Daniel Waltner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Scattering model of scintillation arcs in pulsar secondary spectra 2024 Tobias Kramer
Daniel Waltner
Eric J. Heller
Daniel R. Stinebring
+ PDF Chat Scattering model of scintillation arcs in pulsar secondary spectra 2024 Tobias Kramer
Daniel Waltner
Eric J. Heller
Daniel R. Stinebring
+ PDF Chat Signatures of the interplay between chaos and local criticality on the dynamics of scrambling in many-body systems 2023 F. Meier
Mathias Steinhuber
Juan Diego Urbina
Daniel Waltner
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Winding number statistics of a parametric chiral unitary random matrix ensemble* 2022 P. A. Braun
Nico Hahn
Daniel Waltner
Omri Gat
Thomas Guhr
+ Signatures of the interplay between chaos and local criticality on the dynamics of scrambling in many-body systems 2022 F. Meier
Mathias Steinhuber
Juan Diego Urbina
Daniel Waltner
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Localization in the kicked Ising chain 2021 Daniel Waltner
P. A. Braun
+ A mapping between the spin and fermion algebra 2021 F. Meier
Daniel Waltner
P. A. Braun
Thomas Guhr
+ Localization in the Kicked Ising Chain 2021 Daniel Waltner
P. A. Braun
+ Winding Number Statistics of a Parametric Chiral Unitary Random Matrix Ensemble 2021 P. A. Braun
Nico Hahn
Daniel Waltner
Omri Gat
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Exact local correlations in kicked chains 2020 Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Hilbert space average of transition probabilities 2020 Nico Hahn
Thomas Guhr
Daniel Waltner
+ PDF Chat Transition from quantum chaos to localization in spin chains 2020 P. A. Braun
Daniel Waltner
Maram Akila
Boris Gutkin
Thomas Guhr
+ Local correlations in dual-unitary kicked chains 2020 Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Thomas Guhr
+ Local correlations in dual-unitary kicked chains 2020 Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Towards a semiclassical understanding of chaotic single- and many-particle quantum dynamics at post-Heisenberg time scales 2019 Daniel Waltner
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat New approach to periodic orbit theory of spectral correlations 2018 P. A. Braun
Daniel Waltner
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical prediction of large spectral fluctuations in interacting kicked spin chains 2017 Maram Akila
Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Daniel Waltner
Thomas Guhr
+ Collectivity and Periodic Orbits in a Chain of Interacting, Kicked Spins 2017 Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Identification of Periodic Orbits in a Quantum Many-Body System 2017 Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Stationary waves on nonlinear quantum graphs. II. Application of canonical perturbation theory in basic graph structures 2016 Sven Gnutzmann∥
Daniel Waltner
+ PDF Chat Particle-time duality in the kicked Ising spin chain 2016 Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Boris Gutkin
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Stationary waves on nonlinear quantum graphs: General framework and canonical perturbation theory 2016 Sven Gnutzmann∥
Daniel Waltner
+ PDF Chat Particle-Time Duality in the Kicked Ising Chain II: Applications to the Spectrum 2016 Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Boris Gutkin
Thomas Guhr
+ Trace formula for spin chains 2016 Daniel Waltner
P. A. Braun
Maram Akila
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat The Correlated Jacobi and the Correlated Cauchy–Lorentz Ensembles 2015 Tim Wirtz
Daniel Waltner
Mario Kieburg
Santosh Kumar
+ PDF Chat Non-adiabatic quantum pumping by a randomly moving quantum dot 2015 Stanislav Derevyanko
Daniel Waltner
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue density of the doubly correlated Wishart model: exact results 2015 Daniel Waltner
Tim Wirtz
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Transmission through a noisy network 2014 Daniel Waltner
Uzy Smilansky
+ PDF Chat Subdeterminant approach for pseudo-orbit expansions of spectral determinants in quantum maps and quantum graphs 2013 Daniel Waltner
Sven Gnutzmann∥
Gregor Tanner
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Conductance fluctuations in chaotic systems with tunnel barriers 2012 Daniel Waltner
Jack Kuipers
Philippe Jacquod
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Ehrenfest-time dependence of counting statistics for chaotic ballistic systems 2011 Daniel Waltner
Jack Kuipers
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Density of states of chaotic Andreev billiards 2011 Jack Kuipers
Thomas Engl
Gregory Berkolaiko
Cyril Petitjean
Daniel Waltner
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Ehrenfest-time dependence of quantum transport corrections and spectral statistics 2010 Daniel Waltner
