Susan J. Sierra


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Projective Varieties 2025 Pieter Belmans
Izuru Mori
Shinnosuke Okawa
Susan J. Sierra
+ Ring-theoretic blowing down II: Birational transformations 2023 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat The Poisson spectrum of the symmetric algebra of the Virasoro algebra 2023 Susan J. Sierra
Alexey Petukhov
+ PDF Chat A Poisson basis theorem for symmetric algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras 2023 Omar León Sánchez
Susan J. Sierra
+ Ring-theoretic blowing down II: Birational transformations 2021 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ Ideals in enveloping algebras of affine Kac-Moody algebras 2021 Rekha Biswal
Susan J. Sierra
+ The Poisson spectrum of the symmetric algebra of the Virasoro algebra 2021 Alexey Petukhov
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Some noncommutative minimal surfaces 2020 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat Enveloping algebras with just infinite Gelfand–Kirillov dimension 2020 Natalia Iyudu
Susan J. Sierra
+ A Poisson basis theorem for symmetric algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras 2020 Omar León Sánchez
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Ideals in the Enveloping Algebra of the Positive Witt Algebra 2019 Alexey Petukhov
Susan J. Sierra
+ Enveloping algebras with just infinite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 2019 Natalia Iyudu
Susan J. Sierra
+ Associating geometry to the Lie superalgebra 𝔰𝔩(1|1) and to the color Lie algebra 𝔰𝔩^{𝔠}₂(\Bbbk) 2019 Susan J. Sierra
Špela Špenko
Michaela Vancliff
Padmini Veerapen
Emilie Wiesner
+ Enveloping algebras with just infinite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 2019 Natalia Iyudu
Susan J. Sierra
+ Associating Geometry to the Lie Superalgebra $\mathfrak{sl}(1|1)$ and to the Color Lie Algebra $\mathfrak{sl}^c_2(\Bbbk)$ 2018 Susan J. Sierra
Špela Špenko
Michaela Vancliff
Padmini Veerapen
Emilie Wiesner
+ Noncommutative Minimal Surfaces 2018 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ Some Noncommutative Minimal Surfaces 2018 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ Associating Geometry to the Lie Superalgebra $\mathfrak{sl}(1|1)$ and to the Color Lie Algebra $\mathfrak{sl}^c_2(\Bbbk)$ 2018 Susan J. Sierra
Špela Špenko
Michaela Vancliff
Padmini Veerapen
Emilie Wiesner
+ PDF Chat Ring-theoretic blowing down. I 2017 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ Ideals in the enveloping algebra of the positive Witt algebra 2017 Alexey Petukhov
Susan J. Sierra
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat On a dynamical Mordell–Lang conjecture for coherent sheaves 2017 Jason P. Bell
Matthew Satriano
Susan J. Sierra
+ Generalised Witt algebras and idealizers 2017 Susan J. Sierra
Špela Špenko
+ Ideals in the enveloping algebra of the positive Witt algebra 2017 Alexey Petukhov
Susan J. Sierra
+ Generalised Witt algebras and idealizers 2016 Susan J. Sierra
Špela Špenko
+ PDF Chat Path Algebras of Quivers and Representations of Locally Finite Lie Algebras 2016 Johanna Hennig
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Maps from the enveloping algebra of the positive Witt algebra to regular algebras 2016 Susan J. Sierra
Chelsea Walton
+ Ring-theoretic blowing down: I 2016 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ Generalised Witt algebras and idealizers 2016 Susan J. Sierra
Špela Špenko
+ PDF Chat Classifying orders in the Sklyanin algebra 2015 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat Naïve blowups and canonical birationally commutative factors 2015 Thomas Nevins
Susan J. Sierra
+ Path algebras of quivers and representations of locally finite Lie algebras 2015 Johanna Hennig
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Blowups of Elliptic Algebras 2014 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ The universal enveloping algebra of the Witt algebra is not noetherian 2014 Susan J. Sierra
Chelsea Walton
+ Algebras in which every subalgebra is noetherian 2014 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces for point modules on naïve blowups 2013 Thomas Nevins
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Recovering Quivers from Derived Quiver Representations 2013 Yuhan Liu
Susan J. Sierra
+ The universal enveloping algebra of the Witt algebra is not noetherian 2013 Susan J. Sierra
Chelsea Walton
+ The universal enveloping algebra of the Witt algebra is not noetherian 2013 Susan J. Sierra
Chelsea Walton
+ PDF Chat Some projective surfaces of GK-dimension 4 2012 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
+ Naive blowups and canonical birationally commutative factors 2012 Thomas Nevins
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Classifying birationally commutative projective surfaces 2011 Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat A derived equivalence for a degree 6 del Pezzo surface over an arbitrary field 2011 Mark Blunk
Susan J. Sierra
S. Paul Smith
+ Some projective surfaces of GK-dimension 4 2011 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
+ Prime spectra of derived quiver representations 2011 Yuhan Liu
Susan J. Sierra
+ Algebras in which every subalgebra is noetherian 2011 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for twisted homogeneous coordinate rings 2010 Jason P. Bell
D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
