Jacob P. Murre


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Chapter Nine. Lectures on Algebraic Cycles and Chow Groups 2014 Jacob P. Murre
+ The category of motivic complexes 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ On Grothendieck’s standard conjectures 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Proof of the theorem of Voisin-Voevodsky 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Relative Chow-Künneth decomposition 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Survey of some of the main results on Chow groups 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Chow-Künneth decomposition in a special case 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ On the conjectural Bloch-Beilinson filtration 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Surfaces fibered over a curve 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Lectures on the Theory of Pure Motives 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Local Galois symbols on 𝐸×𝐸 2009 Jacob P. Murre
Dinakar Ramakrishnan
+ Local Galois Symbols on E x E 2008 Jacob P. Murre
Dinakar Ramakrishnan
+ PDF Chat On the Transcendental Part of the Motive of a Surface 2007 Bruno Kahn
Jacob P. Murre
Claudio Pedrini
+ On the k-unirationality of the cubic complex 2007 Alberto Conte
Marina Marchisio
Jacob P. Murre
+ Classification of Fano threefolds according to Fano and Iskovskih 2006 Jacob P. Murre
+ Absolute Chow-Künneth projectors for modular varieties 2005 Basil Gordon
Masaki Hanamura
Jacob P. Murre
+ Relative Chow-Künneth projectors for modular varieties 2003 Basil Gordon
Masaki Hanamura
Jacob P. Murre
+ On unirationality of double covers of fixed degree and large dimension; a method of Ciliberto 2002 Alberto Conte
Marina Marchisio
Jacob P. Murre
+ PDF Chat Chow–Künneth projectors for modular varieties 2002 Basil Gordon
Masaki Hanamura
Jacob P. Murre
+ On unirationality of double covers of fixed degree and large dimension; a method of Ciliberto 2002 Alberto Conte
Marina Marchisio
Jacob P. Murre
+ Algebraic Cycles on Abelian Varieties 2000 Jacob P. Murre
+ Chow motives of elliptic modular threefolds 1999 Basil Gordon
Jacob P. Murre
+ Chow motives of elliptic modular surfaces and threefolds 1996 Basil Gordon
Jacob P. Murre
+ Algebraic Cycles and Hodge Theory 1994 Mark L. Green
Jacob P. Murre
Claire Voisin
+ Algebraic Cycles and Algebraic Aspects of Cohomology and K-Theory 1994 Jacob P. Murre
+ Algebraic cycles and Hodge theory : lectures given at the 2nd session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Torino, Italy, June 21-29, 1993 1994 Mark Green
Jacob P. Murre
C. Voisin
Alberto Albano
F. Bardelli
Centro internazionale matematico estivo. Session
+ On a conjectural filtration on the Chow groups of an algebraic variety 1993 Jacob P. Murre
+ On a conjectural filtration on the Chow groups of an algebraic variety 1993 Jacob P. Murre
+ Motivic decomposition of abelian schemes and the Fourier transform. 1991 Ch. Deninger
Jacob P. Murre
+ On the motive of an algebraic surface. 1990 Jacob P. Murre
+ Abel-Jacobi equivalence versus incidence equivalence for algebraic cycles of codimension two 1985 Jacob P. Murre
+ Applications of algebraic K-theory to the theory of algebraic cycles 1985 Jacob P. Murre
+ On the Chow group of certain types of Fano threefolds 1979 Spencer Bloch
Jacob P. Murre
+ The Hodge conjecture for fourfolds admitting a covering by rational curves 1978 Alberto Conte
Jacob P. Murre
+ The intermediate Jacobian of a cubic threefold with one ordinary double point; an algebraic-geometric approach (I) 1978 Alberto Collino
Jacob P. Murre
+ The intermediate Jacobian of a cubic threefold with one ordinary double point; analgebraic-geometric approach. I.Nederl. Akad.Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 81=Indag.Math. 40 (1978), no. 1, 43–55. Collino, A.; Murre, J. P.The intermediate Jacobian of a cubic threefold with one ordinary double point; analgebraic-geometric approach. II.Nederl. Akad.Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 81=Indag.Math. 40 (1978), no. 1, 56–71. 1978 Alberto Collino
Jacob P. Murre
+ The intermediate Jacobian of a cubic threefold with one ordinary double point; an algebraic-geometric approach. II.Nederl. Akad.Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 81=Indag.Math. 40 (1978), no. 1, 56–71. 1978 Alberto Collino
Jacob P. Murre
+ The intermediate Jacobian of a cubic threefold with one ordinary double point; an algebraic-geometric approach (II) 1978 Alberto Collino
Jacob P. Murre
+ On quartic threefolds with a double line. I 1977 Alberto Conte
Jacob P. Murre
+ On the hodge conjecture for unirational fourfolds 1977 Jacob P. Murre
+ On quartic threefolds with a double line. II 1977 Alberto Conte
Jacob P. Murre
+ Some results on cubic threefolds 1974 Jacob P. Murre
+ Reduction of the proof of the non-rationality of a non-singular cubic threefold to a result of mumford 1973 Jacob P. Murre
+ Algebraic equivalence modulo rational equivalence on a cubic threefold 1972 Jacob P. Murre
+ PDF Chat The Tame Fundamental Group of a Formal Neighbourhood of a Divisor with Normal Crossings on a Scheme 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ An application: the fundamental group of the spectrum of a complete local ring, of dimension two, minus a closed set 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ Tamely ramified coverings of formal schemes 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ The tame fundamental group of a formal neighbourhood of an irreducible divisor 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ The tame fundamental group of a formal neighbourhood of an irreducible divisor (continued) 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ Tamely ramified coverings of schemes 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ Comparison of two 2-cohomology classes 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ Lectures on an introduction to Grothendieck's theory of the fundamental group 1967 Jacob P. Murre
