Fabian Pokorny


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat High-fidelity heralded quantum state preparation and measurement 2024 Ana Sotirova
Jamie Leppard
Andres Vazquez-Brennan
Sophie M. Decoppet
Fabian Pokorny
M. Malinowski
C. J. Ballance
+ Low cross-talk optical addressing of trapped-ion qubits using a novel integrated photonic chip 2024 Ana Sotirova
Bangshan Sun
Jamie Leppard
Andong Wang
Mohan Wang
Andres Vazquez-Brennan
D. P. Nadlinger
Simon Moser
Alexander Jesacher
Chao He
+ PDF Chat Utility of virtual qubits in trapped-ion quantum computers 2024 Saumya Shivam
Fabian Pokorny
Andres Vazquez-Brennan
Ana Sotirova
Jamie Leppard
Sophie M. Decoppet
C. J. Ballance
S. L. Sondhi
+ Low Cross-Talk Optical Addressing of Trapped-Ion Qubits Using a Novel Integrated Photonic Chip 2023 Ana Sotirova
Bangshan Sun
Jamie Leppard
Andong Wang
M. Wang
Andres Vazquez-Brennan
D. P. Nadlinger
Simon Moser
Alexander Jesacher
Chao He
+ PDF Chat Micromotion minimization using Ramsey interferometry 2021 Gerard Higgins
Shalina Salim
Chi Zhang
Harry Parke
Fabian Pokorny
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Observation of second- and higher-order electric quadrupole interactions with an atomic ion 2021 Gerard Higgins
Chi Zhang
Fabian Pokorny
Harry Parke
Erik Jansson
Shalina Salim
Markus Hennrich
+ Micromotion minimization using Ramsey interferometry 2021 Gerard Higgins
Shalina Salim
Chi Zhang
Harry Parke
Fabian Pokorny
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Submicrosecond entangling gate between trapped ions via Rydberg interaction 2020 Chi Zhang
Fabian Pokorny
Weibin Li
Gerard Higgins
Andreas Pöschl
Igor Lesanovsky
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Tracking the Dynamics of an Ideal Quantum Measurement 2020 Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Gerard Higgins
Adán Cabello
Matthias Kleinmann
Markus Hennrich
+ Magic trapping of a Rydberg ion with a diminished static polarizability 2020 Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Gerard Higgins
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Highly Polarizable Rydberg Ion in a Paul Trap 2019 Gerard Higgins
Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Coherent Control of a Single Trapped Rydberg Ion 2017 Gerard Higgins
Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Quentin Bodart
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Single Strontium Rydberg Ion Confined in a Paul Trap 2017 Gerard Higgins
Weibin Li
Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Florian Kress
Christine Maier
Johannes Haag
Quentin Bodart
Igor Lesanovsky
Markus Hennrich
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Rydberg Excitation of a Single Trapped Ion 2015 Thomas Feldker
P. Bachor
Matthias Stappel
Daniel Kolbe
R. Gerritsma
J. Walz
F. Schmidt–Kaler
+ PDF Chat Single Strontium Rydberg Ion Confined in a Paul Trap 2017 Gerard Higgins
Weibin Li
Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Florian Kress
Christine Maier
Johannes Haag
Quentin Bodart
Igor Lesanovsky
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Trapped Rydberg ions: from spin chains to fast quantum gates 2008 Markus MĂĽller
Lin-Mei Liang
Igor Lesanovsky
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Highly Polarizable Rydberg Ion in a Paul Trap 2019 Gerard Higgins
Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Precise determination of micromotion for trapped-ion optical clocks 2015 Jonas Keller
Heather L. Partner
T. Burgermeister
T. E. Mehlstäubler
+ Experimental issues in coherent quantum-state manipulation of trapped atomic ions 1998 D. J. Wineland
C. Monroe
Wayne M. Itano
D. Leibfried
B. E. King
D. M. Meekhof
+ PDF Chat Coherent Control of a Single Trapped Rydberg Ion 2017 Gerard Higgins
Fabian Pokorny