Jack Kuipers
+ PDF Chat Quantum corrections to fidelity decay in chaotic systems 2010 Boris Gutkin
Daniel Waltner
Martha Gutiérrez
Jack Kuipers
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Classical Correlations and Quantum Interference in Ballistic Conductors 2010 Daniel Waltner
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Gaps in the Density of States of Chaotic Andreev Billiards 2010 Jack Kuipers
Daniel Waltner
Cyril Petitjean
Gregory Berkolaiko
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical approach to the ac conductance of chaotic cavities 2009 Cyril Petitjean
Daniel Waltner
Jack Kuipers
İnanç Adagideli
Klaus Richter
+ Semiclassical evidence of a gap in the density of states of chaotic Andreev billiards 2009 Jack Kuipers
Cyril Petitjean
Daniel Waltner
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat The semiclassical origin of curvature effects in universal spectral statistics 2009 Daniel Waltner
Stefan Heusler
Juan Diego Urbina
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat The semiclassical continuity equation for open chaotic systems 2009 Jack Kuipers
Daniel Waltner
Martha Gutiérrez
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical theory for decay and fragmentation processes in chaotic quantum systems 2009 Martha Gutiérrez
Daniel Waltner
Jack Kuipers
Klaus Richter
+ Classical Correlations and Quantum Interference in Ballistic Conductors 2009 Daniel Waltner
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Mechanism for the Quantum Decay in Open Chaotic Systems 2008 Daniel Waltner
Martha Gutiérrez
Arseni Goussev
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Loschmidt echo for local perturbations: non-monotonic cross-over from the Fermi-golden-rule to the escape-rate regime 2008 Arseni Goussev
Daniel Waltner
Klaus Richter
Rodolfo A. Jalabert
+ The Loschmidt echo for local perturbations: escape-rate and oscillatory decay regimes 2008 Arseni Goussev
Daniel Waltner
Klaus Richter
Rodolfo A. Jalabert
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical theory of ballistic transport through chaotic cavities with spin-orbit interaction 2007 Jens Bolte
Daniel Waltner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Correlations between Periodic Orbits and their R?le in Spectral Statistics 2001 Martin Sieber
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Foundation of Universality in Quantum Chaos 2004 Sebastian Müller
Stefan Heusler
P. A. Braun
Fritz Haake
Alexander Altland
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical theory of quantum chaotic transport: Phase-space splitting, coherent backscattering, and weak localization 2006 Philippe Jacquod
Robert S. Whitney
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Theory of Chaotic Quantum Transport 2002 Klaus Richter
Martin Sieber
+ PDF Chat Periodic-Orbit Theory of Level Correlations 2007 Stefan Heusler
Sebastian Müller
Alexander Altland
P. A. Braun
Fritz Haake
+ Semiclassical theory of the Ehrenfest time dependence of quantum transport in ballistic quantum dots 2006 Piet W. Brouwer
Saar Rahav
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts 1998 Thomas Guhr
Axel Müller–Groeling
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Theory of Chaotic Conductors 2006 Stefan Heusler
Sebastian Müller
P. A. Braun
Fritz Haake
+ Semiclassical theory of spectral rigidity 1985 Michael Berry
+ PDF Chat Periodic-orbit theory of universality in quantum chaos 2005 Sebastian Müller
Stefan Heusler
P. A. Braun
Fritz Haake
Alexander Altland
+ PDF Chat Particle-time duality in the kicked Ising spin chain 2016 Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Boris Gutkin
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Coherent Backscattering in Fock Space: A Signature of Quantum Many-Body Interference in Interacting Bosonic Systems 2014 Thomas Engl
Julien Dujardin
Arturo Argüelles
Peter Schlagheck
Klaus Richter
Juan Diego Urbina
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Identification of Periodic Orbits in a Quantum Many-Body System 2017 Maram Akila
Daniel Waltner
Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Ehrenfest-time-dependent suppression of weak localization 2003 İnanç Adagideli
+ PDF Chat Spectral statistics of chaotic many-body systems 2016 R. Dubertrand
Sebastian Müller
+ PDF Chat Divergence of classical trajectories and weak localization 1996 I. L. Aleǐner
A. I. Larkin
+ PDF Chat Classical foundations of many-particle quantum chaos 2016 Boris Gutkin
Vladimir Al. Osipov
+ Spectral form factor near the Ehrenfest time 2006 Piet W. Brouwer
Saar Rahav
Chushun Tian
+ PDF Chat Shot Noise in Semiclassical Chaotic Cavities 2006 Robert S. Whitney
Philippe Jacquod
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Mechanism for the Quantum Decay in Open Chaotic Systems 2008 Daniel Waltner
