Georg Engelhardt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Photon-resolved Floquet theory. II. Open quantum systems 2024 Georg Engelhardt
JunYan Luo
V. M. Bastidas
Gloria Platero
+ PDF Chat Photon-resolved Floquet theory. I. Full counting statistics of the driving field in Floquet systems 2024 Georg Engelhardt
JunYan Luo
V. M. Bastidas
Gloria Platero
+ PDF Chat Photon-resolved Floquet theory I: Full-Counting statistics of the driving field in Floquet systems 2024 Georg Engelhardt
JunYan Luo
V. M. Bastidas
Gloria Platero
+ PDF Chat Detecting axion dark matter with Rydberg atoms via induced electric dipole transitions 2024 Georg Engelhardt
Amit Bhoonah
W. Vincent Liu
+ PDF Chat Unified light-matter Floquet theory and its application to quantum communication 2024 Georg Engelhardt
Sayan Choudhury
W. Vincent Liu
+ PDF Chat Polariton Localization and Dispersion Properties of Disordered Quantum Emitters in Multimode Microcavities 2023 Georg Engelhardt
Jianshu Cao
+ Detecting axion dark matter with Rydberg atoms via induced electric dipole transitions 2023 Georg Engelhardt
Amit Bhoonah
W. Vincent Liu
+ Photon-resolved Floquet theory in open quantum systems 2023 Georg Engelhardt
JunYan Luo
V. M. Bastidas
Gloria Platero
+ PDF Chat Unusual dynamical properties of disordered polaritons in microcavities 2022 Georg Engelhardt
Jianshu Cao
+ Polariton Localization and Dispersion Properties of Disordered Quantum Emitters in Multimode Microcavities 2022 Georg Engelhardt
Jianshu Cao
+ Unified Light-Matter Floquet Theory and its Application to Quantum Communication 2022 Georg Engelhardt
Sayan Choudhury
W. Vincent Liu
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Symmetries and Symmetry-Protected Selection Rules in Periodically Driven Quantum Systems 2021 Georg Engelhardt
Jianshu Cao
+ PDF Chat Discontinuities in Driven Spin-Boson Systems due to Coherent Destruction of Tunneling: Breakdown of the Floquet-Gibbs Distribution 2019 Georg Engelhardt
Gloria Platero
Jianshu Cao
+ PDF Chat Tuning the Aharonov-Bohm effect with dephasing in nonequilibrium transport 2019 Georg Engelhardt
Jianshu Cao
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric performance of topological boundary modes 2018 Sina Böhling
Georg Engelhardt
Gloria Platero
Gernot Schaller
+ PDF Chat Electronic Maxwell demon in the coherent strong-coupling regime 2018 Gernot Schaller
Javier Cerrillo
Georg Engelhardt
Philipp Strasberg
+ PDF Chat Maxwell’s demon in the quantum-Zeno regime and beyond 2017 Georg Engelhardt
Gernot Schaller
+ PDF Chat Random-walk topological transition revealed via electron counting 2017 Georg Engelhardt
Mónica Benito
Gloria Platero
Gernot Schaller
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Topologically Enforced Bifurcations in Superconducting Circuits 2017 Georg Engelhardt
Mónica Benito
Gloria Platero
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical bifurcations and topological phase transitions in a one-dimensional lattice of coupled Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models 2016 A. V. Sorokin
M. Aparicio Alcalde
V. M. Bastidas
Georg Engelhardt
Dimitris G. Angelakis
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Topological Instabilities in ac-Driven Bosonic Systems 2016 Georg Engelhardt
Mónica Benito
Gloria Platero
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Bosonic Josephson effect in the Fano-Anderson model 2016 Georg Engelhardt
Gernot Schaller
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Topological Bogoliubov excitations in inversion-symmetric systems of interacting bosons 2015 Georg Engelhardt
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Excited-state quantum phase transitions and periodic dynamics 2015 Georg Engelhardt
V. M. Bastidas
Wassilij Kopylov
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Critical quasienergy states in driven many-body systems 2014 V. M. Bastidas
Georg Engelhardt
P. Pérez-Fernández
Malte Vogl
Tobias Brandes
+ Critical quasienergy states in driven many-body systems 2014 V. M. Bastidas
Georg Engelhardt
