Xiongping Dai


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of open and semi-open maps of compact Hausdorff spaces by induced maps 2024 Xiongping Dai
Yuxuan Xie
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of open and semi-open maps of compact Hausdorff spaces by induced maps 2024 Xiongping Dai
Yuxun Xie
+ PDF Chat On sncc-inheritance of pointwise almost periodicity in flows 2024 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat On M-dynamics and Li-Yorke chaos of extensions of minimal dynamics 2023 Xiongping Dai
+ On M-dynamics and Li-Yorke chaos of extensions of minimal dynamics 2023 Xiongping Dai
+ Veech's Theorem of $G$ acting freely on $G^{\textrm{LUC}}$ and Structure Theorem of a.a. flows 2023 Xiongping Dai
Hailan Liang
Zhengyu Yin
+ On recurrence in zero-dimensional locally compact flow with compactly generated phase group 2022 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat On recurrence in zero-dimensional locally compact flow with compactly generated phase group 2022 Xiongping Dai
+ On recurrence in zero-dimsnional locally compact flow with compactly generated phase group 2022 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Lifting the regionally proximal relation and characterizations of distal extensions 2021 Kai Cao
Xiongping Dai
+ Characterizations of relativized distal points of topological dynamical systems 2021 Xiongping Dai
Hailan Liang
Zubiao Xiao
+ Almost automorphy and Veech's relations of dynamics on compact T2-spaces 2020 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: On Galvin’s theorem for compact Hausdorff right-topological semigroups with dense topological centers 2019 Xiongping Dai
Hailan Liang
+ WITHDRAWN: Almost automorphy of surjective semiflows on compact Hausdorff spaces 2019 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Minimality, distality and equicontinuity for semigroup actions on compact Hausdorff spaces 2019 Joseph Auslander
Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat On universal minimal proximal flows of topological groups 2018 Xiongping Dai
Eli Glasner
+ Almost automorphy of invertible semiflows with compact Hausdorff phase spaces 2018 Xiongping Dai
+ On transitivity dynamics of topological semiflows 2018 Joseph Auslander
Xiongping Dai
+ Uniform positive recursion frequency of any minimal dynamical system on a compact space 2018 Xiongping Dai
+ The McMahon pseudo-metrics of minimal semiflows with invariant measures 2018 Xiongping Dai
+ Almost automorphy of surjective semiflows on compact Hausdorff spaces 2018 Xiongping Dai
+ Equicontinuity, uniform almost periodicity, and regionally proximal relation for topological semiflows 2017 Xiongping Dai
Zubiao Xiao
+ On Galvin’s theorem for compact Hausdorff right-topological semigroups with dense topological centers 2017 Xiongping Dai
Hailan Liang
+ Chaotic dynamics of minimal center of attraction of discrete amenable group actions 2017 Zhijing Chen
Xiongping Dai
+ Devaney chaos, Li–Yorke chaos, and multi-dimensional Li–Yorke chaos for topological dynamics 2017 Xiongping Dai
Xinjia Tang
+ Chaotic behavior of discrete-time linear inclusion dynamical systems 2017 Xiongping Dai
Tingwen Huang
Yu Huang
Yi Luo
Gang Wang
Mingqing Xiao
+ PDF Chat A fixed point theorem of Markov-Kakutani type for a commuting family of convex multivalued maps 2017 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Szemerédi-type theorems for subsets of locally compact abelian groups of positive upper Banach density 2017 Xiongping Dai
Hailan Liang
Xinjia Tang
+ Chaotic dynamics of minimal center of attraction for a flow with discrete amenable phase group 2017 Zhijing Chen
Xiongping Dai
+ On universal minimal proximal flows of topological groups 2017 Xiongping Dai
Eli Glasner
+ Minimality, distality and equicontinuity for semigroup actions on compact Hausdorff spaces 2017 Joseph Auslander
Xiongping Dai
+ When is weakly almost periodic equivalent to uniformly almost periodic for semiflows? 2017 Xiongping Dai
+ Devaney chaos, Li-Yorke chaos, and multi-dimensional Li-Yorke chaos for topological dynamics 2017 Xiongping Dai
Xinjia Tang
+ Szemeredi-type theorems for subsets of locally compact abelian groups of positive upper Banach density 2017 Xiongping Dai
Hailan Liang
Xinjia Tang
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Bohr almost periodic motions of topological abelian semigroups 2016 Xiongping Dai
+ Exponential stability of matrix-valued Markov chains via nonignorable periodic data 2016 Xiongping Dai
Tingwen Huang
Yu Huang
+ Pointwise convergence of ergodic averages of bounded measurable functions for amenable groups 2016 Xiongping Dai
