Hans Schneeweiß


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Polynomial regression with heteroscedastic measurement errors in both axes: Estimation and hypothesis testing 2018 Chi-Lun Cheng
Jia‐Ren Tsai
Hans Schneeweiß
+ A simple method of constructing a confidence interval for the mean probability of detection in collaborative studies of binary measurement methods 2014 Hans Schneeweiß
Peter‐Th. Wilrich
+ Contributions to Econometrics and Statistics Today: In Memoriam Günter Menges 2011 Günter Menges
Hans Schneeweiß
Heinrich Strecker
+ Symmetric and asymmetric rounding: a review and some new results 2010 Hans Schneeweiß
John Komlos
Amar Ahmad
+ PDF Chat Comparing the efficiency of structural and functional methods in measurement error models 2010 Hans Schneeweiß
Alexander Kukush
+ PDF Chat Optimality of quasi-score in the multivariate mean–variance model with an application to the zero-inflated Poisson model with measurement errors 2009 Alexander Kukush
Andriі Malenko
Hans Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic rounding and Sheppard’s correction 2009 Hans Schneeweiß
John Komlos
+ PDF Chat Optimality of the quasi-score estimator in a mean–variance model with applications to measurement error models 2009 Alexander Kukush
Andriі Malenko
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Estimation of a linear model in transformed variables under microaggregation by individual ranking 2008 Matthias Schmid
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Quasi Score and Corrected Score Estimation in the Polynomial Measurement Error Model 2008 Hans Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat Estimation of a linear regression under microaggregation with the response variable as a sorting variable 2007 Matthias Schmid
Hans Schneeweiß
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ PDF Chat On the estimation of the linear relation when the error variances are known 2007 Hans Schneeweiß
H. Shalabh
+ Some Recent Advances in Measurement Error Models and Methods 2007 Hans Schneeweiß
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Quasi Score is more Efficient than Corrected Score in a Polynomial Measurement Error Model 2006 Sergiy Shklyar
Hans Schneeweiß
Alexander Kukush
+ PDF Chat Some recent advances in measurement error models and methods 2006 Hans Schneeweiß
Thomas Augustin
+ Symmetric and Asymmetric Rounding 2006 Hans Schneeweiß
John Komlos
Amar Ahmad
+ Asymptotic optimality of the quasi-score estimator in a class of linear score estimators 2006 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat The Effect of Microaggregation Procedures on the Estimation of Linear Models: A Simulation Study 2005 Matthias Schmid
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Bias of the structural quasi-score estimator of a measurement error model under misspecification of the regressor distribution 2005 Hans Schneeweiß
Chi-Lun Cheng
+ Statistical Inference in a Simple Linear Model Under Microaggregation 2005 Matthias Schmid
Hans Schneeweiß
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Quasi Score is more efficient than Corrected Score in a general nonlinear measurement error model 2005 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
Sergiy Shklyar
+ A comparison of asymptotic covariance matrices of three consistent estimators in the Poisson regression model with measurement errors 2004 Sergiy Shklyar
Hans Schneeweiß
+ A note on a matrix inequality forgeneralized means 2004 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Relative Efficiency of Maximum Likelihood and Other Estimators in a Nonlinear Regression Model with Small Measurement Errors 2004 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Relative efficiency of three estimators in a polynomial regression with measurement errors 2003 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
Roland Wolf
+ On the Polynomial Measurement Error Model 2002 Chi-Lun Cheng
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Comparing Different Estimators in a Nonlinear Measurement Error Model 2002 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
Roland Wolf
+ On the Bias of Structural Estimation Methods in a Polynomial Regression with Measurement Error When the Distribution of the Latent Covariate is Misspecified 2002 Hans Schneeweiß
Chi-Lun Cheng
Roland Wolf
+ Book reviews 2000 Hans Schneeweiß
Siegfried Heiler
Christian Kleiber
Ricardo A. Maronna
Shuangzhe Liu
