Daniel Shanks


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Calculation of π to 100,000 Decimals 2004 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ On a Sequence Arising in Series for π 2004 Morris Newman
Daniel Shanks
+ On a Sequence Arising in Series for π 2000 Morris Newman
Daniel Shanks
+ Calculation of π to 100,000 Decimals 2000 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ PDF Chat Zeros of 2-adic 𝐿-functions and congruences for class numbers and fundamental units 1999 Daniel Shanks
Patrick J. Sime
Lawrence C. Washington
+ Calculation of π to 100,000 Decimals 1997 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ 48 More Solutions of Martin Davis's Quaternary Quartic Equation 1995 Daniel Shanks
Samuel S. Wagstaff
+ PDF Chat 48 more solutions of Martin Davis’s quaternary quartic equation 1995 Daniel Shanks
Samuel S. Wagstaff
+ Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory. 1987 H. C. W.
Daniel Shanks
+ Fast Primality Tests for Numbers Less Than 50 ⋅10 9 1986 G. C. Kurtz
Daniel Shanks
Hywel C Williams
+ On a sequence arising in series for pi (with an appendix by D. Zagier). 1984 Morris Newman
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On a sequence arising in series for 𝜋 1984 Morris Newman
Daniel Shanks
+ On a Sequence Arising in Series for π 1984 Morris Newman
Daniel Shanks
+ On a Sequence Arising in Series for &#960 1984 Morris Newman
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Strong Primality Tests that are Not Sufficient 1982 William H. Adams
Daniel Shanks
+ Dihedral quartic approximations and series for π 1982 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Strong primality tests that are not sufficient 1982 William W. Adams
Daniel Shanks
+ Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory. 1982 Paul T. Bateman
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Gunderson’s function in Fermat’s last theorem 1981 Daniel Shanks
Hywel C Williams
+ Gunderson's Function in Fermat's Last Theorem 1981 Daniel Shanks
H. C. Williams
+ PDF Chat Simple groups of square order and interesting sequence of primes 1980 Morris Newman
Daniel Shanks
H. H. Williams
+ A Note on Class-Number One in Pure Cubic Field 1979 Hywel C Williams
Daniel Shanks
+ Quadratic Fields With 3-Rank Equal to 4 1979 Fredéric Diaz
Daniel Shanks
H. C. Williams
+ PDF Chat Quadratic fields with 3-rank equal to 4 1979 Fredéric Diaz
Daniel Shanks
Hywel C Williams
+ PDF Chat A note on class-number one in pure cubic fields 1979 Hywel C Williams
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda: “Gauss’s ternary form reduction and the 2-Sylow subgroup” (Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 837–853) 1978 Daniel Shanks
+ Three Tables Concerning the Parity of the Partition Numbers p(n) for n < 2040000 1976 D. S.
T. R. Parkin
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Table errata: “Regular continued fractions for 𝜋 and đ›Ÿâ€, (Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 403); “Rational approximations to 𝜋” (ibid. 25 (1971), 387–392) by K. Y. Choong, D. E. Daykin and C. R. Rathbone 1976 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum: “Class groups of the quadratic fields found by F. Diaz y Diaz” (Math. Comp. 30 (1976), no. 133, 173–178) 1976 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Class groups of the quadratic fields found by F. Diaz y Diaz 1976 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum: “Calculation and applications of Epstein zeta functions” (Math. Comp. 29 (1975), 271–287) 1976 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Class Groups of the Quadratic Fields Found by F. Diaz y Diaz 1976 Daniel Shanks
+ Non-Hypotenuse Numbers 1975 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Calculation and applications of Epstein zeta functions 1975 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda: “Calculation and applications of Epstein zeta functions” (Math. Comp. 29 (1975), 271–287) 1975 Daniel Shanks
+ Sums of Reciprocals to 1,000,000 1975 D. S.