+ An extension of Furstenberg's structure theorem for Noetherian modules and multiple recurrence theorems III 2016 Xiongping Dai
+ Dynamics of Bohr almost periodic motions of topological abelian semigroups 2016 Xiongping Dai
+ An extension of Furstenberg's structure theorem for Noetherian modules and multiple recurrence theorems II 2016 Xiongping Dai
+ An extension of Furstenberg's structure theorem for Noetherian modules and multiple recurrence theorems I 2016 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat On uniformly recurrent motions of topological semigroup actions 2015 Xiongping Dai
Bin Chen
+ On chaotic minimal center of attraction of a Lagrange stable motion for topological semi flows 2015 Xiongping Dai
+ Multiple Recurrence and Minimal Center of Attraction of a Lagrange Stable Motion for Topological Semiflows 2015 Xiongping Dai
+ Chaotic dynamics of continuous-time topological semi-flows on Polish spaces 2015 Xiongping Dai
+ Chaotic dynamics of continuous-time topological semi-flows on Polish spaces 2015 Xiongping Dai
+ GrĂŒnwald version of van der Waerden's theorem for semi-modules 2015 Xiongping Dai
+ From the First Borel–Cantelli Lemma to PoincarĂ©'s Recurrence Theorem 2015 Xiongping Dai
+ On chaotic minimal center of attraction of a Lagrange stable motion for topological semi flows 2015 Xiongping Dai
+ Pointwise Stability of Discrete-Time Stationary Matrix-Valued Markovian Processes 2014 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Chaotic Oscillations of Solutions of First Order Hyperbolic Systems in 1D with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions 2014 Xiongping Dai
Tingwen Huang
Yu Huang
Goong Chen
+ Criterion for quasi-anosovian diffeomorphisms of closed manifolds 2014 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Robust periodic stability implies uniform exponential stability of Markovian jump linear systems and random linear ordinary differential equations 2014 Xiongping Dai
+ Exponential stability of nonhomogeneous matrix-valued Markovian chains 2014 Xiongping Dai
Tingwen Huang
Yu Huang
+ Criterion for quasi-anosovian diffeomorphisms of closed manifolds 2014 Xiongping Dai
+ Balance times of multidimensional quasi-additive potentials for a measure-preserving semiflow 2013 Xiongping Dai
+ Spectral Finiteness Property and Splitting of State Space for Matrix-Valued Cocycles. 2013 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Robust periodic stability implies uniform exponential stability for a random linear semiflow driven by a dynamical system with closing property. 2013 Xiongping Dai
+ Asymptotic stability of time-varying switched systems under perturbations 2013 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Finer filtration for matrix-valued cocycle based on Oseledec's multiplicative ergodic theorem 2013 Xiongping Dai
+ Chaotic Characteristics of Discrete-time Linear Inclusion Dynamical Systems 2013 Xiongping Dai
Tingwen Huang
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Robust periodic stability implies uniform exponential stability of Markovian jump linear systems and random linear ordinary differential equations 2013 Xiongping Dai
+ Chaotic Characteristic of Discrete-time Linear Inclusion Dynamical Systems 2013 Xiongping Dai
Tingwen Huang
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Some criteria for spectral finiteness of a finite subset of the real matrix space<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ A note on a sifting-type lemma 2012 Xiao Wen
Xiongping Dai
+ Dominated splitting of differentiable dynamics with $\mathrm{C}^1$-topological weak-star property 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ Dominated splitting of differentiable dynamics with C^1-topological weak-star property 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ On C1-class local diffeomorphisms whose periodic points are nonuniformly expanding 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ Extremal ergodic measures and the finiteness property of matrix semigroups 2012 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Some criteria for spectral finiteness of a finite subset of the real matrix space $\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}$ 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ Criteria of stabilizability for switching-control systems with solvable linear approximations 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ On $\mathrm{C}^1$-class local diffeomorphisms whose periodic points are nonuniformly expanding 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Criteria of Stabilizability for Switching-Control Systems with Solvable Linear Approximations 2012 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Finiteness property of a bounded set of matrices with uniformly sub-peripheral spectrum 2011 Xiongping Dai
