G. Grunberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On threshold resummation of singlet structure and fragmentation functions 2011 G. Grunberg
+ Threshold resummation beyond leading eikonal level 2010 G. Grunberg
+ Threshold resummation beyond leading eikonal level 2010 G. Grunberg
+ Large-x structure of physical evolution kernels in deep inelastic scattering 2010 G. Grunberg
+ Threshold resummation beyond leading eikonal level 2010 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat On threshold resummation beyond leading 1 −<i>x</i>order 2009 G. Grunberg
V. Ravindran
+ On threshold resummation of the longitudinal structure function 2009 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat A dispersive approach to Sudakov resummation 2007 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Constant terms in threshold resummation and the quark form factor 2007 Samuel Friot
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Dispersive approach in Sudakov resummation 2007 G. Grunberg
+ Threshold resummation to any order in (1-x) 2007 G. Grunberg
+ Infrared finite coupling in Sudakov resummation: The precise set-up 2006 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Evidence for infrared-finite coupling in Sudakov resummation 2006 G. Grunberg
+ Evidence for infrared finite coupling in Sudakov resummation: a revised view-point 2006 G. Grunberg
+ Infrared finite coupling in Sudakov resummation 2006 G. Grunberg
+ Dispersive approach in Sudakov resummation 2006 G. Grunberg
+ Nonperturbative definition of the pole mass and short distance expansion of the heavy quark potential in QCD 2004 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Fixing the conformal window in QCD 2001 G. Grunberg
+ Conformal expansions and renormalons 2001 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Conformal window and Landau singularities 2001 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Computing the perturbative gluon condensate 2001 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Disentangling running coupling and conformal effects in QCD 2001 Stanley J. Brodsky
Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
J. Rathsman
+ PDF Chat Power corrections and renormalon resummation for the average thrust 2000 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Power corrections in the single dressed gluon approximation - the average thrust as a case study 1999 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ Power corrections in the single dressed gluon approximation - the average thrust as a case study 1999 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat The conformal window in QCD and supersymmetric QCD 1999 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat On power corrections in the dispersive approach 1998 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Can the QCD running coupling have a causal analyticity structure? 1998 Einan Gardi
Marek Karliner
G. Grunberg
+ 1/Q^2 terms and Landau singularity 1997 G. Grunberg
+ Power corrections and Landau singularity 1997 G. Grunberg
+ Power corrections from short distances 1997 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Nucleon spin structure, topological susceptibility and the η′ singlet axial vector coupling 1996 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Renormalons and fixed points 1996 G. Grunberg
+ Fixed points and power corrections 1996 G. Grunberg
+ Renormalons and perturbative fixed points 1995 G. Grunberg
+ The renormalization scheme in variant Borel transform and the QED renormalons 1993 G. Grunberg
+ Number of light families and non-perturbative unification of technicolor 1988 G. Grunberg
+ Asymptotic equality of particle-antiparticle differential cross sections and of spacelike and timelike form factors 1974 G. Grunberg
T. N. Pham
Tran N. Truong
+ Proof of the Pomeranchuk Theorem for Unbounded Total Cross Sections 1973 G. Grunberg
Tran N. Truong
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Dispersive approach to power-behaved contributions in QCD hard processes 1996 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
G. Marchesini
B.R. Webber
+ PDF Chat Resummation of (ß0αs)n corrections in QCD: techniques and applications to the τ hadronic width and the heavy quark pole mass 1995 Patricia Ball
Μ. Beneke
V. M. Braun
+ PDF Chat Naive nonabelianization and resummation of fermion bubble chains 1995 Μ. Beneke
V. M. Braun
+ PDF Chat A dispersive approach to Sudakov resummation 2007 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Power corrections in the single dressed gluon approximation - the average thrust as a case study 1999 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation of the structure function<i>F</i><sub><i>L</i></sub> 2009 S. Moch
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Physical anomalous dimensions at small $x$ 1997 Stefano Catani
+ PDF Chat On power corrections in the dispersive approach 1998 G. Grunberg
+ Threshold resummation to any order in (1-x) 2007 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat The three-loop splitting functions in QCD: the non-singlet case 2004 S. Moch
J.A.M. Vermaseren
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat On non-singlet physical evolution kernels and large-<i>x</i>coefficient functions in perturbative QCD 2009 S. Moch
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Anomalous dimensions of high-spin operators beyond the leading order 2007 Benjamin Basso
G.P. Korchemsky
+ PDF Chat Exponentiation of the Drell-Yan cross section near partonic threshold in the DIS and MS-bar schemes 2003 Tim Oliver Eynck
Eric Laenen
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Soft-gluon resummation for the fragmentation of light and heavy quarks at large x 2001 Matteo Cacciari
Stefano Catani
+ PDF Chat On threshold resummation beyond leading 1 −<i>x</i>order 2009 G. Grunberg
V. Ravindran
+ PDF Chat Relations between observables and the infrared fixed point in QCD 1998 Einan Gardi
Marek Karliner
+ Renormalons 1999 Μ. Beneke
+ PDF Chat Non-singlet structure functions beyond the next-to-next-to-leading order 2001 W.L. van Neerven
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Are IR renormalons a good probe for the strong interaction domain? 1996 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
Nikolai Uraltsev
+ PDF Chat Renormalons and fixed points 1996 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Constant terms in threshold resummation and the quark form factor 2007 Samuel Friot
G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Scale setting in QCD and the momentum flow in Feynman diagrams 1995 Matthias Neubert
+ PDF Chat Higher-order corrections in threshold resummation 2005 S. Moch
J. A. M. Vermaseren
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Recoil and threshold corrections in short-distance cross sections 2001 Eric Laenen
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Evidence for infrared-finite coupling in Sudakov resummation 2006 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat The 16−N expansion and the infrared fixed point in perturbative QCD 1994 P. M. Stevenson
+ On next-to-eikonal corrections to threshold resummation for the Drell–Yan and DIS cross sections 2008 Eric Laenen
Lorenzo Magnea
Gerben Stavenga
+ PDF Chat Soft gluon radiation in Higgs boson production at the LHC 1998 Michael Krämer
Eric Laenen
Michael Spira
+ PDF Chat Calculation of power corrections to hadronic event shapes 1995 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
B.R. Webber
+ PDF Chat Computing the perturbative gluon condensate 2001 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Deep-inelastic structure functions at two loops 2000 S. Moch
J. A. M. Vermaseren
+ PDF Chat The interplay between Sudakov resummation, renormalons and higher twist in deep inelastic scattering 2003 Einan Gardi
Richard G. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Higher-order threshold resummation for semi-inclusive <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math> annihilation 2009 S. Moch
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Path integral approach to eikonal and next-to-eikonal exponentiation 2009 Eric Laenen
Gerben Stavenga
Chris D. White
+ PDF Chat Power corrections to event shape distributions 1997 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
B.R. Webber
+ PDF Chat Pinch technique at two loops: The case of massless Yang-Mills theories 2000 Joannis Papavassiliou
+ The Large-x Factorization of the Longitudinal Structure Function 2003 Ratindranath Akhoury
Michael G. Sotiropoulos
+ PDF Chat Higher-order soft corrections to lepton pair and Higgs boson production 2005 S. Moch
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Crossed threshold resummation 2006 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Infrared finite coupling in Sudakov resummation 2006 G. Grunberg
+ Revisiting parton evolution and the large-x limit 2006 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
G. Marchesini
Gavin P. Salam
+ PDF Chat Renormalization group approach to soft gluon resummation 2002 Stefano Forte
Giovanni Ridolfi
+ Threshold resummation for electroweak annihilation from DIS data 2005 Eric Laenen
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Power corrections and renormalons in Drell-Yan production 1995 Μ. Beneke
V. M. Braun
+ PDF Chat The Pinch Technique at Two Loops 2000 Joannis Papavassiliou
+ Large-x structure of physical evolution kernels in deep inelastic scattering 2010 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat The pinch technique beyond one loop: the gauge-independent two-loop quark self-energy 1999 N.J. Watson
+ PDF Chat On Sudakov and soft resummations in QCD 2006 V. Ravindran
+ On threshold resummation of the longitudinal structure function 2009 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat The conformal window in QCD and supersymmetric QCD 1999 Einan Gardi
G. Grunberg