Josep-L. Larriba-Pey


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Recurrent Autoencoder with Skip Connections and Exogenous Variables for Traffic Forecasting. 2019 Pedro Herruzo
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ Recurrent Autoencoder with Skip Connections and Exogenous Variables for Traffic Forecasting 2019 Pedro Herruzo
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ Query Expansion via structural motifs in Wikipedia Graph 2016 Joan Guisado-GĂĄmez
Arnau Prat-Pèrez
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ Query Expansion via structural motifs in Wikipedia Graph 2016 Joan Guisado-GĂĄmez
Arnau Prat-Pèrez
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ PDF Chat The LDBC Social Network Benchmark 2015 Orri Erling
Alex Averbuch
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
Hassan Chafi
Andrey Gubichev
Arnau Prat
Minh-Duc Pham
Peter Boncz
+ Massive Query Expansion by Exploiting Graph Knowledge Bases. 2013 Joan Guisado-GĂĄmez
David DomĂ­nguez-Sal
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ On Demand Memory Specialization for Distributed Graph Databases 2013 Xavier Martinez-Palau
David DomĂ­nguez-Sal
Reza Akbarinia
Patrick Valduriez
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ PDF Chat Shaping communities out of triangles 2012 Arnau Prat-Pèrez
David DomĂ­nguez-Sal
Josep M. Brunat
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ Shaping Communities out of Triangles 2012 Arnau Prat-Pèrez
David DomĂ­nguez-Sal
Josep M. Brunat
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ Shaping Communities out of Triangles 2012 Arnau Prat-Pèrez
David DomĂ­nguez-Sal
Josep M. Brunat
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ Review of general and Toeplitz vector bidiagonal solvers 1996 Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
Juan J. Navarro
Àngel Jorba
O. Roig
+ Design and evaluation of tridiagonal solvers for vector and parallel computers 1995 Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ A generalized vision of some parallel bidiagonal systems solvers 1994 Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
Juan J. Navarro
O. Roig
Àngel Jorba
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fast unfolding of communities in large networks 2008 Vincent D. Blondel
Jean‐Loup Guillaume
Renaud Lambiotte
Etienne Lefebvre
+ PDF Chat Networks of strong ties 2006 Xiaolin Shi
Lada A. Adamic
Martin J. Strauss
+ PDF Chat Community detection in complex networks using extremal optimization 2005 Jordi Duch
Àlex Arenas
+ Modularity and community structure in networks 2006 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Shaping communities out of triangles 2012 Arnau Prat-Pèrez
David DomĂ­nguez-Sal
Josep M. Brunat
Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ PDF Chat Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society 2005 Gergely Palla
Imre DerĂŠnyi
IllĂŠs J. Farkas
TamĂĄs Vicsek
+ PDF Chat Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure 2008 Martin Rosvall
Carl T. Bergstrom
+ PDF Chat Community detection algorithms: A comparative analysis 2009 Andrea Lancichinetti
Santo Fortunato
+ Vectorization of Linear Recurrence Relations 1989 H.A. van der Vorst
K. Dekker
+ PDF Chat Why social networks are different from other types of networks 2003 M. E. J. Newman
Juyong Park
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Solution of a Tridiagonal Linear System of Equations 1973 Harold S. Stone
+ PDF Chat Benchmark graphs for testing community detection algorithms 2008 Andrea Lancichinetti
Santo Fortunato
Filippo Radicchi
+ PDF Chat A Parallel Method for Tridiagonal Equations 1981 H. H. Wang
+ Finding community structure in very large networks 2004 Aaron Clauset
M. E. J. Newman
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Finding Statistically Significant Communities in Networks 2011 Andrea Lancichinetti
Filippo Radicchi
JosĂŠ J. Ramasco
Santo Fortunato
+ PDF Chat Performance of modularity maximization in practical contexts 2010 Benjamin H. Good
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
Aaron Clauset
+ Community structure in social and biological networks 2002 Michelle Girvan
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Communities and bottlenecks: Trees and treelike networks have high modularity 2012 James P. Bagrow
+ PDF Chat On Stable Parallel Linear System Solvers 1978 Ahmed Sameh
David J. Kuck
+ PDF Chat Finding and evaluating community structure in networks 2004 Michelle G. Newman
Michelle Girvan
+ PDF Chat Link communities reveal multiscale complexity in networks 2010 Yong‐Yeol Ahn
James P. Bagrow
Sune Lehmann
+ PDF Chat Empirical comparison of algorithms for network community detection 2010 Jure Leskovec
Kevin Lang
Michael W. Mahoney
+ PDF Chat The structure of scientific collaboration networks 2001 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Community detection in graphs 2009 Santo Fortunato
+ PDF Chat Resolution limit in community detection 2006 Santo Fortunato
Marc BarthĂŠlemy
+ Comparison of Methods and Algorithms for Tridiagonal Systems and for Vectorization of Diffusion Computations 1985 I.K. Abu-Shumays
+ PDF Chat Practical Recommendations for Gradient-Based Training of Deep Architectures 2012 Yoshua Bengio
+ The Anatomy of the Facebook Social Graph 2011 Johan Ugander
Brian Karrer
Lars BäckstrÜm
Cameron Marlow
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 656: an extended set of basic linear algebra subprograms: model implementation and test programs 1988 Jack Dongarra
Jeremy Du Croz
Sven Hammarling
Richard Hanson
+ A generalized vision of some parallel bidiagonal systems solvers 1994 Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
Juan J. Navarro
O. Roig
Àngel Jorba
+ A note on the vectorization of scalar recursions 1986 Owe Axelsson
Victor Eijkhout
+ Parallel solution of bidiagonal systems coming from discretised PDEs 1988 H.A. van der Vorst
+ PDF Chat DxNAT — Deep neural networks for explaining non-recurring traffic congestion 2017 Fangzhou Sun
Abhishek Dubey
Jules White
+ PDF Chat Understanding Graph Structure of Wikipedia for Query Expansion 2015 Joan Guisado-GĂĄmez
Arnau Prat-Pèrez
+ PDF Chat Power-Law Distributions in Empirical Data 2009 Aaron Clauset
Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
M. E. J. Newman
+ Design and evaluation of tridiagonal solvers for vector and parallel computers 1995 Josep-L. Larriba-Pey
+ Design and evaluation of tridiagonal solvers for vector and parallel computers 1995 Larriba Pey
Josep LluĂ­s