Martha Gutiérrez
Arseni Goussev
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Quantum simulation of antiferromagnetic spin chains in an optical lattice 2011 Jonathan Simon
Waseem Bakr
Ruichao Ma
M. Eric Tai
Philipp M. Preiss
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical relation between open trajectories and periodic orbits for the Wigner time delay 2008 Jack Kuipers
Martin Sieber
+ Semiclassical approach to chaotic quantum transport 2007 Sebastian Müller
Stefan Heusler
P. A. Braun
Fritz Haake
+ PDF Chat Spectra and Eigenstates of Spin Chain Hamiltonians 2015 Jonathan P. Keating
Noah Linden
H. J. Wells
+ PDF Chat General relation between quantum ergodicity and fidelity of quantum dynamics 2002 Tomaž Prosen
+ PDF Chat Exact Spectral Form Factor in a Minimal Model of Many-Body Quantum Chaos 2018 Bruno Bertini
Pavel Kos
Tomaž Prosen
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs: Applications to quantum chaos and universal spectral statistics 2006 Sven Gnutzmann∥
Uzy Smilansky
+ PDF Chat Weak localization and integrability in ballistic cavities 1993 Harold U. Baranger
Rodolfo A. Jalabert
A. Douglas Stone
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical theory for decay and fragmentation processes in chaotic quantum systems 2009 Martha Gutiérrez
Daniel Waltner
Jack Kuipers
Klaus Richter
+ Observation of many-body localization of interacting fermions in a quasirandom optical lattice 2015 Michael Schreiber
S. S. Hodgman
Pranjal Bordia
Henrik P. Lüschen
Mark H. Fischer
Ronen Vosk
Ehud Altman
Ulrich Schneider
Immanuel Bloch
+ Towards a semiclassical justification of the effective random matrix theory for transport through ballistic chaotic quantum dots 2006 Piet W. Brouwer
Saar Rahav
+ PDF Chat Ehrenfest Time and the Coherent Backscattering Off Ballistic Cavities 2006 Saar Rahav
Piet W. Brouwer
+ PDF Chat Quenches near criticality of the quantum Ising chain—power and limitations of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation 2018 Stefanie Czischek
Martin Gärttner
Markus K. Oberthaler
Michael Kästner
Thomas Gasenzer
+ PDF Chat Suppression of weak localization and enhancement of noise by tunneling in semiclassical chaotic transport 2007 Robert S. Whitney
+ PDF Chat Entangling power of time-evolution operators in integrable and nonintegrable many-body systems 2018 Rajarshi Pal
Arul Lakshminarayan
+ PDF Chat Exploring the many-body localization transition in two dimensions 2016 Jae-yoon Choi
Sebastian Hild
Johannes Zeiher
Peter Schauß
Antonio Rubio-Abadal
Tarik Yefsah
Vedika Khemani
David A. Huse
Immanuel Bloch
Christian Groß
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical prediction of large spectral fluctuations in interacting kicked spin chains 2017 Maram Akila
Boris Gutkin
P. A. Braun
Daniel Waltner
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Collective vs. single-particle motion in quantum many-body systems: Spreading and its semiclassical interpretation in the perturbative regime 2011 Jens Hämmerling
Boris Gutkin
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Geometrical theory of diffraction and spectral statistics 1999 Martin Sieber
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical theory of weak antilocalization and spin relaxation in ballistic quantum dots 2005 Олег Зайцев
Diego Frustaglia
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Transition from quantum chaos to localization in spin chains 2020 P. A. Braun
Daniel Waltner
Maram Akila
Boris Gutkin
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Resummation and the semiclassical theory of spectral statistics 2007 Jonathan P. Keating
Sebastian Müller
+ PDF Chat Role of Orbital Dynamics in Spin Relaxation and Weak Antilocalization in Quantum Dots 2005 Олег Зайцев
Diego Frustaglia
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Periodic mean-field solutions and the spectra of discrete bosonic fields: Trace formula for Bose-Hubbard models 2015 Thomas Engl
Juan Diego Urbina
Klaus Richter
+ PDF Chat Many-Body Localization in Periodically Driven Systems 2015 Pedro Ponte
Zlatko Papić
François Huveneers
Dmitry A. Abanin
+ PDF Chat Microscopic Theory for the Quantum to Classical Crossover in Chaotic Transport 2005 Robert S. Whitney
Philippe Jacquod
+ PDF Chat Ergodic dynamics and thermalization in an isolated quantum system 2016 C. Neill
P. Roushan
M.T.C. Fang
Yu Chen
Michael Kolodrubetz
Z. Chen
A. Megrant
R. Barends
B. Campbell
B. Chiaro
+ Periodic Orbit Theory and Spectral Statistics for Quantum Graphs 1999 Tsampikos Kottos
Uzy Smilansky
+ PDF Chat Universal and nonuniversal level statistics in a chaotic quantum spin chain 2007 Carlos Pineda
Tomaž Prosen
+ PDF Chat Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder 2016 J. L. Smith
A. Lee
Philip Richerme
Brian Neyenhuis
Paul Hess
Philipp Hauke
Markus Heyl
David A. Huse
C. Monroe