Alberto Mínguez


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Local Intertwining Relations and Co-tempered $A$-packets of Classical Groups 2024 Hiraku Atobe
Wee Teck Gan
Atsushi Ichino
Tasho Kaletha
Alberto Mínguez
Sug Woo Shin
+ On modular rigidity for GL(n) 2024 Nadir Matringe
Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ Corrigendum to “Geometric conditions for □-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field” [Adv. Math. 339 (2018) 113–190] 2024 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat The explicit Zelevinsky–Aubert duality 2023 Hiraku Atobe
Alberto Mínguez
+ Local transfer for quasi-split classical groups and congruences mod l 2023 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of Lusztig's nilpotent varieties {II}: applications and conjectures for representations of $GL_n$ over a non-archimedean local field. 2021 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Cyclic representations of general linear p-adic groups 2021 Maxim Gurevich
Alberto Mínguez
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of nilpotent varieties of type $A$ 2021 Avraham Aizenbud
Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of Lusztig's nilpotent varieties {II}: applications and conjectures for representations of $GL_n$ over a non-archimedean local field 2021 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Conjectures and results about parabolic induction of representations of $${\text {GL}}_n(F)$$ 2020 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ Cyclic representations of general linear p-adic groups 2020 Maxim Gurevich
Alberto Mínguez
+ The explicit Zelevinsky-Aubert duality 2020 Hiraku Atobe
Alberto Mínguez
+ Cyclic representations of general linear p-adic groups 2020 Maxim Gurevich
Alberto Mínguez
+ Geometric conditions for □-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2018 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ Correspondance de Jacquet–Langlands locale et congruences modulo $$\ell $$ ℓ 2016 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat On parabolic induction on inner forms of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ On certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ On $\square$-irreducible representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ L’involution de Zelevinski modulo ℓ 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ Correspondance de Jacquet-Langlands locale et congruences modulo $\ell$ 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Correspondance de Jacquet-Langlands locale et congruences modulo ℓ 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ The $\ell$-modular Zelevinski involution 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat The ℓ-modular Zelevinski involution 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ Classification des représentations modulaires de 𝐺𝐿_{𝑛}(𝑞) en caractéristique non naturelle 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ Classification des représentations modulaires de GL(n,q) en caractéristique non naturelle 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ The $\ell$-modular Zelevinski involution 2015 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ Types modulo ℓ pour les formes intérieures de GL<sub><i>n</i></sub>sur un corps local non archimédien 2014 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Représentations lisses modulo ℓ de GLm(D) 2014 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat On a determinantal formula of Tadić 2014 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ Endoscopic Classification of Representations: Inner Forms of Unitary Groups 2014 Tasho Kaletha
Alberto Mínguez
Sug Woo Shin
Paul-James White
+ Types modulo $\ell$ pour les formes intérieures de $GL_n$ sur un corps local non archimédien 2014 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Représentations banales de GL(m,D) 2013 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Unramified ℓ-modular representations of GLn(F) and its inner forms 2013 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Représentations banales de 2013 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Une condition suffisante pour l’irréductibilité d’une induite parabolique de {\rm GL}(m,{\rm D}) 2013 Ioan Badulescu
Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ Fonctions zêta ℓ-modulaires 2012 Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Fonctions zêta<i>ℓ</i>-modulaires 2012 Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Représentations banales de GL(m,D) 2011 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Représentations banales de GL(m,D) 2011 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat The conservation relation for cuspidal representations 2011 Alberto Mínguez
+ Sur l'irréductibilité d'une induite parabolique 2009 Alberto Mínguez
+ $l$-MODULAR LOCAL THETA CORRESPONDENCE : DUAL PAIRS OF TYPE II (Automorphic Representations, Automorphic Forms, L-functions, and Related Topics) 2008 Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Correspondance de Howe explicite : paires duales de type II 2008 Alberto Mínguez
+ Correspondance de Howe: paires duales de type II 2007 Alberto Mínguez
