Henri J. Lezec


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Space-Time Knife-Edge In Epsilon-Near-Zero Films for Ultrafast Pulse Characterization 2024 Adam Ball
Ray Secondo
Dhruv Fomra
Jingwei Wu
Samprity Saha
Amit Agrawal
Henri J. Lezec
Nathaniel Kinsey
+ PDF Chat Revisiting the Photon-Drag Effect in Metal Films 2019 Jared H. Strait
Glenn Holland
Wenqi Zhu
Cheng Zhang
Bojan Ilic
Amit Agrawal
Domenico Pacifici
Henri J. Lezec
+ PDF Chat Revisiting the Photon-Drag Effect in Metal Films 2019 Jared H. Strait
Glenn Holland
Wenqi Zhu
Cheng Zhang
Amit Agrawal
Domenico Pacifici
Henri J. Lezec
+ Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Laser based on an Open-Cavity Fabry-Perot Resonator 2016 Wenqi Zhu
Ting Xu
Amit Agrawal
Henri J. Lezec
+ Probing gas adsorption on individual facets of a metal nanoparticle 2015 Pin Ann Lin
Jonathan Winterstein
John Kohoutek
Henri J. Lezec
Renu Sharma
+ Flat Lens Criterion by Small-Angle Phase 2015 Peter Ott
Mohammed H. Al Shakhs
Henri J. Lezec
Kenneth J. Chau
+ Flat Lens Criterion by Small-Angle Phase 2015 Peter Ott
Mohammed H. Al Shakhs
Kenneth J. Chau
Henri J. Lezec
+ Probing gas adsorption on individual facets of a metal nanoparticle 2015 Pin Ann Lin
Jonathan Winterstein
John Kohoutek
Henri J. Lezec
Renu Sharma
+ Flat Lens Criterion by Small-Angle Phase 2015 Peter Ott
Mohammed H. Al Shakhs
Henri J. Lezec
Kenneth J. Chau
+ Flat lens criterion by small-angle phase 2014 Peter Ott
Mohammed H. Al Shakhs
Henri J. Lezec
Kenneth J. Chau
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Large-Area Grating Coupler for Surface Plasmon Polaritons 2011 Stephan T. Koev
Amit Agrawal
Henri J. Lezec
Vladimir Aksyuk
+ PDF Chat Quantitative determination of optical transmission through subwavelength slit arrays in Ag films: Role of surface wave interference and local coupling between adjacent slits 2008 Domenico Pacifici
Henri J. Lezec
Harry A. Atwater
J. Weiner
+ PDF Chat Surface plasmon polariton modes in a single-crystal Au nanoresonator fabricated using focused-ion-beam milling 2008 Ernst Jan R. Vesseur
René de Waele
Henri J. Lezec
Harry A. Atwater
F. Javier Garcı́a de Abajo
Albert Polman
+ PDF Chat Designing potentials by sculpturing wires 2007 Leonardo Della Pietra
Simon Aigner
Christoph vom Hagen
S. Groth
Israel Bar-Joseph
Henri J. Lezec
Jörg Schmiedmayer
+ PDF Chat Surface quality and surface waves on subwavelength-structured silver films 2007 Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
Colm O’Dwyer
Maxim Sukharev
Tamar Seideman
+ Surface-wave interferometry on single subwavelength slit-groove structures fabricated on gold films 2007 F. Kalkum
Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
Yong Xie
Masud Mansuripur
+ PDF Chat Surface Wave Generation and Propagation on Metallic Subwavelength Structures Measured by Far-Field Interferometry 2006 Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
B. Viaris de Lesegno
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
+ PDF Chat Optical response of nanostructured surfaces: experimental investigation of the composite diffracted evanescent wave model 2006 Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
B. Viaris de Lesegno
Colm O’Dwyer
Henri J. Lezec
J. Weiner
+ All-optical atom surface traps implemented with one-dimensional planar diffractive microstructures 2006 O. Alloschery
Renaud Mathevet
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
+ PDF Chat Optical Response of Nanostructured Surfaces: Experimental Investigation of the Composite Diffracted Evanescent Wave Model 2006 Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
B. Viaris de Lesegno
Colm O’Dwyer
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
+ PDF Chat Theory of Extraordinary Optical Transmission through Subwavelength Hole Arrays 2001 L. Martı́n-Moreno
F. J. Garcı́a-Vidal
Henri J. Lezec
K. M. Pellerin
Tineke Thio
J. B. Pendry
Thomas W. Ebbesen
+ PDF Chat Nature of Phase Transitions of Superconducting Wire Networks in a Magnetic Field 1996 Xinsheng Ling
Henri J. Lezec
M. J. Higgins
