Stefan M. Stefanov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Numerical solution of box constrained separable convex quadratic programming problems 2024 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Linear programming problems and matrix games 2024 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ On the solution of two-person zero-sum matrix games 2024 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ On the solution of quadratic programming problems 2023 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ On some properties of linear functionals 2022 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Numerical solution of systems of non linear equations defined by convex functions 2021 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Numerical solution of some systems of nonlinear algebraic equations 2021 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Extensions 2021 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Convex Separable Programming 2021 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Applications of Convex Separable Unconstrained Nondifferentiable Optimization to Approximation Theory 2021 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Version Two: Linear Constraint of the Form “$$\ge $$” 2021 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Theorems of the alternative revisited 2019 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ On the inverse interpolation and some of its applications 2019 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ On the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality approach for solving a quadratic optimization problem 2019 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Applications of Iterative Nondifferentiable Optimization to Some Engineering Approximation Problems 2018 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ On the solution of quadratic programming problem with a feasible region defined as a Minkowski sum of a compact set and finitely generated convex closed cone 2018 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Strictly convex separable optimization with linear equality constraints and bounded variables 2018 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat On the Application of Iterative Methods of Nondifferentiable Optimization to Some Problems of Approximation Theory 2014 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Lagrangian dual methods for variational inequalities 2013 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Well-Posedness and Primal-Dual Analysis of Some Convex Separable Optimization Problems 2013 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Solution of some convex separable resource allocation and production planning problems with bounds on the variables 2010 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Minimization of a strictly convex separable function subject to convex separable inequality constraint and box constraints 2009 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Convex separable minimization with box constraints 2007 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Applications of convex separable unconstrained nonsmooth optimization to numerical approximation with respect to l<sub>1</sub>- and l<sub>∞</sub>-norms 2007 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ An efficient method for minimizing a convex separable logarithmic function subject to a convex inequality constraint or linear equality constraint 2006 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Minimizing a convex separable exponential function subject to linear equality constraint and bounded variables 2006 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Minimization of a convex linear-fractional separable function subject to a convex inequality constraint or linear inequality constraint and bounds on the variables 2006 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Convex separable minimization problems with a linear constraint and bounded variables 2005 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Polynomial algorithms for projecting a point onto a region defined by a linear constraint and box constraints inℝn 2004 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat None 2004 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat A Lagrangian dual method for solving variational inequalities 2002 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Approximations with Respect to ℓ1 and ℓ∞-Norms: An Application of Convex Separable Unconstrained Nondifferentiable Optimization 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Preliminaries: Convex Analysis and Convex Programming 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Well-Posedness of Optimization Problems. On the Stability of the Set of Saddle Points of the Lagrangian 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Version Two: Linear Constraint of the Form “≥” 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Convex Separable Programming 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Statement of the Main Problem. Basic Result 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Introduction. Approximating the Separable Problem 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Version One: Linear Equality Constraints 2001 Stefan M. Stefanov
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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A polynomially bounded algorithm for a singly constrained quadratic program 1980 Richard V. Helgason
Jeffery L. Kennington
H. Lall
+ Convex quadratic programming with one constraint and bounded variables 1986 Jean‐Pierre Dussault
Jacques A. Ferland
B. Lemaire
