Ben Jann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Color palettes for Stata graphics: An update 2023 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Marginal Odds Ratios: What They Are, How to Compute Them, and Why Sociologists Might Want to Use Them 2023 Kristian Bernt Karlson
Ben Jann
+ Stata module for robust multivariate estimation of location and covariance 2021 Ben Jann
Vincenzo Verardi
Catherine Vermandele
+ KMATCH: Stata module module for multivariate-distance and propensity-score matching, including entropy balancing, inverse probability weighting, (coarsened) exact matching, and regression adjustment 2020 Ben Jann
+ Influence functions continued. A framework for estimating standard errors in reweighting, matching, and regression adjustment 2020 Ben Jann
+ Heat (and hexagon) plots in Stata 2019 Ben Jann
+ Influence functions for linear regression (with an application to regression adjustment) 2019 Ben Jann
+ ROBBOX: Stata module to compute generalized box plots 2019 Ben Jann
Vincenzo Verardi
Catherine Vermandele
+ heatplot: Stata module to create heat plots and hexagon plots 2019 Ben Jann
+ Editorial: Social Desirability Bias in Surveys – Collecting and Analyzing Sensitive Data 2019 Ben Jann
Ivar Krumpal
Felix Wolter
+ HEATPLOT: Stata module to create heat plots and hexagon plots 2019 Ben Jann
+ Customizing Stata Graphs Made Easy (Part 2) 2018 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Color Palettes for Stata Graphics 2018 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Customizing Stata Graphs made Easy (Part 1) 2018 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat More is not always better: An experimental individual-level validation of the randomized response technique and the crosswise model 2018 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
+ Item Sum Double-List Technique: An Enhanced Design for Asking Quantitative Sensitive Questions 2018 Ivar Krumpal
Ben Jann
Martin Korndörfer
Stefan C. Schmukle
+ Customizing Stata graphs made easy 2018 Ben Jann
+ Customizing Stata graphs made even easier 2018 Ben Jann
+ ROBSTAT: Stata module to compute robust univariate statistics 2018 Ben Jann
Vincenzo Verardi
Catherine Vermandele
+ Color palettes for Stata graphics 2018 Ben Jann
+ ROBSTAT: Stata module to compute robust univariate statistics 2018 Ben Jann
Vincenzo Verardi
Catherine Vermandele
+ PALETTES: Stata module to provide color palettes, symbol palettes, and line pattern palettes 2017 Ben Jann
+ kmatch: Kernel matching with automatic bandwidth selection 2017 Ben Jann
+ Robust Statistics in Stata 2017 Vincenzo Verardi
Ben Jann
+ Why Propensity Scores Should Be Used for Matching 2017 Ben Jann
+ KMATCH: Stata module for multivariate-distance and propensity-score matching 2017 Ben Jann
+ MOREMATA: Stata module (Mata) to provide various functions 2017 Ben Jann
+ CENTER: Stata module to center (or standardize) variables 2017 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Creating HTML or Markdown Documents from within Stata using Webdoc 2017 Ben Jann
+ GRSTYLE: Stata module to customize the overall look of graphs 2017 Ben Jann
+ Robust statistics in Stata 2017 Ben Jann
Vincenzo Verardi
+ Customizing Stata graphs made easy 2017 Ben Jann
+ GRSTYLE: Stata module to customize the overall look of graphs 2017 Ben Jann
+ KMATCH: Stata module module for multivariate-distance and propensity-score matching, including entropy balancing, inverse probability weighting, (coarsened) exact matching, and regression adjustment 2017 Ben Jann
+ PALETTES: Stata module to provide color palettes, symbol palettes, and line pattern palettes 2017 Ben Jann
+ kmatch: Kernel matching with automatic bandwidth selection 2017 Ben Jann
+ Why propensity scores should be used for matching 2017 Ben Jann
+ Sensitive questions in online surveys : an experimental evaluation of different implementations of the randomized response technique and the crosswise model 2016 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
