Clément Dallard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Sufficient conditions for polynomial-time detection of induced minors 2024 Clément Dallard
Maël Dumas
Claire Hilaire
Anthony Perez
+ Graphs with at most two moplexes 2024 Clément Dallard
Robert Ganian
Meike Hatzel
Matjaž Krnc
Martin Milanič
+ Treewidth versus clique number. III. Tree-independence number of graphs with a forbidden structure 2024 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ PDF Chat Treewidth versus clique number. IV. Tree-independence number of graphs excluding an induced star 2024 Clément Dallard
Matjaž Krnc
O‐joung Kwon
Martin Milanič
Andrea Munaro
Kenny Štorgel
Sebastian Wiederrecht
+ PDF Chat Detecting $K_{2,3}$ as an induced minor 2024 Clément Dallard
Maël Dumas
Claire Hilaire
Martin Milanič
Anthony Perez
Nicolas Trotignon
+ PDF Chat Allocation of Indivisible Items with a Common Preference Graph: Minimizing Total Dissatisfaction 2024 Nina Chiarelli
Clément Dallard
Andreas Darmann
Stefan Lendl
Martin Milanič
Peter Muršič
Ulrich Pferschy
+ PDF Chat Functionality of Box Intersection Graphs 2024 Clément Dallard
Vadim Lozin
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
Viktor Zamaraev
+ Detecting $$K_{2,3}$$ as an Induced Minor 2024 Clément Dallard
Maël Dumas
Claire Hilaire
Martin Milanič
Anthony Perez
Nicolas Trotignon
+ PDF Chat Minimizing Maximum Dissatisfaction in the Allocation of Indivisible Items Under a Common Preference Graph 2024 Nina Chiarelli
Clément Dallard
Andreas Darmann
Stefan Lendl
Martin Milanič
Peter Muršič
Ulrich Pferschy
+ Treewidth versus clique number. II. Tree-independence number 2023 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ PDF Chat Finding k-community structures in special graph classes 2023 Narmina Baghirova
Clément Dallard
Bernard Ries
David Schindl
+ Allocation of indivisible items with individual preference graphs 2023 Nina Chiarelli
Clément Dallard
Andreas Darmann
Stefan Lendl
Martin Milanič
Peter Muršič
Ulrich Pferschy
Nevena Pivač
+ Functionality of box intersection graphs 2023 Clément Dallard
Vadim Lozin
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
Viktor Zamaraev
+ Minimizing Maximum Dissatisfaction in the Allocation of Indivisible Items under a Common Preference Graph 2023 Nina Chiarelli
Clément Dallard
Andreas Darmann
Stefan Lendl
Martin Milanič
Peter Muršič
Ulrich Pferschy
+ Allocation of Indivisible Items with Individual Preference Graphs 2022 Nina Chiarelli
Clément Dallard
Andreas Darmann
Stefan Lendl
Martin Milanič
Peter Muršič
Ulrich Pferschy
Nevena Pivač
+ Finding $k$-community structures in special graph classes 2022 Narmina Baghirova
Clément Dallard
Bernard Ries
David Schindl
+ Treewidth versus clique number. III. Tree-independence number of graphs with a forbidden structure 2022 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ Computing Tree Decompositions with Small Independence Number 2022 Clément Dallard
Fedor V. Fomin
Petr A. Golovach
Tuukka Korhonen
Martin Milanič
+ On minimally tough chordal graphs 2022 Clément Dallard
Blas Fernández
Gyula Y. Katona
Martin Milanič
Kitti Varga
+ Tree decompositions with bounded independence number and their algorithmic applications. 2021 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ PDF Chat Tree decompositions with bounded independence number and their algorithmic applications 2021 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ PDF Chat Colourful components in k-caterpillars and planar graphs 2021 Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
+ PDF Chat On Girth and the Parameterized Complexity of Token Sliding and Token Jumping 2021 Valentin Bartier
Nicolás Bousquet
Clément Dallard
Kyle Lomer
Amer E. Mouawad
+ PDF Chat Treewidth versus Clique Number. I. Graph Classes with a Forbidden Structure 2021 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ Graphs with at most two moplexes 2021 Clément Dallard
