Ömer Öztürk


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Order Restricted Randomized Block Designs 2023 Ömer Öztürk
Richard Jarrett
Olena Kravchuk
+ Trade-off between efficiency and variance estimation of spatially balanced augmented samples 2023 Ömer Öztürk
B. L. Robertson
Olena Kravchuk
Jennifer Brown
+ PDF Chat Robust rank‐based meta‐analyses for two‐sample designs with application to platelet counts of malaria infection data 2023 Yanda Lang
Joseph W. McKean
Ömer Öztürk
+ PDF Chat Models for cluster randomized designs using ranked set sampling 2023 Ömer Öztürk
Olena Kravchuk
Richard Jarrett
+ metamedian: An R package for meta-analyzing studies reporting medians 2023 Sean McGrath
Xiaofei Zhao
Ömer Öztürk
Stephan Katzenschlager
Russell W. Steele
Andrea Benedetti
+ PDF Chat Row–Column Sampling Design Using Auxiliary Ranking Variables 2022 Ömer Öztürk
Olena Kravchuk
Raymond L. Correll
+ Judgment Post-stratified Sampling with Multiple Ranking: A Comparison with Ranked Set Sampling 2022 Ömer Öztürk
Jennifer Brown
Olena Kravchuk
+ Two‐stage cluster samples with judgment post‐stratification 2021 Ömer Öztürk
Olena Kravchuk
Jennifer Brown
+ Combining ranking information from different sources in ranked‐set samples 2021 Ömer Öztürk
Olena Kravchuk
+ Model‐based inference using judgement post‐stratified samples in finite populations 2021 Ömer Öztürk
Konul Bayramoglu Kavlak
+ PDF Chat Judgment Post-stratified Assessment Combining Ranking Information from Multiple Sources, with a Field Phenotyping Example 2021 Ömer Öztürk
Olena Kravchuk
+ Order Statistics Based on a Combined Simple Random Sample from a Finite Population and Applications to Inference 2021 Ömer Öztürk
N. Balakrishnan
Olena Kravchuk
+ Meta‐analysis of quantile intervals from different studies with an application to a pulmonary tuberculosis data 2020 Ömer Öztürk
N. Balakrishnan
+ Statistical inference using stratified judgment post-stratified samples from finite populations 2020 Ömer Öztürk
Konul Bayramoglu Kavlak
+ Post-stratified Probability-Proportional-to-Size Sampling from Stratified Populations 2019 Ömer Öztürk
+ Constructing quantile confidence intervals using extended simple random sample in finite populations 2019 Ömer Öztürk
N. Balakrishnan
+ Statistical Inference Using Stratified Ranked Set Samples From Finite Populations 2019 Ömer Öztürk
Konul Bayramoglu Kavlak
+ Statistical inference using rank-based post-stratified samples in a finite population 2018 Ömer Öztürk
+ Ratio estimators based on a ranked set sample in a finite population setting 2018 Ömer Öztürk
+ Two-stage cluster samples with ranked set sampling designs 2017 Ömer Öztürk
+ Parametric inference based on judgment post stratified samples 2017 Ömer Öztürk
K. S. Sultan
M.E. Moshref
+ Statistical inference with empty strata in judgment post stratified samples 2016 Ömer Öztürk
+ Quantile inference based on clustered data 2016 Ömer Öztürk
Asuman Turkmen
+ Generalised Rank Regression Estimator with Standard Error Adjusted Lasso 2016 Asuman Turkmen
Ömer Öztürk
+ Two-Sample Rank-Sum Test for Order Restricted Randomized Designs 2016 Yiping Sun
Ömer Öztürk
+ Estimation of a Finite Population Mean and Total Using Population Ranks of Sample Units 2015 Ömer Öztürk
+ Distribution free two-sample methods for judgment post-stratified data 2015 Ömer Öztürk
+ Mixture Model Analysis of Partially Rank‐Ordered Set Samples: Age Groups of Fish from Length‐Frequency Data 2015 Armin Hatefi
Mohammad Jafari Jozani
Ömer Öztürk
+ Statistical inference for population quantiles and variance in judgment post-stratified samples 2015 Ömer Öztürk
+ Estimation of Population Variance from Multi-ranker Ranked Set Sampling Designs 2014 Ömer Öztürk
Neslihan Demirel
+ Rank-based ridge estimation in multiple linear regression 2014 Asuman Turkmen