P. Pérez-Fernández
Malte Vogl
Tobias Brandes
+ Signatures of the excited-state quantum phase transition in the periodic dynamics of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model 2014 Georg Engelhardt
V. M. Bastidas
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat ac-driven quantum phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model 2013 Georg Engelhardt
V. M. Bastidas
Clive Emary
Tobias Brandes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Topological Instabilities in ac-Driven Bosonic Systems 2016 Georg Engelhardt
Mónica Benito
Gloria Platero
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Quantum Phase Transitions in the Dicke Model 2012 V. M. Bastidas
Clive Emary
B. Regler
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat ac-driven quantum phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model 2013 Georg Engelhardt
V. M. Bastidas
Clive Emary
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Topological insulators 2010 M. Zahid Hasan
C. L. Kane
+ PDF Chat Tuning the Aharonov-Bohm effect with dephasing in nonequilibrium transport 2019 Georg Engelhardt
Jianshu Cao
+ PDF Chat Steady-state thermodynamics of non-interacting transport beyond weak coupling 2015 Gabriel E. Topp
Tobias Brandes
Gernot Schaller
+ PDF Chat Many-Body Coherent Destruction of Tunneling 2009 Jiangbin Gong
L. Morales-Molina
Peter Hänggi
+ PDF Chat Universal oscillations in counting statistics 2009 Christian Flindt
C. Fricke
F. Hohls
Tomáš Novotný
Karel Netočný
Tobias Brandes
R. J. Haug
+ PDF Chat Spinor Bose–Einstein condensates 2012 Yuki Kawaguchi
Masahito Ueda
+ PDF Chat Realization of the Hofstadter Hamiltonian with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices 2013 Monika Aidelsburger
M. Atala
Michael Lohse
Julio T. Barreiro
B. Paredes
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Floquet engineering of long-range<mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-wave superconductivity 2014 Mónica Benito
Álvaro Gómez-León
V. M. Bastidas
Tobias Brandes
Gloria Platero
+ From quantum heat engines to laser cooling: Floquet theory beyond the Born–Markov approximation 2018 Sebastian Restrepo
Javier Cerrillo
Philipp Strasberg
Gernot Schaller
+ PDF Chat Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions 2014 Gregor Jotzu
Michael Messer
Rémi Desbuquois
Martin Lebrat
Thomas Uehlinger
Daniel Greif
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Topological phase transitions and chiral inelastic transport induced by the squeezing of light 2016 Vittorio Peano
Martin Houde
Christian Brendel
Florian Marquardt
Aashish A. Clerk
+ PDF Chat Observation of phononic helical edge states in a mechanical topological insulator 2015 Roman Süsstrunk
Sebastian D. Huber
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium quantum phase transitions in the Ising model 2012 V. M. Bastidas
Clive Emary
Gernot Schaller
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Full counting statistics for noninteracting fermions: Exact results and the Levitov-Lesovik formula 2007 K. Schönhammer
+ PDF Chat Strong suppression of shot noise in a feedback-controlled single-electron transistor 2016 Timo Wagner
Philipp Strasberg
Johannes C. Bayer
Eddy P. Rugeramigabo
Tobias Brandes
R. J. Haug
+ PDF Chat Quantum and Information Thermodynamics: A Unifying Framework Based on Repeated Interactions 2017 Philipp Strasberg
Gernot Schaller
Tobias Brandes
Massimiliano Esposito
+ PDF Chat Charge transport through open driven two-level systems with dissipation 2004 Tobias Brandes
Ramón Aguado
Gloria Platero
+ PDF Chat Floquet topological insulator in semiconductor quantum wells 2011 Netanel H. Lindner
Gil Refael
Victor Galitski
+ PDF Chat Electronic Maxwell demon in the coherent strong-coupling regime 2018 Gernot Schaller
Javier Cerrillo
Georg Engelhardt
Philipp Strasberg
+ PDF Chat Half-Integer Quantized Topological Response in Quasiperiodically Driven Quantum Systems 2020 Philip J. D. Crowley
Ivar Martin
Anushya Chandran