Robert Ganian
Meike Hatzel
Matjaž Krnc
Martin Milanič
+ Treewidth versus clique number. II. Tree-independence number 2021 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ On girth and the parameterized complexity of token sliding and token jumping. 2020 Valentin Bartier
Nicolás Bousquet
Clément Dallard
Kyle Lomer
Amer E. Mouawad
+ Treewidth versus clique number in graph classes with a forbidden structure 2020 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ On Girth and the Parameterized Complexity of Token Sliding and Token Jumping. 2020 Valentin Bartier
Nicolás Bousquet
Clément Dallard
Kyle Lomer
Amer E. Mouawad
+ On girth and the parameterized complexity of token sliding and token jumping 2020 Valentin Bartier
Nicolás Bousquet
Clément Dallard
Kyle Lomer
Amer E. Mouawad
+ PDF Chat Graphs without a partition into two proportionally dense subgraphs 2019 Cristina Bazgan
Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
+ Proportionally dense subgraph of maximum size: Complexity and approximation 2019 Cristina Bazgan
Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
Thomas Pontoizeau
+ A Complexity Dichotomy for Colourful Components Problems on $k$-caterpillars and Small-Degree Planar Graphs 2019 Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
+ Colourful components in $k$-caterpillars and planar graphs 2019 Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
+ PDF Chat Towards a Complexity Dichotomy for Colourful Components Problems on k-caterpillars and Small-Degree Planar Graphs 2019 Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
+ Colourful components in $k$-caterpillars and planar graphs 2019 Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
+ Graphs without $2$-community structures 2018 Cristina Bazgan
Janka Chlebı́ková
Clément Dallard
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Partial Characterizations of 1‐Perfectly Orientable Graphs 2016 Tatiana Romina Hartinger
Martin Milanič
+ PDF Chat Problems from the world surrounding perfect graphs 1987 András Gyárfás
+ A survey of χ‐boundedness 2020 Alex Scott
Paul Seymour
+ In-Tournament Digraphs 1993 Jørgen Bang‐Jensen
Jing Huang
Erich Prisner
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" id="mml10" display="inline" overflow="scroll" altimg="si1.gif"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>-perfectly orientable <mml:math xmlns:mml="" id="mml11" display="inline" overflow="scroll" altimg="si11.gif"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>-minor-free and outerplanar graphs 2017 Boštjan Brešar
Tatiana Romina Hartinger
Tim Kos
Martin Milanič
+ PDF Chat Avoidable Vertices and Edges in Graphs 2019 Jesse Beisegel
Maria Chudnovsky
Vladimir Gurvich
Martin Milanič
Mary Servatius
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Problems on H-graphs 2017 Steven Chaplick
Peter Zeman
+ A general view on computing communities 2013 Martin Olsen
+ PDF Chat Precoloring extension. I. Interval graphs 1992 Miklós Bíró
Mihály Hujter
Zs. Tuza
+ Maximum weight independent set for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" id="mml3" display="inline" overflow="scroll" altimg="si3.gif"><mml:mi>ℓ</mml:mi></mml:math>claw-free graphs in polynomial time 2017 Andreas Brandstädt
Raffaele Mosca
+ PDF Chat Minimal triangulations of graphs: A survey 2006 Pinar Heggernes
+ Separability generalizes Dirac's theorem 1998 Anne Berry
Jean-Paul Bordat
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic and Hardness Results for the Colorful Components Problems 2014 Anna Adamaszek
Alexandru Popa
+ PDF Chat Kernelization of Graph Hamiltonicity: Proper $H$-Graphs 2021 Steven Chaplick
Fedor V. Fomin
Petr A. Golovach
Dušan Knop
Peter Zeman
+ Upper and lower bounds for finding connected motifs in vertex-colored graphs 2010 Michael R. Fellows