Chi Zhang
Quentin Bodart
Markus Hennrich
+ PDF Chat Parallel execution of quantum gates in a long linear ion chain via Rydberg mode shaping 2013 Weibin Li
A. W. Glaetzle
Rejish Nath
Igor Lesanovsky
+ High-Fidelity Quantum Logic Gates Using Trapped-Ion Hyperfine Qubits 2016 C. J. Ballance
T. P. Harty
Norbert Linke
M. A. Sepiol
David Lucas
+ PDF Chat QuTiP 2: A Python framework for the dynamics of open quantum systems 2012 J. R. Johansson
Paul D. Nation
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Entangling quantum gate in trapped ions via Rydberg blockade 2013 Weibin Li
Igor Lesanovsky
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of a Neutral Atom Controlled-NOT Quantum Gate 2010 L. Isenhower
Erik Urban
X. L. Zhang
Alexander Gill
Thomas Henage
T. A. Johnson
Thad Walker
M. Saffman
+ PDF Chat Experimental Demonstration of a Cheap and Accurate Phase Estimation 2017 Kenneth Rudinger
Shelby Kimmel
Daniel Lobser
Peter Maunz
+ PDF Chat High-Fidelity Universal Gate Set for<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Be</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>9</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>Ion Qubits 2016 John Gaebler
T. R. Tan
Yiheng Lin
Yong Wan
R. Bowler
Adam C. Keith
Scott Glancy
Kevin J. Coakley
Emanuel Knill
D. Leibfried
+ PDF Chat Fast Quantum Gates for Neutral Atoms 2000 Dieter Jaksch
J. I. Cirac
P. Zoller
S. L. Rolston
Robin Côté
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of Two Individual Neutral Atoms Using Rydberg Blockade 2010 Tatjana Wilk
Alpha Gaétan
Charles Evellin
Janik Wolters
Y. Miroshnychenko
Philippe Grangier
Antoine Browaeys
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of a Cold Trapped Ion in a Bose-Einstein Condensate 2010 Stefan Schmid
A. Härter
Johannes Hecker Denschlag
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Al</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>27</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math> Quantum-Logic Clock with a Systematic Uncertainty below <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mn>10</mml:mn><… 2019 Samuel M. Brewer
Jwo-Sy Chen
Aaron Hankin
Ethan Clements
C. W. Chou
D. J. Wineland
David Hume
David R. Leibrandt
+ PDF Chat Electronically Excited Cold Ion Crystals 2012 Weibin Li
Igor Lesanovsky
+ PDF Chat Quantum information with Rydberg atoms 2010 M. Saffman
Thad Walker
Klaus Mølmer
+ PDF Chat Integrated optical multi-ion quantum logic 2020 Karan K. Mehta
Chi Zhang
Maciej Malinowski
Thanh Long Nguyen
M. Stadler
Jonathan Home
+ PDF Chat A trapped single ion inside a Bose–Einstein condensate 2010 Christoph Zipkes
Stefan Palzer
Carlo Sias
Michael Köhl
+ PDF Chat 14-Qubit Entanglement: Creation and Coherence 2011 Thomas Monz
Philipp Schindler
Julio T. Barreiro
Michael Chwalla
Daniel Nigg
W. A. Coish
Maximilian Harlander
W. Hänsel
Markus Hennrich
R. Blatt
+ PDF Chat Observation of Cold Collisions between Trapped Ions and Trapped Atoms 2009 Andrew T. Grier
Marko Cetina
Fedja Oručević
Vladan Vuletić
+ PDF Chat A far-off-resonance optical trap for a Ba+ ion 2014 Thomas M. Huber
Alexander Lambrecht
Julian Schmidt
Leon Karpa
Tobias Schaetz
+ PDF Chat Observation of Interactions between Trapped Ions and Ultracold Rydberg Atoms 2019 N. V. Ewald
Thomas Feldker
Henrik Hirzler
Henning A. FĂĽrst
R. Gerritsma
+ PDF Chat Exploring nonequilibrium phases of the generalized Dicke model with a trapped Rydberg-ion quantum simulator 2019 F. M. Gambetta
Igor Lesanovsky
Weibin Li
+ PDF Chat Shuttling of Rydberg Ions for Fast Entangling Operations 2019 Jonas Vogel
Weibin Li
Arezoo Mokhberi
Igor Lesanovsky
F. Schmidt–Kaler
+ PDF Chat A high-precision segmented Paul trap with minimized micromotion for an optical multiple-ion clock 2013 Karsten Pyka
N. Herschbach
