Jonah Blasiak


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Noncommutative Schur functions for posets 2025 Jonah Blasiak
Henrik Eriksson
Pavlo Pylyavskyy
Isaiah Siegl
+ PDF Chat Finite matrix multiplication algorithms from infinite groups 2024 Jonah Blasiak
Henry Cohn
Joshua A. Grochow
Kevin Pratt
Chris Umans
+ PDF Chat LLT polynomials in the Schiffmann algebra 2024 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George H. Seelinger
+ PDF Chat Demazure crystals and the Schur positivity of Catalan functions 2024 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
+ PDF Chat Multislant matrices and Jacobiā€“Trudi determinants over finite fields 2023 Jonah Blasiak
Omesh Dhar Dwivedi
Darij Grinberg
+ PDF Chat A Proof of the Extended Delta Conjecture 2023 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George H. Seelinger
+ PDF Chat A Shuffle Theorem for Paths Under Any Line 2023 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George H. Seelinger
+ Multislant matrices and Jacobi--Trudi determinants over finite fields 2023 Omesh Dhar Dwivedi
Jonah Blasiak
Darij Grinberg
+ A raising operator formula for Macdonald polynomials 2023 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George F. Seelinger
+ PDF Chat K-theoretic Catalan functions 2022 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
George H. Seelinger
+ Matrix multiplication via matrix groups 2022 Jonah Blasiak
Henry Cohn
Joshua A. Grochow
Kevin Pratt
Chris Umans
+ Noncommutative Schur functions for posets 2022 Jonah Blasiak
Holden Eriksson
Pavlo Pylyavskyy
Isaiah Siegl
+ PDF Chat LLT polynomials in the Schiffmann algebra 2021 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George F. Seelinger
+ PDF Chat Dens, nests and the Loehr-Warrington conjecture 2021 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George F. Seelinger
+ A proof of the Extended Delta Conjecture 2021 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George H. Seelinger
+ Dens, nests and the Loehr-Warrington conjecture 2021 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George F. Seelinger
+ LLT polynomials in the Schiffmann algebra 2021 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George F. Seelinger
+ A Shuffle Theorem for Paths Under Any Line 2021 Jonah Blasiak
Mark Haiman
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
George H. Seelinger
+ The DARK side of generalized Demazure crystals 2020 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat k-Schur expansions of Catalan functions 2020 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
Daniel Summers
+ $K$-theoretic Catalan functions 2020 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
George H. Seelinger
+ The DARK side of generalized Demazure crystals 2020 Jonah Blasiak
+ Demazure crystals and the Schur positivity of Catalan functions 2020 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
+ Catalan functions and š‘˜-Schur positivity 2019 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
Daniel Summers
+ $k$-Schur expansions of Catalan functions. 2018 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
Daniel Summers
+ Catalan functions and $k$-Schur positivity 2018 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
Daniel Summers
+ Kronecker coefficients and noncommutative super Schur functions 2018 Jonah Blasiak
Ricky Ini Liu
+ $k$-Schur expansions of Catalan functions 2018 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
Daniel W. Summers
+ Catalan functions and $k$-Schur positivity 2018 Jonah Blasiak
Jennifer Morse
Anna Pun
Daniel W. Summers
+ PDF Chat On cap sets and the group-theoretic approach to matrix multiplication 2017 Jonah Blasiak
Thomas M. Church
Henry Cohn
Joshua A. Grochow
Eric Naslund
William F. Sawin
Chris Umans
+ PDF Chat Rules of Three for commutation relations 2017 Jonah Blasiak
Sergey Fomin
+ Which groups are amenable to proving exponent two for matrix multiplication? 2017 Jonah Blasiak
Thomas M. Church
Henry Cohn
Joshua A. Grochow
Chris Umans
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Schur functions, switchboards, and Schur positivity 2016 Jonah Blasiak
Sergey Fomin
+ Rules of Three for commutation relations 2016 Jonah Blasiak
Sergey Fomin
+ What makes a $$\mathbf{D}_0$$ D 0 graph Schur positive? 2016 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat Subalgebras of the Fominā€“Kirillov algebra 2016 Jonah Blasiak
Ricky Ini Liu
Karola MƩszƔros
