Peter Schenzel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A note on Deligne's formula 2024 Peter Schenzel
+ On pro-zero homomorphisms and sequences in local (co-)homology 2024 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On Pro-zero homomorphisms and sequences in local (co-)homology 2024 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Generalized local duality, canonical modules, and prescribed bound on projective dimension 2022 T. H. Freitas
V. H. Jorge Pérez
Cleto B. Miranda-Neto
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat “Infinite” Properties of Certain Local Cohomology Modules of Determinantal Rings 2021 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat About proregular sequences and an application to prisms 2021 Peter Schenzel
+ Notes on endomorphisms, local cohomology and completion 2021 Peter Schenzel
+ Čech (Co-) Complexes as Koszul Complexes and Applications 2021 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Notes on endomorphisms, local cohomology and completion 2021 Peter Schenzel
+ Generalized local duality, canonical modules, and prescribed bound on projective dimension 2021 Thiago Holanda Freitas
V. H. Jorge Pérez
Cleto B. Miranda-Neto
Peter Schenzel
+ Notes on endomorphisms, local cohomology and completion 2021 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Families of blowups of the real affine plane: Classification, isotopies and visualization 2020 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ About proregular sequences and an application to prisms 2020 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat About a variation of local cohomology 2020 M. Azeem Khadam
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Torsion of injective modules and weakly pro-regular sequences 2020 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ \v{C}ech (co-) complexes as Koszul complexes and applications 2020 Peter Schenzel
+ Torsion of injective modules and weakly pro-regular sequences 2020 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ About proregular sequences and an application to prisms 2020 Peter Schenzel
+ Torsion of injective modules and weakly pro-regular sequences 2020 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Čech (co-) complexes as Koszul complexes and applications 2020 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of integral closures, quintasymptotic primes and ideal topologies 2018 Reza Naghipour
Peter Schenzel
+ Čech Complexes, Čech Homology and Cohomology 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Ext-Tor Vanishing and Completeness Criteria 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ The Formal Power Series Koszul Complex 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Preliminaries and Auxiliary Results 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Complements and Applications 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Adic Topology and Completion 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Čech and Local Duality 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Local Cohomology and Local Homology 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Completion, Čech and Local Homology and Cohomology 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Local Duality with Dualizing Complexes and Other Dualities 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Koszul Complexes, Depth and Codepth 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Correction to: Completion, Čech and Local Homology and Cohomology 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Dualizing Complexes 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ Homological Preliminaries 2018 Peter Schenzel
Anne-Marie Simon
+ A few results about variations of local cohomology 2017 M. Azeem Khadam
Peter Schenzel
+ Local Bezout estimates and multiplicities of parameter and primary ideals 2017 Eduard Bod̆a
Peter Schenzel
+ On Surfaces of Maximal Sectional Regularity 2017 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ Local Bezout estimates and multiplicities of parameter and primary ideals 2017 Eduard Bod̆a
Peter Schenzel
+ Asymptotic behaviour of integral closures, quintasymptotic primes and ideal topologies 2017 Reza Naghipour
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat About Multiplicities and Applications to Bezout Numbers 2017 M. Azeem Khadam
Peter Schenzel
+ Local Bezout estimates and multiplicities of parameter and primary ideals 2017 Eduard Bod̆a
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Projective varieties of maximal sectional regularity 2016 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ On surfaces of maximal sectional regularity 2015 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ Projective varieties of maximal sectional regularity 2015 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat A criterion for completeness 2015 Peter Schenzel
+ Projective varieties of maximal sectional regularity 2015 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ On surfaces of maximal sectional regularity 2015 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Algebraic properties of the binomial edge ideal of a complete bipartite graph 2014 Peter Schenzel
