 2009 N. Lemke
Andrew D. Ludlow
Zeb W. Barber
Tara M. Fortier
Scott A. Diddams
Yina Jiang
Steven R. Jefferts
Thomas P. Heavner
T.E. Parker
C. W. Oates