E. T. Whittaker


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Theory of Riemann Integration 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ Continuous Functions and Uniform Convergence 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ Complex Numbers 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ The fundamental properties of Analytic Functions; Taylor's, Laurent's and Liouville's Theorems 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ Linear Differential Equations 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ The Zeta Function of Riemann 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ The Hypergeometric Function 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ Elliptic Functions. General theorems and the Weierstrassian Functions 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ The expansion of functions in Infinite Series 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ Asymptotic Expansions and Summable Series 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ The Jacobian Elliptic Functions 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ Bessel Functions 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ The Confluent Hypergeometric Function 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ G. D. Birkhoff's Collected Papers 1951 E. T. Whittaker
+ On the reversion of series 1951 E. T. Whittaker
+ The Modern Approach to Descartes' Problem. The Relation of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences to Philosophy 1950 E. N.
E. T. Whittaker
+ Probability and Induction. By William Kneale, Fellow of Exeter College and Lecturer in Philosophy in the University of Oxford. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1949. Pp. 264. Price 15s. net.) 1949 E. T. Whittaker
+ Laplace 1949 E. T. Whittaker
+ Laplace 1949 E. T. Whittaker
+ George David Blrkhoff 1945 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat Prof. G. D. Birkhoff 1944 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat Vito Volterra, 1860 - 1940 1941 E. T. Whittaker
+ The Hamiltonian Revival 1940 E. T. Whittaker
+ On the relations of the tensor-calculus to the spinor-calculus 1937 E. T. Whittaker
+ Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics 1932 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On the Solution of Differential Equations by Definite Integrals 1931 E. T. Whittaker
+ Records of Proceedings at Meetings 1930 E. T. Whittaker
S. C. Chapman
+ On Hyperlemniscate Functions, a Family of Automorphic Functions 1929 E. T. Whittaker
+ The Influence of Gravitation on Electromagnetic Phenomena 1928 E. T. Whittaker
+ VIII.—On the Theory of Graduation 1925 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat The Calculus of Observations: A Treatise on Numerical Mathematics. 1924 Mohammad D.G. Farrokhi D.G.
E. T. Whittaker
Guy Robinson
+ Analytische Dynamik der Punkte und Starren Körper 1924 E. T. Whittaker
+ Die Reduktion des Dreikörperproblems 1924 E. T. Whittaker
+ Die Sätze von Bruns und Poincaré 1924 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat A Course of Modern Analysis. An Introduction to the General Theory of Infinite Processes and of Analytic Functions; with an Account of the Principal Transcendental Functions. 1921 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ The Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association—Report of the Council for 1920 1921 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On Sylvester's Dialytic Method of Elimination 1921 E. T. Whittaker
+ On Some Disputed Questions of Probability 1921 E. T. Whittaker
G. J. Lidstone
+ The Mathematical Association 1920 E. T. Whittaker
+ On the numerical solution of integral-equations 1918 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat VII.—On the Adelphic Integral of the Differential Equations of Dynamics 1918 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat A Formula for the Solution of Algebraic or Transcendental Equations 1917 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On Determinants whose elements are Determinants 1917 E. T. Whittaker
+ XVI.–On the Theory of Continued-Fractions 1917 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat A simple nomogram for the solution of quadratic equations 1915 E. T. Whittaker
+ VII.—On an Integral-Equation whose Solutions are the Functions of Lamé 1915 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On Lamé's Differential Equation and Ellipsoidal Harmonics 1915 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat XVIII.—On the Functions which are represented by the Expansions of the Interpolation-Theory 1915 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On a class of Differential Equations whose solutions satisfy Integral Equations 1914 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat Advanced Calculus: a text upon select parts of Differential Calculus, Differential Equations, Integral Calculus. Theory of Functions, with numerous exercises. By Edwin Bidwell Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Pp. ix + 566. 5 $. Ginn & Co. 1913 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On the continued fractions which represent the functions of Hermite and other functions defined by differential equations 1913 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On the general solution of Mathieu's equation 1913 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics 1903 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat An expression of certain known functions as generalized hypergeometric functions 1903 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On a New Connexion of Bessel Functions with Legendre Functions 1902 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies 1902 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies 1902 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On the Solution of Dynamical Problems in terms of Trignometric Series 1901 E. T. Whittaker
+ Leçons nouvelles sur les applications géométriques du calcul différentiel. Par W. de Tannenberg, Professeur à la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Bordeaux. Paris, Hermann, 1899; 8vo, 192 pp. 1900 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat Lecons nouvelles sur les applications geometriques du calcul differentiel 1900 E. T. Whittaker
W. De Tannenberg
+ PDF Chat I. On the connexion of algebraic functions with automorphic functions 1899 E. T. Whittaker
+ PDF Chat On the connexion of algebraic functions with automorphic functions 1898 E. T. Whittaker
E. T. Whittaker
+ On the Connexion of Algebraic Functions with Automorphic Functions. [Abstract] 1898 E. T. Whittaker