Sohail Zafar
+ PDF Chat A note on the Matlis dual of a certain injective hull 2014 Peter Schenzel
+ Notes on local cohomology and duality 2014 Michael Hellus
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat A criterion for I-adic completeness 2014 Peter Schenzel
+ A Degree Formula for Secant Varieties of Curves 2013 Rüdiger Achilles
Mirella Manaresi
Peter Schenzel
+ On the Non-Cohen–Macaulayness of Certain Factorial Closures 2013 Mariam Imtiaz
Peter Schenzel
+ A note on the Matlis dual of a certain injective hull 2013 Peter Schenzel
+ Projective surfaces of maximal sectional regularity 2013 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ Algebraic properties of the binomial edge ideal of complete bipartite graph 2013 Peter Schenzel
Sohail Zafar
+ On Invariants and Endomorphism Rings of Local Cohomology Modules 2013 Waqas Mahmood
Peter Schenzel
+ Algebraic properties of the binomial edge ideal of complete bipartite graph 2013 Peter Schenzel
Muhammad Sohail Zafar
+ Projective surfaces of maximal sectional regularity 2013 Markus Brodmann
Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ A note on the Matlis dual of a certain injective hull 2013 Peter Schenzel
+ On invariants and endomorphism rings of certain local cohomology modules 2012 Waqas Mahmood
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On an Endomorphism Ring of Local Cohomology 2012 Majid Eghbali
Peter Schenzel
+ On an endomorphism ring of local cohomology 2012 Majid Eghbali
Peter Schenzel
+ On the Factorial Closure of Certain Monomial Modules 2012 Mariam Imtiaz
Peter Schenzel
+ Interactive Visualizations of Blowups of the Plane 2012 Peter Schenzel
Christian Stussak
+ Projective surfaces of degree <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math> in projective <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:math>-space and almost non-singular projections 2012 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ Notes on local cohomology and duality 2012 Michael Hellus
Peter Schenzel
+ On an endomorphism ring of local cohomology 2012 Majid Eghbali
Peter Schenzel
+ On the classification of non-normal complete intersections of two quadrics 2011 Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ On the structure of the endomorphism ring of a certain local cohomology module 2011 Peter Schenzel
+ On the classification of non-normal cubic hypersurfaces 2011 Wanseok Lee
Euisung Park
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Projective curves with maximal regularity and applications to syzygies and surfaces 2011 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On varieties of almost minimal degree II: A rank-depth formula 2010 Markus Brodmann
Euyhyun Park
Peter Schenzel
+ Non-Cohen–Macaulay unique factorization domains in small dimensions 2010 Agustı́n Marcelo
Peter Schenzel
+ Matlis duals of local cohomology modules and their endomorphism rings 2010 Peter Schenzel
+ On the self-intersection cycle of surfaces and some classical formulas for their secant varieties 2010 Rüdiger Achilles
Mirella Manaresi
Peter Schenzel
+ Projective Curves with maximal regularity and applications to syzygies and surfaces 2009 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On connectedness and indecomposibility of local cohomology modules 2008 Peter Schenzel
+ On endomorphism rings and dimensions of local cohomology modules 2008 Peter Schenzel
+ On cohomologically complete intersections 2008 Michael Hellus
Peter Schenzel
+ On cohomologically complete intersections 2008 Michael Hellus
Peter Schenzel
+ On connectedness and indecomposibility of local cohomology modules 2008 Peter Schenzel
+ On endomorphism rings and dimensions of local cohomology modules 2008 Peter Schenzel
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Integral Closures in Modules 2007 Reza Naghipour
Peter Schenzel
+ On formal local cohomology and connectedness 2007 Peter Schenzel
+ On Lyubeznik's invariants and the vanishing of local cohomology 2007 Peter Schenzel
+ On the formal cohomology of local rings 2007 Peter Schenzel
+ On Lyubeznik's invariants and endomorphisms of local cohomology modules 2007 Peter Schenzel
+ Arithmetic properties of projective varieties of almost minimal degree 2006 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ On varieties of almost minimal degree in small codimension 2006 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ On varieties of almost minimal degree in small codimension 2005 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ Arithmetic properties of projective varieties of almost minimal degree 2005 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ On birational Macaulayfications and Cohen–Macaulay canonical modules 2004 Peter Schenzel
+ A note on the computation of multiplicities. 2004 Eduard Bod̆a