+ PDF Chat Haglundā€™s conjecture on 3-column Macdonald polynomials 2016 Jonah Blasiak
+ Rules of Three for commutation relations 2016 Jonah Blasiak
Sergey Fomin
+ Noncommutative Schur functions, switchboards, and Schur positivity 2015 Jonah Blasiak
Sergey Fomin
+ Kronecker coefficients and noncommutative super Schur functions 2015 Jonah Blasiak
Ricky Ini Liu
+ Noncommutative Schur functions, switchboards, and Schur positivity 2015 Jonah Blasiak
Sergey Fomin
+ Kronecker coefficients and noncommutative super Schur functions 2015 Jonah Blasiak
Ricky Ini Liu
+ Haglund's conjecture on 3-column Macdonald polynomials 2014 Jonah Blasiak
+ Nonstandard braid relations and Chebyshev polynomials 2014 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat Geometric Complexity Theory IV: nonstandard quantum group for the Kronecker problem 2014 Jonah Blasiak
Ketan Mulmuley
Milind Sohoni
+ PDF Chat Representation Theory of the Nonstandard Hecke Algebra 2014 Jonah Blasiak
+ Quantum Schurā€“Weyl duality and projected canonical bases 2014 Jonah Blasiak
+ What makes a D_0 graph Schur positive? 2014 Jonah Blasiak
+ Haglund's conjecture on 3-column Macdonald polynomials 2014 Jonah Blasiak
+ Subalgebras of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra 2013 Jonah Blasiak
Ricky Ini Liu
Karola MƩszƔros
+ Subalgebras of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra 2013 Jonah Blasiak
Ricky Ini Liu
Karola MƩszƔros
+ Kronecker coefficients for one hook shape 2012 Jonah Blasiak
+ Representation theory of the nonstandard Hecke algebra 2012 Jonah Blasiak
+ Kronecker coefficients for one hook shape 2012 Jonah Blasiak
+ Representation theory of the nonstandard Hecke algebra 2012 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat An insertion algorithm for catabolizability 2011 Jonah Blasiak
+ Cyclage, catabolism, and the affine Hecke algebra 2011 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat W-graph versions of tensoring with the $\mathcal{S}_{n}$ defining representation 2011 Jonah Blasiak
+ Quantum Schur-Weyl duality and projected canonical bases 2011 Jonah Blasiak
+ Quantum Schur-Weyl duality and projected canonical bases 2011 Jonah Blasiak
+ Nonstandard braid relations and Chebyshev polynomials 2010 Jonah Blasiak
+ Cyclage, catabolism, and the affine Hecke algebra 2010 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat A canonical basis for Garsia-Procesi modules 2010 Jonah Blasiak
+ Cyclage, catabolism, and the affine Hecke algebra 2010 Jonah Blasiak
+ Nonstandard braid relations and Chebyshev polynomials 2010 Jonah Blasiak
+ A factorization theorem for affine Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements 2009 Jonah Blasiak
+ An insertion algorithm for catabolizability 2009 Jonah Blasiak
+ $W$-graph versions of tensoring with the $\S_n$ defining representation 2008 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat The toric ideal of a graphic matroid is generated by quadrics 2008 Jonah Blasiak
+ $W$-graph versions of tensoring with the $Ā§_n$ defining representation 2008 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat A special case of Hadwiger's conjecture 2007 Jonah Blasiak
+ Geometric Complexity Theory IV: nonstandard quantum group for the Kronecker problem 2007 Jonah Blasiak
Ketan Mulmuley
Milind Sohoni
+ Geometric Complexity Theory IV: nonstandard quantum group for the Kronecker problem 2007 Jonah Blasiak
Ketan Mulmuley
Milind Sohoni
+ Combinatorics of multigraded PoincarƩ series for monomial rings 2006 Alexander Berglund
Jonah Blasiak
Patricia Hersh
+ Random Oxford graphs 2005 Jonah Blasiak
Rick Durrett
+ The toric ideal of a graphic matroid is generated by quadrics 2005 Jonah Blasiak
+ A special case of Hadwiger's conjecture 2005 Jonah Blasiak
+ Random Oxford Graphs 2004 Jonah Blasiak
Rick Durrett
+ Longest common subsequences and the Bernoulli matching model: numerical work and analyses of the r-reach simplification 2004 Jonah Blasiak
+ Random Oxford Graphs 2004 Jonah Blasiak
Rick Durrett
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1979 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ Dual equivalence graphs and a combinatorial proof of LLT and Macdonald positivity 2010 Sami Assaf
+ Graded Characters of Modules Supported in the Closure of a Nilpotent Conjugacy Class 2000 Mark Shimozono
Jerzy Weyman
+ Ribbon Schur operators 2006 Thomas Lam
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial formula for the character of the diagonal coinvariants 2005 J. Haglund
