Éric Brunet


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Kinetics of information scrambling in correlated metals: Disorder-driven transition from shock wave to Fisher or Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov dynamics 2023 Camille Aron
Éric Brunet
Aditi Mitra
+ PDF Chat Traveling/non-traveling phase transition and non-ergodic properties in the random transverse-field Ising model on the Cayley tree 2023 Ankita Chakrabarti
Cyril Martins
Nicolas Laflorencie
Bertrand Georgeot
Éric Brunet
Gabriel Lemarié
+ Ahead of the Fisher–KPP front 2023 Éric Brunet
+ PDF Chat Traveling discontinuity at the quantum butterfly front 2023 Camille Aron
Éric Brunet
Aditi Mitra
+ Ahead of the Fisher-KPP front 2023 Éric Brunet
+ Kinetics of information scrambling in correlated electrons: disorder-driven transition from shock-wave to FKPP dynamics 2023 Camille Aron
Éric Brunet
Aditi Mitra
+ PDF Chat Brownian bees in the infinite swarm limit 2022 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
James Nolen
Sarah Penington
+ PDF Chat A simple backward construction of branching Brownian motion with large displacement and applications 2022 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Aser Cortines
Bastien Mallein
+ PDF Chat The distance between the two BBM leaders 2022 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Cole Graham
Leonid Mytnik
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
Lenya Ryzhik
+ Traveling discontinuity at the quantum butterfly front 2022 Camille Aron
Éric Brunet
Aditi Mitra
+ Traveling/non-traveling phase transition and non-ergodic properties in the random transverse-field Ising model on the Cayley tree 2022 Ankita Chakrabarti
Cyril Martins
Nicolas Laflorencie
Bertrand Georgeot
Éric Brunet
Gabriel Lemarié
+ A free boundary problem arising from branching Brownian motion with selection 2021 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
James Nolen
Sarah Penington
+ The distance between the two BBM leaders 2020 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Cole Graham
Leonid Mytnik
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
Lenya Ryzhik
+ PDF Chat How to generate the tip of branching random walks evolved to large times 2020 Éric Brunet
Anh Dung Le
A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ Innovation and imitation 2020 Jess Benhabib
Éric Brunet
Mildred Hager
+ A free boundary problem arising from branching Brownian motion with selection 2020 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
James Nolen
Sarah Penington
+ The distance between the two BBM leaders 2020 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Cole Graham
Leonid Mytnik
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
Lenya Ryzhik
+ Brownian bees in the infinite swarm limit 2020 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
James Nolen
Sarah Penington
+ A free boundary problem arising from branching Brownian motion with selection 2020 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
James Nolen
Sarah Penington
+ Corrigendum to “Branching Brownian motion with absorption and the all-time minimum of branching Brownian motion with drift” [J. Funct. Anal. 273 (6) (2017) 2107–2143] 2019 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Simon C. Harris
Piotr Miłoś
+ PDF Chat Global existence for a free boundary problem of Fisher–KPP type 2019 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Sarah Penington
+ A new approach to computing the asymptotics of the position of Fisher-KPP fronts 2018 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Extremes of branching Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes 2018 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Aser Cortines
Bastien Mallein
+ A simple backward construction of Branching Brownian motion with large displacement and applications 2018 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Aser Cortines
Bastien Mallein
+ PDF Chat Exact solution and precise asymptotics of a Fisher–KPP type front 2017 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ Branching Brownian motion with absorption and the all-time minimum of branching Brownian motion with drift 2017 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Simon C. Harris
Piotr Miłoś
+ Accessibility percolation with backsteps 2017 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat Vanishing Corrections for the Position in a Linear Model of FKPP Fronts 2016 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Simon C. Harris
Matthew I. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Some aspects of the Fisher-KPP equation and the branching Brownian motion 2016 Éric Brunet
+ A note of the convergence of the Fisher-KPP front centred around its $\alpha$-level 2016 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
+ A note of the convergence of the Fisher-KPP front centred around its $α$-level 2016 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