Andreas Diekmann
+ PDF Chat texdoc 2.0: An update on creating LaTeX documents from within Stata 2016 Ben Jann
+ Creating LaTeX and HTML documents from within Stata using texdoc and webdoc 2016 Ben Jann
+ ESTOUT: Stata module to make regression tables 2016 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Creating LaTeX Documents from within Stata using Texdoc 2016 Ben Jann
+ MTurk Survey on "Mood and Personality". Documentation 2016 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
+ More Is Not Always Better: An Experimental Individual-Level Validation of the Randomized Response Technique and the Crosswise Model 2016 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
+ Estimating Lorenz and concentration curves in Stata 2016 Ben Jann
+ WEBDOC: Stata module to create a HTML or Markdown document including Stata output 2016 Ben Jann
+ texdoc 2.0: An update on creating LaTeX documents from within Stata 2016 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat A Note on Adding Objects to an Existing Twoway Graph 2015 Ben Jann
+ FRE: Stata module to display one-way frequency table 2015 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Stata Tip 122: Variable Bar Widths in Two-Way Graphs 2015 Ben Jann
+ Methodological Report on Kaul and Wolf's Working Papers on the Effect of Plain Packaging on Smoking Prevalence in Australia and the Criticism Raised by OxyRomandie 2015 Ben Jann
+ Asking Sensitive Questions: A Critical Account of the Randomized Response Technique and Related Methods 2015 Ivar Krumpal
Ben Jann
Katrin Auspurg
Hagen von Hermanni
+ Plotting Regression Coefficients and other Estimates 2014 Ben Jann
+ ADDPLOT: Stata module to add twoway plot objects to an existing twoway graph 2014 Ben Jann
+ HTE: Stata module to perform heterogeneous treatment effect analysis 2014 Ben Jann
Jennie E. Brand
Yu Xie
+ A new command for plotting regression coecients and other estimates 2014 Ben Jann
+ Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys: An Experimental Evaluation of the Randomized Response Technique and the Crosswise Model 2014 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
Andreas Diekmann
+ Online Survey on "Exams and Written Papers". Documentation 2014 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
Andreas Diekmann
+ Estimating the Prevalence of Illicit Drug Use Among Students Using the Crosswise Model 2014 Mansour Shamsipour
Masud Yunesian
Akbar Fotouhi
Ben Jann
Afarin Rahimi‐Movaghar
Fariba Asghari
Ali Asghar Akhlaghi
+ Plotting regression coefficients and other estimates in Stata 2014 Ben Jann
+ A new command for plotting regression coefficients and other estimates 2014 Ben Jann
+ ADDPLOT: Stata module to add twoway plot objects to an existing twoway graph 2014 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Item Sum: A New Technique for Asking Quantitative Sensitive Questions 2013 Mark Trappmann
Ivar Krumpal
Antje Kirchner
Ben Jann
+ Asking sensitive questions: Possibilities and limits of randomized response and other techniques in different survey modes 2013 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
Ivar Krumpal
Felix Wolter
+ Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys: An Experimental Comparison of the RRT and the Crosswise Model 2013 Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
Andreas Diekmann
+ Predictive Margins and Marginal Effects in Stata 2013 Ben Jann
+ An Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism Using the Randomized Response Technique. Codebook and Documentation 2013 Ben Jann
Laurence Brandenberger
+ Predictive Margins and Marginal Effects in Stata 2013 Ben Jann
+ Herkunft und KriminalitÀt - Ergebnisse der polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik 2013 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Observational Data 2012 Yu Xie