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On projective curves of maximal regularity 2003 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Proregular sequences, local cohomology, and completion 2003 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Some results on associated primes of local cohomology modules 2003 Javad Asadollahi
Peter Schenzel
+ On Curves of Small Degree on a Normal Rational Surface Scroll 2003 Peter Schenzel
+ Ideal topologies, local cohomology and connectedness 2001 Kamran Divaani-Aazar
Peter Schenzel
+ Curves of Degree r+2 in Pr: Cohomological, Geometric, and Homological Aspects 2001 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Degree bounds for generators of cohomology modules and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 1998 Uwe Nagel
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Quasi-complete intersection ideals of height 2 1998 Henrik Bresinsky
Peter Schenzel
Jürgen Stückrad
+ On the Use of Local Cohomology in Algebra and Geometry 1998 Peter Schenzel
+ Applications of Koszul homology to numbers of generators and syzygies 1997 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Descent from the form ring and buchsbaum rings 1996 Peter Schenzel
+ Descent from the form ring and Buchsbaum rings 1996 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat The co-localization of an Artinian module 1995 Leif Melkersson
Peter Schenzel
+ On the flatness of generalized quotient rings 1995 Blas Torrecillas
Peter Schenzel
+ A problem related to asymptotic prime divisors 1995 Peter Schenzel
+ Applications of Koszul homology to numbers of generators and syzygies 1995 Peter Schenzel
+ Cohomological annihilators and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 1994 Uwe Nagel
Peter Schenzel
+ Explicit computations around the Lichtenbaum-Hartshorne vanishing theorem 1993 Peter Schenzel
+ On the Gorenstein property of form rings 1993 Manfred Herrmann
J. Ribbe
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic prime ideals related to derived functors 1993 Leif Melkersson
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Prime Ideals Related to Derived Functors 1993 Leif Melkersson
Peter Schenzel
+ Asymptotic attached prime ideals related to injective modules 1992 Leif Melkersson
Peter Schenzel
+ Explicit computations on symbolic powers of monomial curves in affine space 1992 G. Knödel
Peter Schenzel
R. Zonsarow
+ Examples of Gorenstein domains and symbolic powers of monomial space curves 1991 Peter Schenzel
+ Dualizing Complexes of Affine Semigroup Rings 1990 Uwe Schäfer
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat When is a Flat Algebra of Finite Type? 1990 Peter Schenzel
+ Dualizing complexes of affine semigroup rings 1990 Uwe Schäfer
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat When is a flat algebra of finite type? 1990 Peter Schenzel
+ Flatness and ideal-transforms of finite type 1990 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Castelnuovo's index of regularity and reduction numbers 1990 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On bounds for Castelnuovo’s index of regularity 1989 Rüdiger Achilles
Peter Schenzel
+ On Ideals Generated by Square‐Free Monomials in Regular Sequences 1989 Peter Schenzel
Štefan Solčan
+ PDF Chat Filtrations and Noetherian Symbolic Blow-Up Rings 1988 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Filtrations and Noetherian symbolic blow-up rings 1988 Peter Schenzel
+ Asymptotic Sequences and Prime Divisors of the Completion of Local Rings 1988 Peter Schenzel
+ On the canonical module for monomial curves 1987 Henrik Bresinsky
Uwe Schäfer
Peter Schenzel
+ Finiteness of Relative REES Rings and Asymptotic Prime Divisors 1986 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Symbolic powers of prime ideals and their topology 1985 Peter Schenzel
+ Independent elements, unmixedness theorems, and asymptotic prime divisors 1985 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Symbolic Powers of Prime Ideals and Their Topology 1985 Peter Schenzel
+ On liaison, arithmetical Buchsbaum curves and monomial curves in P3 1984 Henrik Bresinsky
Peter Schenzel
Wolfgang Vogel
+ Extremal ideals and their form rings 1984 Peter Schenzel
+ The parametric blowing-up of two-dimensional local domains 1983 Peter Schenzel
+ Cohomological annihilators 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ Applications of dualizing complexes to Buchsbaum rings 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Dualisierende Komplexe in der Iokalen Algebra und Buchsbaum - Ringe 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ Simpliziale Komplexe und Kombinatorik 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ Konstruktion und Beispiele von Buchsbaum-Ringen 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ Regular sequences in Rees and symmetric algebras,II 1981 Peter Schenzel
+ Bemerkungen über Normale Flachheit und Normale Torsionsfreiheit und Anwendungen 1981 Rüdiger Achilles
Peter Schenzel
Wolfgang Vogel
+ On the number of faces of simplicial complexes and the purity of Frobenius 1981 Peter Schenzel
+ Regular sequences in Rees and symmetric algebras I 1981 Peter Schenzel