+ The number of accessible paths in the hypercube 2015 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat An Exactly Solvable Travelling Wave Equation in the Fisher–KPP Class 2015 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ Branching Brownian motion with absorption and the all-time minimum of branching Brownian motion with drift 2015 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Simon C. Harris
Piotr Miłoś
+ Branching Brownian motion with absorption and the all-time minimum of branching Brownian motion with drift 2015 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Simon C. Harris
Piotr Miłoś
+ Growth rates of the population in a branching Brownian motion with an inhomogeneous breeding potential 2014 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
John William Harris
Simon C. Harris
Matthew I. Roberts
+ Accessibility percolation with backsteps 2014 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ How many evolutionary histories only increase fitness 2013 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat Genealogies in simple models of evolution 2013 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Branching Brownian motion seen from its tip 2012 Élie Aïdékon
Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ Growth rates of the population in a branching Brownian motion with an inhomogeneous breeding potential 2012 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
John William Harris
Simon C. Harris
Matthew I. Roberts
+ PDF Chat How genealogies are affected by the speed of evolution 2011 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat A Branching Random Walk Seen from the Tip 2011 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ The branching Brownian motion seen from its tip 2011 Élie Aïdékon
Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat The almost-sure population growth rate in branching Brownian motion with a quadratic breeding potential 2010 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
John William Harris
Simon C. Harris
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas 2010 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
Antoine Gerschenfeld
+ PDF Chat Statistics at the tip of a branching random walk and the delay of traveling waves 2009 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Universal tree structures in directed polymers and models of evolving populations 2008 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
Damien Simon
+ PDF Chat The Stochastic Edge in Adaptive Evolution 2008 Éric Brunet
Igor M. Rouzine
Claus O. Wilke
+ PDF Chat The traveling-wave approach to asexual evolution: Muller's ratchet and speed of adaptation 2007 Igor M. Rouzine
Éric Brunet
Claus O. Wilke
+ PDF Chat Effect of selection on ancestry: An exactly soluble case and its phenomenological generalization 2007 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ The stochastic edge in adaptive evolution 2007 Éric Brunet
Igor M. Rouzine
Claus O. Wilke
+ PDF Chat Noisy traveling waves: Effect of selection on genealogies 2006 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ PDF Chat Phenomenological theory giving the full statistics of the position of fluctuating pulled fronts 2006 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ PDF Chat On the relation between one-species diffusion-limited coalescence and annihilation in one dimension 2005 Daniel ben‐Avraham
Éric Brunet
+ PDF Chat Exactly soluble noisy traveling-wave equation appearing in the problem of directed polymers in a random medium 2004 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of the winding number of a directed polymer in a random medium 2003 Éric Brunet
+ PDF Chat Influence des effets de taille finie sur la propagation d'un front & Distribution de l'énergie libre d'un polymère dirigé en milieu aléatoire 2000 Éric Brunet
+ PDF Chat Probability distribution of the free energy of a directed polymer in a random medium 2000 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Ground state energy of a non-integer number of particles with δ attractive interactions 2000 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Microscopic models of traveling wave equations 1999 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Shift in the velocity of a front due to a cutoff 1997 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves 1983 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Front propagation into unstable states 2003 W. vanSaarloos
+ Maximal displacement of branching brownian motion 1978 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Polymers on disordered trees, spin glasses, and traveling waves 1988 Bernard Derrida
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Shift in the velocity of a front due to a cutoff 1997 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat A short proof of the logarithmic Bramson correction in Fisher-KPP equations 2013 François Hamel
James Nolen
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
Lenya Ryzhik
+ PDF Chat Evolution on a smooth landscape 1997 David A. Kessler
Herbert Levine
Douglas Ridgway
Lev S. Tsimring