Ömer Öztürk
+ Statistical inference for population quantiles and variance in judgment post-stratified samples 2014 Ömer Öztürk
+ Inclusion probabilities in partially rank ordered set sampling 2014 Ömer Öztürk
Mohammad Jafari Jozani
+ Estimation of Population Mean and Total in a Finite Population Setting Using Multiple Auxiliary Variables 2013 Ömer Öztürk
+ Inclusion probabilities in partially rank ordered set sampling 2013 Ömer Öztürk
Mohammad Jafari Jozani
+ Bayesian semiparametric models for nonignorable missing mechanisms in generalized linear models 2013 Zeynep Kalaylıoğlu
Ömer Öztürk
+ Inference Based on General Linear Models for Order Restricted Randomization 2013 Ömer Öztürk
Steven N. MacEachern
+ Combining multi‐observer information in partially rank‐ordered judgment post‐stratified and ranked set samples 2013 Ömer Öztürk
+ Quantile inference based on partially rank-ordered set samples 2012 Ömer Öztürk
+ Two sample distribution-free inference based on partially rank-ordered set samples 2012 Jinguo Gao
Ömer Öztürk
+ Combining ranking information in judgment post stratified and ranked set sampling designs 2011 Ömer Öztürk
+ PDF Chat Estimation of population variance: A Ranke set sampling approach in a finite population setting 2011 Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Parametric estimation of location and scale parameters in ranked set sampling 2010 Ömer Öztürk
+ Sampling from partially rank-ordered sets 2010 Ömer Öztürk
+ Inference in the presence of ranking error in ranked set sampling 2010 Ömer Öztürk
+ Nonparametric maximum-likelihood estimation of within-set ranking errors in ranked set sampling 2009 Ömer Öztürk
+ Constrained estimation using judgment post-stratification 2009 Jesse Frey
Ömer Öztürk
+ Robust Inference Against Imperfect Ranking in Ranked Set Sampling 2009 Roxana Alexandridis
Ömer Öztürk
+ An Exact Control‐Versus‐Treatment Comparison Test Based on Ranked Set Samples 2009 Ömer Öztürk
N. Balakrishnan
+ Rank-sum Test Based on Order Restricted Randomized Design 2009 Ömer Öztürk
Yiping Sun
+ PDF Chat Inference in the presence of ranking error in ranked set sampling 2008 Ömer Öztürk
+ Exact two-sample nonparametric test for quantile difference between two populations based on ranked set samples 2007 Ömer Öztürk
N. Balakrishnan
+ Order restricted randomized designs and two sample inference 2007 Ömer Öztürk
Steven N. MacEachern
+ Statistical inference under a stochastic ordering constraint in ranked set sampling 2007 Ömer Öztürk
+ Two-sample median test for order restricted randomized designs 2006 Ömer Öztürk
+ Nonparametric Ranked-set Sampling Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a Finite Population 2006 Jayant V. Deshpandé
Jesse Frey
Ömer Öztürk
+ Ranked-set sample nonparametric quantile confidence intervals 2006 Ömer Öztürk
Jayant V. Deshpandé
+ Estimation of population mean and variance in flock management: a ranked set sampling approach in a finite population setting 2005 Ömer Öztürk
Ömer Bilgin
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Ranked Set Sampling: Theory and Applications 2005 Ömer Öztürk
+ Order restricted randomized designs for control versus treatment comparison 2004 Ömer Öztürk
Steven N. MacEachern
+ Ranked-set sample nonparametric quantile confidence intervals 2004 Ömer Öztürk
Jayant V. Deshpandé
+ Multi‐sample inference for simple‐tree alternatives with ranked‐set samples 2004 Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
Roxana Alexandridis
+ A new nonparametric test using ranked set data for a two-sample scale problem 2004 Ömer Öztürk
Jayant V. Deshpandé
+ Robust joint estimation of location and scale parameters in ranked set samples 2003 Ömer Öztürk
+ A New Class of Distribution-Free Tests for Location Parameters 2003 Narinder Kumar