J. W. W.
Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ PDF Chat Calculation and Applications of Epstein Zeta Functions 1975 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The Simplest Cubic Fields 1974 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On the 3-rank of quadratic fields and the Euler product 1974 Carol Neild
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Brun’s constant 1974 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ PDF Chat The simplest cubic fields 1974 Daniel Shanks
+ On the 3-Rank of Quadratic Fields and the Euler Product 1974 Carol Neild
Daniel Shanks
+ An Observation on Fibonacci Primitive Roots 1973 Daniel Shanks
Larry Taylor
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda: “Quadratic fields with four invariants divisible by 3” (Math. Comp. 27 (1973), 183–187) by Daniel Shanks and Richard Serafin 1973 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Quadratic fields with four invariants divisible by 3 1973 Daniel Shanks
Richard Serafin
+ PDF Chat Table errata: “A note on the Catalan-Dickson conjecture” (Math. Comp. 27 (1973), 189–192) 1973 Daniel Shanks
+ Quadratic Fields with Four Invariants Divisible by 3 1973 Daniel Shanks
Richard Serafin
+ Systematic examination of Littlewood’s bounds on 𝐿(1,𝜒) 1973 Daniel Shanks
+ New types of quadratic fields having three invariants divisible by 3 1972 Daniel Shanks
+ A necessary and sufficient condition for primality, and its source 1972 Henry B. Mann
Daniel Shanks
+ Fibonacci Primitive Roots 1972 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Bateman’s constants reconsidered and the distribution of cubic residues 1972 Daniel Shanks
Mohan Lal
+ Bateman's Constants Reconsidered and the Distribution of Cubic Residues 1972 Daniel Shanks
Mohan Lal
+ Gauss's Ternary Form Reduction and the 2-Sylow Subgroup 1971 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum to: “On generating infinitely many solutions of the Diophantine equation đŽâ¶+đ”â¶+đ¶â¶=đ·â¶+đžâ¶+đč⁶” (Math. Comp. 24 (1970), 453–454) by Simcha Brudno 1971 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum to: “Statistical study of digits of some square roots of integers in various bases” (Math. Comp. 24 (1970), 455–473) by W. A. Beyer, N. Metropolis and J. R. Neergaard 1971 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Integer sequences having prescribed quadratic character 1970 D. H. Lehmer
Emma Lehmer
Daniel Shanks
+ Calculation of e to 100,000 Decimals 1969 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda: “Solutions of the Diophantine equations đ‘„ÂČ+𝑩ÂČ=𝑙ÂČ, 𝑩ÂČ+𝑧ÂČ=𝑚ÂČ, 𝑧ÂČ+đ‘„ÂČ=𝑛ÂČ” (Math. Comp. 20 (1966), 144–147) by M. Lal and W. J. Blundon 1969 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On Gauss’s class number problems 1969 Daniel Shanks
+ On Gauss's Class Number Problems 1969 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda to: “Generalized Euler and class numbers “ 1968 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Generalized Euler and Class Numbers 1967 Daniel Shanks
+ Lal's Constant and Generalizations 1967 Daniel Shanks
+ On the Distribution of Parity in the Partition Function 1967 T. R. Parkin
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of Mersenne divisors 1967 Daniel Shanks
Sidney Kravitz
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of parity in the partition function 1967 T. R. Parkin
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Lal’s constant and generalizations 1967 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Generalized Euler and class numbers 1967 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of Mersenne Divisors 1967 Daniel Shanks
Sidney Kravitz
+ Variations on a Theorem of Landau. Part I 1966 Daniel Shanks
Larry P. Schmid
+ Questions Concerning Khintchine's Constant and the Efficient Computation of Regular Continued Fractions 1966 John W. Wrench
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Variations on a theorem of Landau. I 1966 Daniel Shanks
Larry P. Schmid
+ PDF Chat Questions concerning Khintchine’s constant and the efficient computation of regular continued fractions 1966 John W. Wrench
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On Maximal Gaps between Successive Primes 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat An analytic criterion for the existence of infinitely many primes of the form $\frac{1}{2}(n^{2}+1)$ 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory. 1964 W. J. LeVeque
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Polylogarithms, Dirichlet Series, and Certain Constants 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On maximal gaps between successive primes 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Polylogarithms, Dirichlet series, and certain constants 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The second-order term in the asymptotic expansion of đ”(đ‘„) 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory 1963 Richard Bellman
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The Calculation of Certain Dirichlet Series 1963 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ PDF Chat Supplementary Data and Remarks Concerning a Hardy-Littlewood Conjecture 1963 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The calculation of certain Dirichlet series 1963 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ PDF Chat Supplementary data and remarks concerning a Hardy-Littlewood conjecture 1963 Daniel Shanks
+ Calculation of π to 100,000 Decimals 1962 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ On Numbers of the Form n 4 + 1 1961 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On numbers of the form 𝑛+1 1961 Daniel Shanks
+ On the Conjecture of Hardy & Littlewood concerning the Number of Primes of the Form n 2 + a 1960 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat A Note on Gaussian Twin Primes 1960 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat A note on Gaussian twin primes 1960 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On the conjecture of Hardy & Littlewood concerning the number of primes of the form 𝑛ÂČ+𝑎 1960 Daniel Shanks
