David J. Platt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The mean square of the error term in the prime number theorem 2021 Richard P. Brent
David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ Accurate estimation of sums over zeros of the Riemann zeta-function 2021 Richard P. Brent
David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Sign changes in the prime number theorem 2021 Thomas Morrill
David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ PDF Chat The Riemann hypothesis is true up to 3Ā·1012 2021 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ The error term in the prime number theorem 2020 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ The mean square of the error term in the prime number theorem 2020 Richard P. Brent
David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Improved Bounds on Brunā€™s Constant 2020 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ The mean square of the error term in the prime number theorem 2020 Richard P. Brent
David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ Sign changes in the prime number theorem. 2019 Thomas Morrill
David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ The mean square of the error term in the prime number theorem 2019 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ Sign changes in the prime number theorem 2019 Thomas Morrill
David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Fujiiā€™s development on Chebyshevā€™s conjecture 2018 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ Robin's inequality for 25-free integers and obstacles to analytic improvement 2018 David J. Platt
Thomas Morrill
+ Robin's inequality for 20-free integers 2018 Thomas Morrill
David J. Platt
+ The error term in the prime number theorem 2018 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Turingā€™s Method for the Selberg Zeta-Function 2018 Andrew R. Booker
David J. Platt
+ Improved bounds on Brun's constant 2018 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ Fujii's development on Chebyshev's conjecture. 2018 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ The error term in the prime number theorem 2018 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ Fujii's development on Chebyshev's conjecture 2018 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ Improved bounds on Brun's constant 2018 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ PDF Chat A conjectural extension of Heckeā€™s converse theorem 2017 Sandro Bettin
Jonathan Bober
Andrew R. Booker
Brian Conrey
Min Lee
Giuseppe Molteni
Thomas Oliver
David J. Platt
Raphael S. Steiner
+ PDF Chat On the Sum of Two Squares and At Most Two Powers of 2 2017 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ On the sum of two squares and at most two powers of 2 2016 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Isolating some non-trivial zeros of zeta 2016 David J. Platt
+ PDF Chat Explicit Estimates: From Ī›(<i>n</i>) in Arithmetic Progressions to Ī›(<i>n</i>)/<i>n</i> 2016 David J. Platt
Olivier RamarƩ
+ PDF Chat Diophantine quintuples containing triples of the first kind 2016 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat On the sum of the square of a prime and a square-free number 2016 Adrian Dudek
David J. Platt
+ PDF Chat Zeroes of partial sums of the zeta-function 2016 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ On the sum of two squares and at most two powers of 2 2016 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ PDF Chat On the first sign change of $\theta (x) -x$ 2015 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat On Solving a Curious Inequality of Ramanujan 2015 Adrian Dudek
David J. Platt
+ Numerical computations concerning the GRH 2015 David J. Platt
+ On a Theorem of Erd\H{o}s in Additive Number Theory 2015 Adrian Dudek
David J. Platt
+ Linnik's approximation to Goldbach's conjecture, and other problems 2015 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ Diophantine quintuples containing triples of the first kind 2015 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ There are no Diophantine quintuples containing triples of the first kind 2015 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ Diophantine quintuples containing triples of the first kind 2015 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ An improved explicit bound on<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">|</mml:mo><mml:mi>Ī¶</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy="false">|</mml:mo></mml:math> 2014 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Computing $\pi (x)$ analytically 2014 David J. Platt
+ On the first sign change of $\theta(x) - x$ 2014 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ On Solving a Curious Inequality of Ramanujan 2014 David J. Platt
Adrian Dudek
+ Linnik's approximation to Goldbach's conjecture, and other problems 2014 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ An improved explicit bound on $|\zeta(1/2 + it)|$ 2014 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ Linnik's approximation to Goldbach's conjecture, and other problems 2014 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ An improved explicit bound on $|Ī¶(1/2 + it)|$ 2014 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ On the first sign change of $Īø(x) - x$ 2014 David J. Platt
Tim Trudgian
+ On Solving a Curious Inequality of Ramanujan 2014 David J. Platt
Adrian Dudek
+ Numerical Verification of the Ternary Goldbach Conjecture up to 8.875Ā·10<sup>30</sup> 2013 H. A. Helfgott
David J. Platt
+ Explicit Upper Bounds for $|L(1, \chi)|$ when $\chi(3)=0$ 2013 Sumaia Saad Eddin