+ PDF Chat Vanishing Corrections for the Position in a Linear Model of FKPP Fronts 2016 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Simon C. Harris
Matthew I. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Refined long-time asymptotics for Fisher–KPP fronts 2018 James Nolen
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
Lenya Ryzhik
+ PDF Chat Precise asymptotics for Fisher–KPP fronts 2019 Cole Graham
+ PDF Chat Noisy traveling waves: Effect of selection on genealogies 2006 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ PDF Chat An Exactly Solvable Travelling Wave Equation in the Fisher–KPP Class 2015 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Phenomenological theory giving the full statistics of the position of fluctuating pulled fronts 2006 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ PDF Chat A Conditional Limit Theorem for the Frontier of a Branching Brownian Motion 1987 Steven P. Lalley
T. Sellke
+ Brunet–Derrida particle systems, free boundary problems and Wiener–Hopf equations 2011 Rick Durrett
Daniel Remenik
+ PDF Chat Front propagation into unstable states: universal algebraic convergence towards uniformly translating pulled fronts 2000 Ute Ebert
Wim van Saarloos
+ PDF Chat Effect of selection on ancestry: An exactly soluble case and its phenomenological generalization 2007 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ Interacting particles, the stochastic Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piscounov equation, and duality 2003 Charles R. Doering
Carl Mueller
Peter Smereka
+ A simple path to asymptotics for the frontier of a branching Brownian motion 2013 Matthew I. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Coalescents With Multiple Collisions 1999 Jim Pitman
+ PDF Chat KPP equation and supercritical branching brownian motion in the subcritical speed area. Application to spatial trees 1988 Brigitte Chauvin
Alain Rouault
+ PDF Chat Branching Brownian motion seen from its tip 2012 Élie Aïdékon
Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat Poissonian statistics in the extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Statistics at the tip of a branching random walk and the delay of traveling waves 2009 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Front propagation: Precursors, cutoffs, and structural stability 1998 David A. Kessler
Zvi Ner
Leonard M. Sander
+ PDF Chat Interfacial velocity corrections due to multiplicative noise 1999 Leonid Pechenik
Herbert Levine
+ PDF Chat The behavior of solutions of some non-linear diffusion equations for large time 1978 Kōhei Uchiyama
+ Kinetic roughening phenomena, stochastic growth, directed polymers and all that. Aspects of multidisciplinary statistical mechanics 1995 Timothy Halpin-Healy
Yi‐Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Hybrid method for simulating front propagation in reaction-diffusion systems 2004 Esteban Moro
+ Convergence in law of the minimum of a branching random walk 2013 Élie Aïdékon
+ PDF Chat Effects of fluctuations on propagating fronts 2004 Debabrata Panja
+ PDF Chat Phenomenological picture of fluctuations in branching random walks 2014 A.H. Mueller
S. Munier
+ PDF Chat Exactly soluble noisy traveling-wave equation appearing in the problem of directed polymers in a random medium 2004 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Speed and fluctuations of N-particle branching Brownian motion with spatial selection 2016 Pascal Maillard
+ Random Travelling Waves for the KPP Equation with Noise 1995 Carl Mueller
Richard B. Sowers
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces 1986 Mehran Kardar
Giorgio Parisi
Yi-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Accessibility percolation on n-trees 2013 Stefan Nowak
Joachim Krug
+ PDF Chat Global existence for a free boundary problem of Fisher–KPP type 2019 Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Sarah Penington
+ Replica Bethe ansatz studies of two-dimensional interfaces with quenched random impurities 1987 Mehran Kardar
+ PDF Chat The extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Characterization of invariant measures at the leading edge for competing particle systems 2005 A. A. Ruzmaikina
Michael Aizenman
+ Population stabilization in branching Brownian motion with absorption and drift 2016 Christopher Henderson
+ PDF Chat The traveling-wave approach to asexual evolution: Muller's ratchet and speed of adaptation 2007 Igor M. Rouzine
Éric Brunet
Claus O. Wilke
+ PDF Chat Analysis of Evolution through Competitive Selection 2005 Morten Kloster
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics of the N-BBM Process 2019 Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Errico Presutti
Nahuel Soprano-Loto
+ PDF Chat Some aspects of the Fisher-KPP equation and the branching Brownian motion 2016 Éric Brunet
+ The genealogy of extremal particles of Branching Brownian Motion 2010 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ Multiplicative Martingales for Spatial Branching Processes 1988 J. Neveu
+ PDF Chat The Speed of Adaptation in Large Asexual Populations 2004 Claus O. Wilke