+ Estimating A Polynomial Regression With Measurement Errors In The Structural And In The Functional Case - A Comparison 2000 Hans Schneeweiß
Thomas Nittner
+ A Comparison of Asymptotic Covariance Matrices of Adjusted Least Squares and Structural Least Squares in Error Ridden Polynomial Regression 2000 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Korrigierte Schätzgleichungen für allgemeine Regressionsmodelle mit Fehlern in den Variablen / Corrected Estimating Equations for General Regression Models with Errors in the Variables 1998 Hans Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Regression With Errors in the Variables 1998 Chi-Lung Cheng
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Factors and Principal Components in the Near Spherical Case 1997 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Factor Analysis and Principal Components 1995 Hans Schneeweiß
H. Mathes
+ Bias and mean squared error of the slope estimator in a regression with not necessarily normal errors in both variables 1994 Hans Schneeweiß
V. K. Srivastava
+ The Reduced Form of Recursive Models: Asymptotic Properties 1993 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Note on a linear model with errors in the variables and with trend 1991 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Das einfache lineare Regressionsmodell 1990 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Kollinearität und Fehlspezifikation 1990 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Modelle mit Latenten Variablen: Lisrel Versus PLS 1990 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Identifikation und Schätzproblem 1990 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Correlated Measurement Errors in Repeated Measurements / Korrelierte Meßfehler bei wiederholten Messungen 1987 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Small Sample Properties of Estimators in a Linear Relationship with Trend — A Monte-Carlo Study 1987 Hans Schneeweiß
Horst Witschel
+ Heinrich Strecker 1985 Hans Schneeweiß
Heinrich Strecker
+ Note on Creasy's confidence limits for the gradient in the linear functional relationship 1982 Hans Schneeweiß
+ A Simple Regression Model with Trend and Error in the Exogenous Variable 1982 Hans Schneeweiß
+ An Exchange of Correspondence. Comment on 'Bayesian Inference and the Optimality of Maximum Likelihood Estimation' 1978 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Das klassische Regressionsmodell 1978 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Consistent estimation of a regression with errors in the variables 1976 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Probability and Utility — Dual Concepts in Decision Theory 1974 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Die angebliche Ausschaltung des Risikos durch das Gesetz der großen Zahlen 1968 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Entscheidungskriterien für Risikosituationen 1966 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Das μ-Kriterium im Wiederholensfall 1966 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Das Bernoulli-Prinzip für spezielle Klassen von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen 1966 Hans Schneeweiß
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Regression With Errors in the Variables 1998 Chi-Lung Cheng
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Unbiased estimation of a nonlinear function a normal mean with application to measurement err oorf models 1989 Leonard A. Stefanski
+ Comparing Different Estimators in a Nonlinear Measurement Error Model 2002 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
Roland Wolf
+ Measurement Error Models 1988 Leonard A. Stefanski
Wayne A. Fuller
John Wiley
+ Statistical Regression With Measurement Error 2000 Sudhir Gupta
+ Corrected score function for errors-in-variables models: Methodology and application to generalized linear models 1990 T. Nakamura
+ A comparison of asymptotic covariance matrices of three consistent estimators in the Poisson regression model with measurement errors 2004 Sergiy Shklyar
Hans Schneeweiß
+ On the Polynomial Measurement Error Model 2002 Chi-Lun Cheng
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Statistical Regression with Measurement Error 2000 Sudhir Gupta
Chi-Lun Cheng
John W. Van Ness
+ PDF Chat Different Nonlinear Regression Models with Incorrectly Observed Covariates 1998 Markus Thamerus