Jonas Keller
T. E. Mehlstäubler
+ PDF Chat Coupled quantized mechanical oscillators 2011 Kenneth R. Brown
C. Ospelkaus
Yves Colombe
A. C. Wilson
D. Leibfried
D. J. Wineland
+ PDF Chat Quantum-state transfer from an ion to a photon 2013 Andreas Stute
Bernardo Casabone
B. Brandstätter
Konstantin Friebe
Tracy E. Northup
R. Blatt
+ PDF Chat Quantum computing with atomic qubits and Rydberg interactions: progress and challenges 2016 M. Saffman
+ PDF Chat Tunable spin–spin interactions and entanglement of ions in separate potential wells 2014 Althea Wilson
Yves Colombe
Ken Brown
E. Knill
D. Leibfried
D. J. Wineland
+ PDF Chat Quantum-Enhanced Measurements: Beating the Standard Quantum Limit 2004 Vittorio Giovannetti
Seth Lloyd
Lorenzo Maccone
+ PDF Chat Sympathetic cooling of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>9</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Be</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>24</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:… 2003 M. D. Barrett
Brian DeMarco
Tobias Schaetz
V. Meyer
D. Leibfried
J. Britton
John Chiaverini
Wayne M. Itano
B. Jelenković
J. D. Jost
+ PDF Chat Reference frames, superselection rules, and quantum information 2007 Stephen D. Bartlett
Terry Rudolph
Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat Single-ion quantum lock-in amplifier 2011 Shlomi Kotler
Nitzan Akerman
Yinnon Glickman
Anna Keselman
Roee Ozeri
+ PDF Chat Ion-trajectory analysis for micromotion minimization and the measurement of small forces 2015 Timm F. Gloger
Peter Kaufmann
Delia Kaufmann
M. T. Baig
Thomas Collath
M. Johanning
Christof Wunderlich
+ PDF Chat Hexagonal plaquette spin–spin interactions and quantum magnetism in a two-dimensional ion crystal 2015 Rejish Nath
Marcello Dalmonte
A. W. Glaetzle
P. Zoller
F. Schmidt–Kaler
R. Gerritsma
+ PDF Chat High-Fidelity Preparation, Gates, Memory, and Readout of a Trapped-Ion Quantum Bit 2014 T. P. Harty
D. T. C. Allcock
C. J. Ballance
L. Guidoni
H. A. Janacek
Norbert Linke
D. N. Stacey
David Lucas
+ PDF Chat Trapped-ion antennae for the transmission of quantum information 2011 Maximilian Harlander
Ricarda Lechner
Michael Brownnutt
R. Blatt
W. Hänsel
+ PDF Chat Rydberg excitation of trapped cold ions: a detailed case study 2011 F. Schmidt–Kaler
Thomas Feldker
Daniel Kolbe
J. Walz
Markus MĂĽller
P. Zoller
Weibin Li
Igor Lesanovsky
+ PDF Chat Cs-based optical frequency measurement using cross-linked optical and microwave oscillators 2014 Chr. Tamm
N. Huntemann
B. Lipphardt
Vladislav Gerginov
Nils Nemitz
Michael Kazda
S. Weyers
E. Peik
+ PDF Chat Quantum Algorithm for Distributed Clock Synchronization 2000 Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Single Ion Coupled to an Optical Fiber Cavity 2013 Matthias Steiner
Hendrik M. Meyer
Christian Deutsch
Jakob Reichel
Michael Köhl
+ PDF Chat Quantum methods for clock synchronization: Beating the standard quantum limit without entanglement 2005 Mark D. de Burgh
Stephen D. Bartlett
+ PDF Chat Electric field compensation and sensing with a single ion in a planar trap 2011 Suresh Narayanan
Nikos Daniilidis
Sönke Möller
Robert Clark
Frank Ziesel
Kilian Singer
F. Schmidt–Kaler
Hartmut Häffner
+ PDF Chat Ion ring in a linear multipole trap for optical frequency metrology 2010 C. Champenois
Mathieu Marciante
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez
M. Houssin
Martina Knoop
Masatoshi Kajita
+ PDF Chat Loading and characterization of a printed-circuit-board atomic ion trap 2007 Kenneth R. Brown
Robert Clark
Jaroslaw Labaziewicz
Philip Richerme
David R. Leibrandt
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Minimization of ion micromotion using ultracold atomic probes 2013 A. Härter
Artjom KrĂĽkow
Andreas Brunner
Johannes Hecker Denschlag