Fiachra Knox


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Reflexive coloring complexes for 3-edge-colorings of cubic graphs 2021 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
Nathan Singer
+ PDF Chat Cops and robbers on oriented toroidal grids 2021 Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza
Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini
Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
Bruce Reed
+ Reflexive coloring complexes for 3-edge-colorings of cubic graphs 2020 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
Nathan Singer
+ Maximum number of colourings: 4-chromatic graphs 2020 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ PDF Chat Cops and Robbers on Graphs of Bounded Diameter 2020 Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini
Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ Reflexive coloring complexes for 3-edge-colorings of cubic graphs 2020 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
Nathan Singer
+ Cops and Robbers on graphs of bounded diameter 2019 Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini
Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ PDF Chat Fractional Decompositions and the Smallest-eigenvalue Separation 2019 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ PDF Chat A Golden Ratio Inequality for Vertex Degrees of Graphs 2019 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
David R. Wood
+ Fractional decompositions and the smallest-eigenvalue separation. 2019 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ Cops and robbers on oriented toroidal grids 2019 Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza
Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini
Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
Bruce Reed
+ Cops and Robbers on graphs of bounded diameter 2019 Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini
Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ Fractional decompositions and the smallest-eigenvalue separation 2019 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ Cops and robbers on oriented toroidal grids 2019 Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza
Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini
Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
Bruce Reed
+ Linear Bound for Majority Colourings of Digraphs 2018 Fiachra Knox
Robert Šámal
+ PDF Chat Proper Orientations of Planar Bipartite Graphs 2017 Fiachra Knox
Naoki Matsumoto
Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza
Bojan Mohar
Cláudia Linhares Sales
+ Linear Bound for Majority Colourings of Digraphs 2017 Fiachra Knox
Robert Šámal
+ Maximum number of colourings. II. 5-chromatic graphs 2017 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ Linear Bound for Majority Colourings of Digraphs 2017 Fiachra Knox
Robert Šámal
+ Maximum number of colourings. I. 4-chromatic graphs 2017 Fiachra Knox
Bojan Mohar
+ Proper Orientations of Planar Bipartite Graphs 2016 Fiachra Knox
Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza
Bojan Mohar
Cláudia Linhares Sales
+ Proper Orientations of Planar Bipartite Graphs 2016 Fiachra Knox
Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza
Bojan Mohar
Cláudia Linhares Sales
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-time perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs 2014 Peter Keevash
Fiachra Knox
Richard Mycroft
+ Edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in random graphs 2013 Fiachra Knox
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ Embedding spanning structures in graphs and hypergraphs 2013 Fiachra Knox
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-time perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs 2013 Peter Keevash
Fiachra Knox
Richard Mycroft
+ Two constructions relating to conjectures of Beck on positional games 2012 Fiachra Knox
+ PDF Chat Embedding Spanning Bipartite Graphs of Small Bandwidth 2012 Fiachra Knox
Andrew Treglown
+ Two constructions relating to conjectures of Beck on positional games 2012 Fiachra Knox
+ Embedding spanning bipartite graphs of small bandwidth 2011 Fiachra Knox
Andrew Treglown
+ Edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in random graphs 2011 Fiachra Knox
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat Approximate Hamilton decompositions of random graphs 2011 Fiachra Knox
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ Edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in random graphs 2011 Fiachra Knox
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ Embedding spanning bipartite graphs of small bandwidth 2011 Fiachra Knox
Andrew Treglown
+ Approximate Hamilton Decompositions of Random Graphs 2010 Fiachra Knox
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ Approximate Hamilton Decompositions of Random Graphs 2010 Fiachra Knox
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On packing Hamilton cycles in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>ε</mml:mi></mml:math>-regular graphs 2005 Alan Frieze
Michael Krivelevich