J. S. Tsai
J. Fujita
Hideaki Numata
Yuka Nakamura
Yusuke Ochiai
Chao Tang
P. M. Chaikin
+ PDF Chat Nature of Phase Transitions of Superconducting Wire Networks in a Magnetic Field 1996 Xinsheng Ling
Henri J. Lezec
M. J. Higgins
J. S. Tsai
J. Fujita
Hideaki Numata
Yuka Nakamura
Yusuke Ochiai
Chao Tang
P. M. Chaikin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Surface Wave Generation and Propagation on Metallic Subwavelength Structures Measured by Far-Field Interferometry 2006 Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
B. Viaris de Lesegno
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
+ Transmission Resonances on Metallic Gratings with Very Narrow Slits 1999 J. A. Porto
F. J. Garcı́a-Vidal
J. B. Pendry
+ PDF Chat Theory of Surface Plasmon Generation at Nanoslit Apertures 2005 Philippe Lalanne
Jean‐Paul Hugonin
Jean-Claude Rodier
+ PDF Chat Transverse Photovoltage Induced by Circularly Polarized Light 2009 Takafumi Hatano
Teruya Ishihara
S. G. Tikhodeev
N. A. Gippius
+ PDF Chat Reversible Formation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate 1998 Dan Stamper-Kurn
H.‐J. Miesner
A. P. Chikkatur
S. Inouye
J. Stenger
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Guiding Neutral Atoms with a Wire 1999 Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Donatella Cassettari
Jörg Schmiedmayer
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein Condensates near a Microfabricated Surface 2003 A. E. Leanhardt
Yong-il Shin
A. P. Chikkatur
D. Kielpinski
Wolfgang Ketterle
D. E. Pritchard
+ PDF Chat Optimized low-loss multilayers for imaging with sub-wavelength resolution in the visible wavelength range 2011 Anna Pastuszczak
Rafał Kotyński
+ PDF Chat Vortex lattice melting in 2D superconductors and Josephson arrays 1994 Marcel Franz
S. Teitel
+ PDF Chat <i>Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences</i> 1967 Mary L. Boas
Jacques E. Romain
+ PDF Chat Surface quality and surface waves on subwavelength-structured silver films 2007 Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
Colm O’Dwyer
Maxim Sukharev
Tamar Seideman
+ Surface-wave interferometry on single subwavelength slit-groove structures fabricated on gold films 2007 F. Kalkum
Guillaume Gay
O. Alloschery
J. Weiner
Henri J. Lezec
Yong Xie
Masud Mansuripur
+ Photo-induced voltage in nano-porous gold thin film 2015 Marjan Akbari
Masaru Onoda
Teruya Ishihara
+ Rounding of first-order phase transitions in systems with quenched disorder 1989 Michael Aizenman
Jan Wehr
+ Existence of Long-Range Order in One and Two Dimensions 1967 P. C. Hohenberg
+ PDF Chat Atomic spin decoherence near conducting and superconducting films 2005 Stefan Scheel
Per Kristian Rekdal
P. L. Knight
E. A. Hinds
+ PDF Chat Atom chips in the real world: the effects of wire corrugation 2005 Thorsten Schumm
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D. Mailly
Isabelle Bouchoule
C. I. Westbrook
Alain Aspect
+ PDF Chat Disordered Bose-Einstein Condensates in Quasi-One-Dimensional Magnetic Microtraps 2004 Daw-Wei Wang
Mikhail D. Lukin
Eugene Demler
+ PDF Chat Tailoring metallodielectric structures for superresolution and superguiding applications in the visible and near-ir ranges 2008 Domenico de Ceglia
M. A. Vincenti
Mirko Cappeddu
Marco Centini
N. Akozbek
A. D’Orazio
Jörg Haus
Mark J. Bloemer
M. Scalora
+ Absence of Ferromagnetism or Antiferromagnetism in One- or Two-Dimensional Isotropic Heisenberg Models 1966 N. David Mermin
Hermann‐Josef Wagner
+ PDF Chat Fano-type interpretation of red shifts and red tails in hole array transmission spectra 2003 Cyriaque Genet
M. P. van Exter
J. P. Woerdman
+ PDF Chat Sub-wavelength diffraction-free imaging with low-loss metal-dielectric multilayers 2011 Rafał Kotyński
Tomasz Stefaniuk
Anna Pastuszczak
+ PDF Chat Controlling Cold Atoms using Nanofabricated Surfaces: Atom Chips 2000 R. Folman
P. Krüger
Donatella Cassettari
Björn Hessmo
Thomas Maier
Jörg Schmiedmayer
+ PDF Chat Numerical optimization of a grating coupler for the efficient excitation of surface plasmons at an Ag-SiO_2 interface 2007 Jesse Lu