+ PDF Chat Role of generalized parity in the symmetry of the fluorescence spectrum from two-level systems under periodic frequency modulation 2019 Yiying Yan
Zhiguo Lü
JunYan Luo
Hang Zheng
+ PDF Chat Nonadiabatic Topological Energy Pumps with Quasiperiodic Driving 2021 David M. Long
Philip J. D. Crowley
Anushya Chandran
+ PDF Chat Exact spectrum of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in the thermodynamic limit and finite-size corrections 2008 Pedro Ribeiro
Julien Vidal
Rémy Mosseri
+ PDF Chat Topological classification of quasiperiodically driven quantum systems 2019 Philip J. D. Crowley
Ivar Martin
Anushya Chandran
+ PDF Chat Topological Bogoliubov excitations in inversion-symmetric systems of interacting bosons 2015 Georg Engelhardt
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Generic Mechanism of Optimal Energy Transfer Efficiency: A Scaling Theory of the Mean First-Passage Time in Exciton Systems 2013 Jianlan Wu
R. Silbey
Jianshu Cao
+ PDF Chat Topologically Enforced Bifurcations in Superconducting Circuits 2017 Georg Engelhardt
Mónica Benito
Gloria Platero
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Floquet topological phases with symmetry in all dimensions 2017 Rahul Roy
Fenner Harper
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions and dark-state physics in two-color superradiance 2011 Mathias Hayn
Clive Emary
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Discrete Time Crystals: Rigidity, Criticality, and Realizations 2017 Norman Y. Yao
Andrew C. Potter
Ionut-Dragos Potirniche
Ashvin Vishwanath
+ PDF Chat Quantum quench influenced by an excited-state phase transition 2011 P. Pérez-Fernández
Pavel Cejnar
J. M. Arias
J. Dukelsky
J. E. García-Ramos
A. Relaño
+ PDF Chat Full-counting statistics of time-dependent conductors 2016 Mónica Benito
Michael Niklas
Sigmund Kohler
+ PDF Chat Random-walk topological transition revealed via electron counting 2017 Georg Engelhardt
Mónica Benito
Gloria Platero
Gernot Schaller
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Observation of photonic anomalous Floquet topological insulators 2017 Lukas J. Maczewsky
Julia M. Zeuner
Stefan Nolte
Alexander Szameit
+ PDF Chat Experimental Rectification of Entropy Production by Maxwell’s Demon in a Quantum System 2016 Patrice A. Camati
John P. S. Peterson
Tiago B. Batalhão
Kaonan Micadei
Alexandre M. Souza
R. S. Sarthour
I. S. Oliveira
R. M. Serra
+ PDF Chat Phase Structure of Driven Quantum Systems 2016 Vedika Khemani
Achilleas Lazarides
Roderich Moessner
S. L. Sondhi
+ PDF Chat Negative Full Counting Statistics Arise from Interference Effects 2016 Patrick P. Hofer
Aashish A. Clerk
+ PDF Chat Quantum Diffusion on Molecular Tubes: Universal Scaling of the 1D to 2D Transition 2016 Chern Chuang
Chee Kong Lee
Jeremy M. Moix
Jasper Knoester
Jianshu Cao
+ PDF Chat Bosonic Josephson effect in the Fano-Anderson model 2016 Georg Engelhardt
Gernot Schaller
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium quantum transport coefficients and transient dynamics of full counting statistics in the strong-coupling and non-Markovian regimes 2016 Javier Cerrillo
Maximilian Buser
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Dicke quantum phase transition with a superfluid gas in an optical cavity 2010 Kristian Baumann
Christine Guerlin
Ferdinand Brennecke
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Topological chiral magnonic edge mode in a magnonic crystal 2013 Ryuichi Shindou
Ryo Matsumoto
Shuichi Murakami
Jun-ichiro Ohe
+ PDF Chat Resonance fluorescence in driven quantum dots: Electron and photon correlations 2008 Rafael Sánchez
Gloria Platero
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Single-particle Green’s functions and interacting topological insulators 2011 Victor Gurarie
+ PDF Chat Photovoltaic Hall effect in graphene 2009 Takashi Oka
Hideo Aoki
+ PDF Chat Resonance Fluorescence in Transport through Quantum Dots: Noise Properties 2007 Rafael Sánchez
Gloria Platero
Tobias Brandes
+ PDF Chat Quantum Chaos Triggered by Precursors of a Quantum Phase Transition: The Dicke Model 2003 Clive Emary
Tobias Brandes