Jennie E. Brand
Ben Jann
+ ESTWRITE: Stata module to store estimation results on disk 2012 Ben Jann
+ Randomized-Response-Technik: Hope or Hype? Eine Meta-Analyse unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von Publication-Bias 2012 Katrin Auspurg
Ben Jann
Ivar Kumpal
Hagen von Hermanni
+ Robust Regression in Stata 2012 Ben Jann
+ Asking Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys. An Experimental Comparison of the Randomized Response Technique and the Crosswise Model 2012 Andreas Diekmann
Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
+ An Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism Using the Crosswise Model. Codebook and Documentation 2012 Ben Jann
Laurence Brandenberger
+ An Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism Using the Item Count Technique. Codebook and Documentation 2012 Ben Jann
Friederike Eberlein
+ Robust regression in Stata 2012 Ben Jann
+ Social Desirability Bias in Survey Measures of Illicit Work 2011 Mark Trappmann
Ivar Krumpal
Antje Kirchner
Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Asking Sensitive Questions Using the Crosswise Model: An Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism 2011 Ben Jann
Julia Jerke
Ivar Krumpal
+ Plagiarism in Student Papers: Prevalence Estimates Using Special Techniques for Sensitive Questions 2011 Elisabethen Coutts
Ben Jann
Ivar Krumpal
Anatol‐Fiete NĂ€her
+ Plagiarism in student papers and cheating on exams: Results from surveys using special techniques for sensitive questions 2011 Ben Jann
+ Sensitive Question Techniques in Online Surveys: An Experimental Comparison of Different Implementations 2011 Andreas Diekmann
Ben Jann
Marc Höglinger
+ Asking sensitive questions: Testing a new alternative to the Randomized Response Technique 2011 Andreas Diekmann
Marc Höglinger
Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys: Experimental Results for the Randomized Response Technique (RRT) and the Unmatched Count Technique (UCT) 2011 Elisabeth Coutts
Ben Jann
+ Plagiarism in student papers and cheating on exams: Results from surveys using special techniques for sensitive questions 2011 Ben Jann
+ Heterogeneous treatment-effect analysis 2010 Ben Jann
+ Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Analysis 2010 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Benford’s Law and Fraud Detection: Facts and Legends 2010 Andreas Diekmann
Ben Jann
+ Tabulating SPost Results Using Estout and Esttab 2010 Ben Jann
J. Scott Long
+ Benford's Law and Fraud Detection. Facts and Legends 2010 Andreas Diekmann
Ben Jann
+ ROBREG10: Stata module providing robust regression estimators 2010 Ben Jann
+ 27 Robuste Regression 2010 Ben Jann
+ Robuste Regression 2010 Ben Jann
+ Output processing and automatic reporting with Stata 2009 Ben Jann
+ Asking Sensitive Questions Using the Crosswise Model: Some Experimental Results 2009 Ben Jann
Julia Jerke
Ivar Krumpal
+ VIEWRESULTS: Stata module to display results of a command in the Viewer 2009 Ben Jann
+ SAVERESULTS: Stata module to save output from a command in a file on disk 2009 Ben Jann
+ PANELS: Stata module to count panels and apply a command to panel units 2009 Ben Jann
+ Recent developments in output processing 2009 Ben Jann
+ Creating LaTeX documents from within Stata 2009 Ben Jann
+ Creating LaTeX documents from within Stata 2009 Ben Jann
+ TR: Stata module providing prefix command to trace program execution 2009 Ben Jann
+ Diagnostik von RegressionsschÀtzungen bei kleinen Stichproben (mit einem Exkurs zu logistischer Regression) 2009 Ben Jann
+ PSPLINE: Stata module providing a penalized spline scatterplot smoother based on linear mixed model technology 2009 Ben Jann
Roberto G. Gutierrez
+ TR: Stata module providing prefix command to trace program execution 2009 Ben Jann
+ PANELS: Stata module to count panels and apply a command to panel units 2009 Ben Jann
+ Recent developments in output processing 2009 Ben Jann
