Gary Chaffey


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
David J. B. Lloyd 1
Anne C. Skeldon 1
N.F. Kirkby 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Do Cells Cycle? 1973 James Smith
L Martin
+ A mathematical model of the cell cycle of a hybridoma cell line 2001 D.B.F. Faraday
P. M. Hayter
N.F. Kirkby
+ Modelling cell death in human tumour cell lines exposed to the anticancer drug paclitaxel 2004 Britta Basse
Bruce C. Baguley
Elaine S. Marshall
Wayne R. Joseph
Bruce van Brunt
G.C. Wake
David J. N. Wall
+ Modelling the flow of cytometric data obtained from unperturbed human tumour cell lines: parameter fitting and comparison 2004 Britta Basse
Bruce C. Baguley
Ellen Marshall
G.C. Wake
David J. N. Wall
+ The steady-states of a multi-compartment, age–size distribution model of cell-growth 2008 Ronald Begg
David J. N. Wall
G. C. Wake
+ Solutions of population balance models based on a successive generations approach 1997 Jia-Jer Liou
Friedrich Srienc
A. G. Fredrickson
+ A Generalised Age- and Phase-Structured Model of Human Tumour Cell Populations Both Unperturbed and Exposed to a Range of Cancer Therapies 2007 Britta Basse
Paolo Ubezio
+ Finite-difference and pseudo-spectral methods for the numerical simulations of in vitro human tumor cell population kinetics 2009 Z. Jackiewicz
B. Zubik‐Kowal
Britta Basse
Z. Jackiewicz
B. Zubik‐Kowal
Britta Basse
+ Numerical solution of a mass structured cell population balance model in an environment of changing substrate concentration 1999 Nikolaos V. Mantzaris
Jia-Jer Liou
Pródromos Daoutidis
Friedrich Srienc
+ A mathematical model for analysis of the cell cycle in cell lines derived from human tumors 2003 Britta Basse
Bruce C. Baguley
Elaine S. Marshall
Wayne R. Joseph
Bruce van Brunt
G.C. Wake
David J. N. Wall
+ Numerical solution of partial differential equations : finite difference methods 1978 G. D. Smith
+ Modelling the effects of cell-cycle heterogeneity on the response of a solid tumour to chemotherapy: Biological insights from a hybrid multiscale cellular automaton model 2012 Gibin Powathil
Kirsty E. Gordon
Lydia Hill
Mark A. J. Chaplain
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear model of age and size-structured populations with applications to cell cycles 2007 S. Jonathan Chapman
Michael J. Plank
Alex James
Britta Basse
+ Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Finite Difference Methods. 1987 V. T.
G. D. Smith
+ PDF Chat Optimisation of Cancer Drug Treatments Using Cell Population Dynamics 2012 Frédérique Billy
Jean Clairambault
Olivier Fercoq