Clark Barwick


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the unicity of the theory of higher categories 2021 Clark Barwick
Christopher Schommer‐Pries
+ K-theory and polynomial functors 2021 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
Akhil Mathew
Thomas Nikolaus
+ K-theory and polynomial functors 2021 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
Akhil Mathew
Thomas Nikolaus
+ PDF Chat Spectral Mackey functors and equivariant algebraic K-theory, II 2019 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
Jay Shah
+ Exodromy for stacks 2019 Clark Barwick
Peter J. Haine
+ Pyknotic objects, I. Basic notions 2019 Clark Barwick
Peter J. Haine
Saul Glasman
Marc Hoyois
Denis Nardin
Jay Shah
+ Exodromy for stacks 2019 Clark Barwick
Peter Haine
+ A comment on the vanishing of rational motivic Borel-Moore homology. 2018 Clark Barwick
Denis Nardin
+ PDF Chat From operator categories to higher operads 2018 Clark Barwick
+ Fibrations in ∞-Category Theory 2018 Clark Barwick
Jay Shah
+ On Galois categories and perfectly reduced schemes 2018 Clark Barwick
+ A comment on the vanishing of rational motivic Borel-Moore homology 2018 Clark Barwick
Denis Nardin
+ Exodromy 2018 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
Peter J. Haine
+ Spectral Mackey functors and equivariant algebraic K-theory (I) 2016 Clark Barwick
+ A note on stable recollements 2016 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
+ PDF Chat On the algebraic<i>K</i>-theory of higher categories 2016 Clark Barwick
+ Cyclonic spectra, cyclotomic spectra, and a conjecture of Kaledin 2016 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
+ On the fibrewise effective Burnside $\infty$-category 2016 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
+ Fibrations in $\infty$-category theory 2016 Clark Barwick
Jay Shah
+ Parametrized higher category theory and higher algebra: Exposé I -- Elements of parametrized higher category theory 2016 Clark Barwick
E. Dotto
Saul Glasman
Denis Nardin
Jay Shah
+ Parametrized higher category theory and higher algebra: A general introduction 2016 Clark Barwick
E. Dotto
Saul Glasman
Denis Nardin
Jay Shah
+ A note on stable recollements 2016 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
+ PDF Chat On exact -categories and the Theorem of the Heart 2015 Clark Barwick
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative structures on algebraic $K$-theory 2015 Clark Barwick
+ Regularity of structured ring spectra and localization in K-theory 2014 Clark Barwick
Tyler Lawson
+ Dualizing cartesian and cocartesian fibrations 2014 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
Denis Nardin
+ Regularity of structured ring spectra and localization in K-theory 2014 Clark Barwick
Tyler Lawson
+ Multiplicative structures on algebraic K-theory 2013 Clark Barwick
+ On the Q construction for exact quasicategories 2013 Clark Barwick
+ PDF Chat $n$-relative categories: a model for the homotopy theory of $n$-fold homotopy theories 2013 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ On the algebraic K-theory of higher categories, I. The universal property of Waldhausen K-theory 2012 Clark Barwick
+ A characterization of simplicial localization functors and a discussion of DK equivalences 2012 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ PDF Chat Relative categories: Another model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories 2012 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ Quillen Theorems Bn for homotopy pullbacks of (infinity, k)-categories 2012 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ n-Relative Categories 2011 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ Partial model categories and their simplicial nerves 2011 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ A Thomason-like Quillen equivalence between quasi-categories and relative categories 2011 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ A Quillen theorem Bn for homotopy pullbacks 2011 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ On the Unicity of the Homotopy Theory of Higher Categories 2011 Clark Barwick
Christopher Schommer‐Pries
+ In the category of relative categories the Rezk equivalences are exactly the DK-equivalences 2010 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ A characterization of simplicial localization functors 2010 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ Topological rigidification of schemes 2010 Clark Barwick
+ Relative categories: Another model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories 2010 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ PDF Chat On left and right model categories and left and right Bousfield localizations 2010 Clark Barwick
+ On Reedy Model Categories 2007 Clark Barwick