Csaba Petre
Eli Yablonovitch
Josh Conway
+ PDF Chat Zoo of Quantum Phases and Excitations of Cold Bosonic Atoms in Optical Lattices 2005 Ofir E. Alon
Alexej I. Streltsov
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ PDF Chat Heating of trapped atoms near thermal surfaces 1999 Carsten Henkel
Martin Wilkens
+ PDF Chat Sensing electric and magnetic fields with Bose-Einstein condensates 2006 S. Wildermuth
Sebastian Hofferberth
Igor Lesanovsky
S. Groth
P. Krüger
Jörg Schmiedmayer
I. Bar‐Joseph
+ PDF Chat Role of Wood anomalies in optical properties of thin metallic films with a bidimensional array of subwavelength holes 2003 Michaël Sarrazin
Jean‐Pol Vigneron
J. M. Vigoureux
+ PDF Chat Two Phase Transitions in the Fully Frustrated<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">XY</mml:mi></mml:math>Model 1995 Peter Olsson
+ PDF Chat Theory of Extraordinary Optical Transmission through Subwavelength Hole Arrays 2001 L. Martı́n-Moreno
F. J. Garcı́a-Vidal
Henri J. Lezec
K. M. Pellerin
Tineke Thio
J. B. Pendry
Thomas W. Ebbesen
+ PDF Chat Theory for the nonlinear optical response of transition metals: Polarization dependence as a fingerprint of the electronic structure at surfaces and interfaces 1994 Wolfgang Hübner
K. H. Bennemann
Klaus Böhmer
+ PDF Chat Coherent transport of matter waves 2001 Carsten Henkel
Sierk Pötting
+ PDF Chat Loss and heating of particles in small and noisy traps 1999 Carsten Henkel
Sierk Pötting
Martin Wilkens
+ Site and lattice resonances in metallic hole arrays 2006 F. Javier Garcı́a de Abajo
J. J. Sáenz
I. Campillo
Jorge S. Dolado
+ PDF Chat Mott Hubbard transition of cold atoms in optical lattices 2003 W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Interisotope Determination of Ultracold Rubidium Interactions from Three High-Precision Experiments 2002 E. G. M. van Kempen
S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans
D. J. Heinzen
B. J. Verhaar
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein condensation in a simple microtrap 2003 S Schneider
A. Kasper
Ch. vom Hagen
M. Bartenstein
B. Engeser
Thorsten Schumm
I. Bar‐Joseph
R. Folman
L. Feenstra
Jörg Schmiedmayer
+ PDF Chat Role of wire imperfections in micromagnetic traps for atoms 2004 Jérôme Estève
Christine Aussibal
Thorsten Schumm
C. Figl
D. Mailly
Isabelle Bouchoule
C. I. Westbrook
Alain Aspect
+ PDF Chat Subwavelength imaging at optical frequencies using a transmission device formed by a periodic layered metal-dielectric structure operating in the canalization regime 2006 Pavel A. Belov
Yang Hao
+ PDF Chat Thermal spin flips in atom chips 2004 P. K. Rekdal
Stefan Scheel
P. L. Knight
E. A. Hinds
+ PDF Chat Electromagnetic-force distribution inside matter 2013 Masud Mansuripur
Armis R. Zakharian
E. M. Wright
+ PDF Chat Surface effects in magnetic microtraps 2002 József Fortágh
Herwig Ott
Sebastian Kraft
Andreas Günther
C. Zimmermann
+ PDF Chat Optical excitations in electron microscopy 2010 F. Javier Garcı́a de Abajo
+ PDF Chat 19-vertex version of the fully frustrated<i>XY</i>model 1994 Yolanda M. M. Knops
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H. J. F. Knops
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+ Flat lens without optical axis: Theory of imaging 2005 Wentao Lu
Srinivas Sridhar
+ PDF Chat Transient behavior of surface plasmon polaritons scattered at a subwavelength groove 2007 Gaëtan Lévêque
Olivier J. F. Martin
J. Weiner
+ PDF Chat The Steady State of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Studied by First-Principles Statistical Mechanics 2004 Karsten Reuter
Daan Frenkel
Matthias Scheffler
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Resonant Transport of Bose-Einstein Condensates 2005 Tobias Paul
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+ PDF Chat Photon mass drag and the momentum of light in a medium 2017 Mikko Partanen
Teppo Häyrynen
Jani Oksanen
Jukka Tulkki
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences. 1967 Louis A. Pipes
Mary L. Boas