R. S. Singh
Ömer Öztürk
+ A new ranked set sample estimator of variance 2003 Steven N. MacEachern
Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
Gregory V. Stark
+ Rank Regression in Ranked-Set Samples 2002 Ömer Öztürk
+ PDF Chat A New Ranked Set Sample Estimator of Variance 2002 Steven N. MacEachern
Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
Gregory V. Stark
+ A new class of score generating functions for regression models 2002 Young Hun Choi
Ömer Öztürk
+ Ranked set sample inference under a symmetry restriction 2002 Ömer Öztürk
+ A new ranked set sampling protocol for the signed rank test 2001 Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ A Generalization of Ahmad's Class of Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon Statistics 2001 Ömer Öztürk
+ An improved ranked set two‐sample mann‐whitney‐wilcoxon test 2000 Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Alternative ranked set sampling protocols for the sign test 2000 Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Optimal allocation procedurein ranked set two-samplemedian test 2000 Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Authors' addendum to “Simultaneous robust estimation of location and scale parameters: A minimum‐distance approach” 1999 Ömer Öztürk
Thomas P. Hettmansperger
+ Two-sample inference based on one-sample ranked set sample sign statistics 1999 Ömer Öztürk
+ One-and two-sample sign tests for ranked set sample selective designs 1999 Ömer Öztürk
+ Theory & Methods: A Robust and Almost Fully Efficient M‐Estimator 1998 Ömer Öztürk
+ Simultaneous robust estimation of location and scale parameters: A minimum‐distance approach 1998 Ömer Öztürk
Thomas P. Hettmansperger
+ Generalised weighted Cramer-von Mises distance estimators 1997 Ömer Öztürk
Thomas P. Hettmansperger
+ Almost fully efficient and robust simultaneous estimation of location and scale parameters: A minimum distance approach 1996 Ömer Öztürk
Thomas P. Hettmansperger
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ranked Set Sampling Theory with Order Statistics Background 1972 Tommy R. Dell
Jerome L. Clutter
+ The Effect of Imperfect Judgment Rankings on Properties of Procedures Based on the Ranked-Set Samples Analog of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Statistic 1994 Lora L. Bohn
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Nonparametric Two-Sample Procedures for Ranked-Set Samples Data 1992 Lora L. Bohn
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ On unbiased estimates of the population mean based on the sample stratified by means of ordering 1968 Koiti Takahasi
Kazumasa Wakimoto
+ Two-sample inference based on one-sample ranked set sample sign statistics 1999 Ömer Öztürk
+ Characterization of a Ranked-Set Sample with Application to Estimating Distribution Functions 1988 S. Lynne Stokes
Thomas W. Sager
+ The Effect of Imperfect Judgment Rankings on Properties of Procedures Based on the Ranked-Set Samples Analog of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Statistic 1994 Lora L. Bohn
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Nonparametric Ranked-set Sampling Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a Finite Population 2006 Jayant V. Deshpandé
Jesse Frey
Ömer Öztürk
+ Parametric ranked set sampling 1995 Lynne Stokes
+ A Nonparametric Mean Estimator for Judgment Poststratified Data 2008 Xinlei Wang
Johan Lim
Lynne Stokes
+ Concomitants of Multivariate Order Statistics With Application to Judgment Poststratification 2006 Xinlei Wang
Lynne Stokes
Johan Lim
Min Chen
+ Judgement Post‐Stratification with Imprecise Rankings 2004 Steven N. MacEachern
Elizabeth A. Stasny
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Finite population corrections for ranked set sampling 1995 G. P. Patil