+ Sparse pseudo-random graphs are Hamiltonian 2003 Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ On Matchings and Hamiltonian Cycles in Random Graphs 1985 Béla Bollobás
Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat On two Hamilton cycle problems in random graphs 2008 Alan Frieze
Michael Krivelevich
+ Hamiltonian arcs and circuits 1971 C. St. J. A. Nash‐Williams
+ Edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in graphs 2011 Demetres Christofides
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat The minimum degree threshold for perfect graph packings 2009 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ Random Matchings Which Induce Hamilton Cycles and Hamiltonian Decompositions of Random Regular Graphs 2001 Jeong Han Kim
Nicholas Wormald
+ On perfect packings in dense graphs 2011 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
Andrew Treglown
+ The Blow-up Lemma 1999 János Komlós
+ PDF Chat Degrees giving independent edges in a hypergraph 1981 D. E. Daykin
Roland Häggkvist
+ Limit Theorems for the Number of Empty Cells in an Equiprobable Scheme for Group Allocation of Particles 1983 Vladimir Vatutin
Владимир Гаврилович Михайлов
+ Dirac-Type Questions For Hypergraphs — A Survey (Or More Problems For Endre To Solve) 2010 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
+ Packing Hamilton Cycles in Random and Pseudo-Random Hypergraphs 2010 Alan Frieze
Michael Krivelevich
+ PDF Chat On the Resilience of Hamiltonicity and Optimal Packing of Hamilton Cycles in Random Graphs 2011 Sonny Ben-Shimon
Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Exact minimum degree thresholds for perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs 2012 Andrew Treglown
Yi Zhao
+ Critical chromatic number and the complexity of perfect packings in graphs 2006 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ A randomized embedding algorithm for trees 2010 Benny Sudakov
J. Vondrák
+ The Complexity of Almost Perfect Matchings in Uniform Hypergraphs with High Codegree 2009 Edyta Szymańska
+ Hamiltonian degree sequences in digraphs 2009 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
Andrew Treglown
+ PDF Chat Bandwidth, expansion, treewidth, separators and universality for bounded-degree graphs 2009 Julia Böttcher
Klaas P. Pruessmann
Anusch Taraz
Andreas Würfl
+ Perfect matching in 3-uniform hypergraphs with large vertex degree 2011 Imdadullah Khan
+ PDF Chat Optimal Packings of Hamilton Cycles in Sparse Random Graphs 2012 Michael Krivelevich
Wojciech Samotij
+ Edge-Disjoint Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles in Tournaments 1982 Carsten Thomassen
+ On the degrees of the vertices of a directed graph 1965 S. L. Hakimi
+ On Hamilton's ideals 1972 Vašek Chvátal
+ Forcing spanning subgraphs via Ore type conditions 2009 Julia Böttcher
Sybille Müller
+ An approximate version of Sumnerʼs universal tournament conjecture 2011 Daniela Kühn
Richard Mycroft
Deryk Osthus
+ Perfect Matchings in 4-uniform hypergraphs 2011 Imdadullah Khan
+ Hamilton decompositions of regular expanders: A proof of Kelly’s conjecture for large tournaments 2013 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat An Ore-type theorem on equitable coloring 2007 H. A. Kierstead
Alexandr Kostochka
+ On embedding well-separable graphs 2007 Béla Csaba
+ Hamiltonian circuits in random graphs 1976 L. Pósa
+ Multicolored Hamilton Cycles and Perfect Matchings in Pseudorandom Graphs 2006 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat Perfect matchings (and Hamilton cycles) in hypergraphs with large degrees 2011 Klas Markström
Andrzej Ruciński
+ Spanning 3-colourable subgraphs of small bandwidth in dense graphs 2008 Julia Böttcher
Mathias Schacht
Anusch Taraz
+ PDF Chat Packing Tight Hamilton Cycles in Uniform Hypergraphs 2012 Deepak Bal
Alan Frieze
+ H-Factors in Dense Graphs 1996 Noga Alon
Raphael Yuster
+ PDF Chat An Ore-type Theorem for Perfect Packings in Graphs 2009 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
Andrew Treglown
+ On Perfect Matchings in Uniform Hypergraphs with Large Minimum Vertex Degree 2009 Hiệp Hàn
Yury Person
Mathias Schacht
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Seymour conjecture for large graphs 1998 János Komlós
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ Regularity lemmas for hypergraphs and quasi‐randomness 1991 Fan Chung
+ Perfect matchings in large uniform hypergraphs with large minimum collective degree 2008 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Endre Szemerédi
+ Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs and the conjectures of Erdős and Samuels 2012 Noga Alon
Péter Frankl
Hao Huang
Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Benny Sudakov
+ Packing tight Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs 2011 Alan Frieze
Michael Krivelevich
Po‐Shen Loh
+ PDF Chat Perfect matchings in 3-partite 3-uniform hypergraphs 2014 Allan Lo
Klas Markström
+ Bandwidth theorem for random graphs 2011 Hao Huang
Choongbum Lee
Benny Sudakov
+ An Ore-Type Theorem on Hamiltonian Square Cycles 2012 Phong Châu
+ PDF Chat Hamilton decompositions of regular tournaments 2010 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
Andrew Treglown