Victor Kozyakin
+ A Gel’fand-type spectral radius formula and stability of linear constrained switching systems 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ Pointwise stabilization of discrete-time matrix-valued stationary Markov chains 2011 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ PDF Chat Realization of joint spectral radius via Ergodic theory 2011 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Optimal state points of the subadditive ergodic theorem 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ Extremal and Barabanov semi-norms of a semigroup generated by a bounded family of matrices 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ Stability of time-varying nonlinear switching systems under perturbations 2011 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ A criterion of simultaneously symmetrization and spectral finiteness for a finite set of real 2-by-2 matrices 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ Extremal ergodic measures and the finiteness property of matrix semigroups 2011 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ The finite-step realizability of the joint spectral radius of a pair of $d\times d$ matrices one of which being rank-one 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ A Gel'fand-type spectral radius formula and stability of linear constrained switching systems 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ Stability Criteria via Common Non-strict Lyapunov Matrix for Discrete-time Linear Switched Systems 2011 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Pointwise Stabilization of Discrete-time Stationary Matrix-valued Markovian Chains 2011 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Hyperbolicity of C 1-star invariant sets for C 1-class dynamical systems 2010 Xiongping Dai
+ Almost sure stability of discrete-time switched linear systems 2010 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Exponential closing property and approximation of Lyapunov exponents of linear cocycles 2010 Xiongping Dai
+ On the approximation of Lyapunov exponents and a question suggested by Anatole Katok 2010 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat A note on the shadowing lemma of Liao: A generalized and improved version 2010 Xiongping Dai
+ Topological formulation of discrete-time switched linear systems and almost sure stability 2008 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Integral expressions of Lyapunov exponents for autonomous ordinary differential systems 2008 Xiongping Dai
Wenxiang Sun
+ A positive solution to a conjecture of A. Katok for diffeomorphism case 2008 Xiongping Dai
+ Almost Sure Stability of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems: A Topological Point of View 2008 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ PDF Chat Distance entropy of dynamical systems on noncompact-phase spaces 2008 Xiongping Dai
Yunping Jiang
+ Time-preserving structural stability of hyperbolic differential dynamics with noncompact phase spaces 2008 Xiongping Dai
+ Hyperbolicity and integral expression of the Lyapunov exponents for linear cocycles 2007 Xiongping Dai
+ Exponential stability of nonautonomous linear differential equations with linear perturbations by Liao methods 2006 Xiongping Dai
+ Continuous Differentiability of Solutions of ODEs with Respect to Initial Conditions 2006 Xiongping Dai
+ Continuous Differentiablity of Solutions of ODEs with Respect to Initial Conditions 2006 Xiongping Dai
+ Existence of full-Hausdorff-dimension invariant measures of dynamical systems with dimension metrics 2005 Xiongping Dai
+ Partial linearization of differentiable systems 2005 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff Dimensions of Zero-Entropy Sets of Dynamical Systems with Positive Entropy 2005 Xiongping Dai
Yunping Jiang
+ Standard Systems of Discrete Differentiable Dynamical Systems 2004 Xiongping Dai
+ Some relations between Hausdorff-dimensions and entropies 1998 Xiongping Dai
Zuoling Zhou
Xiangyi Geng
+ An equivalent condition for Anosov maps with zero entropies 1996 Xiongping Dai
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 1961 Viktor Vladimirovich Nemytskii
+ Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 1981 Harry Furstenberg
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1981 Peter Walters
