Eiji Kawasaki


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Coauthor Papers Together
Florian Cartarius 1
Anna Minguzzi 1
Markus Holzmann 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Condensate Density and Superfluid Mass Density of a Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensate near the Condensation Transition 2003 Markus Holzmann
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Momentum distribution of one-dimensional Bose gases at the quasicondensation crossover: Theoretical and experimental investigation 2012 T. Jacqmin
Bess Fang
Tarik Berrada
Tommaso Roscilde
Isabelle Bouchoule
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Artificial gauge potentials for neutral atoms 2011 Jean Dalibard
Fabrice Gerbier
Gediminas Juzeliƫnas
Patrik Öhberg
+ PDF Chat Thermalization and quantum correlations in exactly solvable models 2012 Miguel A. Cazalilla
Anı́bal Iucci
Ming-Chiang Chung
+ PDF Chat Quench Dynamics and Nonequilibrium Phase Diagram of the Bose-Hubbard Model 2007 Corinna Kollath
Andreas M. LĂ€uchli
Ehud Altman
+ PDF Chat Relaxation in a Completely Integrable Many-Body Quantum System: An<i>Ab Initio</i>Study of the Dynamics of the Highly Excited States of 1D Lattice Hard-Core Bosons 2007 Marcos Rigol
Vanja Dunjko
Vladimir Yurovsky
Maxim Olshanii
+ PDF Chat Effect of Suddenly Turning on Interactions in the Luttinger Model 2006 Miguel A. Cazalilla
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Tunable Spin-Orbit Coupling via Strong Driving in Ultracold-Atom Systems 2015 Karina Jiménez-García
Lindsay J. LeBlanc
R. A. Williams
Matthew Beeler
Chunlei Qu
Ming Gong
Chuanwei Zhang
I. B. Spielman
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit-coupled Bose gases at finite temperatures 2014 Renyuan Liao
Zhigao Huang
Xiu‐Min Lin
O. Fialko
+ PDF Chat Spin–orbit coupling in quantum gases 2013 Victor Galitski
I. B. Spielman
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein Condensation of Atoms in a Uniform Potential 2013 Alexander L. Gaunt
Tobias F. Schmidutz
Igor Gotlibovych
Robert P. Smith
Zoran Hadzibabic
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional weakly interacting Bose gas in the fluctuation region 2002 Nikolay Prokof’ev
Boris Svistunov
+ PDF Chat Order by disorder in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates 2012 Ryan Barnett
Stephen Powell
Tobias Graß
Maciej Lewenstein
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Quantum quench dynamics of the sine-Gordon model in some solvable limits 2010 Anı́bal Iucci
Miguel A. Cazalilla
+ PDF Chat Commensurate-Incommensurate Transition of Cold Atoms in an Optical Lattice 2003 Hans Peter BĂŒchler
G. Blatter
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Quench in the 1D Bose-Hubbard model: Topological defects and excitations from the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition dynamics 2014 Jacek Dziarmaga
Wojciech H. Zurek
+ Interaction of goldstone particles in two dimensions. Applications to ferromagnets and massive Yang-Mills fields 1975 A. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat Quantum Transport through a Tonks-Girardeau Gas 2009 Stefan Palzer
Christoph Zipkes
Carlo Sias
Michael Köhl
+ PDF Chat Stability of Ultracold Atomic Bose Condensates with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling against Quantum and Thermal Fluctuations 2012 Tomoki Ozawa
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Condensation Transition of Ultracold Bose Gases with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling 2013 Tomoki Ozawa
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates 2011 Yu-Ju Lin
Karina Jiménez-García
I. B. Spielman
+ PDF Chat Constructing the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble after a Quantum Quench 2012 Jean-SĂ©bastien Caux
Robert Konik
+ PDF Chat Pinning quantum phase transition for a Luttinger liquid of strongly interacting bosons 2010 Elmar Haller
Russell Hart
Manfred J. Mark
Johann G. Danzl