+ Über die freien Auflösungen extremaler Cohen-Macaulay-Ringe 1980 Peter Schenzel
+ Zur lokalen Kohomologie des kanonischen Moduls 1979 Peter Schenzel
+ Dualizing complexes and systems of parameters 1979 Peter Schenzel
+ On Veronesean embeddings and projections of Veronesean varieties 1978 Peter Schenzel
+ Verallgemeinerte COHEN-MACAULAY-Moduln 1978 Peter Schenzel
Ngô Viêt Trung
Nguyen Tu Cuong
+ Einige Anwendungen der lokalen Dualität und verallgemeinerte Cohen‐Macaulay‐Moduln 1975 Peter Schenzel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the Use of Local Cohomology in Algebra and Geometry 1998 Peter Schenzel
+ Local Cohomology: An Algebraic Introduction with Geometric Applications 1998 Markus Brodmann
R. Y. Sharp
+ Commutative Ring Theory 1987 H. Matsumura
+ PDF Chat Proregular sequences, local cohomology, and completion 2003 Peter Schenzel
+ Cohomological Dimension of Algebraic Varieties 1968 Robin Hartshorne
+ Complete Intersections and Connectedness 1962 Robin Hartshorne
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ Affine duality and cofiniteness 1970 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat Local homology and cohomology on schemes 1997 Leovigildo Alonso Tarrı́o
Ana Jeremı́as López
J. Lipman
+ Derived functors of I-adic completion and local homology 1992 J. P. C. Greenlees
J. P. May
+ Linear free resolutions and minimal multiplicity 1984 David Eisenbud
Shirô Gotô
+ PDF Chat Indecomposable canonical modules and connectedness 1994 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ Codimension and Multiplicity 1958 Maurice Auslander
David A. Buchsbaum
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Stability of Ass(M/I n M) 1979 Markus Brodmann
+ Curves of Degree r+2 in Pr: Cohomological, Geometric, and Homological Aspects 2001 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ On birational Macaulayfications and Cohen–Macaulay canonical modules 2004 Peter Schenzel
+ On a theorem of Castelnuovo, and the equations defining space curves 1983 Laurent Gruson
Robert Lazarsfeld
Christian Peskine
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat On projective curves of maximal regularity 2003 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Dualisierende Komplexe in der Iokalen Algebra und Buchsbaum - Ringe 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On endomorphism rings of local cohomology modules 2008 Michael Hellus
Jürgen Stückrad
+ Reductions of ideals in local rings 1954 D. G. Northcott
D. Andrew S. Rees
+ Lectures on curves on an algebraic surface 1966 David Mumford
George M. Bergman
+ On the ubiquity of Gorenstein rings 1963 Hyman Bass
+ Finiteness properties of local cohomology modules (an application ofD-modules to commutative algebra) 1993 Gennady Lyubeznik
+ PDF Chat On asymptotic prime divisors 1984 Louis J. Ratliff
+ Finiteness of Relative REES Rings and Asymptotic Prime Divisors 1986 Peter Schenzel
+ On cohomologically complete intersections 2008 Michael Hellus
Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Projective curves with maximal regularity and applications to syzygies and surfaces 2011 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ Arithmetic properties of projective varieties of almost minimal degree 2006 Markus Brodmann
Peter Schenzel
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat Algebraic geometry: a first course 1993 Joe Harris
+ Some homological properties of complete modules 1990 Anne-Marie Simon
+ On the vanishing of local cohomology modules 1990 Craig Huneke
Gennady Lyubeznik
+ PDF Chat Der kanonische Modul eines Cohen-Macaulay-Rings 1971 Jürgen Herzog
Ernst Kunz
+ Cohomology of certain projective surfaces with low sectional genus and degree 1999 Markus Brodmann
David Eisenbud
+ Matlis duals of local cohomology modules and their endomorphism rings 2010 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat On the endomorphism ring of the canonical module 1985 Yôichi Aoyama
Shirō Gotō
+ PDF Chat Bass numbers of local cohomology modules 1993 Craig Huneke
Rodney Y. Sharp
+ A Short Proof of the Local Lichtenbaum-Hartshorne Theorem on the Vanishing of Local Cohomology 1986 Frederick W. Call
R. Y. Sharp
+ On the structure of the endomorphism ring of a certain local cohomology module 2011 Peter Schenzel
+ Einige Anwendungen der lokalen Dualität und verallgemeinerte Cohen‐Macaulay‐Moduln 1975 Peter Schenzel
+ On endomorphism rings and dimensions of local cohomology modules 2008 Peter Schenzel
+ Hilbert functions of graded algebras 1978 Richard P. Stanley
+ Joins and Intersections 1999 Hubert Flenner
Liam O’Carroll
Wolfgang Vogel
+ Applications of dualizing complexes to Buchsbaum rings 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ PDF Chat Eine Verallgemeinerung der Cohen-Macaulay Ringe und Anwendungen auf ein Problem der Multiplizitätstheorie 1973 Jürgen Stückrad
Wolfgang Vogel
+ On formal local cohomology and connectedness 2007 Peter Schenzel
+ Lyubeznik's invariants for cohomologically isolated singularities 2006 Manuel Blickle
+ A Castelnuovo bound for smooth surfaces 1986 H. Pinkham