Mark Haiman
Nicholas A. Loehr
Jeffrey B. Remmel
Alexander P. Ulyanov
+ PDF Chat Cherednik algebras, Macdonald polynomials and combinatorics 2007 Mark Haiman
+ Noncommutative Schur functions and their applications 2006 Sergey Fomin
Curtis Greene
+ On certain graded Sn-modules and the q-Kostka polynomials 1992 Adriano M. Garsia
Claudio Procesi
+ Tableau atoms and a new Macdonald positivity conjecture 2003 Luc Lapointe
Alain Lascoux
Jennifer Morse
+ Noncommutative schur functions and their applications 1998 Sergey Fomin
Curtis Greene
+ On crystal bases of the Q-analogue of universal enveloping algebras 1991 Masaki Kashiwara
+ Induction and Restriction of Kazhdanā€“Lusztig Cells 1998 Yuval Roichman
+ Skew-Linked Partitions and a Representation-Theoretic Model for k-Schur Functions 2010 Liā€Chung Chen
+ Geometric Complexity Theory IV: quantum group for the Kronecker problem 2007 Ketan Mulmuley
Milind A. Sohoni
+ PDF Chat Haglundā€™s conjecture on 3-column Macdonald polynomials 2016 Jonah Blasiak
+ Ribbon tableaux, Hallā€“Littlewood functions, quantum affine algebras, and unipotent varieties 1997 Alain Lascoux
Bernard Leclerc
Jeanā€Yves Thibon
+ Inducing W-graphs 2003 Robert B. Howlett
Yunchuan Yin
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Schur functions, switchboards, and Schur positivity 2016 Jonah Blasiak
Sergey Fomin
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ A k-tableau characterization of k-Schur functions 2006 Luc Lapointe
Jennifer Morse
+ A combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials 2005 J. Haglund
Mark Haiman
Nicholas A. Loehr
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1999 Richard P. Stanley
Sergey Fomin
+ The based ring of two-sided cells of affine Weyl groups of type Ģƒš“_{š‘›-1} 2002 Nanhua Xi
+ PDF Chat Combinatorics, symmetric functions and Hilbert schemes 2002 Mark Haiman
+ PDF Chat Cells in Affine Weyl Groups 2018 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Seminormal Representations of Weyl Groups and Iwahori-Hecke Algebras 1997 Arun Ram
+ A factorization theorem for affine Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements 2009 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat Geometric Complexity Theory IV: nonstandard quantum group for the Kronecker problem 2014 Jonah Blasiak
Ketan Mulmuley
Milind Sohoni
+ $W$-graph versions of tensoring with the $\S_n$ defining representation 2008 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial model for the Macdonald polynomials 2004 J. Haglund
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gianā€Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat Notes on Schubert, Grothendieck and Key Polynomials 2016 Anatol N. Kirillov
+ PDF Chat Generalised Kostkaā€“Foulkes polynomials and cohomology of line bundles on homogeneous vector bundles 2010 Dmitri I. Panyushev
+ On a Quantum Version of Pieriā€™s Formula 1999 Alexander Postnikov
+ Canonical bases in tensor products and graphical calculus for Uq(š”°š”©2) 1997 Igor Frenkel
Mikhail Khovanov
+ The based ring of the lowest two-sided cell of an affine Weyl group 1990 Nanhua Xi
+ Quantum cohomology and the š‘˜-Schur basis 2007 Luc Lapointe
Jennifer Morse
+ Cyclage, catabolism, and the affine Hecke algebra 2011 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat W-graph versions of tensoring with the $\mathcal{S}_{n}$ defining representation 2011 Jonah Blasiak
+ Hecke algebras and Jantzen's generic decomposition patterns 1980 G. Lusztig
+ Flagged Schur functions, Schubert polynomials, and symmetrizing operators 1985 Michelle L. Wachs
+ Nonstandard braid relations and Chebyshev polynomials 2010 Jonah Blasiak
+ PDF Chat None 2002 Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat Statistics for special $q,t$-Kostka polynomials 1995 Susanna Fishel
+ On the Kronecker Product s (n-p,p) * s Ī» . 2005 Cristina Ballantine
Rosa Orellana
+ Tableaux on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>k</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>-cores, reduced words for affine permutations, and k-Schur expansions 2005 Luc Lapointe
Jennifer Morse
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Mercedes Rosas
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ Global crystal bases of quantum groups 1993 Masaki Kashiwara
+ PDF Chat Affine insertion and Pieri rules for the affine Grassmannian 2010 Thomas Lam
Luc Lapointe
Jennifer Morse
Mark Shimozono