David J. Platt
+ Numerical Computations Concerning the GRH 2013 David J. Platt
+ PDF Chat Explicit upper bounds for |L(1, Ļ‡)| when Ļ‡(3)=0 2013 David J. Platt
Sumaia Saad Eddin
+ Numerical Verification of the Ternary Goldbach Conjecture up to 8.875e30 2013 H. A. Helfgott
David J. Platt
+ Explicit Upper Bounds for $|L(1, Ļ‡)|$ when $Ļ‡(3)=0$ 2013 Sumaia Saad Eddin
David J. Platt
+ Numerical Computations Concerning the GRH 2013 David J. Platt
+ Computing $\pi(x)$ Analytically 2012 David J. Platt
+ Chern Character for Global Matrix Factorizations 2012 David J. Platt
+ Computing $Ļ€(x)$ Analytically 2012 David J. Platt
+ Computing degree-1 L-functions rigorously 2011 David J. Platt
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A still sharper region where $\pi (x)-{\mathrm {li}}(x)$ is positive 2015 Yannick Saouter
Timothy S. Trudgian
Patrick Demichel
+ PDF Chat On the difference Ļ€(x) - li(x) 1966 Robert S. Lehman
+ PDF Chat Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers 1962 J. Barkley Rosser
Lowell Schoenfeld
+ Improvements to Turingā€™s method 2011 Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Artin's Conjecture, Turing's Method, and the Riemann Hypothesis 2006 Andrew R. Booker
+ Sharper Bounds for the Chebyshev Functions Īø(x) and Ļˆ(x) 1975 J. Barkley Rosser
Lowell Schoenfeld
+ PDF Chat Isolating some non-trivial zeros of zeta 2016 David J. Platt
+ An improved upper bound for the argument of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line II 2013 Timothy S. Trudgian
+ Some Calculations of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1953 Alan Turing
+ Explicit Bounds for Some Functions of Prime Numbers 1941 Barkley Rosser
+ Arb 2014 Fredrik Johansson
+ Multiplicative Number Theory 1980 H. Davenport
+ PDF Chat Estimating $\pi (x)$ and related functions under partial RH assumptions 2015 Jan BĆ¼the
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heathā€Brown
+ PDF Chat Sharper bounds for the Chebyshev functions šœƒ(š‘„) and šœ“(š‘„). II 1976 Lowell Schoenfeld
+ An improved explicit bound on<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">|</mml:mo><mml:mi>Ī¶</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy="false">|</mml:mo></mml:math> 2014 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Arb: Efficient Arbitrary-Precision Midpoint-Radius Interval Arithmetic 2017 Fredrik Johansson
+ PDF Chat The large sieve 1973 Hugh L. Montgomery
R. C. Vaughan
+ PDF Chat Numerical computations concerning the ERH 1993 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat On the first sign change of $\theta (x) -x$ 2015 David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ Sur la distribution des nombres premiers 1901 Helge Koch
+ Computing degree-1 L-functions rigorously 2011 David J. Platt
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of Prime Numbers 1933 A. E. Ingham
+ Multiplicative Number Theory I: Classical Theory 2006 Hugh L. Montgomery
R. C. Vaughan
+ Explicit estimates of some functions over primes 2016 Pierre Dusart
+ Minor arcs for Goldbach's problem 2012 H. A. Helfgott
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of Artinā€™s constant and the twin-prime constant 1961 John W. Wrench
+ On the error in reconstructing a non-bandlimited function by means of the bandpass sampling theorem 1967 Jerram L. Brown
+ PDF Chat Changes of sign of the error term in the prime number theorem 2006 Hugh L. Montgomery
Ulrike M. A. Vorhauer
+ PDF Chat Computing Ļ€(x): An analytic method 1987 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Andrew Odlyzko
+ The mean square of the error term in the prime number theorem 2020 Richard P. Brent
David J. Platt
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Updating the error term in the prime number theorem 2015 Tim Trudgian
+ Nonnegative trigonometric polynomials and a zero-free region for the Riemann zeta-function 2015 Michael J. Mossinghoff
Timothy S. Trudgian
+ Explicit zero density for the Riemann zeta function 2018 Habiba Kadiri
Allysa Lumley
Nathan Ng
+ PDF Chat A zero density result for the Riemann zeta function 2013 Habiba Kadiri
+ PDF Chat Computing the Principal Branch of log-Gamma 1997 D. E. G. Hare
+ Zero-free Regions for the Riemann Zeta Function 2024 Kevin Ford
+ An analytic method for bounding šœ“(š‘„) 2017 Jan BĆ¼the
+ PDF Chat On Solving a Curious Inequality of Ramanujan 2015 Adrian Dudek
David J. Platt
+ PDF Chat Sharper bounds for the Chebyshev functions šœƒ(š‘„) and šœ“(š‘„) 1975 J. Barkley Rosser
Lowell Schoenfeld
+ On the Distribution of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1970 Robert S. Lehman
+ PDF Chat Prime sieves using binary quadratic forms 2003 A. O. L. Atkin
Daniel J. Bernstein
+ Ramanujanā€™s Notebooks: Part V 1997 Bruce C. Berndt
+ Analytic computation of the prime-counting function 2004 Harold G. Diamond
William F. Galway
+ PDF Chat An improved upper bound for the error in the zero-counting formulae for Dirichlet $L$-functions and Dedekind zeta-functions 2014 Timothy S. Trudgian
+ PDF Chat Ɯber die Nullstellen der Riemannschen Zetafunktion 1916 Robin Backlund
+ PDF Chat Explicit Estimates for the Riemann Zeta Function 2004 Yuanyou Furui Cheng
S. W. Graham
+ PDF Chat Computing šœ‹(š‘„): the Meissel-Lehmer method 1985 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Victor S. Miller
Andrew Odlyzko
+ PDF Chat On the exact number of primes less than a given limit 1959 D. H. Lehmer
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum: ā€œSharper bounds for the Chebyshev functions šœƒ(š‘„) and šœ“(š‘„). IIā€ (Math. Comput. 30 (1976), no. 134, 337ā€“360) 1976 Lowell Schoenfeld