Michael Datto


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model 2000 Terry M. Therneau
Patricia M. Grambsch
+ Nonparametric tests of the Markov model for survival data 1992 Michael P. Jones
John Crowley
+ A simple test of independence for truncated data with applications to redshift surveys 1992 Bradley Efron
V. Petrosian
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B 1997 Ciyou Zhu
Richard H. Byrd
Peihuang Lu
Jorge Nocedal
+ Testing Quasi-Independence of Failure and Truncation Times via Conditional Kendall's Tau 2005 Emily C. Martin
Rebecca A. Betensky
+ PDF Chat Eliminating bias due to censoring in Kendall’s tau estimators for quasi-independence of truncation and failure 2013 Matthew Austin
Rebecca A. Betensky
+ PDF Chat Rank Regression Methods for Left-Truncated and Right-Censored Data 1991 Tze Leung Lai
Zhiliang Ying
+ Hazards regression analysis for length-biased data 1996 MC Wang
+ Testing the assumption of independence of truncation time and failure time 1990 Wei Yann Tsai
+ Estimation of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables 1958 James Tobin
+ PDF Chat Survival Analysis Using SAS: A Practical Guide. Second Edition By Paul D. Allison 2011 Nora E. Rosenberg
L. Sirkus
+ PDF Chat Threats to Validity of Nonrandomized Studies of Postdiagnosis Exposures on Cancer Recurrence and Survival 2013 Jessica Chubak
Denise M. Boudreau
Heidi S. Wirtz
Barbara McKnight
Noel S. Weiss
+ Bias Due to Left Truncation and Left Censoring in Longitudinal Studies of Developmental and Disease Processes 2011 Kevin C. Cain
Sioḃán D. Harlow
Roderick J. A. Little
Bin Nan
Matheos Yosef
John Taffe
Michael R. Elliott
+ PDF Chat Survival Analysis Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data 1998 Marepalli B. Rao
John P. Klein
Melvin L. Moeschberger
+ PDF Chat Accuracy Loss Due to Selection Bias in Cohort Studies with Left Truncation 2013 Enrique F. Schisterman
Stephen R. Cole
Aijun Ye
Robert W. Platt
+ PDF Chat Recognizing the problem of delayed entry in time‐to‐event studies: Better late than never for clinical neuroscientists 2015 Rebecca A. Betensky
Micha Mandel
+ PDF Chat A General Framework for Considering Selection Bias in EHR-Based Studies: What Data are Observed and Why? 2016 Sebastien Haneuse
Michael J. Daniels
+ PDF Chat Transformation model estimation of survival under dependent truncation and independent censoring 2018 Sy Han Chiou
Matthew Austin
Jing Qian
Rebecca A. Betensky
+ Tracking Changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike: Evidence that D614G Increases Infectivity of the COVID-19 Virus 2020 Bette Korber
Will Fischer
S. Gnanakaran
Hyejin Yoon
James Theiler
W. P. Abfalterer
Nicolas Hengartner
Elena E. Giorgi
Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Brian Foley
+ PDF Chat Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Screening Strategies to Permit the Safe Reopening of College Campuses in the United States 2020 A. David Paltiel
Amy Zheng
Rochelle P. Walensky
+ Transformation Model Based Estimation of Survival and Regression Under Dependent Truncation and Independent Censoring [R package tranSurv version 1.2.2] 2021 Sy Han Chiou
Jing Qian
+ PDF Chat Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection 2020 Daniel P. Oran
Eric J. Topol