+ Output processing and automatic reporting with Stata 2009 Ben Jann
+ SAVERESULTS: Stata module to save output from a command in a file on disk 2009 Ben Jann
+ TABLETUTORIAL: Stata module to provide tutorial on automated table generation and reporting with Stata 2008 Ben Jann
+ TABLETUTORIAL: Stata module to provide tutorial on automated table generation and reporting 2008 Ben Jann
+ Automated table generation and reporting with Stata 2008 Ben Jann
+ PSPLINE: Stata module providing a penalized spline scatterplot smoother based on linear mixed model technology 2008 Ben Jann
Roberto G. Gutierrez
+ NLCHECK: Stata module to check linearity assumption after model estimation 2008 Ben Jann
+ RRREG: Stata module to estimate linear probability model for randomized response data 2008 Ben Jann
+ SPLITVALLABELS: Stata module to split up value labels for multi-line graph labelling 2008 Nicholas Winter
Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Multinomial Goodness-of-Fit: Large-Sample Tests with Survey Design Correction and Exact Tests for Small Samples 2008 Ben Jann
+ VALUESOF: Stata module to return the contents of a variable in a macro 2008 Ben Jann
+ NLCHECK: Stata module to check linearity assumption after model estimation 2008 Ben Jann
+ RRREG: Stata module to estimate linear probability model for randomized response data 2008 Ben Jann
+ Multinomial goodness-of-fit: large sample tests with survey design correction and exact tests for small samples 2008 Ben Jann
+ TABLETUTORIAL: Stata module to provide tutorial on automated table generation and reporting with Stata 2008 Ben Jann
+ Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys: Experimental Results for the Randomized Response Technique (RRT) and the Unmatched Count Technique (UCT) 2008 Elisabeth Coutts
Ben Jann
+ From estimation output to document tables: a long way made short 2007 Ben Jann
+ DIGDIS: Stata module to analyze the distribution of digits 2007 Ben Jann
+ MGOF: Stata module to perform goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial data 2007 Ben Jann
+ Die relative Verteilung als Konzept zur Analyse von Gruppenunterschieden 2007 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat Making Regression Tables Simplified 2007 Ben Jann
+ Stata Tip 44: Get a Handle on your Sample 2007 Ben Jann
+ MARKTOUSE: Stata module to mark the observations to be used 2007 Ben Jann
+ Univariate kernel density estimation 2007 Ben Jann
+ Überlegungen zum Berner Stichprobenplan 2007 Ben Jann
+ Making regression tables simplified 2007 Ben Jann
+ HTE: Stata module to perform heterogeneous treatment effect analysis 2007 Ben Jann
Jennie E. Brand
Yu Xie
+ MGOF: Stata module to perform goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial data 2007 Ben Jann
+ DIGDIS: Stata module to analyze the distribution of digits 2007 Ben Jann
+ FRE: Stata module to display one-way frequency table 2007 Ben Jann
+ From estimation output to document tables: a long way made short 2007 Ben Jann
+ MARKTOUSE: Stata module to mark the observations to be used 2007 Ben Jann
+ SUPCLUST: Stata module to build superordinate categories 2006 Ben Jann
+ GSAMPLE: Stata module to draw a random sample 2006 Ben Jann
+ Diagnostik von RegressionsschÀtzungen bei kleinen Stichproben 2006 Ben Jann
+ Der Berner Stichprobenplan – Ein Vorschlag fĂŒr eine effiziente Klumpenstichprobe am Beispiel der Schweiz 2006 Ben Jann
+ VALUESOF: Stata module to return the contents of a variable in a macro 2006 Ben Jann
+ VIEWRESULTS: Stata module to display results of a command in the Viewer 2006 Ben Jann
+ GSAMPLE: Stata module to draw a random sample 2006 Ben Jann
+ KDENS: Stata module for univariate kernel density estimation 2005 Ben Jann
+ RRLOGIT: Stata module to estimate logistic regression for randomized response data 2005 Ben Jann
+ MOREMATA: Stata module (Mata) to provide various functions 2005 Ben Jann