+ PDF Chat None 2004 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Convex separable minimization problems with a linear constraint and bounded variables 2005 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Well-Posedness and Primal-Dual Analysis of Some Convex Separable Optimization Problems 2013 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Polynomial algorithms for projecting a point onto a region defined by a linear constraint and box constraints inℝn 2004 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ An Efficient Newton Barrier Method for Minimizing a Sum of Euclidean Norms 1996 Knud D. Andersen
+ A finite algorithm for finding the projection of a point onto the canonical simplex of ? n 1986 Christian Michelot
+ The Theory of Search: Optimum Distribution of Search Effort 1958 A. Charnes
W. W. Cooper
+ Numerical Methods for Least Squares Problems 1996 Åke Björck
+ Solving Least Squares Problems 1995 C. L. Lawson
Richard Hanson
+ Algorithms for bound constrained quadratic programming problems 1989 Jorge J. Morďż˝
Gerardo Toraldo
+ PDF Chat Minimization of a convex linear-fractional separable function subject to a convex inequality constraint or linear inequality constraint and bounds on the variables 2006 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ An Efficient Algorithm for Minimizing a Sum of Euclidean Norms with Applications 1997 Guoliang Xue
Yinyu Ye
+ Algorithms for the solution of quadratic knapsack problems 1991 PĂŁnos M. Pardalos
Yinyu Ye
Chi-Geun Han
+ Solution of some convex separable resource allocation and production planning problems with bounds on the variables 2010 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat A Globally Convergent Method for $l_p $ Problems 1993 Yuying Li
+ An algorithm for a singly constrained class of quadratic programs subject to upper and lower bounds 1990 PĂŁnos M. Pardalos
Nainan Kovoor
+ Minimizing a convex separable exponential function subject to linear equality constraint and bounded variables 2006 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ PDF Chat On the Application of Iterative Methods of Nondifferentiable Optimization to Some Problems of Approximation Theory 2014 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ A Quasi-Newton Approach to Nonsmooth Convex Optimization Problems in Machine Learning 2010 Jin Yu
S. V. N. Vishwanathan
Simon GĂźnter
Nicol N. Schraudolph
+ The long-step method of analytic centers for fractional problems 1997 Arkadi Nemirovski
+ Quasi-Newton Updates with Bounds 1987 Paul H. Calamai
Jorge J. Morè
+ PDF Chat A Global and Quadratically Convergent Method for Linear $l_\infty $ Problems 1992 Thomas F. Coleman
Yuying Li
+ A globally convergent Newton method for solving strongly monotone variational inequalities 1993 Kouichi Taji
Masao Fukushima
Toshihide Ibaraki
+ Equivalence of variational inequality problems to unconstrained minimization 1997 Jiming Peng
+ Conditions ensuring the applicability of cutting-plane methods for solving variational inequalities 2000 Jean-Pierre Crouzeix
Patrice Marcotte
Daoli Zhu
+ On Maximizing a Sum of Ratios 1989 Alberto Cambini
Laura Martein
Siegfried Schaible
+ A note on a globally convergent Newton method for solving monotone variational inequalities 1987 Patrice Marcotte
Jean‐Pierre Dussault
+ Convex dual for quadratic concave fractional programs 1996 C. H. Scott
T. R. Jefferson
+ A globally and quadratically convergent affine scaling method for linearℓ 1 problems 1992 Thomas F. Coleman
Yuying Li
+ Algorithms for generalized fractional programming 1991 Jean-Pierre Crouzeix
Jacques A. Ferland
+ Smoothing of mixed complementarity problems 1995 Steven A. Gabriel
Jorge J. Morè
+ Generalized convex duality for multiobjective fractional programs 1991 R.N. Mukherjee
+ An interior-point method for generalized linear-fractional programming 1995 Yu. E. Nesterov
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ An Efficient Algorithm for Discrete $l_1$ Linear Approximation with Linear Constraints 1978 I. Barrodale
F. D. K. Roberts
+ An Algorithm for solving the Integer Linear Fractional Programs 1993 Omar M. Saad
+ PDF Chat A Truly Globally Convergent Newton-Type Method for the Monotone Nonlinear Complementarity Problem 2000 M. V. Solodov
B. F. Svaiter
+ Fractional programming: Applications and algorithms 1981 Siegfried Schaible
+ A subgradient algorithm for certain minimax and minisum problems 1978 Jacques Chatelon
Donald W. Hearn
Timothy J. Lowe
+ Unconstrained Optimization Reformulations of Variational Inequality Problems 1997 N. Yamashita
K. Taji
Masao Fukushima
+ Reformulation of Variational Inequalities on a Simplex and Compactification of Complementarity Problems 2000 Roberto Andreani
J. M. MartĹ́nez
+ Beyond Monotonicity in Regularization Methods for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems 1999 Francisco Facchinei
Christian Kanzow
+ Characterizations of Strong Regularity for Variational Inequalities over Polyhedral Convex Sets 1996 Asen L. Dontchev
R. T. Rockafellar
+ A Regularized Smoothing Newton Method for Box Constrained Variational Inequality Problems with P0-Functions 2000 Hou-Duo Qi
+ An efficient method for minimizing a convex separable logarithmic function subject to a convex inequality constraint or linear equality constraint 2006 Stefan M. Stefanov
+ Minimization Techniques for Piecewise Differentiable Functions: The $l_1$ Solution to an Overdetermined Linear System 1978 Richard H. Bartels
Andrew R. Conn
James W. Sinclair
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ PDF Chat Fractional programming duality via geometric programming duality 1980 C. H. Scott
T. R. Jefferson
+ Asymptotic Analysis for Penalty and Barrier Methods in Convex and Linear Programming 1997 A. Auslender
Roberto Cominetti
Mounir Haddou