Geoffrey Hemion


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A class of partially ordered sets: II 1998 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The Classification of Knots and 3-Dimensional Spaces 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The theory of compact surfaces 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Why is the ‘difficult’ case difficult? 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ 3 How to compare two knots 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Piecewise linear topology 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ What is a knot? 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ PDF Chat On the classification of homeomorphisms of 2-manifolds and the classification of 3-manifolds 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ What to do in the difficult case 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The conjugacy problem 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The hyperbolic plane 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Fundamental solutions 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Small curves 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The final result 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The ‘easy’ case 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Movements of the hyperbolic plane 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Diophantine inequalities 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The size of a homeomorphism 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Normal surfaces 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Incompressible surfaces 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ The ‘difficult’ case 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Straightening homeomorphisms 1993 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Quantum mechanics in a discrete model of classical physics 1990 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Reality as complex space 1989 Geoffrey Hemion
+ A discrete geometry: Speculations on a new framework for classical electrodynamics 1988 Geoffrey Hemion
+ PDF Chat On the classification of homeomorphisms of 2-manifolds and the classification of 3-manifolds 1979 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Equivalence relations for incompressible surfaces 1976 Geoffrey Hemion
+ PDF Chat Locally prime arcs with finite penetration index 1974 James M. McPherson
Geoffrey Hemion
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
James M. McPherson 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A discrete geometry: Speculations on a new framework for classical electrodynamics 1988 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Reality as complex space 1989 Geoffrey Hemion
+ PDF Chat Incompressible surfaces in knot spaces 1971 Herbert C. Lyon
+ PDF Chat Space-time structure of weak and electromagnetic interactions 1982 David Hestenes
+ PDF Chat <i>Clifford Algebra to Geometric Calculus. A Unified Language for</i> <i>Mathematics and Physics</i> 1985 David Hestenes
Garret Sobczyk
James S. Marsh
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ Algebraic Topology: An Introduction. 1968 Barry Mitchell
William S. Massey
+ Ein Verfahren zur Aufspaltung einer 3-Mannigfaltigkeit in irreduzible 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten 1961 Wolfgang Haken
+ Quantum mechanics in a discrete model of classical physics 1990 Geoffrey Hemion
+ Observables, operators, and complex numbers in the Dirac theory 1975 David Hestenes
+ �ber das Hom�omorphieproblem der 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten. I 1962 Wolfgang Haken
+ Average symmetry, stability and ergodicity of multidimensional Cantor sets 1994 Μ.S. El Naschie
+ PDF Chat Complex manifolds and mathematical physics 1979 Raymond O. Wells
+ On non-compact groups I. Classification of non-compact real simple Lie groups and groups containing the Lorentz group 1965 A. O. Barut
R. Ra̧czka
+ Gruppen von linearen Transformationen 1967 R. Nevanlinna
+ Connections Between Topological and Group Theoretical Decision Problems 1973 Wolfgang Haken
+ Topology of 3-Manifolds and Related Topics. 1964 Morris W. Hirsch
M. K. Fort
+ Geschlossene Flächen in dreidimensionalen Mannigfaltigkeiten [19–29] 2011 1
+ Clifford Algebra to Geometric Calculus 1984 David Hestenes
Garret Sobczyk
+ PDF Chat An Algebraic Theory of Local Knottedness. I 1967 Samuel J. Lomonaco
+ PDF Chat Recent results on sufficiently large 3-manifolds 1978 Friedhelm Waldhausen