Guillaume Fertin
Danny Hermelin
Stéphane Vialette
+ PDF Chat Induced Minor Free Graphs: Isomorphism and Clique-Width 2016 Rémy Belmonte
Yota Otachi
Pascal Schweitzer
+ PDF Chat Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Multicut Parameterized by the Size of the Cutset 2014 Dániel Marx
Igor Razgon
+ The Complexity of Coloring Circular Arcs and Chords 1980 M. R. Garey
David S. Johnson
Gary L. Miller
Christos H. Papadimitriou
+ On a Problem of Formal Logic 1930 Frank Plumpton Ramsey
+ PDF Chat Treewidth versus Clique Number. I. Graph Classes with a Forbidden Structure 2021 Clément Dallard
Martin Milanič
Kenny Štorgel
+ PDF Chat Twin-width I: Tractable FO Model Checking 2021 Édouard Bonnet
Eun Jung Kim
Stéphan Thomassé
Rémi Watrigant
+ PDF Chat Parameterized Complexity and Approximation Issues for the Colorful Components Problems 2016 Riccardo Dondi
Florian Sikora
+ PDF Chat On the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem in Graphs without Induced Cycles of Length at Least Five 2020 Maria Chudnovsky
Marcin Pilipczuk
Michał Pilipczuk
Stéphan Thomassé
+ Clustering and domination in perfect graphs 1984 Derek G. Corneil
Yehoshua Perl
+ Classes of graphs with small rank decompositions are <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi></mml:math>-bounded 2012 Zdeněk Dvořák
Daniel Kráľ
+ PDF Chat Shortest Reconfiguration Paths in the Solution Space of Boolean Formulas 2015 Amer E. Mouawad
Naomi Nishimura
Vinayak Pathak
Venkatesh Raman
+ Tree-decompositions with bags of small diameter 2006 Yon Dourisboure
Cyril Gavoille
+ PDF Chat Induced trees in graphs of large chromatic number 1997 Alex Scott
+ PDF Chat The Pathwidth and Treewidth of Cographs 1993 Hans L. Bodlaender
Rolf H. Möhring
+ PDF Chat Large Induced Subgraphs via Triangulations and CMSO 2015 Fedor V. Fomin
Ioan Todinca
Yngve Villanger
+ Fair assignment of indivisible objects under ordinal preferences 2015 Haris Aziz
Serge Gaspers
Simon Mackenzie
Toby Walsh
+ PDF Chat Finding topological subgraphs is fixed-parameter tractable 2011 Martin Grohe
Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Dániel Marx
Paul Wollan
+ PDF Chat Towards an Isomorphism Dichotomy for Hereditary Graph Classes 2017 Pascal Schweitzer
+ The Ramsey number <i>R</i>(3, <i>t</i>) has order of magnitude <i>t</i><sup>2</sup>/log <i>t</i> 1995 Jeong Han Kim
+ Flip distance between two triangulations of a point set is NP-complete 2014 Anna Lubiw
Vinayak Pathak
+ PDF Chat Connectedness of the graph of vertex-colourings 2007 Luis Cereceda
Jan van den Heuvel
Matthew Johnson
+ Graph classes and Ramsey numbers 2014 Rémy Belmonte
Pinar Heggernes
Pim van ’t Hof
Arash Rafiey
Reza Saei
+ A relationship between triangulated graphs, comparability graphs, proper interval graphs, proper circular‐arc graphs, and nested interval graphs 1982 Dale Skrien
+ PDF Chat Vertex Colouring and Forbidden Subgraphs ? A Survey 2004 Bert Randerath
Ingo Schiermeyer
+ Lower bound of the hadwiger number of graphs by their average degree 1984 Alexandr Kostochka
+ Detecting induced subgraphs 2009 Benjamin Lévêque
David Y. Lin
Frédéric Maffray
Nicolas Trotignon
+ Asymptotic lower bounds for Ramsey functions 1977 Joel Spencer
+ On maximal independent sets of vertices in claw-free graphs 1980 George J. Minty
+ The satisfactory partition problem 2006 Cristina Bazgan
Źsolt Tuza
Daniel Vanderpooten
+ Bandwidth and density for block graphs 1998 Le Tu Quoc Hung
Maciej M. Sysło
Margaret L. Weaver
Douglas B. West
+ Approximating clique-width and branch-width 2006 Sang‐il Oum
Paul Seymour
+ Subgraphs and well‐quasi‐ordering 1992 Guoli Ding
+ PDF Chat A Characterization of Certain Ptolemaic Graphs 1965 David C. Kay
Gary Chartrand
+ On lower bounds for the chromatic number in terms of vertex degree 2011 Manouchehr Zaker