+ On the Dreaded Right Bousfield Localization 2007 Clark Barwick
+ On (Enriched) Left Bousfield Localization of Model Categories 2007 Clark Barwick
+ (infinity, n)-Cat as a closed model category 2005 Clark Barwick
+ (∞, n)-Cat as a closed model category 2005 Clark Barwick
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Relative categories: Another model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories 2012 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ Calculating simplicial localizations 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ Model Categories and Their Localizations 2009 Philip Hirschhorn
+ Higher Topos Theory 2009 Jacob Lurie
+ A model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theory 2000 Charles Rezk
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories 2005 William Dwyer
Philip Hirschhorn
Daniel M. Kan
Jeffrey Smith
+ Simplicial localizations of categories 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ PDF Chat On exact -categories and the Theorem of the Heart 2015 Clark Barwick
+ PDF Chat A model category structure on the category of simplicial categories 2006 Julia E. Bergner
+ PDF Chat On the algebraic<i>K</i>-theory of higher categories 2016 Clark Barwick
+ Function complexes in homotopical algebra 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ (∞, n)-Cat as a closed model category 2005 Clark Barwick
+ Cat as a closed model category 1980 R. W. Thomason
+ Spectral Mackey functors and equivariant algebraic K-theory (I) 2016 Clark Barwick
+ The uniqueness of homology for the category of small categories 1977 Dana May Latch
+ Higher Topos Theory (AM-170) 2009 Jacob Lurie
+ PDF Chat From operator categories to higher operads 2018 Clark Barwick
+ Homotopy commutative diagrams and their realizations 1989 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
Jeffrey H. Smith
+ PDF Chat Calculus III: Taylor Series 2003 Thomas G. Goodwillie
+ Function complexes for diagrams of simplicial sets 1983 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ On the Unicity of the Homotopy Theory of Higher Categories 2011 Clark Barwick
Christopher Schommer‐Pries
+ Three models for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories 2007 Julia E. Bergner
+ PDF Chat Vers une Axiomatisation de la Théorie des Catégories Supérieures 2005 Bertrand Toën
+ PDF Chat Algebraic K-theory of spaces 1985 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ PDF Chat Quasi-categories vs Segal spaces 2007 André Joyal
Myles Tierney
+ Higher Algebraic K-Theory of Schemes and of Derived Categories 2007 R. W. Thomason
Thomas Trobaugh
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Invariant Algebraic Structures on Topological Spaces 1973 J. M. Boardman
R. M. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Spectral Mackey functors and equivariant algebraic K-theory, II 2019 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
Jay Shah
+ Rings, modules, and algebras in infinite loop space theory 2005 Anthony Elmendorf
Michael A. Mandell
+ PDF Chat A universal characterization of higher algebraic K-theory 2013 Andrew J. Blumberg
David Gepner
Gonçalo Tabuada
+ Multiplicative structures on algebraic K-theory 2013 Clark Barwick
+ Day convolution for $\infty$-categories 2016 Saul Glasman
+ PDF Chat The localization sequence for the algebraic K-theory of topological K-theory 2008 Andrew J. Blumberg
Michael A. Mandell
+ Descente pour les n-champs (Descent for n-stacks) 1998 André Hirschowitz
Carlos Simpson
+ PDF Chat Simplicial Homotopy Theory 2009 Paul G. Goerss
John F. Jardine
+ PDF Chat Iterated wreath product of the simplex category and iterated loop spaces 2006 Clemens Berger
+ n-Relative Categories 2011 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ PDF Chat Homotopy theory of higher categories 2011 Carlos Simpson
+ PDF Chat Homotopical algebraic geometry I: topos theory 2004 Bertrand Toën
Gabriele Vezzosi
+ On the fibrewise effective Burnside $\infty$-category 2016 Clark Barwick
Saul Glasman
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative structures on algebraic $K$-theory 2015 Clark Barwick
+ PDF Chat Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory 1986 L Lewis
J. P. May
Mark Steinberger
+ Equivariant Orthogonal Spectra and S-Modules 2002 Michael A. Mandell
J. P. May
+ PDF Chat Derived Koszul duality and involutions in the algebraic <i>K</i> -theory of spaces 2011 Andrew J. Blumberg
Michael A. Mandell
+ Homotopy colimits in the category of small categories 1979 R. W. Thomason
+ On (Enriched) Left Bousfield Localization of Model Categories 2007 Clark Barwick
+ Simplicial sets from categories 1979 Dana May Latch
R. W. Thomason
W. Stephen Wilson
+ A characterization of fibrant Segal categories 2007 Julia E. Bergner
+ A note on K-theory and triangulated categories 2002 Marco Schlichting