+ INVCDF: Stata module to invert the cumulative distribution function 2005 Ben Jann
+ From regression estimates to document tables: output formatting using -estout- 2005 Ben Jann
+ From regression estimates to document tables: output formatting using estout 2005 Ben Jann
+ Tabulation of Multiple Responses 2005 Ben Jann
+ MGEN: Stata module to apply generate to a matrix 2005 Ben Jann
+ RELRANK: Stata module to generate relative data (grade transformation) 2005 Ben Jann
+ RRLOGIT: Stata module to estimate logistic regression for randomized response data 2005 Ben Jann
+ ESTWRITE: Stata module to store estimation results on disk 2005 Ben Jann
+ RELRANK: Stata module to generate relative data (grade transformation) 2005 Ben Jann
+ INVCDF: Stata module to invert the cumulative distribution function 2005 Ben Jann
+ SUPCLUST: Stata module to build superordinate categories 2005 Ben Jann
+ KDENS: Stata module for univariate kernel density estimation 2005 Ben Jann
+ MAT2TXT: Stata module to write matrix to ASCII file 2004 Michael Blasnik
Ben Jann
+ COCHRAN: Stata module to test for equality of proportions in matched samples (Cochran's Q) 2004 Ben Jann
+ ESTOUT: Stata module to export estimation results from estimates table 2004 Ben Jann
+ SORTLISTBY: Stata module to sort by random or by ancillary numlist 2004 Ben Jann
+ ALPHAWGT: Stata module to compute Cronbach's alpha for weighted data 2004 Ben Jann
+ MRTAB: Stata module to compute one- and two-way tables of multiple responses 2004 Ben Jann
Hilde Schaeper
+ MAT2TXT: Stata module to write matrix to ASCII file 2004 Michael Blasnik
Ben Jann
+ COCHRAN: Stata module to test for equality of proportions in matched samples (Cochran's Q) 2004 Ben Jann
+ SPLITVALLABELS: Stata module to split up value labels for multi-line graph labelling 2004 Nick Winter
Ben Jann
+ CENTER: Stata module to center (or standardize) variables 2004 Ben Jann
+ ESTOUT: Stata module to make regression tables 2004 Ben Jann
+ MGEN: Stata module to apply generate to a matrix 2004 Ben Jann
+ SORTLISTBY: Stata module to sort by random or by ancillary numlist 2004 Ben Jann
+ MRTAB: Stata module to compute one- and two-way tables of multiple responses 2004 Ben Jann
Hilde Schaeper
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Randomized Response: A Survey Technique for Eliminating Evasive Answer Bias 1965 Stanley L. Warner
+ Two new models for survey sampling with sensitive characteristic: design and analysis 2007 Jun-Wu Yu
Guo-Liang Tian
Man‐Lai Tang
+ PDF Chat Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys: Experimental Results for the Randomized Response Technique (RRT) and the Unmatched Count Technique (UCT) 2011 Elisabeth Coutts
Ben Jann
+ Randomized response: A method for sensitive surveys 1990 James Alan Fox
Paul E. Tracy
+ PDF Chat Meta-Analysis of Randomized Response Research 2005 Gerty Lensvelt‐Mulders
Joop J. Hox
P.G.M. van der Heijden
Cora J. M. Maas
+ Measuring Voter Turnout By Using The Randomized Response Technique: Evidence Calling Into Question The Method's Validity 2010 Allyson L. Holbrook
Jon A. Krosnick
+ PDF Chat Making Regression Tables Simplified 2007 Ben Jann
+ Evaluating compliance with a computer assisted randomized response technique: a qualitative study into the origins of lying and cheating 2005 Gerty Lensvelt‐Mulders
Hennie Boeije
+ Making Use of “Benford’s Law” for the Randomized Response Technique 2012 Andreas Diekmann
+ A Comparison of Randomized Response, Computer-Assisted Self-Interview, and Face-to-Face Direct Questioning 2000 P.G.M. van der Heijden
G. van Gils
Joop J. Hox
+ A Study of the Properties of the Item Count Technique 2007 Takahiro Tsuchiya
Yuichiro Hirai
S. Ono
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals and p-values for Delivery to the End User 2003 Roger Newson
James C. Wimbush
Catherine M. Daily
+ PDF Chat What Can We Learn with Statistical Truth Serum? 2013 Adam Glynn