+ Bias of the structural quasi-score estimator of a measurement error model under misspecification of the regressor distribution 2005 Hans Schneeweiß
Chi-Lun Cheng
+ Measurement error and latent variables in econometrics 2000 Thomas Wansbeek
+ Least Squares and Grouping Method Estimators in the Errors in Variables Model 1970 David H. Richardson
De-Min Wu
+ Relative efficiency of three estimators in a polynomial regression with measurement errors 2003 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
Roland Wolf
+ The Fitting of Straight Lines when Both Variables are Subject to Error 1959 Albert Madansky
+ PDF Chat Quasi Score is more Efficient than Corrected Score in a Polynomial Measurement Error Model 2006 Sergiy Shklyar
Hans Schneeweiß
Alexander Kukush
+ Measurement error in the generalised linear model 1985 Ben Armstrong
+ Total Least Squares and Errors-in-variables Modeling 2007 Sabine Van Huffel
Chi-Lun Cheng
Nicola Mastronardi
Chris Paige
Alexander Kukush
+ The Advanced Theory of Statistics. 1978 G. M. Clarke
M. G. Kendall
A. Stuart
+ Regression Lines and the Linear Functional Relationship 1947 D. V. Lindley
+ Estimating structural and functional relationships 1971 P. A. P. Moran
+ A Comparison of Asymptotic Covariance Matrices of Adjusted Least Squares and Structural Least Squares in Error Ridden Polynomial Regression 2000 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Mathematics for Econometrics 2013 Phoebus J. Dhrymes
+ PDF Chat Simulation-Extrapolation Estimation in Parametric Measurement Error Models 1994 J.R. Cook
Leonard A. Stefanski
+ Estimating A Polynomial Regression With Measurement Errors In The Structural And In The Functional Case - A Comparison 2000 Hans Schneeweiß
Thomas Nittner
+ PDF Chat Inference from Grouped Continuous Data: A Review 1989 Daniel F. Heitjan
+ Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics. 1995 Aa
Alan Stuart
Keith Ord
+ A Simple Regression Model with Trend and Error in the Exogenous Variable 1982 Hans Schneeweiß
+ Quasi-likelihood functions, generalized linear models, and the Gauss—Newton method 1974 R. W. M. Wedderburn
+ PDF Chat Optimality of the quasi-score estimator in a mean–variance model with applications to measurement error models 2009 Alexander Kukush
Andriі Malenko
Hans Schneeweiß
Raymond J. Carroll
+ A bias analysis of Weibull models under heaped data 2004 Thomas Augustin
Joachim Wolff
+ PDF Chat Three estimators for the poisson regression model with measurement errors 2004 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweis
Roland Wolf
+ On the polynomial structural relationship 2001 Yih‐Huei Huang
Longcheen Huwang
+ Miscellanea. A modified estimating equation approach to correcting for measurement error in regression 1996 John P. Buonaccorsi
+ Statistical Inference in a Simple Linear Model Under Microaggregation 2005 Matthias Schmid
Hans Schneeweiß
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Estimation in weibull regression model with measurement error 1999 Patricia Giménez
Heleno Bolfarine
Enrico A. Colosimo
+ Polynomial measurement error modeling 1995 Myung-Sang Moon
Richard F. Gunst
+ Weibull regression for lifetimes measured with error. 1999 C. J. Skinner
Keith Humphreys
+ PDF Chat The Effect of Microaggregation Procedures on the Estimation of Linear Models: A Simulation Study 2005 Matthias Schmid
Hans Schneeweiß
+ A mixture model for rounded data 2003 David E. Wright
Isabelle Bray
+ Asymptotic optimality of the quasi-score estimator in a class of linear score estimators 2006 Alexander Kukush
Hans Schneeweiß
+ Covariate measurement errors and parameter estimation in a failure time regression model 1982 Ross L. Prentice
+ Symmetric and Asymmetric Rounding 2006 Hans Schneeweiß
John Komlos
Amar Ahmad
+ Rounding Error in Regression: The Appropriateness of Sheppard's Corrections 1983 Arthur P. Dempster
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Ignorability and Coarse Data 1991 Daniel F. Heitjan
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Randomized response and the binary probit model 2004 Gerd Ronning
+ Component Analysis versus Common Factor Analysis: Some issues in Selecting an Appropriate Procedure 1990 Wayne F. Velicer
Douglas N. Jackson
+ Grouping corrections and maximum likelihood equations 1950 D. V. Lindley
+ PDF Chat On the Calculation of the most Probable Values of Frequency-Constants, for Data arranged according to Equidistant Division of a Scale 1897 W. F. Sheppard