Lukas Reichsöllner
Mattias Gustavsson
Marcello Dalmonte
Guido Pupillo
Hanns‐Christoph NĂ€gerl
+ PDF Chat Dephasing and the Steady State in Quantum Many-Particle Systems 2008 Thomas Barthel
Ulrich Schollwöck
+ PDF Chat Cold Bosonic Atoms in Optical Lattices 1998 Dieter Jaksch
Christoph Bruder
J. I. Cirac
C. W. Gardiner
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Striped states in weakly trapped ultracold Bose gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling 2012 Tomoki Ozawa
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Time Dependence of Correlation Functions Following a Quantum Quench 2006 Pasquale Calabrese
John Cardy
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of Time-Dependent Mean-Field Theory for a One-Dimensional Condensate of Impenetrable Bosons 2000 M. D. Girardeau
E. M. Wright
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation of Bose-Einstein condensates 2006 Erich J. Mueller
Tin-Lun Ho
Masahito Ueda
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Exact Relaxation in a Class of Nonequilibrium Quantum Lattice Systems 2008 M. Cramer
C. M. Dawson
Jens Eisert
Tobias J. Osborne
+ The critical properties of the two-dimensional xy model 1974 J. M. Kosterlitz
+ PDF Chat The Transition Temperature of the Dilute Interacting Bose Gas 1999 Gordon Baym
Jean-Paul Blaizot
Markus Holzmann
Franck Laloë
D. Vautherin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Quench in the Transverse-Field Ising Chain 2011 Pasquale Calabrese
Fabian H. L. Eßler
Maurizio Fagotti
+ PDF Chat Degenerate quantum gases with spin–orbit coupling: a review 2015 Hui Zhai
+ PDF Chat Equilibration of a Tonks-Girardeau Gas Following a Trap Release 2013 Mario Collura
Spyros Sotiriadis
Pasquale Calabrese
+ PDF Chat Spin-Orbit Coupled Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates 2010 Chunji Wang
Chao Gao
Chao‐Ming Jian
Hui Zhai
+ PDF Chat Quantum quenches in extended systems 2007 Pasquale Calabrese
John Cardy
+ PDF Chat Yang-Yang Thermodynamics on an Atom Chip 2008 Aaldert H. van Amerongen
J.J.P. van Es
Philipp Wicke
K. V. Kheruntsyan
N. J. van Druten
+ PDF Chat Exact time evolution of space- and time-dependent correlation functions after an interaction quench in the one-dimensional Bose gas 2012 Jorn Mossel
Jean-SĂ©bastien Caux
+ PDF Chat Realization of two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling for Bose-Einstein condensates 2016 Zhan Wu
Long Zhang
Wei Sun
Xiaotian Xu
Bao‐Zong Wang
Si-Cong Ji
Youjin Deng
Shuai Chen
Xiong-Jun Liu
Jian-Wei Pan
+ PDF Chat Equilibration and generalized Gibbs ensemble for hard wall boundary conditions 2015 Garry Goldstein
Natan Andrei
+ PDF Chat Paired superfluidity and fractionalized vortices in systems of spin-orbit coupled bosons 2011 Chao‐Ming Jian
Hui Zhai
+ PDF Chat Pinning quantum phase transition in a Tonks-Girardeau gas: Diagnostics by ground-state fidelity and the Loschmidt echo 2012 Karlo Lelas
T. Ć eva
Hrvoje Buljan
John Goold
+ PDF Chat Superfluid density of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose gas 2016 Yi‐Cai Zhang
Zeng-Qiang Yu
Tai Kai Ng
Shizhong Zhang
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Diffused Vorticity and Moment of Inertia of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate 2017 S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat A stripe phase with supersolid properties in spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates 2017 Jun-Ru Li
Jeongwon Lee
Wujie Huang
Sean Burchesky
Boris Shteynas
Furkan Çağrı Top
Alan O. Jamison
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical field method for the equilibrium Bose gas and application to thermal vortices in two dimensions 2007 Luca Giorgetti
Iacopo Carusotto
Yvan Castin
+ PDF Chat Momentum Distribution Dynamics of a Tonks-Girardeau Gas: Bragg Reflections of a Quantum Many-Body Wave Packet 2007 Robert Pezer
Hrvoje Buljan
+ PDF Chat Quantum quench dynamics of the Luttinger model 2009 Anı́bal Iucci
Miguel A. Cazalilla