+ Bounded semigroups of matrices 1992 Marc A. Berger
Yang Wang
+ Asymptotic height optimization for topical IFS, Tetris heaps, and the finiteness conjecture 2001 Thierry Bousch
Jean Mairesse
+ Extremal and Barabanov semi-norms of a semigroup generated by a bounded family of matrices 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ Structure of extremal trajectories of discrete linear systems and the finiteness conjecture 2007 Victor Kozyakin
+ Integral expressions of Lyapunov exponents for autonomous ordinary differential systems 2008 Xiongping Dai
+ PDF Chat On uniformly recurrent motions of topological semigroup actions 2015 Xiongping Dai
Bin Chen
+ PDF Chat The topological dynamics of semigroup actions 2000 David B. Ellis
Robert Ellis
Mahesh Nerurkar
+ Asymptotic stability and generalized Gelfand spectral radius formula 1997 Mau-Hsiang Shih
Jinn-Wen Wu
Chin-Tzong Pang
+ Sets of matrices all infinite products of which converge 1992 Ingrid Daubechies
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
+ The generalized spectral-radius theorem: An analytic-geometric proof 1995 L. Elsner
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1982 Peter Walters
+ PDF Chat A note on sensitivity of semigroup actions 2007 Eduard Kontorovich
Michael Megrelishvili
+ An explicit counterexample to the Lagarias–Wang finiteness conjecture 2011 Kevin G. Hare
Ian D. Morris
Nikita Sidorov
Jacques Theys
+ Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 1993 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ On Characteristic Exponents Construction of a New Borel Set for the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem for Vector Fields 1993 Shantao Liao
+ A note on the joint spectral radius 1960 Gian‐Carlo Rota
W. Gilbert Strang
+ Optimal state points of the subadditive ergodic theorem 2011 Xiongping Dai
+ Semi-uniform ergodic theorems and applications to forced systems 1999 Rob Sturman
J. Stark
+ The finiteness conjecture for the generalized spectral radius of a set of matrices 1995 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Yang Wang
+ Qualitative theory of differential equations 1961 8
+ Almost Sure Stability of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems: A Topological Point of View 2008 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Ergodic Theory via Joinings 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Non-zero Lyapunov exponents and uniform hyperbolicity 2003 Yongluo Cao
+ Almost Periodic Points with Respect to Transformation Semi-Groups 1946 W. H. Gottschalk
+ Hyperbolicity and integral expression of the Lyapunov exponents for linear cocycles 2007 Xiongping Dai
+ On Galvin’s theorem for compact Hausdorff right-topological semigroups with dense topological centers 2017 Xiongping Dai
Hailan Liang
+ Disjointness in ergodic theory, minimal sets, and a problem in diophantine approximation 1967 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Realization of joint spectral radius via Ergodic theory 2011 Xiongping Dai
Yu Huang
Mingqing Xiao
+ Nonsingular star flows satisfy Axiom A and the no-cycle condition 2005 Shaobo Gan
Lan Wen
+ Devaney's chaos or 2-scattering implies Li–Yorke's chaos 2002 Wen Huang
Xiangdong Ye
+ PDF Chat Homomorphisms of transformation groups 1960 Robert Ellis
W. H. Gottschalk
+ PDF Chat Finiteness property of a bounded set of matrices with uniformly sub-peripheral spectrum 2011 Xiongping Dai
Victor Kozyakin
+ On Growth Rates of Subadditive Functions for Semiflows 1998 Sebastian J. Schreiber
+ Certain Ergodic Properties of a Differential System on a Compact Differentiable Manifold 2006 Shan-tao Liao
+ PDF Chat Coherent structures and isolated spectrum for Perron–Frobenius cocycles 2009 Gary Froyland
S. P. Lloyd
Anthony Quas
+ Locally almost periodic minimal flows 2008 Joseph Auslander
Nelson G. Markley
+ Point-Distal Flows 1970 William A. Veech
+ Basic problems in stability and design of switched systems 1999 Daniel Liberzon
A. Stephen Morse
+ Automorphisms and Equivalence Relations in Topological Dynamics 2014 David B. Ellis
Robert Ellis
+ Density in Arbitrary Semigroups 2006 Neil Hindman
Dona Strauss
+ On Li-Yorke pairs 2002 F. Blanchard
Eli Glasner
S. F. Kolyada
Alejandro Maass
+ An Ergodic Closing Lemma 1982 Ricardo Mañé
+ PDF Chat Shadowing by non-uniformly hyperbolic periodic points and uniform hyperbolicity 2006 Armando Castro
Krerley Oliveira
Vilton Pinheiro
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents, entropy and periodic orbits for diffeomorphisms 1980 A. Katok
+ Duality results for the joint spectral radius and transient behavior 2008 Elmar Plischke
Fabian Wirth