S. Anantharaman
+ On contravariant functors from the category of preschemes over a field into the category of abelian groups (with an application to the picard functor) 1964 Jacob P. Murre
+ On contravariant functors from the category of preschemes over a field into the category of Abelian groups . Sur une classe de sous-groupes compacts maximaux des groupes de chevalley sur un corps p-adique . La classification des immersions combinatoires 1964 Jacob P. Murre
F. Bruhat
André Haefliger
Valentin Poènaru
+ On generalized Picard varieties 1962 Jacob P. Murre
+ On Chow Varieties of Maximal, Total, Regular Families of Positive Divisors 1961 Jacob P. Murre
+ On a Uniqueness Theorem for Certain Kinds of Birational Transformations 1959 Jacob P. Murre
+ Intersection Multiplicities of Maximal Connected Bunches 1958 Jacob P. Murre
+ On a Connectedness Theorem for a Birational Transformation at a Simple Point 1958 Jacob P. Murre
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Intermediate Jacobian of the Cubic Threefold 1972 C. Herbert Clemens
Phillip Griffiths
+ Foundations of Algebraic Geometry 1946 André Weil
+ Reduction of the proof of the non-rationality of a non-singular cubic threefold to a result of mumford 1973 Jacob P. Murre
+ Algebraic equivalence modulo rational equivalence on a cubic threefold 1972 Jacob P. Murre
+ On a conjectural filtration on the Chow groups of an algebraic variety 1993 Jacob P. Murre
+ PDF Chat Motives, numerical equivalence, and semi-simplicity 1992 Uwe Jannsen
+ Lectures on Algebraic Cycles 2010 Spencer Bloch
+ On Equivalence Classes of Cycles in an Algebraic Variety 1956 Wei-Liang Chow
+ PDF Chat Motivic sheaves and filtrations on Chow groups 1994 Uwe Jannsen
+ Motivic decomposition of abelian schemes and the Fourier transform. 1991 Ch. Deninger
Jacob P. Murre
+ Hodge's general conjecture is false for trivial reasons 1969 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ Intersection Theory 1984 William Fulton
+ On the local zeta function of a cubic threefold 1967 Enrico Bombieri
H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ Sur l'anneau de chow d'une vari�t� ab�lienne 1986 Arnaud Beauville
+ On the motive of an algebraic surface. 1990 Jacob P. Murre
+ Motives for modular forms 1990 A. J. Scholl
+ PDF Chat Rational equivalence of 0-cycles on surfaces 1969 D. Mumford
+ Torsion algebraic cycles and a theorem of Roitman 1979 Spencer Bloch
+ PDF Chat Gersten's conjecture and the homology of schemes 1974 Spencer Bloch
Arthur Ogus
+ Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero: I 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ On the Chow group of certain types of Fano threefolds 1979 Spencer Bloch
Jacob P. Murre
+ PDF Chat La théorie des classes de Chern 1958 Alexander Grothendieck
+ A property of two curves on the symmetric product of a general curve of genus four. 1976 Alberto Collino
+ Some transcendental methods in the study of algebraic cycles 1971 Phillip Griffiths
+ Algebraic Systems of Positive Cycles in an Algebraic Variety 1950 Wei-Liang Chow
+ On a Uniqueness Theorem for Certain Kinds of Birational Transformations 1959 Jacob P. Murre
+ The Standard Conjectures on Algebraic Cycles 2009 M. S. Narasimhan
+ PDF Chat Mixed Hodge Modules 1990 Morihiko Saito
+ PDF Chat Abelian varieties attached to cycles of intermediate dimension 1979 Hiroshi Saitō
+ Sur quelques propriétés fondamentales en théorie des intersections 1958 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ Théorie de hodge, III 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ Technique de descente et théorèmes d'existence en géométrie algébrique. V. Les schémas de Picard : théorèmes d'existence 1962 Alexander Grothendieck
+ Zur algebraischen Geometrie IX 1983 Wei-Liang Chow
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ The hodge conjecture for cubic fourfolds 1977 Steven W. Zucker
+ Motivic decomposition and intersection Chow groups, I 2000 Alessio Corti
Masaki Hanamura
+ Foundations of the theory of Fano schemes 1977 Allen Altman
Steven L. Kleiman
+ The Hodge conjecture for fourfolds admitting a covering by rational curves 1978 Alberto Conte
Jacob P. Murre
+ Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. 1960 Alice T. Schafer
Serge Lang
+ Smooth Compactification of Locally Symmetric Varieties 1975 Avner Ash
+ Zero-cycles on quadric fibrations: Finiteness theorems and the cycle map 1995 R. Parimala
V. Suresh
+ PDF Chat Threefolds whose canonical bundles are not numerically effective 1980 Шигефуми Мори
+ PDF Chat Duality between <i>D</i>(<i>X</i>) and with its application to picard sheaves 1981 Shigeru Mukai
+ Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties 1996 Janós Kollár
+ PDF Chat Anticanonical models of three-dimensional algebraic varieties 1980 V. A. Iskovskikh
+ Birational automorphisms of three-dimensional algebraic varieties 1980 V. A. Iskovskikh
+ Classification of Fano 3-folds with B 2 ?2 2003 Шигефуми Мори
Shigeru Mukai
+ K<sub>2</sub>of artinian Q-algebras, with application to algebraic cycles 1975 Spencer Bloch