+ Quadratic Residues and the Distribution of Primes 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ A Sieve Method for Factoring Numbers of the Form n 2 + 1 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ A sieve method for factoring numbers of the form 𝑛ÂČ+1 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Quadratic residues and the distribution of primes 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Two theorems of Gauss 1958 Daniel Shanks
Daniel Shanks
Raymond W. Southworth
+ Non‐linear Transformations of Divergent and Slowly Convergent Sequences 1955 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat A Short Proof of an Identity of Euler 1951 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat A short proof of an identity of Euler 1951 Daniel Shanks
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the conjecture of Hardy & Littlewood concerning the number of primes of the form 𝑛ÂČ+𝑎 1960 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The Calculation of Certain Dirichlet Series 1963 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ PDF Chat The calculation of certain Dirichlet series 1963 Daniel Shanks
John W. Wrench
+ Variations on a Theorem of Landau. Part I 1966 Daniel Shanks
Larry P. Schmid
+ PDF Chat Supplementary Data and Remarks Concerning a Hardy-Littlewood Conjecture 1963 Daniel Shanks
+ Quadratic Fields with Four Invariants Divisible by 3 1973 Daniel Shanks
Richard Serafin
+ PDF Chat Variations on a theorem of Landau. I 1966 Daniel Shanks
Larry P. Schmid
+ A Sieve Method for Factoring Numbers of the Form n 2 + 1 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat A heuristic asymptotic formula concerning the distribution of prime numbers 1962 Paul T. Bateman
Roger A. Horn
+ Über die Beziehung der Klassenzahlen quadratischer Körper zueinander. 1932 Arnold Scholz
+ New types of quadratic fields having three invariants divisible by 3 1972 Daniel Shanks
+ On the 3-Rank of Quadratic Fields and the Euler Product 1974 Carol Neild
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat A Heuristic Asymptotic Formula Concerning the Distribution of Prime Numbers 1962 Paul T. Bateman
Roger A. Horn
+ Handbuch der Lehre von der Verteilung der Primzahlen 1911 Edmund Landau
+ PDF Chat Quadratic fields with four invariants divisible by 3 1973 Daniel Shanks
Richard Serafin
+ PDF Chat Calculation and Applications of Epstein Zeta Functions 1975 Daniel Shanks
+ Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory 1963 Richard Bellman
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Quadratic residues and the distribution of primes 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Some problems of ‘Partitio numerorum’; III: On the expression of a number as a sum of primes 1923 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat A note on Gaussian twin primes 1960 Daniel Shanks
+ Evaluation of Artin's Constant and the Twin-Prime Constant 1961 John W. Wrench
+ Quadratic Residues and the Distribution of Primes 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Supplementary data and remarks concerning a Hardy-Littlewood conjecture 1963 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Generalized Euler and Class Numbers 1967 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The distribution of integers represented by binary quadratic forms 1943 Gordon Pall
+ PDF Chat waring's problem for algebraic number fields and primes of the form $(p^{r} - 1)/(p^{r} - 1)$ 1962 Paul T. Bateman
Rosemarie M. Stemmler
+ PDF Chat Strong primality tests that are not sufficient 1982 William W. Adams
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The second-order term in the asymptotic expansion of đ”(đ‘„) 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Calculation and applications of Epstein zeta functions 1975 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of Artin’s constant and the twin-prime constant 1961 John W. Wrench
+ A sieve method for factoring numbers of the form 𝑛ÂČ+1 1959 Daniel Shanks
+ Dihedral quartic approximations and series for π 1982 Daniel Shanks
+ History of the Theory of Numbers 1919 L. E. Dickson
+ Modular functions in analytic number theory 1970 Marvin I. Knopp
+ PDF Chat A Short Proof of an Identity of Euler 1951 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Polylogarithms, Dirichlet Series, and Certain Constants 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On the 3-rank of quadratic fields and the Euler product 1974 Carol Neild
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Polylogarithms, Dirichlet series, and certain constants 1964 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat On numbers of the form 𝑛+1 1961 Daniel Shanks
+ Note on Partitions Modulo 5 1967 Morris Newman
+ Tables Concerning the Distribution of Primes up to 37 Millions 1959 J. L. Selfridge
D. H. Lehmer
+ PDF Chat Cyclotomy with short periods 1983 D. H. Lehmer
Emma Lehmer
+ The Number of Subgroups of the Classical Modular Group of Index N. 1978 D. S.
A. O. L. Atkin
+ On the Exponent of the Ideal Class Groups of Complex Quadratic Fields 1972 David W. Boyd
H. Kisilevsky
+ PDF Chat Real zeros of the Dedekind zeta function of an imaginary quadratic field 1968 Marc Edmon Low
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ Über die Darstellung von positiven, ganzen Zahlen durch die primitiven, binĂ€ren quadratischen Formen einer nicht-quadratischen Diskriminante 1912 Paul Bernays
+ PDF Chat On the exponent of the ideal class groups of complex quadratic fields. 1972 David W. Boyd
Hershy Kisilevsky
+ Remarks on principal factors in a relative cubic field 1971 Pierre Barrucand
Harvey Cohn
+ PDF Chat Generalized Euler and class numbers 1967 Daniel Shanks