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. I 1977 I. N. Bernstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. II. On irreducible representations of ${\rm GL}(n)$ 1980 Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Sur l'involution de Zelevinski. 1986 C. Moeglin et J.-L. Waldspurger
+ PDF Chat Représentations banales de 2013 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Simplicity of heads and socles of tensor products 2014 Seok Jin Kang
Masaki Kashiwara
Myungho Kim
Se Jin Oh
+ PDF Chat On parabolic induction on inner forms of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Dualité dans le groupe de Grothendieck de la catégorie des représentations lisses de longueur finie d’un groupe réductif 𝑝-adique 1995 Anne‐Marie Aubert
+ Sur l'irréductibilité d'une induite parabolique 2009 Alberto Mínguez
+ Induced representations of GL (n, A) for p-adic division algebras A. 1990 Marko Tadić
+ PDF Chat Imaginary vectors in the dual canonical basis of U q(n) 2003 Bernard Leclerc
+ PDF Chat Representation theory and sheaves on the bruhat-tits building 1997 Peter Schneider
Ulrich Stuhler
+ PDF Chat Jacquet modules of ladder representations 2012 Arno Kret
Erez Lapid
+ Finitude pour les représentations lisses de groupes <i>p</i>-adiques 2008 Jean-François Dat
+ PDF Chat Duality for representations of a Hecke algebra 1993 Shinichi Kato
+ The Irreducible Representations of the Finite General Linear Groups 1986 Gordon James
+ Representation Theory and Complex Geometry 2009 Neil Chriss
Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat On a determinantal formula of Tadić 2014 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Représentations lisses modulo ℓ de GLm(D) 2014 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
+ Représentations lisses de GLm(D)GLm(D), III : types simples 2005 Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Sur le dual unitaire de GL r ( D ) 2010 Alexandru Ioan Badulescu
Guy Henniart
Bertrand Lemaire
Vincent Sécherre
+ Geometric conditions for □-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2018 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Deligne–Lusztig duality and wonderful compactification 2018 Joseph Bernstein
Roman Bezrukavnikov
David Kazhdan
+ PDF Chat The duality operation in the character ring of a finite Chevalley group 1979 Dean Alvis
+ PDF Chat Correspondance de Howe explicite : paires duales de type II 2008 Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat Correspondances de Howe sur un corps p-adique 1987 Colette Mœglin
Marie-France Vignéras
Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ Truncation and duality in the character ring of a finite group of Lie type 1980 Charles W. Curtis
+ Induced R-representations of p-adic reductive groups 1998 Marie-France Vignéras
+ P-invariant distributions on GL(N) and the classification of unitary representations of GL(N) (Non-archimedean case) 1983 Joseph Bernstein
+ Kac–Moody groups and cluster algebras 2011 Christof Geiß
Bernard Leclerc
Jan Schröer
+ The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups 1993 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ ν-tempered representations of p-adic groups, I: l-adic case 2005 Jean-François Dat
+ PDF Chat Smooth representations of ${GL}_m(D)$. V: Endo-classes 2012 Paul Broussous
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ Types modulo ℓ pour les formes intérieures de GL<sub><i>n</i></sub>sur un corps local non archimédien 2014 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Smooth representations of GLm(D) V: Endo-classes 2012 Paul Broussous
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ Criterion for smoothness of Schubert varieties in Sl(n)/B 1990 V. Lakshmibai
B Sandhya
+ Smooth Representations of GLm(D) VI: Semisimple Types 2011 Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ Irreducible Modular Representations of a Reductive p-Adic Group and Simple Modules for Hecke Algebras 2001 Marie-France Vignéras
+ Représentations modulaires de $GL(2, F)$ en caractéristique $l$ , $F$ corps $p$ -adique, $p\ne l$ 1989 Marie‐France Vignéras
+ Admissible representations of a semi-simple group over a local field with vectors fixed under an iwahori subgroup 1976 Armand Borel
+ Représentations de $GL(n,k)$ où $k$ est un corps $p$-adique 1982 François Rodier
+ The Admissible Dual of GL(N) via Compact Open Subgroups. (AM-129) 1993 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ Duality and character values of finite groups of Lie type 1982 Dean Alvis
+ PDF Chat Classification of unitary representations in irreducible representations of general linear group (non-Archimedean case) 1986 Marko Tadić
+ Monoidal categorification of cluster algebras 2017 Seok Jin Kang
Masaki Kashiwara
Myungho Kim
Se‐jin Oh
+ PDF Chat Représentations lisses de GL(m, D) II : β-extensions 2005 Vincent Sécherre
+ Jacquet modules of 𝑝-adic general linear groups 2007 Chris Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Un résultat d'irréductibilité en caractéristique non nulle 2004 Alexandru Ioan Badulescu
+ Representations of Quivers of TypeAand the Multisegment Duality 1996 H. Knight
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ p-adic analog of the kazhdan -Lusztig hypothesis 1981 A. V. Zelevinskii