Arun Kumar Sinha
C. Taillie
+ Ranked Set Sampling 2004 Zehua Chen
Zhidong Bai
Bimal K. Sinha
+ Nonparametric Two-Sample Procedures for Ranked-Set Samples Data 1992 Lora L. Bohn
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ The ranked-set sample sign test 1995 Thomas P. Hettmansperger
+ None 2000 O ̈mer O ̈ztu ̈rk
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Characterization of a Ranked-Set Sample with Application to Estimating Distribution Functions 1988 S. Lynne Stokes
Thomas W. Sager
+ Constrained estimation using judgment post-stratification 2009 Jesse Frey
Ömer Öztürk
+ Combining multi‐observer information in partially rank‐ordered judgment post‐stratified and ranked set samples 2013 Ömer Öztürk
+ Sign test for ranked-set sampling 1996 Kallapa M. Koti
G. Jogesh Babu
+ Variance estimation using judgment post-stratification 2012 Jesse Frey
Timothy G. Feeman
+ Estimation of Variance Using Judgment Ordered Ranked Set Samples 1980 S. Lynne Stokes
+ Statistical inference for population quantiles and variance in judgment post-stratified samples 2014 Ömer Öztürk
+ An improved mean estimator for judgment post-stratification 2011 Jesse Frey
Timothy G. Feeman
+ Unequal Allocation Models for Ranked Set Sampling with Skew Distributions 1997 Amarjot Kaur
G. P. Patil
C. Taillie
+ PDF Chat A New Ranked Set Sample Estimator of Variance 2002 Steven N. MacEachern
Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
Gregory V. Stark
+ One-and two-sample sign tests for ranked set sample selective designs 1999 Ömer Öztürk
+ PDF Chat Ranked Set Sampling: Its Relevance and Impact on Statistical Inference 2012 Douglas A. Wolfe
+ On ranked-set sample quantiles and their applications 2000 Zehua Chen
+ Inclusion probabilities in partially rank ordered set sampling 2013 Ömer Öztürk
Mohammad Jafari Jozani
+ A note on inclusion probability in ranked set sampling and some of its variations 2007 Mohammad Fraiwan Al‐Saleh
Hani M. Samawi
+ Ranked set sampling with concomitant variables 1977 S. Lynne Stokes
+ Design based estimation for ranked set sampling in finite populations 2010 Mohammad Jafari Jozani
Brad C. Johnson
+ An improved ranked set two‐sample mann‐whitney‐wilcoxon test 2000 Ömer Öztürk
Douglas A. Wolfe
+ Order restricted randomized designs for control versus treatment comparison 2004 Ömer Öztürk
Steven N. MacEachern
+ Isotonized CDF Estimation from Judgment Poststratification Data with Empty Strata 2011 Xinlei Wang
Ke Wang
Johan Lim
+ Estimation of Population Mean and Total in a Finite Population Setting Using Multiple Auxiliary Variables 2013 Ömer Öztürk
+ Estimation of a Finite Population Mean and Total Using Population Ranks of Sample Units 2015 Ömer Öztürk
+ Recursive computation of inclusion probabilities in ranked-set sampling 2011 Jesse Frey
+ Best linear unbiased estimates in ranked-set sampling with particular reference to imperfect ordering 1997 Vic Barnett
Karen Moore
+ New imperfect rankings models for ranked set sampling 2006 Jesse Frey
+ Generalization of Inclusion Probabilities in Ranked Set Sampling 2010 Fikri Gökpınar
Yaprak Arzu Özdemir
+ A ranked-set sample signed-rank statistic 1998 Lora L. Bohn
+ The use of ranked set sampling in spray deposit assessment. 2000 Rhianydd Murray
M. S. Ridout
J. V. Cross
+ Sampling from partially rank-ordered sets 2010 Ömer Öztürk
+ A New Formula for Inclusion Probabilities in Median-Ranked Set Sampling 2008 Yaprak Arzu Özdemir
Fikri Gökpınar
+ Statistical inference under a stochastic ordering constraint in ranked set sampling 2007 Ömer Öztürk
+ Robust Nonparametric Statistical Methods 2010 Thomas P. Hettmansperger
Joseph W. McKean
+ PDF Chat Using Ranked Set Sampling With Cluster Randomized Designs for Improved Inference on Treatment Effects 2015 Xinlei Wang
Johan Lim
Lynne Stokes