+ PDF Chat Robust Regression: Asymptotics, Conjectures and Monte Carlo 1973 Peter J. Huber
+ Sexual risk behaviors and alcohol: Higher base rates revealed using the unmatched‐count technique 2000 Joseph W. LaBrie
Mitch Earleywine
+ RRLOGIT: Stata module to estimate logistic regression for randomized response data 2005 Ben Jann
+ Base rate for employee theft: Convergence of multiple methods. 1997 James C. Wimbush
Dan R. Dalton
+ Randomized Response: A Survey Technique for Eliminating Evasive Answer Bias 1965 Stanley L. Warner
+ PDF Chat A New System for Formatting Estimation Tables 2012 John L. Gallup
+ Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables. 1997 MTW
J. Scott Long
+ PDF Chat Robust Estimation of a Location Parameter 1964 Peter J. Huber
+ Validity of Forced Responses in a Randomized Response Model 1982 Stephen E. Edgell
Samuel Himmelfarb
Karen L. Duchan
+ PDF Chat New Graphic Schemes for Stata: Plotplain and Plottig 2017 Daniel Bischof
+ RRREG: Stata module to estimate linear probability model for randomized response data 2008 Ben Jann
+ PDF Chat A Validation of a Computer-Assisted Randomized Response Survey to Estimate the Prevalence of Fraud in Social Security 2006 Gerty Lensvelt‐Mulders
P.G.M. van der Heijden
Olav Laudy
G. van Gils
+ Asking Sensitive Questions: The Impact of Data Collection Mode, Question Format, and Question Context 1996 Roger Tourangeau
Tom Smith
+ The Unrelated Question Randomized Response Model: Theoretical Framework 1969 Bernard Greenberg
Abdel-Latif A. Abul-Ela
Walt R. Simmons
Daniel G. Horvitz
+ A New Method of Examining Relationships between Individual Difference Measures and Sensitive Behavior Criteria: Evaluating the Unmatched Count Technique 2004 Allison M. Ahart
Paul R. Sackett
+ Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions 1987 David Ruppert
Frank R. Hampel
Elvezio Ronchetti
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Werner A. Stahel
+ PDF Chat Lean Mainstream Schemes for Stata 8 Graphics 2003 Svend Juul
+ Robust Regression and Outlier Detection 1989 Gregory F. Piepel
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Annick M. Leroy
+ PDF Chat Block Total Response as an Alternative to the Randomized Response Method in Surveys 1979 D. Raghavarao
Walter T. Fédérer
+ PDF Chat Asking Sensitive Questions Using the Crosswise Model: An Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism 2011 Ben Jann
Julia Jerke
Ivar Krumpal
+ Doing Research on Sensitive Topics 1995 W. E. J. McCarthy
Raymond M. Lee
+ Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods 2006 Ricardo A. Maronna
R. Douglas Martin
Vı́ctor J. Yohai
+ A Procedure for Robust Estimation and Inference in Linear Regression 1991 Vı́ctor J. Yohai
Werner A. Stahel
Ruben H. Zamar
+ PDF Chat Statistical Analysis of List Experiments 2012 Graeme Blair
Kosuke Imai
+ A Primer on Robust Regression 1990 Richard A. Berk
+ A Fast Algorithm for S-Regression Estimates 2006 Matías Salibián‐Barrera
Vı́ctor J. Yohai
+ Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles for Social Research 2007 Stephen L. Morgan
Christopher Winship
+ Measuring and explaining tax evasion: Improving self-reports using the crosswise model 2014 Martin Korndörfer
Ivar Krumpal
Stefan C. Schmukle
+ Concepts and Suggestions for Robust Regression Analysis 1995 Bruce Western
+ None 1999 Johannes A. Landsheer
P.G.M. van der Heijden
G. van Gils
+ PDF Chat A note on high-breakdown estimators 1991 Leonard A. Stefanski
+ Robust Methods in Biostatistics 2009 Stéphane Héritier
Eva Cantoni
Samuel Copt
Maria‐Pia Victoria‐Feser
+ Covariate Randomized Response Models 1988 N. J. Scheers
C. Mitchell Dayton
+ Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots 1979 William S. Cleveland
+ Data-dependent bandwidth choice for a grade density kernel estimate 1993 J. Ćwik
Jan Mielniczuk
+ Social desirability and the randomized response technique. 1982 Samuel Himmelfarb
Carl W. Lickteig