+ Moduli spaces for point modules on naive blowups 2010 Thomas Nevins
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Geometric idealizer rings 2010 Susan J. Sierra
+ Geometric algebras on projective surfaces 2010 Susan J. Sierra
+ Moduli spaces for point modules on naive blowups 2010 Thomas Nevins
Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat G-algebras, Twistings, and Equivalences of Graded Categories 2009 Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat A general homological Kleiman–Bertini theorem 2009 Susan J. Sierra
+ A Derived Equivalence For A Del Pezzo Surface Of Degree 6 Over An Arbitrary Field 2009 Mark Blunk
Susan J. Sierra
S. Paul Smith
+ PDF Chat Rings graded equivalent to the Weyl algebra 2008 Susan J. Sierra
+ The Geometry of Birationally Commutative Graded Domains. 2008 Susan J. Sierra
+ The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for twisted homogeneous coordinate rings 2008 Jason P. Bell
D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
+ A general homological Kleiman-Bertini theorem 2007 Susan J. Sierra
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Twisted homogeneous coordinate rings 1990 Michael Artin
Michel Van den Bergh
+ Some Algebras Associated to Automorphisms of Elliptic Curves 2007 Michael Artin
John Tate
Michel Van den Bergh
+ PDF Chat A class of noncommutative projective surfaces 2009 D. Rogalski
J. T. Stafford
+ A Translation Principle for the Four-Dimensional Sklyanin Algebras 1996 Michel Van den Bergh
+ PDF Chat Naïve noncommutative blowing up 2005 Dennis S. Keeler
D. Rogalski
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative curves and noncommutative surfaces 2001 J. T. Stafford
Michel Van den Bergh
+ Noncommutative Projective Schemes 1994 Michael Artin
J.J. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Classifying birationally commutative projective surfaces 2011 Susan J. Sierra
+ Noncommutative Noetherian Rings 2001 John McConnell
J. C. Robson
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative graded domains with quadratic growth 1995 Michael Artin
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat Naïve noncommutative blowups at zero-dimensional schemes 2007 D. Rogalski
J. T. Stafford
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat Generic noncommutative surfaces 2003 D. Rogalski
+ PDF Chat Blowing up of non-commutative smooth surfaces 2001 Michel Van den Bergh
+ Growth of Algebras and Gelfand-Kirillov Dimension 1999 Günter Krause
T. H. Lenagan
+ Modules over regular algebras of dimension 3 1991 Michael Artin
John Tate
Michel Van den Bergh
+ PDF Chat Geometric idealizer rings 2010 Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat Criteria for $\sigma $-ampleness 2000 Dennis S. Keeler
+ Some Problems On Three-Dimensional Graded Domains 1997 Michael Artin
+ PDF Chat Some properties of non-commutative regular graded rings 1992 Thierry Levasseur
+ PDF Chat Classifying orders in the Sklyanin algebra 2015 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat Blowup subalgebras of the Sklyanin algebra 2010 D. Rogalski
+ None 2001 Michael Artin
J. J. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Canonical maps to twisted rings 2006 D. Rogalski
J. J. Zhang
+ The universal enveloping algebra of the Witt algebra is not noetherian 2014 Susan J. Sierra
Chelsea Walton
+ Generic Flatness for Strongly Noetherian Algebras 1999 Michael Artin
Lance W. Small
J.J Zhang
+ Graded algebras of global dimension 3 1987 Michael Artin
William Schelter
+ Examples in non-commutative projective geometry 1994 J. T. Stafford
J. J. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Maps from the enveloping algebra of the positive Witt algebra to regular algebras 2016 Susan J. Sierra
Chelsea Walton
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of bimeromorphic maps of surfaces 2001 Jeffrey Diller
C. Favre
+ Existence Theorems for Dualizing Complexes over Non-commutative Graded and Filtered Rings 1997 Michel Van den Bergh
+ An introduction to noncommutative noetherian rings 1989 K. R. Goodearl
Robert B. Warfield
+ Idealizers and hereditary noetherian prime rings 1972 J. C. Robson
+ PDF Chat Twisted Graded Algebras and Equivalences of Graded Categories 1996 J. J. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Algebras associated to elliptic curves 1997 Darin R. Stephenson
+ Annihilators of tensor density modules 2006 Charles H. Conley
Christiane Martin
+ Geometric algebras on projective surfaces 2010 Susan J. Sierra
+ PDF Chat On the ideals of a Noetherian ring 1985 J. T. Stafford
+ PDF Chat On Ideals in the Enveloping Algebra of a Locally Simple Lie Algebra 2014 Ivan Penkov
Alexey Petukhov
+ PDF Chat GK-dimension of birationally commutative surfaces 2009 D. Rogalski
+ PDF Chat A Kleiman–Bertini theorem for sheaf tensor products 2007 Ezra Miller
David E Speyer
+ Graded Ring Theory 1982 4
+ Filtered Noetherian rings 1987 Jan-Erik Björk
+ Algebras in which every subalgebra is noetherian 2014 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ Classification of simple graded Lie algebras of finite growth 1992 Olivier Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Serre duality for noncommutative projective schemes 1997 Amnon Yekutieli
James Zhang
+ Idealizer rings and noncommutative projective geometry 2004 D. Rogalski
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Blowups of Elliptic Algebras 2014 D. Rogalski
Susan J. Sierra
J. T. Stafford
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld