Moacir Aloisio


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dynamical localization and eigenvalue asymptotics: power-law unbounded discrete operators 2025 Moacir Aloisio
+ PDF Chat Slow dynamics for self-adjoint semigroups and unitary evolution groups 2024 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
Genilson Santana
+ On spectral measures and convergence rates in von Neumann’s Ergodic theorem 2024 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
Edson Souza
+ PDF Chat On the Fourier asymptotics of absolutely continuous measures with power-law singularities 2024 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
Edélcio G. de Souza
+ Generic Stability for Self-Adjoint Semigroups 2023 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
+ Fractal Measures and Dynamics 2023 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
+ Escaping Probabilities and Quasiballistic Dynamics 2023 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
+ Correlation Dimension 2023 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
+ Generic Scales of Weak Mixing 2023 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
+ Asymptotics of C0-Semigroups 2023 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
+ Generalized Dimensions and Dynamics 2023 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Positive Fractal Dimensions of Bound States Spectral Measures: Application to the Hydrogen Atom 2022 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Some generic fractal properties of bounded self-adjoint operators 2021 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Generic properties of purely $\alpha$-Hausdorff continuous operators 2021 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
Genilson Santana
+ Slow dynamics for self-adjoint semigroups and unitary evolution groups 2021 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
Genilson Santana
+ PDF Chat Category Theorems for Schrödinger Semigroups 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Some generic fractal properties of bounded self-adjoint operators 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Hydrogen atom bound states whose spectral measures have positive upper fractal dimensions 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Some generic fractal properties of bounded self-adjoint operators 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Refined scales of decaying rates of operator semigroups on Hilbert spaces: Typical behavior 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ A note on spectrum and quantum dynamics 2019 Moacir Aloisio
+ A note on spectrum and quantum dynamics 2019 Moacir Aloisio
+ PDF Chat Quantum quasiballistic dynamics and thick point spectrum 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Category theorems for Schr\"odinger semigroups 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ A note on spectrum and quantum dynamics 2019 Moacir Aloisio
+ Category theorems for Schrödinger semigroups 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Refined scales of decaying rates of operator semigroups on Hilbert spaces: typical behaviour 2018 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Book’s Outline 2012 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar de R. Oliveira
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Intermediate Spectral Theory and Quantum Dynamics 2009 CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Operators with singular continuous spectrum, IV. Hausdorff dimensions, rank one perturbations, and localization 1996 Rafael del RĂ­o
Svetlana Jitomirskaya
Yoram Last
Barry Simon
+ Correlation dimension Wonderland theorems 2016 Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Generic quasilocalized and quasiballistic discrete Schrödinger operators 2015 Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Fractal dimensions and the phenomenon of intermittency in quantum dynamics 2001 Jean-Marie Barbaroux
François Germinet
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ PDF Chat Transfer matrices and transport for Schrödinger operators 2004 François Germinet
Alexander Kiselev
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ Remarks on the Relation between Quantum Dynamics and Fractal Spectra 1997 Jean-Marie Barbaroux
J. M. Combes
R Montcho
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the mathematics of Anderson localization 2011 GĂŒnter Stolz
+ Quantum Dynamics and Decompositions of Singular Continuous Spectra 1996 Yoram Last
+ A characterization of the Anderson metal-insulator transport transition 2004 François Germinet
Abel Klein
+ PDF Chat Schrödinger operators with dynamically defined potentials 2016 David Damanik
+ Fractal wavelet dimensions and localization 1994 Matthias Hoschneider
+ Generalized fractal dimensions: equivalences and basic properties 2001 Jean-Marie Barbaroux
François Germinet
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ Lower bounds on wave packet propagation by packing dimensions of spectral measures 2002 Italo Guarneri
Hermann Schulz‐Baldes
+ PDF Chat Fine scales of decay of operator semigroups 2016 C. J. K. Batty
Ralph Chill
Yuri Tomilov
+ Non-uniform stability for bounded semi-groups on Banach spaces 2008 C. J. K. Batty
Thomas Duyckaerts
+ Refined scales of decaying rates of operator semigroups on Hilbert spaces: Typical behavior 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Some Schrödinger operators with dense point spectrum 1997 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization for Bernoulli and other singular potentials 1987 René Carmona
Abel Klein
Fabio Martinelli
+ Fourier asymptotics of fractal measures 1990 Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat Optimal polynomial decay of functions and operator semigroups 2009 Alexander Borichev
Yuri Tomilov
+ Optimal rates of decay for operator semigroups on Hilbert spaces 2019 Jan Rozendaal
David Seifert
Reinhard Stahn
+ A note on spectrum and quantum dynamics 2019 Moacir Aloisio
+ On a theorem of Gearhart 1984 James S. Howland
+ PDF Chat A model of viscoelasticity with time-dependent memory kernels 2018 Monica Conti
Valeria Danese
Claudio Giorgi
Vittorino Pata
+ The Asymptotic Behaviour of Semigroups of Linear Operators 1996 Jan van Neerven
+ PDF Chat Dimension of a measure 2000 Pertti Mattila
Manuel MorĂĄn
José-Manuel Rey
+ PDF Chat Operators with Singular Continuous Spectrum: I. General Operators 1995 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Generic zero-Hausdorff and one-packing spectral measures 2021 Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ None 2000 Jean Bellissard
Hermann Schulz‐Baldes
+ Spectral Theory of Families of Self-Adjoint Operators 1991 Yu. S. SamoÄ­lenko
+ PDF Chat A characterization of singular packing subspaces with an application to limit-periodic operators 2016 Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Refined scales of weak-mixing dynamical systems: typical behaviour 2019 Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Limit-periodic Schrödinger operators with Lipschitz continuous IDS 2018 David Damanik
Jake Fillman
+ “Large” weak orbits of C0-semigroups 2013 Veronika MĂŒller
Yuri Tomilov
+ PDF Chat Quantum quasiballistic dynamics and thick point spectrum 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
CĂ©sar R. de Oliveira
+ Proof of dynamical localization for perturbations of discrete 1D Schrödinger operators with uniform electric fields 2018 César R. de Oliveira
Mariane Pigossi
+ Positivity and continuity of the Lyapounov exponent for shifts on T d with arbitrary frequency vector and real analytic potentiald with arbitrary frequency vector and real analytic potential 2005 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat A new proof of localization in the Anderson tight binding model 1989 Henrique von Dreifus
Abel Klein
+ PDF Chat Über beschrĂ€nkte quadratische formen, deren differenz vollstetig ist 1909 Hermann Weyl
+ PDF Chat Sharp polynomial decay rates for the damped wave equation on the torus 2014 Nalini Anantharaman
Matthieu LĂ©autaud
Stéphane Nonnenmacher
+ On newman’s quick way to the prime number theorem 1982 J. Korevaar
+ Operator methods in quantum mechanics 1981 Martin Schechter
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of đ¶â‚€-semigroups 1984 Jan PrĂŒĂŸ
+ PDF Chat Optimal decay rate for the wave equation on a square with constant damping on a strip 2017 Reinhard Stahn
+ PDF Chat Hölder Continuity of Absolutely Continuous Spectral Measures for One-Frequency Schrödinger Operators 2010 Artur Avila
Svetlana Jitomirskaya
+ PDF Chat What Determines the Spreading of a Wave Packet? 1997 Roland Ketzmerick
Karsten Kruse
Suso Kraut
T. Geisel
+ Connections Between Quantum Dynamics and Spectral Properties of Time-Evolution Operators 1993 Jean‐Michel Combes
+ PDF Chat Quantum Magnetic Hamiltonians with Remarkable Spectral Properties 1980 Keith Charles Miller
Barry Simon
+ In General a Measure Preserving Transformation is Mixing 1944 Paul R. Halmos